Drupal Menu with Image - menu

I am working in Drupal 6.26 Project.I wanted to know,how to create the menu as in http://www.honda.com.my/ using drupal 6.26. which module is useful. I have used module named megamenu, but that module i cannot upload images and display those images with menu. How to display image with menu name along with readmore?

As in one of my project I have same requirement and I use Menu Icons module.
This module allows you to upload an image in the menu-item's configuration form.
After uploading the image, the icon data will be added to the menu link's
options array.
When a menu link is goes through the theme layer, it will receive an extra
class which by default is used to attach the images as a background image to the
corresponding menu item. These class names are also compatible with Nice Menu's.
Hope you will get what you want.


Best way to add a custom image to the Quick Links Filmstrip in a sharepoint page

I have a quick link with the filmstrip layout. Some of the items are MS Streams videos. The generic web icon shows for them in the filmstrip. I would like to add a custom image, or at least show an image in the video. If I try the custom image icon, here is no option to specify the image.
enter image description here
enter image description here
When I try custom image, there is no option to upload an image. I was expecting that feature.

Can I configure the Orchard Media Library Picker Field to require an image with specific dimensions?

In the past I've used the Image Field Module to require a user to provide an image of specific dimensions and it's worked great. I like the new Media Library Picker Field and it's integration with the Image Editor module to allow for cropping and re-sizing.
What I'd like to do is use the Media Library Picker Field but require the user to crop and/or re-size the image to specific dimensions. Is there any way to configure it that way? So far, the best I've come up with is to provide some help text to the user suggesting that they re-size the image to desired dimensions.
Should I just stick with the Image Field if I must have the image meet specific dimensions or is there a better way with the Media Library Picker Field?
You can't enforce that the image is supplied with specific dimensions using the Orchard 1.7+ media processing features, however you can ensure that it is displayed with correct dimensions.
Orchard 1.7 introduces the concept of media profiles, which effectively allow you to create a bunch of image transformations, name them, and then use them arbitrarily throughout your site.
On a recent project I was given a load of customer profile pictures for a testimonial page on an Orchard site. They were supplied in a variety of different sizes, and I knew I needed at least 2 different sizes (one for the main testimonial page, and a smaller one for testimonial widgets shown on other pages).
In the Admin Dashboard, I went to Media -> Profiles and created a new Media Profile called Customer_Profile_Regular, then added a Resize filter to scale it down to 100x100px (the resize filter is quite flexible, and you can create your own filters easily by implementing the IImageFilterProvider interface).
I did the same for a second profile, Customer_Profile_Small, scaling down to 50x50.
Then, using Shape Tracing, I overrode the existing Media Library Picker field display shape, and replaced it with this:
var imagesField = Model.ContentItem.Testimonial.CustomerProfile;
#if(imagesField.MediaParts.Any()) {
<div class="customer-profile-image">
#Display.MediaUrl(Profile: "Customer_Profile_Regular", Path: imagesField.MediaParts.First().MediaUrl)
For the testimonial widget, it was simply a case of creating a similar shape override, supplying the other profile name.
Now I can upload any image to my media library, and use it as a customer profile image on a testimonial. Orchard will automatically resize (or perform other operations on) the image based on the profile I tell it to use, the result of which is stored in the site's Media folder so that it is only regenerated when necessary.

WPExplorer Adapt Theme: only 5 Portfolio images will show

I'm using the Adapt WP explorer theme and I'm having trouble getting images to show in the portfolio. All the images will display on the Portfolio page (http://kefarpublishing.com/testwebsite/kefar-korner-2/), but when you click on the first one, the slider arrows show, but no image. Only the last five images are displayed. I have tried the following:
resetting permalinks
creating a gallery on the Portfolio page
deleting images from media, uploading into gallery
Also, the only way to get the categories to show is by creating a category titled "All," and then it shows all the ones I created, plus an extra All category (so I have two alls and the rest, or no categories at all).
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!
First of all disable any other plugins and see if your category menu works then. Then activate them one by one to see which one is conflicting. When you find it, just find an alternative plugin for what you need.
It sounds like you're inserting a gallery into your posts which isn't necessary. To display images in the slider, create a portfolio item, then click on set featured image, upload the images you want to appear on the slider (choosing them from the media library won't work, you have to upload to the post) and then update.

Images not resizing in WYGWAM/Safecracker/Channel Images entry form

I have a blog that uses Channel Images to upload and manage images. The content area is a WYGWAM field. I have a few sizes set up in Channel Images to allow the user to adjust the layout inside their content (landscape left, landscape right, portrait left, portrait right) when adding images to the WYGWAM content field. I then have two other sizes: thumb and gallery. These are for the image gallery that appears below the content. Thumb is set as the small preview in the field settings, and gallery is set as the big preview in the field settings. It all works great in the CP publish form.
However, when using the Safecracker form things don't work as well. I can select existing images, but when I add a photo to the content field (WYGWAM) it does not resize it properly. I do get the dialog box and options I want to choose from, but that choice is not being saved.
What happens is the image is added to the WYGWAM content using the size I have selected in the field settings as the big preview. I tested this by changing what size is selected for "big preview".
However, if I upload a new image and select a size it works fine. The issue is only with existing images (ie uploaded previously for other entries).
Is it possible to use sizes in Channel Images/safecracker/wygwam?
It was a bug in the most recent build. The developer has sent me a patched version that is working.

Custom javascript file into amazon webstore

How to include custom javascript file to amazon webstore?
To include a custom js file in Amazon Webstore you:
1.From the homescreen click the customize url button
2.Select "use your own domain name" * Even if you dont plan to use your own you still must choose this.
3.In the custom url field it should say either example.webstorepowered.com or example.hostedbyamazon.com, change your domain name to example.hostedbywebstore.com
Where example is whatever your store would be named
4. check the confirm button and submit.
5. Go to "store design" "file library" from the dropdown and upload your js file to the appropriate folder.
Noe this file will appear with a red "x" over the top of it - this simply means you cannot use this file on any checkout or processing pages so amazon can ensure the integrity and security of the sales.
6.Next you will want to go to "store design" "merchandizing and layout"
7.click "properties" in the upper left corner
8.Choose "css and js" and select and the file so you custom js is loaded with all the other amazon required files.
That should be all you need. I just recently figured this out so post if you have any more questions.
Go to one of the main template pages under "Merchandising & Layout" click Properties on the top right and upload a js file to be included.
You can also place inline script tags within the widgets.
You can insert a script in the page with greasemonkey script, or userscript in the userscript folder in Chrome/Opera.
