Mongoose embedded document query returning null - node.js

I have the following schema :
_schema : {
Prize : new Schema({
prizeName : { type : String },
thumbnailImage : [ String ],
detailImage : [ String ],
prizeCategory : [ {type : String, index : true } ],
prizeDescription : { type : String },
prizePrice : { type : Number, required : true }
Game : new Schema ({
roomName : { type : String, required : true },
openTime : { type : Date },
closeTime : { type : Date },
minPlayers : { type : Number },
maxPlayers : { type : Number, required : true },
numberOfPlayers : { type : Number },
winner : { userId : { type : ObjectId, index : true, ref : 'User'} },
prize : [ this.Prize ],
tag : [ { type : String, index : true } ],
status : { type : Number, index : true },
businessType : { type : Number, required : true, index : true },
mallId : { type : ObjectId, ref : 'Mall' },
registeredPlayers : { type : ObjectId, ref : 'User' }
Schedule : new Schema ({
_id : ObjectId,
time : { type : Date, index : true },
game : [ this.Game ]
However when I try to query the game embedded document the object is always null. I'm querying like so:
var Schedule = mongoose.model('Schedule', this._schema.Schedule);
Schedule.findById({'game._id' : req.params._id}).exec(function(err,gameDetail){...});
Am I doing anything wrong when I declare the schema and models? I have seen numerous examples where people appear to be doing exactly what I'm trying. Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks in advance.

A mongoose Model's findById method is used to find the instance of that Model with the _id that's supplied as the first parameter to the method. So Schedule.findById returns Schedule instances, not individual Game instances. Schedule.findOne({'game._id' : req.params._id}, ... will get you the Schedule instance containing the Game with that id, but if you need to query for Game instances by id, you should be keeping them in a separate collection instead of embedding them in Schedule.

Looking at your code, my first guess is actually that your findById isn't structured quite right.
First, you're using the value req.params._id to get the id. Most of the code examples I have seen, and my code, uses :id in the router (app.get('/schedules/:id')), which would actually mean the ID you're looking for is stored in You'll have to check that in your code.
Secondly, to my understanding, findById is only useful for finding, in this case, a Schedule by that ID. Try using just a normal find.
Last thought: you're missing a closing curly bracket at the end of {'game._id' : req.params._id}.
Hopefully something in that helps. :)


MongoDB: How to find documents by value?

Two documents containing ObjectId("6148a371c13a6a0be492ebf4")
Document 1
"_id" : ObjectId("6144f66fb9543917f96fc"),
"refId" : "ford",
"template" : "6144f61cb96d772317f96f9",
"fieldValues" : {
"PDV" : [
"group" : ObjectId("6144f66fb96d7731917f96fd"),
"createdAt" : ISODate("2021-09-17T20:11:27.440Z"),
"updatedAt" : ISODate("2021-09-20T15:06:26.146Z"),
"__v" : 0
Document 2
"_id" : ObjectId("6144f66fb96d77rr3217f96fc"),
"refId" : "CCM",
"template" : "6144f613296d7731917f96f9",
"fieldValues" : {
"DDB" : [
"group" : ObjectId("6144f66fb96de431917f96fd"),
"createdAt" : ISODate("2021-09-17T20:11:27.440Z"),
"updatedAt" : ISODate("2021-09-20T15:06:26.146Z"),
"__v" : 0
ObjectId that we looking for is always inside fieldValues but instead of PDV or DDB we will always have the different naming.
So we can't use this type of query:
PS. This query should work only on DB, we can't afford to query all products and do calculation on backend there might to be a millions of products.
You can use this one:
$set: {
kv: { $first: { $objectToArray: "$fieldValues" } }
{ $match: { "kv.v": ObjectId("6148a371c13a6a0be492ebf3") } },
{ $unset: "kv" }
Mongo Playground
db.products.find({'_id': ObjectId("6148a371c13a6a0be492ebf4")})
The mistake in your code is that you used key instead of _id.
This way of writing it is much easier on the fingers though.
You'd think a solution like this would work but one reason why this may not is because you're trying to use === on an object. If you refer to this thread, it might help if you use .equals() instead of ===.

MongoDB + NodeJS: Document failed validation & Data Types behaviour

I am new to MongoDB and NodeJS,
When i try to create the JsonSchema with data types, string, integer, date and bool, it is created but always throwing an error as document validation error while inserting the data, So i changed the bsonType of one data type to number, then it started creating collection records, but the observation is it is storing as Double datatype, I read somewhere in the stackoverflow, that it stores like that only, but my question is why is this behavior? WHY THE ERROR IS NOT BEING THROWN AT THE TIME OF CREATION OF THE JSONSCHEMA but it is throwing at the time of data insertion?
Also, if we have nested objects let us say, Customer object with Address as nested object, the main object's int/number values are stored as Double where as inside the address object's pincode storing as Int32. This is also very confusing. what is the difference between these objects but the structure of the schema is same.
What are the other ways to implement and having proper validated schema for MongoDB.
"name" : "companysInt1s1",
"type" : "collection",
"options" : {
"validator" : {
"$jsonSchema" : {
"bsonType" : "object",
"required" : [
"properties" : {
"tin" : {
"bsonType" : "int",
"minLength" : 2,
"maxLength" : 11,
"description" : "must be a string and is not required, should be 11 characters length"
"info" : {
"readOnly" : false,
"uuid" : UUID("27cba650-7bd3-4930-8d3e-7e6cbbf517db")
"idIndex" : {
"v" : 2,
"key" : {
"_id" : 1
"name" : "_id_",
"ns" : "invoice.companysInt1s1"
> db.companysInt1s1.insertOne({tin:22222})
2019-02-14T15:04:28.712+0530 E QUERY [js] WriteError: Document failed validation :
"index" : 0,
"code" : 121,
"errmsg" : "Document failed validation",
"op" : {
"_id" : ObjectId("5c653624e382c2ec16c16893"),
"tin" : 22222
Am i missing something or any other documentation should i be following? Appreciate your guidance...
You need to insert as NumberInt.
when you run this
you are actually inserting tin as float.
so the correct way to do it is
db.companysInt1s1.insertOne({tin: NumberInt(22222) })

Updating a Set in Dynamo db using Node Js

I am trying to do one of the most simple operations "Update" in a dynamo db list.
Table Schema -
businessId : String, customers: StringSet, itemCode : NumberSet
I have an entry inserted via put -
bussinessId = "sampleBusiness", cuatomers 0: "cust1", itemCode 0: 4554
I want to add more items using update and here is what I have tried -
var updateRequest = {
'TableName' : tableName,
'Key' : {
'businessId' : {
"S" : businessId
'UpdateExpression' : "SET itemCode[2] =:attrValue",
'ExpressionAttributeValues' : {
':attrValue' : {
"N" : "564564"
This gives me error -
Document Path provided in document is invalid
I wanted to append new entries so tried this as well -
var sm = [];
sm[0] = "56465";
//Add business to
var updateRequest = {
'TableName' : tableName,
'Key' : {
'businessId' : {
"S" : businessId
'UpdateExpression' : 'SET #attrName = list_append(#attrName, :attrValue)',
'ExpressionAttributeNames' : {
'#attrName' : 'itemCode'
'ExpressionAttributeValues' : {
':attrValue' : {
"NS" : sm
This gives:
ValidationException: Invalid UpdateExpression: Incorrect operand type for operator or function; operator or function: list_append, operand type: NS
Also attempted this -
':attrValue' : {
"N" : "4564"
But same error.
As per the example provided in , it adds a new element to the FiveStar review list. The expression attribute name #pr is ProductReviews; the attribute value :r is a one-element list. If the list previously had two elements, [0] and [1], then the new element will be [2].
SET #pr.FiveStar = list_append(#pr.FiveStar, :r)
which Says :r is one element list
I am missing some thing here. Request if any one can help. Struck on this for long time. I just want to append elements in set in dynamo db using nodeJS.
It looks like this:
'ExpressionAttributeValues' : {
':attrValue' : {
"NS" : sm
Should be this:
'ExpressionAttributeValues' : {
':attrValue' : {
"S" : sm
Or you need to cast this value sm[0] = "56465"; to a Number Number("56465") and change the :attrValue data type "S" to "N". Depends on how you have your table configured.
It's possible too that you should assign :attrValue to be "S" : sm[0] because right now you are passing an "S" a whole array.
I got a proper solution
var item = {"endTime": "7pm", "imageName": "7abcd", "startTime": "7pm"};
Key:{"BucketName":"abcdefg" },
UpdateExpression : "SET #attrName = list_append(#attrName, :attrValue)",
ExpressionAttributeNames : {
"#attrName" : "ImageLists"
ExpressionAttributeValues : {
':attrValue' : [item]
},function(err, data) {
if (err)

MongoDB: Point not in interval when using $near operator with $maxDistance

When I try to find all members within 50km of Salt Lake City, Utah from the Mongo shell I get the error:
error: {
"$err" : "point not in interval of [ -180, 180 ] :: caused by :: { 0: 0.0, 1: 50000.0 }",
"code" : 16433
Here is the query I am running:
{ 'geo.point' :
{ $near :
$geometry : {
type : "Point" ,
coordinates : [ 111.000 , 40.000 ]
$maxDistance : 50000
Member schema is like this:
var memberSchema = mongoose.Schema({
name: {
first: {type:String, default:''},
last: {type:String, default:''},
geo: {
latitude: {type:String, default:''},
longitude: {type:String, default:''},
country: {type:String, default:''},
state: {type:String, default:''},
place: {type:String, default:''},
zip: {type:String, default:''},
point: {type: [Number], index: '2d'}
Member object in DB looks like this:
"_id" : ObjectId("xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"),
"name": {
"first": "Thom",
"last": "Allen"
"geo" : {
"point" : [ -111.8833, 40.7500 ],
"zip" : "84115",
"state" : "UT",
"country" : "US",
"longitude" : "-111.8833",
"latitude" : "40.7500"
Is it possible that my fields are not stored in the correct format? If I change 50000 to anything below 180 it will work, but that is not how it should function according to the docs here:
** Just a heads up, the proper mongo location array IS in fact [longitude, latitude].
A few things. First, I think your query is off - you are querying for coordinates : [ 111.000 , 40.000 ] and it should be coordinates : [ -111.000 , 40.000 ]
Second, the example data point your provide [ -111.8833, 40.7500 ] is more than 50 km from your corrected query point, it's actually about 122 km (test it here: )
So, correcting for those two issues if I store the data in mongodb as you have stored it I can do the following:
1) create the correct index:
db.members.ensureIndex({ "geo.point": "2dsphere" })
2) run this query:
db.members.find({ 'geo.point':
{$centerSphere: [[ -111.000 , 40.000 ], 113/6371]}
} )
Note that I've divided 113 km/ 6371 which gives you radians which is what is required for this specific query.
Try it yourself. In general you will be better off if you can store things in the future using GeoJSON but with your existing schema and the above index and query I'm able to get the correct results.
What you have in your data is the format for legacy co-ordinate pairs but you are trying to query using the GeoJSON syntax.
The only valid index form for legacy co-ordinate pairs is a "2d" index, so if you have created a "2d sphere" index that will not work. So you need to remove any "2d sphere" index and create a "2d" index as follows:
db.members.ensureIndex({ "geo.point": "2d" })
If you actually intend to use the GeoJSON form and "2dsphere" index type, then you need the data to support it, for example:
"loc" : {
"type" : "Point",
"coordinates" : [ 3, 6 ]
So it needs that underlying structure of "type" and "coordinates" in order to use this index type and query form.

MongoDB geospatial index, how to use it with array elements?

I would like to get Kevin pub spots near a given position. Here is the userSpots collection :
{ user:'Kevin',
{ name:'a',
{ name:'b',
{ user:'Layla',
Here is what I tried :
{ user: 'Kevin',
spots: {
$elemMatch: {
location:{ $nearSphere: [lng,lat], $maxDistance: d},
type: 'pub'
I get a strange error. Mongo tells me there is no index :2d in the location field. But when I check with db.userSpots.getIndexes(), the 2d index is there. Why doesn't mongodb see the index ? Is there something I am doing wrong ?
MongoError: can't find special index: 2d for : { spots: { $elemMatch: { type:'pub',location:{ $nearSphere: [lng,lat], $maxDistance: d}}}, user:'Kevin'}
db.userSpots.getIndexes() output :
"0" : {
"v" : 1,
"key" : {
"_id" : 1
"ns" : "mydb.userSpots",
"name" : "_id_"
"1" : {
"v" : 1,
"key" : {
"spots.location" : "2d"
"ns" : "mydb.usersBoxes",
"name" : "spots.location_2d",
"background" : true,
"safe" : null
For a similar geospatial app, I transformed the location into GeoJSON:
"_id" : ObjectId("5252cbdd9520b8b18ee4b1c3"),
"name" : "Seattle - Downtown",
"location" : {
"type" : "Point",
"coordinates" : [
(the coordinates are in longitude / latitude format. Mongo's use of GeoJSON is described here.).
The index is created using:
db.userSpots.ensureIndex({"location": "2dsphere"})
In my aggregation pipeline, I find matches using:
{"$match":{"location":{"$geoWithin": {"$centerSphere":[[location.coordinates[0], location.coordinates[1]], radius/3959]}}}}
(where radius is measured in miles - the magic number is used to convert to radians).
To index documents containing array of geo data MongoDB uses multi-key index. Multi-key index unwinds document to some documents with single value instead of array before indexing. So the index consider that key field as single value field not array.
Try query it without $elemMatch operator.
