Am experimenting with node Js. How do you create a dynamic dropdown menu?
<div class="control-group">
<%- form.label("state_or_province", false, {class: "control-label"}) %>
<div class="controls">
<!-- <%- form.input("state_or_province") %> -->
<select id="Facility_state_or_province" name="Facility[state_or_province]" size="1">
<% state_or_province_list.forEach(function (state_or_province_entry) { %>
<option value = "<%= state_or_province_entry.lookup_code %>" <%= (facility.state_or_province != null) && (facility.state_or_province == state_or_province_entry.lookup_code) ? 'selected = "selected"' : '' %>><%= state_or_province_entry.meaning %></option>
<% }); %>
I am doing some simple validation on a form and using bootstrap for alert dismissing. I have an ejs partial for displaying error messages. When trying to render the error message its just showing the actual block of code.
Here is my partials ejs:
<% if(typeof errors != 'undefined') { %>
<% errors.forEach(error => { %>
<div class="alert alert-warning alert-dismissible fade show" role="alert">
<%= error.msg %>
<button type="button" class="btn-close" data-bs-dismiss="alert" aria-label="Close"></button>
<% }) %>
<% } %>
Here is where I include that partial to the register.ejs file I have
<%= include ("./partials/messages") %>
<form action="/users/register" method="POST">
<div class="form-group">
<label for="name">Name</label>
placeholder="Enter Name"
value="<%= typeof name != 'undefined' ? name : '' %>"
Here is a screenshot of what it is outputting:
Why is it showing the actual code instead of rendering as HTML?
So the title might not be the best description of my problem because I don't really know how to sum up the problem. I have a forEach loop for each event in my database and each one is classified as type = to either "trip", "ropes course", or "other". I have a section for each type of event, but I would like a way where if there are no events in the section I can not display the bannertron header and if there are no events in the whole database I can display different HTML. My code also seems very WET and I would love any suggestions on how to DRY up this page.
<% include partials/header %>
<div class="image-text">
<img src="../images/trip-photo.jpg" class="bannertron">
<div class="centered">Upcoming Trips</div>
<div class="container event">
<% events.forEach(function(event){ %>
<% if(event.type === "trip"){ %>
<h4><strong><%= event.title %></strong></h4>
<span><%= event.startdate %> - </span>
<span><%= event.enddate %></span>
<h6><strong>Location: </strong><%= event.location %></h6>
<p><%= event.description %></p>
<% if(currentUser && (currentUser.admin === true)){ %>
<form action="/calendar/<%= event._id %>?_method=DELETE" method="POST">
<button class="btn btn-danger">Delete</button>
<% } %>
<hr class="event-hr">
<% } %>
<% }); %>
<div class="image-text">
<img src="../images/climbing-photo.jpg" class="bannertron">
<div class="centered">Upcoming Climbing Days</div>
<div class="container event">
<% events.forEach(function(event){ %>
<% if(event.type === "ropescourse"){ %>
<h4><strong><%= event.title %></strong></h4>
<span><%= event.startdate %> - </span>
<span><%= event.enddate %></span>
<h6><strong>Location: </strong><%= event.location %></h6>
<p><%= event.description %></p>
<% if(currentUser && (currentUser.admin === true)){ %>
<form action="/calendar/<%= event._id %>?_method=DELETE" method="POST">
<button class="btn btn-danger">Delete</button>
<% } %>
<hr class="event-hr">
<% } %>
<% }); %>
<div class="image-text">
<img src="../images/other-photo.jpg" class="bannertron">
<div class="centered">Other Events</div>
<div class="container event">
<% events.forEach(function(event){ %>
<% if(event.type === "other"){ %>
<h4><strong><%= event.title %></strong></h4>
<span><%= event.startdate %> - </span>
<span><%= event.enddate %></span>
<h6><strong>Location: </strong><%= event.location %></h6>
<p><%= event.description %></p>
<% if(currentUser && (currentUser.admin === true)){ %>
<form action="/calendar/<%= event._id %>?_method=DELETE" method="POST">
<button class="btn btn-danger">Delete</button>
<% } %>
<hr class="event-hr">
<% } %>
<% }); %>
<% include partials/footer %>
Ideally, I would be able to loop through the events, check which type it is, put it in its respective area, and if there are none of a type, display some text like "no events scheduled" and if there are no events in total, display something else.
If this was me, I would split the events up into 3 different arrays in the node file, instead of sorting it all out inside of an ejs file. The Array.prototype.filter command would be useful for this. The nice thing about it is it returns a new array, with only items that return true for the function you pass in. It does not alter the original array, just passes a new one in. You can do something like
var trips = events.filter(function(event){
return event.type == "trip";
//do similar for "rope course", and for "other" you could do something like
return event.type != "trip" && event.type != "rope course"
// for the return statement.
You can do a
if(events.length == 0){
// show different html file
} else {
// show the html file with events, passing in the arrays
Make sure you pass all the arrays into the ejs file. For each array, you can do a similar
if(trips.length != 0){
// show banner and stuff
And do it for all three.
Hope this helps!
im having an issue understanding why my JS is appearing on my layout. Im currently following along with a tutorial on sitepoint creating forms with in express and when i render the layout.ejs + index.ejs with contact as a partial, the logic on partial is appearing on the page as text.
here is the code:
<div class="form-header">
<% if (Object.keys(errors).length === 0) { %>
<h2>Send us a message aa</h2>
<% } else { %>
<h2 class="errors-heading">Oops, please correct the following:</h2>
<ul class="errors-list">
<% Object.values(errors).forEach(error => { %>
<li><%= error.msg %></li>
<% }) %>
<% } %>
<form method="post" action="/contact" novalidate>
<div class="form-field <%= errors.message ? 'form-field-invalid' : ''
<label for="message">Message</label>
<textarea class="input" id="message" name="message" rows="4"
autofocus><%= data.message %></textarea>
<% if (errors.message) { %>
<div class="error"><%= errors.message.msg %></div>
<% } %>
<div class="form-field <%= ? 'form-field-invalid' : '' %>">
<label for="email">Email</label>
<input class="input" id="email" name="email" type="email" value="<%= %>" />
<% if ( { %>
<div class="error"><%= %></div>
<% } %>
<div class="form-actions">
<button class="btn" type="submit">Send</button>
I haven't enabled Search on SilverStripe before, but it seems pretty easy. I've followed steps from 2 other projects (although they are 3.5 version projects but not sure that makes a difference or not) that have search enabled as well as the tutorial offered on SilverStripe's site, and for some reason, I'm getting asset folder items (i.e. images) in my search results. It only seems to happen if I click to search and nothing has been entered into the search field.
There should be no asset items returned at any time for search, and if there is no search query, then there should be a message saying nothing was entered or something. I noticed that using the default $SearchForm setup provided by the basic install gives me the desired results, but not for the form I'm using (which does work on 2 other SilverStripe sites--I checked and confirmed).
I'm not sure what I'm missing? I feel like everything is done correctly, and I would like to use the setup I have now to give me more styling ability:
From _config.php:
From my file:
<!-- SEARCH BAR -->
<form class="navbar-form navbar-left nav-right-left search-form" id="SearchForm_SearchForm" action="/home/SearchForm" method="get" enctype="application/x-www-form-urlencoded">
<fieldset style="font-size: 0;">
<div class="field text nolabel search-holder">
<input name="Search" placeholder="Search" class="form-control search-field text nolabel active search-box" />
<div class="ja-search-box">
<button class="icon search-button smiths-search-btn" type="submit"><i class="glyphicon glyphicon-search pull-right"></i></button>
The Search Results page:
<div class="main" role="main">
<div class="container">
<div class="row">
<div class="col-xs-12">
<div id="Content" class="searchResults">
<h1 class="brand-red">$Title</h1>
<% if $Query %>
<p class="searchQuery">You searched for "{$Query}"</p>
<% end_if %>
<% if $Results %>
<ul id="SearchResults">
<% loop $Results %>
<a href="$Link">
<% if $MenuTitle %>
<% else %>
<% end_if %>
<% if $Content %>
<% end_if %>
<a class="readMoreLink" href="$Link" title="Read more about "{$Title}"">Read more about "{$Title}"...</a>
<% end_loop %>
<% else %>
<p>Sorry, your search query did not return any results.</p>
<% end_if %>
<% if $Results.MoreThanOnePage %>
<div id="PageNumbers">
<div class="pagination">
<% if $Results.NotFirstPage %>
<a class="prev" href="$Results.PrevLink" title="View the previous page">←</a>
<% end_if %>
<% loop $Results.Pages %>
<% if $CurrentBool %>
<% else %>
<% end_if %>
<% end_loop %>
<% if $Results.NotLastPage %>
<a class="next" href="$Results.NextLink" title="View the next page">→</a>
<% end_if %>
<p>Page $Results.CurrentPage of $Results.TotalPages</p>
<% end_if %>
By default, the full text search will search array('SiteTree', 'File')
I would try changing your FulltextSearchable::enable(); line to FulltextSearchable::enable(array('SiteTree'));
I haven't tried this before and am not sure if it will work.
Here i was trying for image to load, If image comes then it should show else default image. I have tried but no result
<% getdata.forEach((user) => { %>
<div class="col-md-4 col-sm-4">
<div class="service-box">
<% if ( typeof user.image == 'undefined' ) { %>
<img src="images/logo.png" class="" width='260' height='220'>
<% }else { %>
<img src="<%= user['image'] %>" class="">
<% } %>
<% }) %>
user.image may also be null or an empty string, in which case it doesn't pass your test for undefined.
Try this:
<% if (! user.image) { %>