jQuery UI plugin is missing? - drupal-6

I have download the CCK, Views and Panel modules of Drupal 6 and I also downloaded their dependencies. But every time I save the configuration an error message always comes out. This message,
The jQuery UI plugin is missing. Download and extract it into the sites/all/libraries directory. Rename the extracted folder to jquery.ui. (Currently using jQuery UI Not found)
I'm pretty sure I have downloaded the right file and also extracted and put it on the right directory but this keeps coming up. What should I do? Thanks.

Copy the jquery_ui module directory to your sites/all/modules directory, so it is located in sites/all/modules/jquery_ui/
[Download the jQuery UI 1.6 release]: http://code.google.com/p/jquery-ui/downloads/list?q=1.6
Put the downloaded archive into the directory /sites/all/libraries/jquery.ui-1.6.zip
Extract the archive (/sites/all/libraries/jquery.ui-1.6/)
Rename the sub-directory into "jquery.ui" (/sites/all/libraries/jquery.ui/)
so the actual jQuery UI JavaScript files are located in: /sites/all/libraries/jquery.ui/ui/*.js


readFileSync - no such file or directory on packaged app

I am working on an Electron app.
I have several JSON files from my src folder that need to be copied over to a user-folder during app initialization (settings, config, etc).
It works well when on dev mode and when I do import the JSON files.
But based on how I need it, readFileSync is the best way to implement this.
var srcPath = path.resolve(__dirname, '../config/settings.json')
I am getting an error though when running the packaged exe app (in asar).
Getting error messages like this:
Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, open
readdirSync() also does not work for the same reason.
I understand that my relative path is different in the packaged version
I checked the asar file and I can't seem to find my JSON files. Not sure if I am checking correctly though since it is bundled up by Webpack.
My file in this example is located in:
How can I make this work?
Is there a way to force electron (I am using Electron-Packager with Quasar framework) to include my JSON files in the packaged app?
Does Webpack not bundle up the JSON files??
Thoughts? Help please!
As a workaround, I just created a folder that will contain 'post-packaging' scripts. One of which does a copy from my src folder to my dist\electron\appName\resources folder (using robocopy).

How do I update geckoFx45 to geckofx60?

I have old project it is using geckofx45 with "xulrunner" folder in project.
I tried to replace it and update with geckofx60 from Nuget package but it doesn't have xulrunner folder after completed but instead it added "Firefox" called folder.
So what should I do? I can't even rebuild project now since I didn't make a copy of old project.
Could you try different initiation path?
Instead of
You could rename your Firefox folder to xulrunner then use
Or you keep the Firefox folder, and use

Add custom js file to JHipster

I'm trying to include a javascript file which is not available as bower.
So I copied it to src/main/webapp/content and referenced in index.html
In the DEV profile all is fine -- it works.
Now, after generating WAR file with the PROD profile, the custom.js file is not included in the WAR (tried to unpack -- file is not there).
I have discovered the gulp is merging all css and js files, did I miss a config for this?
When the app is loaded, the browser complains with 404 in the index.html -- js file not found.
How can I fix this? What is the right way to include JS (or CSS) file into JHipster app?
Thank you.
JS are not expected to be in content folder.
For CSS, copy your file to src/main/webapp/content/css.
For JS, copy your file to src/main/webapp/app possibly in a dedicated sub folder.
You don't have to inject them in index.html, gulp will do it for you. I suppose you did not see it in dev profile because you were not running gulp serve as explained in the doc

How do I use / utilise the Assets.json file in the Themes directory?

I am starting a new Theme from scratch and have a file called 'Assets.json' in the root directory.
It maps the LESS file from the 'Assets' directory to a CSS file in the 'Styles' directory - great.
Can anyone point me in the right direction as to how I can make use of this, as it's exactly what I want but can't find any information on how to use it.
The Assets.json file is a way to plug into the default gulp script that is provided with Orchard. This script is able to process .less files (and others) in order to generate minified and non-minified versions of scripts or stylesheets, and bundle your grouped assets. This way you don't have to create your own gulp file for each module, just describe the assets you want to be processed and it will do it automatically.
It will also watch the files you described and re-process them when they have changed. The simplest way to use them is to copy-paste one from the core modules, and place them in your own module or theme. Then just run the main gulp file, or enable its support in Visual Studio. You can run npm install from the root folder for this.

keystoneJS won't run default css

So I have created a pretty default keystoneJS project and the first error that appeared was that when ran locally the website's default css won't load.
It's looking for site.min.css but in the folder there is only site.scss
After I compiled the scss via sublime text 2 sublimeBuild and renamed the file to site.min.css (from site.css) it ran perfectly but what worries me is why does the default installation have this error.
Where should I change this? Is there an scss builder included so I have to change folder naming or is there some other issue?
My guess is that it has something to do with some step skipped. I remember the keystone installation asked me whether I wanted to use sass so I suppose everything should be ok.
Is the problem because I did not use grunt somehow?
I recall reading somewhere that this grunt tool has to be used instead of node when running a server and I see a Gruntfile in my folder but when installed grunt-cli the grunt just loads and terminates the server right after that.
You don't have to do anything, sass-middleware is included and automatically generates CSS files from your SASS source files when they're requested.
The issue you were experiencing with site.min.css not being found was an error in the yeoman generator, from when the SASS support was added. The LESS middleware automatically compresses generated CSS when a request is made for a file ending in .min.css, but the SASS middleware doesn't do the same, so the request was 404'ing.
The problem with the yeoman generator has been fixed as of version 0.2.9, for existing projects the simple fix is to change your layout file so it refers to site.css instead of site.min.css.
Once you do that the middleware will automatically detect the presence of site.scss and generate an up-to-date version of site.css for you.
