Decrementing (DEX/DEY Opcodes) when X and Y are 0 for 6502 Cpu - emulation

I'm currently attempting to write an NES emulator through .NET and I have a question about the particular opcodes that do decrementing and incrementing...
Since X, and Y registers are 8 bits, in terms of implementation, is it an unsigned or signed byte? That is, is the value range of the X and Y registers from -128 to 127 or 0-255?
I am confused by this because if the X and Y registers are initialized as 0, what happens when a DEX is performed? Or is it up to the programmer to actually worry about that?
Thanks in advance for the help everyone.

Interestingly enough with two's complement signed numbers there is no difference when performing arithmetic, therefore DEX is agnostic as to whether the register contains a signed or unsigned number. For example, the bits representing -1 are the same as those representing 255. So 0 - 1 = 255 or -1 depending on your interpretation. The decrementation doesn't care.


Why has RISC-V output -1 or xFFFFFFFF from dividing by 0?

As i know, the result of dividing by 0 in RISC-V ist -1(signed), 0xFFFFFFFF(hex).
But i dont know the reason why the RISC-V outputs this code.
Also How is this procedure justified?
Thank you!
We considered raising exceptions on integer divide by zero, with these exceptions causing a trap in most execution environments. However, this would be the only arithmetic trap in the standard ISA (floating-point exceptions set flags and write default values, but do not cause traps) and would require language implementors to interact with the execution environment’s trap handlers for this case. Further, where language standards mandate that a divide-by-zero exception must cause an immediate control flow change, only a single branch instruction needs to be added to each divide operation, and this branch instruction can be inserted after the divide and should normally be very predictably not taken, adding little runtime overhead.
The value of all bits set is returned for both unsigned and signed divide by zero to simplify the divider circuitry. The value of all 1s is both the natural value to return for unsigned divide, representing the largest unsigned number, and also the natural result for simple unsigned divider implementations. Signed division is often implemented using an unsigned division circuit and specifying the same overflow result simplifies the hardware.

FIFO almost full and empty conditions Verilog

Suppose i am having a FIFO with depth 32 and width 8 bit.There is a valid bit A in all 32 locations.If this bit is 1 in all locations we have full condition and if 0 it will be empty condition.My Requirement is if this bit A at one location is 0 and all locations of this bit A is 1. when reaches to 30th location it should generate Almost_full condition.
Help me out please.
Thanks in Advance.
So you have a 32 bit vector and you want to check only one of the bits is 0. If speed is not much of a concern I will use a for loop to do this.
If speed is a concern I will get this done in 5 iterations. You can do this by divide and check method. Check two 16 bit words in parallel. Then divide this into two 8 bits and check them in parallel. And depending on where the zero is divide that particular 8 bit into 4 bits and check and so on.
If at any point you have zeros in both the parts, then you can exit the checking and conclude that almost_full = 0;

When will CPSR GE[3:0] bits be modified

I read in ARM docs that:
GE[3:0], bits[19:16]
The instructions described in Parallel addition and subtraction instructions on
page A4-171 update these flags to indicate the results from individual bytes or halfwords
of the operation. These flags can control a later SEL instruction.
So apparently GE[3:0] stands for "eq/lt/gt"?
I came into a couple of strange issues which I yet don't have a clue, but they all have CPSR value xxxf0030, so the GE bits are 0b1111? What does that stands for? Is it normal for these GE bits?
Thanks in advance!
In the ARMv7 ARM (which matches that text), the details of how the GE flags get set are only in the operation pseudocode of the parallel instructions themselves. Sadly, they seem to have removed this nice prose description which was in the ARMv6 ARM:
Instructions that operate on halfwords:
set or clear GE[3:2] together, based on the result of the top halfword calculation
set or clear GE[1:0] together, based on the result of the bottom halfword calculation.
Instructions that operate on bytes:
set or clear GE[3] according to the result of the top byte calculation
set or clear GE[2] according to the result of the second byte calculation
set or clear GE[1] according to the result of the third byte calculation
set or clear GE[0] according to the result of the bottom byte calculation.
Each bit is set (otherwise cleared) if the results of the
corresponding calculation are as follows:
for unsigned byte addition, if the result is greater than or equal to 2^8
for unsigned halfword addition, if the result is greater than or equal to 2^16
for unsigned subtraction, if the result is greater than or equal to zero
for signed arithmetic, if the result is greater than or equal to zero.
As arithmetic flags, they could have any old value (undefined at reset, and can be freely written to via APSR), so until you've specifically used one of the instructions which sets them, they're pretty much meaningless and can be ignored.

What does "x00000x0000x000x" signify in Verliog?

I'm working on a Xilinx module, and during simulation one of my wires takes the value "x00000x0000x000x". What does this signify?
Is that binary or hexadecimal value?
Basically it means you have a bus of wires, in which some bits are X (unknown), and others are 0.
If I saw this binary value: 0x0x0x, it would just mean that bits 5,3, and 1 are 0, and bits 4,2, and 0 are X.
Basically this means two issues:
the wires signalling X may mean these wires or their drivers are not initialized properly. If they are not initialized yet by any practical data or they are not used in the design, this can be ignored. Otherwise, they should be fixed.
Multi-driven problem also cause X. If the x signalling is cause by wires have multiple drivers, these are errors and must be fixed.

Game Boy: What constitutes a "half-carry"?

The Game Boy Z80 CPU has a half-carry flag, and I can't seem to find much information about when to set/clear it.
What I understand so far is that any 8-bit add, subtract, shift, or rotate operation (and maybe others?) set it to bit 4 of the result(?), and the DAA instruction sets/uses this somehow. What I'm not sure is how 16-bit instructions affect it and whether it's affected or not by the use of certain registers.
It's the carry from bit 3 to bit 4, just like the normal carry flag records carry from bit 7. So, e.g. to get the half carry bit in an add:
((a&0xf) + (value&0xf))&0x10
Which gives 0x10 if half carry should be set, 0 otherwise. Getting half carry from the other relevant ops follows naturally - the questions is whether there was carry from the low nibble to the high.
To put things in perspective, the z80 has a 4bit ALU and performs 8bit ops by doing two 4bit ops. So it gets half carry very naturally, as an intermediate result.
DAA is interested in the flag because if half carry is set then two digits that add up to more than 16 were added in the low nibble; that will have correctly produced carry into the upper nibble but will have left the low nibble 6 lower than it should be, since there were six more values between 10, when it should have generated carry, and 16, when it did.
For 16-bit operations, the carry from bit 3 to bit 4 in the register's high byte sets the flag. In other words, bit 11 to bit 12.
(Note the above bits are labeled 0-15, from least to most significant)
See here:
16 bit arithmetic
If you want to add numbers that are more than the 0-255 that can
be stored in the A register, then the HL, IX or IY registers can
be used. Thus LD HL,1000H:LD BC,2000H:ADD HL,BC will give
00 000000 2000 0000 3000 0000 0000 00 000000 0000 0000 0000 0000
The flags are set as follows.
C or carry flag 1 if answer >65535 else 0
Z or zero flag not changed
P flag not changed
S or sign flag not changed
N flag 0
H or half carry flag 1 if carry from bit 11 to bit 12 else 0
Since the half-carry flag is one of the most common stumbling blocks for Game Boy emulator makers, I'll take the liberty to post a link to a recent question of mine regarding the subject as an answer:
Game Boy: Half-carry flag and 16-bit instructions (especially opcode 0xE8)
A summary of the above thread (answer by #gekkio):
It depends on the instruction, but the flags are always updated based on the same bit positions if you think in terms of 8-bit just varies whether we're talking about the high or low byte of the 16-bit value. Bit 11 is just bit 3 of the high byte.
ADD SP, e: H from bit 3, C from bit 7 (flags from low byte op)
LD HL, SP+e: H from bit 3, C from bit 7 (flags from low byte op)
ADD HL, rr: H from bit 11, C from bit 15 (flags from high byte op)
INC rr: no flag updates (executed by the 16-bit inc/dec unit)
DEC rr: no flag updates (executed by the 16-bit inc/dec unit)
