Template not found but there - node.js

I have an index.html file that I'm trying to render using dustjs-linkedin but get the error:
500 Error: Template Not Found: C:\Users\Gilbert\WebstormProjects\NodeOfGames\views\index.html
The file index.html is definitely there. I'm using app.engine('html', require('dustjs-linkedin').render); to render .html files with dust.

dust.render looks in dust.cache for the named template, which in your case is named
dust.render only renders compiled templates - which are automatically put in dust.cache upon load.
I don't think the template is in there. if it is, it probably isn't named with the above name.
what you may want is dust.renderSource instead. even so, you need to pass in a context and a callback - I'm not sure how that works in express.


I cannot modify twig file

Has anyone else encountered this problem?
I cannot modify files of this type:
{% include 'mobshop/template/common/icons/wishlist.twig' %}
The file "wishlist.twig" is modified in the log but the changes do not appear live.
Do you have any suggestions?
Short answer: you can't modify with OCMod twig files that are added via include method inside the twig template.
How twig include works?
include is twig method that allows you to add partials into your theme which is a cool feature. when twig engin runs, it compiles the template by following the link and adding the html part into the final html output string.
How OCMod works?
OCmod is basically a function that takes in the path of the file (in our case the twig template file path) and after parsing the string modifies it and saves to the OCMod cache.
Then, when OpenCart asks for that file, the OCMod engine tries to first return the cached file, and if that is not available, then the original file.
so all files that are wrapped in modification('') method have this support.
The reason why twig include is not supported by OCMod
From the logic above we can see that the OCMod modification method simply never sees the twig partial file path from the Include method. It is jsut beyond its scope.
The modification method sees only a string {% include 'path-to-partial-file' %} and that is it. it never dives into that path and never tries to create a OCMod cache off of that file.
You should not use "include" in your themes at all. Its just bad practice in OpenCart themes. Although personally I love this feature of Twig, I am also forced to avoid it.
The only way you should add partials in OpenCart is via the Controller ($this->load->controller('...')) attaching it to the $data field and then displaying it in the template.
And if you still MUST have this feature
PHP Twig engine is a powerful tool and you can extend it to your needs. You can still add an extension that can make the include method to work with OCmod, although I have never added that feature.
Here is a twig extension https://github.com/Dreamvention/2_d_twig_manager/blob/master/system/library/template/Twig/Extension/DTwigManager.php that you can use as an example and modify to your needs.

Pug template inheritance with different paths (and depths)

I am running into the problem that I have a 'main layout' which gets extended by other pug files, defining the layout for specific sites.
Path: /we [we.pug extends main.pug]
However, when I start to have routes like /we/are/nice/because which are just specifications of /we and I would like to use the same main.pug, I run into the problem that by the way NodeJS renders the pug files, the src/href paths of JS and CSS includes are off (eg: https://localhost:3001/we/are/nice/script.js won't be found because it is supposed to be at localhost:3001/script.js)
Is there a simple way to fix this issue, or do I need specific main.pug files for all path-depths ?
Have you tried pointing to absolute paths? So /script.js, instead of script.js, in an link/href attribute. This assumes, of course, that the files are served from a server like NodeJS (not by the filesystem).

grunt to build dynamic jade pages

I want to use grunt to build my node.js project (based on Kraken.js, but I've replaced dust with jade). I've installed grunt-contrib-jade. For jade files that contain no server side state this all works nicely and I get the HTML files output. However, where I have .jade files that contain logic and render server-side state it all goes wrong. For example, if I have h1 #{x.y} in my file the grunt output is cannot read property y of undefined. This makes complete sense as x is only defined at runtime.
So I'm now wondering do I just ignore my jade files in the grunt build and let the server process them all at runtime, or is there some alternative that I'm missing to 'pre-process' my .jade files to speed up execution?
Quoting an answer of mine (Would it benefit to pre-compile jade templates):
When Jade compiles the template, the template is cached. In production environment if you warm up the cache, then there is no need to pre-compile template. Even if you don't, the template will be cached after its first compilation.
In short: Compiling Jade template is useless. You'd better remove grunt-contrib-jade.

Dust.js partails newbie

I have piece of code which I want to use in some of the dust templates, so i am planning to use partials. I am not sure if following is the best approach. Please help.
1) I extracted common code from base templates in to a template file called userinfo.html
2) I compiled userinfo.html to create userinfo.dust
3) I added {>"userinfo.dust"/} code into all templates where I wanted to see user information.
4) Now when I render the template with following command. I get "Template not found: userinfo.dust" error.
dust.render("moduleTemplate", templateData, function(err, out) {
Do, I need to send userinfo.dust along with templateData while rendering? I tried reading all partial related information which google can give me, but not able to to figure how to implement partials.
In your template, when you call:
You should really be calling
As yo don't need to specify the .dust extension. Here's a template example of mine:
{>header /}
{>results /}
{>footer /}
It sounds like the answer to your problem is that the partial is not being included on the page. Dust compiles to JavaScript, so this will make more sense if you rename your files: userinfo.dust (the template), and userinfo.js (the compiled template). Now include your template using a script tag:
<script type="text/javascript" src="templates/userinfo.js"></script>
Finally, you need to call the template using the svame name it was compiled with. It is a good idea to use the filename (often but not necessarily without the extension):
var userinfoCompiled = dust.compile('userinfo', 'user info template goes here');
A template compiled in this way can be called using:
If you're not sure what your compiled template's name is, you can open the compiled JavaScript file and look for:

ExpressJS - custom file extension for view partials

I am trying to include a view partial (inside the same folder) which has a .js extension this way:
<%- partial('somePartial.js') %>
And, I get this error: Cannot find module 'js'
The view engine is using the file extension to look for the module... Any idea if this possible? I want to keep the .js extension for syntax highlighting purposes (of course, I can just set-up my IDE to treat a file with extension *.js.ejs as a JS file, but I rather not do that).
you can use app.register() like this:
app.register('.extension', require('ejs'));
this will use .extension for rendering.
