Orchard CMS 1.5 Navigation sub menus - menu

New to Orchard. I have been looking for some documentation on how the menus actually work. It appears that you can have hierarchical menus, but I cannot find any good information on this.

It took me a while to figure this out too. You can see how to create a navigational menu in this video (around 8:45, but i'd recommend watching the entire video).
Basically, you need to drag & drop an item below and to the right of another content item in order to make a nested menu item.

Yes, you can. Since 1.5 you can create hierarchical menus from Navigation admin screen. Hierarchy (and reordering) of items can easily be created by drag & drop.
Navigation screen is used to define your menus. In order to display a defined menu you need to put Menu Widget in the zone of your choice. When you create that widget you need to choose which menu is it going to display. Besides the choice of the menu, you can also choose some other optional parameters if you need to customize the display more (eg. display only certain level).


Using OpenView in Domino Designer

When I use OpenView in Domino Designer, all the Views are presented in the Menu Bar. How can I make sure that only one view is presented and at the same time do not hide the other Views so I can use them to other Hotspot Button. Thank you.
The easiest is to create an outline with the views. You can organize the views in expandable groups, specify icons for each view, and much more.
You then create a page where you insert the outline, set the fonts and formatting, etc.
Finally you create a frameset and put the page with the navigation menu in one of the frames.
I created a simple template with all this several years ago, you can find it at http://blog.texasswede.com/free-application-templateframework-for-notes/
Download it and take a look at how it's done there.

Dojo context menu - set menu item status dynamically

I am trying to implement a context menu on a dijit tree, and the context menu should display different contents and enable/disable the menu items based on which tree node I right-clicked on. Basically what I need is a pre-processing function that gets called before the context menu is displayed where I can run some logic to determine which menu items to show/hide, enable/disable, etc. I feel like this is a very basic functionality for context menus but wasn't able to find the solution, so I'm asking people for help.
Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!
Dijit Tree has no built-in support for context menus, but you can use the Menu widget in conjunction with the Tree. The Menu widget is used for context menus, with right-click which can really suite your use-case.
Documentation and examples here:

How to create a user-impaired accessible website: surfing without a mouse?

I have created a webpage using Backbone.js and Marionette.js that mostly consists of a bootstrap accordion view that displays a list of items when the accordion header is clicked. Each item can also be clicked, which will show a hidden div of detailed information that pertains to that particular item.
I would like to make this site accessible to people who might not be using a mouse (Maybe they're visually impaired and using a screen reader? Maybe they just don't like clicking things? Either way.) I'm thinking that this would mean being able to press the Tab key to get to the accordion, pressing Space or Enter to open the accordion, Tabbing down (or down arrow key?) through the list items, and then using Space or Enter to show the selected item's hidden div.
I'm finding it difficult to find information on how to add a feature like this, since searches like "How to make an accessible website that can be used without a mouse" mostly turns up blogs on what a developer should do to add accessibility to a page, and not much on how to do it.
Currently, the page doesn't really respond to any keyboard buttons. Any tips or resources you could share would be extremely appreciated. I've been fiddling with ARIA role tags, but I'm either not doing it right or it's not the answer here.
You have to use tabindex
Screen readers automatically read whatever element is the activeElement

How to disable or apply custom menu to GTK (PyGTK) Notebook pages?

I am trying to apply custom menu to tab pages on my notebook control. I need to be able to select certain specific action for the entire page and i figured the tab label would be the best place to start.
So, i created a EventBox, applied Label as its child, and bound event callbacks to button-pressed-event and it... works.. kindof.
What i get is two menus: one is the one I create, and on top of it - the one created by GTK Notebook. to select something from my custom menu i need to escape the notebook menu first, and i certainly don't like it.
so the question is: how do I disable gtk notebook menus? or how can i set my own, custom menu, with my own, custom callbacks? I don't want to list all the available tab pages in the menu - it's introducing too much noise, so adding menu labels to the existing menu is not really the way to go.
thanks bunches
GtkNotebook should only show the tab selector if enable-popup is true. It defaults to false, so you've probably enabled it by mistake.

SharePoint 2007 navigation and removing its delay

In SharePoint 2007, there's a top nav that the user can hover over, which reveals a dropdown menu of subitems. When they remove their mouse from the dropdown, it disappears, but only after a short delay. This can cause problems, as if people are trying to click a link on the page somewhere, but the nav menu hasn't hidden itself yet, they'll accidentally click it instead. This is compounded with the fact that the menu appearing in the first place is delayed as well, so right before they mouse over the link on the page they actually want to click, the menu will suddenly appear and intercept their click when they weren't meaning to.
I've poked at core.js at some suspect areas, but can't seem to nail it down. Any thoughts?
This is the normal behaviour of SharePoint. This control is the asp:Menu control of ASP.Net 2.0 and the only thing you can do is customized the MasterPage or the DefaultPage of your Site.
If you change the core.js file of "layouts" folder you'll lose Microsoft support, so take care about change any of the file from this folder.
I recommend that you modify the existent control or create a new one and put it in this position of the MasterPage.
This bit of CSS will fix it. I just had the same thing in sharepoint 2010 and this was all that was required to make the list disappear as soon as you roll off:
The way it works is when you hover over an item in the nav it adds a css class called "hover" and as soon as your mouse leaves the area it changes the class to "hover-off" for 1 second before removing it completely. This CSS will hide the unordered list directly below the list item that has the class "hover-off" thus hiding the flyout as soon as your mouse leaves the parent.
