A very small Q on sharepoint calculated formulas - sharepoint

I have a column called "name", I wanna to create a new column to be group. if the file name contains "MDSN", will return "MDSN" file, if not, will reutrn "non-MDSN"
I found a way starts-with(#FileLeafRef,"MDKB"), but I also wanna control the return values, how can I do?
A touph questions for me but can anyone help me out?

Assuming you mean you're looking to show when a string starts with another string then this will work

For Starts with:
For Contains:
=IF(ISNUMBER(FIND("MSDN",[Name])), "MSDN", "non-MSDN")
For More help on Formula:


Creating a binary flag to return whether someone has used a product in the last n days

I have three variables: the person using the item, the date the item was used, and the brand. I'd like to create a flag that indicates whether a specific brand (in this case, BrandA) was used in the last n days by a given person.
The Y-AA columns are an example of the data that I'm working with, and the AB column is the desired result.
I know at the end I'll probably have =if( , True, False), but I'm not sure what would make up the argument.
Any help would be appreciated, thank you!
I think you need to consider how you're setting up your data. Below is an example of how you can create your IF conditions to make it work -- using data that is unclear in your post.
Set up your data like so, with cell Z1 using the name AnchorDate.
Then the formula entered in cell AB4 and copied down and across will be

How to select and view only a specific cell?

I want to extract from the next code, only the first value. Unfortunately, I was unable and I didn't found similar answer for my question.
So, here is the example of script:
With bold I mark the value which I am interested to be visible. Only this value in one cell. Unfortunately I didn't have need the rest of values from table.
Here I will add my function (function will be use ):
Please let me know how how to select to view only 1st line/value.
Thanks to all for support.
This should select 1st //td/span

Vlookup + Match issue

I have an issue with the formula below.
Take a look at the image
This is basically doing one thing. Find the Action No. that is in the sheet "Scenario.New" of the Scenario ID 1017. It is working fine, as it returns 1,so formula is working, but sometimes I have 2 actions.
As you see. my formula will only look at the first Scend ID and will ignore the other one as is already found the first one. What I want to do is add a piece in the code that says Action No. = 1 or 2. Because based on the action No. some other fields will change too. Any ideas to solve it? Thanks!
first, i'm doubt with your question. second, your tabel is horisontal but you use VLOOKUP? or im wrong to undertand this?
but let me help you,i think you should try this,
enter image description here
take number 1 or 2 from table. but, if your table have double value be reference like image, HLOOKUP return first reference.

Delete the string after the delimiter in excel

I have simple problem. I was analyzing some data and came up with this problem.
Below is my value in a colomn:
I want to filter this data something like this
Please help me with this.
If its just as simple as removing everything after, including, the ? then this will do it:
=LEFT(A:A,FIND("?", A1)-1)
Edit: If you want to catch the #VALUE! error when there is no ? simply use IFERROR:
=IFERROR(LEFT(A:A,FIND("?", A1)-1), A1)
Example rows:
I think you need to use a combination of FIND and LEFT.
For example (where A1 contains your original value)
=LEFT(A1, FIND("?", A1) -1)
The significance of your mention of filter is not clear to me but you might copy your data into another column, select the latter column and with Find/Replace Find what:
Replace All.
Its a good idea to handle when when the column doesn't contain the "?". To do this use the ISERROR() function as follows:
=LEFT(A2, IF(ISERROR(FIND("?",A2))=TRUE,LEN(A2), (FIND("?",A2)-1)))

Google Drive(Excel): Using Sumif for each unique string value without making a separate sumif command for each

Okay, Looked for about 30 minutes before I realized that I don't have the necessary knowledge to know the proper terms to use for this question... please help... If it matters, I'm using google docs, which as best as I can tell is ALMOST always compatible with Excel.
I have a spreadsheet that has two columns that I care about, Column B contains names, and Column T contains numeric values that I need to add together depending on the name in Column B.
="Reon: " & SUMIF('Form Responses'!B2:B10000,"Reon",'Form Responses'!T2:T10000)
I could make a few hundred sumif commands like the above, and add new ones every time a new name submits the form for the first time, but this is manual and would take forever. Is there a way to get the unique values of Column B, and put them into this formula to make a list resembling:
Name1: 247, Name2: 698, Name3: 420
The Exact formatting does not really matter as long as the name is displayed with the number and not a long string of indecipherable numbers. The generated list will be read by a real live person.
Thanks for any and all help you can provide.
Pnuts, Thank you for your wonderful links!
Here's the Code I used to manage it based on them.
Column One
=UNIQUE('Form Responses'!B2:B1000)
Column Two
=SUMIF('Form Responses'!B2:B100,UNIQUE('Form Responses'!B2:B100),'Form Responses'!T2:T100)
This gave me two columns with corresponding numbers and names in each. Thanks so much!
