Where would I get the base URI In my ServiceStack markdown page? - servicestack

I am looking to serve an image from my root path test.com/some.png but this markdown page may be displayed on [Post]test.com/Item or [Put]test.com/Item/123 So I am looking for a way to get the base URI to form the image link.

You can use the literal text ~/ inside a Markdown page gets converted to a virtual path.
This literal is registered on start-up from the global EndpointHostConfig.MarkdownReplaceTokens property which is assigned the appHost.Config.WebHostUrl property:
this.MarkdownReplaceTokens["~/"] = appHost.Config.WebHostUrl.WithTrailingSlash();
Since it's difficult for an ASP.NET framework to determine the url its hosted at (i.e. without a request) you need to specify the preferred url you wan to use in your config. Here's an example from the servicestack.net/docs/ - ServiceStack's markdown Docs project:
SetConfig(new EndpointHostConfig {
WebHostUrl = baseUrl, //replaces ~/ with Url
MarkdownBaseType = typeof(CustomMarkdownPage),
Otherwise inside your service you can use base.Request or base.RequestContext.Get<IHttpRequest>() to get information about the incoming Request as well as (HttpRequest)base.Request.OriginalRequest to get the underlying ASP.NET Request object.


Custom Route for ServiceStack Razor Content Pages

I have the following content page: /folder/_new.cshtml
My intention is to have the page accessible through the following url: /folder/_new
However it seems that such file name is not mapped to the url. Is there any workaround to make it happen, perhaps by assigning a custom route instead of relying on the pretty-url-by-default feature?
This is a pre-defined restriction for not allowing views starting with a _ prefix to be called directly, the restriction can be removed when you're registering the ServiceStack.Razor plugin with:
var razor = new RazorFormat();

Serve out swagger-ui from nodejs/express project

I would like to use the swagger-ui dist 'as-is'...well almost as-is.
Pulled down the latest release from github (2.0.24) and stuck it in a folder in my app. I then server it out statically with express:
app.use('/swagger', express.static('./node_modules/swagger-ui/dist'));
That works as expected when I go to:
However I want to populate the url field to my swagger json dynamically. IE I may deploy to different domains:
And when I visit:
I would like to dynamically set the url.
Is that possible?
Assuming the /api-docs (or swagger.json) are always on the same path, and only the domain changes, you can set the url parameter of the SwaggerUi object to "/path/to/api-docs" or "/path/to/swagger.json"instead of a full URL. That would make the UI load that path as relative to the domain the UI is hosted on.
For reference, I'm leaving the original answer as well, as it may prove useful in some cases.
You can use the url parameter to set the URL the UI should load.
That is, if you're hosting it under https://mydomain.com/swagger you can use https://mydomain.com/swagger?url=https://mydomain.com/api-docs and https://mydomain.com/swagger?https://otherdomain.com/api-docs to point at the different locations.
However, as far as I know, this functionality is only available at the current alpha version (which should be stable enough) and not with 2.0.24 that you use (though it's worth testing).
Another method would be to use the swagger-ui middleware located in the swagger-tool.
let swaggerUi = require('../node_modules/swagger-tools/middleware/swagger-ui');
The variable config.swagger contains the swagger.yaml or swagger.json. I have in my setting
let config = {
appRoot: __dirname,
swagger: require('./api/swagger/swagger.js')
Note: I am using the require('swagger-express-mw') module
You could try with this on index.html file of the swagger-ui... It works for me.
if (url && url.length > 1) {
url = decodeURIComponent(url[1]);
} else {
url = window.location.origin + "/path/to/swagger.json";

Servicestack Razor Markdown View Resolution

I want to display a view after facebook authentication in my application but I'm getting the json response instead the html view, according to the documentation the view resolution is the following:
The resolution order ServiceStack's uses to resolve the appropriate Markdown template to use for rendering HTML output is:
If the Web Service specifies a template (via a customized IHttpResult.TemplateName response) - then a View with that name.
A view with the same name as the Response DTO, looking first in /Views then in /Views/Shared
A view with the same name as the Request DTO, looking first in /Views then in /Views/Shared
these are my DTOs
public class FacebookRequest{}
public class FacebookResponse{}
this is my route configuration
my view has the folloing code:
#inherits ViewPage<MyProject.Services.Dto.FacebookResponse>
this is a facebook response
Service method:
public FacebookResponse Get(FacebookRequest userRequest)
return new FacebookResponse();
As far as I understand if I have a view located in the "views" directory with the same responseDTO it should wire the view with the response from the service.
Adding comment as answer
SS uses the exact name of the response DTO class and looks for a view file with that exact name on the filesystem, unless you provide a DefaultView attribute. So, if your view (in your example) wasn't Views/FacebookResponse.cshtml exactly, it won't work. Using the inherits viewpage statement doesn't help SS resolve the view. It's looking for the exact file name in a specific location. I'm not 100% on this - but I seem to recall that it was a case sensitive match too.

Getting an object's links in Rackspace cloud files API

I am using the Java jclouds API for access to my Rackspace cloud files account.
I can create and list containers, and upload objects, but I can't figure out how to get the public links for an uploaded object. (I can see these public links from within the Rackspace control panel, by right-clicking on the object - there are 4 types: HTTP, HTTPS, Streaming, iOS Streaming).
The closest I can get is by using object.getInfo() to get the object's metadata. This includes a URI, but this doesn't resemble the public links I find from within the control panel.
Anyone know what I'm doing wrong?
I figured it out...
First, I should get the public URI of the object's container, not from the object.
Then I use a CloudFilesClient object. On the container I need to use getCDNMetadata("containername").getCDNUri()
Here is more information and some sample code to get the specific file CDN address.
For more details you can checkout the Java guide:
First get the cloud files api:
CloudFilesApi cloudFilesApi = ContextBuilder.newBuilder("rackspace-cloudfiles-us")
.credentials("{username}", "{apiKey}")
From there you can query the container:
CDNApi cdnApi = cloudFilesApi.getCDNApi("{region}");
CDNContainer cdnContainer = cdnApi.get("{containerName}");
Now with that CDNContainer you can get the specific web address that you need:
URI httpURI = cdnContainer.getUri();
URI httpsURI = cdnContainer.getSslUri();
This will get you the base URI for the container. Now to get the final address for your specific file you will need to append /{"your_file_name.extension"} to the end of the address. For example if my base URI was converted to a URL then to a String it may look like:
From here I can get a file with the name example.mp4 with the following address:
This all assumes that you have already enabled CDN on the container.

How GWT-platform's Dispatch to indicate my service's endpoint URL in DispathcAsync interface?

Sceneaory:i'm using GWT-platform Dispatch Command pattern.i want to deploy my static content in one http server,such as Appache httpd,and dynamic content in other web container,such as WebSphere etc.
Question: I have a ActionHandler servlet in my backend service,this should be in web container,and which URL will be for example, my static conten is deployed on I don't want to use Appache httpd's proxy-pass,just want to indicate my serviceimpl's url in client's dispatchAsync interface,how i can implement it?
In your Guice module you can configure the URL:
serveRegex("/" + ActionImpl.DEFAULT_SERVICE_NAME + ".*").with(
Have a look at the documentation
