Generic search form/panel in Wicket - search

I am trying to implement a generic search form/panel in Wicket. The form should allow searches in several fields in an Entity (using the DAO pattern) in order to filter the output of a ListView or a DataView. What is the best way to do this? I've thought of doing this using an extended DataProvider but I haven't really seen any real example.
Did anyone implemented such a thing? Some pointers would be nice.
An aditional question that might help set the direction of the answers:
Do Wicket Models combine well with DataProviders?

You can extend IDataProvider with search methods:
public interface SearchableDataProvider<T> extends IDataProvider<T> {
public void setSearchQuery(String... query);
public void clearSearchQuery();
public Iterator<? extends T> iterator(int first, int count);
public int size();
And implement this interface in your EntityManagers such as UserManager, ArticleManager or AccountManager.


TinkerPop3 compatibility with Frames?

I have following below 2 queries related to TinkerPop 3:
1) Which Frames version is compatible with tinkerpop3?
2) TinkerPop3 official documentation states that the Frames feature has merged into "Traversal" but I could not found any information on that. So, please help me on this how we will implement it using Java.
Frames is no longer supported for TP3 unfortunately. But that shouldn't make you upset, there is an alternative.
Have you checked Peapod? It does what Frames do but for Tinkerpop3.
public abstract class Person {
public abstract String getName();
public abstract void setName(String name);
public abstract List<Knows> getKnows();
public abstract Knows getKnows(Person person);
public abstract Knows addKnows(Person person);
public abstract Knows removeKnows(Person person);
public abstract class Knows {
public abstract void setYears(int years);
public abstract int getYears();
and then you could easily use it like this
Graph g = //define your graph heere
FramedGraph graph = new FramedGraph(g, Person.class.getPackage());
Person marko = graph.v(1, Person.class);
For more information, have a look here.
Disclaimer: I'm a contributor to Peapod.

How to use JAXB with PropertyChangeSupport?

I am trying to use JAXB in an Eclipse project. View widgets are bound to model attributes with java.beans.PropertyChangeSupport. This works fine. I want to also bind model attributes to a persistent XML representation on disk with JAXB. I can marshal important state to XML and can unmarshal that back into a pojo/bean thing at runtime but am not sure how best to proceed.
The bean setters bound to my view widgets need to firePropertyChange() but XJC generates only simple setters, this.value = value.
XJC properties are protected, so it looks like I could override its setters to firePropertyChange(), but I don't know how my overriding subclass could have its unmarshaled superclass magically change state at runtime (like when user requests report for different year which is when I would unmarshal a different XML file).
Is there an example or pattern for doing this? Surely it is not new. Many thanks. -d
#Adam Thanks! I grokked a workable solution with this:
public class MyBean extends JaxBean {
public JaxBean getJaxBean() {
return this;
public void setJaxBean(JaxBean jaxBean) {
// etc...
public MyBean() {
// etc...
I think my confusion was thinking the unmarshalled bean would somehow magically replace my working instance. The solution above requires additional text but it works and the use of JaxBean's dumb setters avoids firing events unnecessarily when loading a new XML.
Your solution, annotating MyBean with JAXB and using schemagen, sounds even better. I will try that next go around. These are very nice technologies. -d
I mentioned another approach to your application in my comment.
It's what we use in our RCP application. Except that we marshall/unmarshall through network thus we use JAXWS and not just JAXB.
I'm somewhat experienced with this kind of stack, so here's a kick-starter for you:
* Your UI POJO-s should extend this class.
public abstract class UIModel<T extends UIModel> {
protected final PropertyChangeSupport propertyChangeSupport = new PropertyChangeSupport(this);
* This comes handy at times
public void afterUnmarshal(Unmarshaller unmarshaller, Object parent) {
* And this too, trust me.
public void deepCopy(final T of) {
//It's from Spring Framework but you can write your own. Spring is a fat-ass payload for a Java-SE application.
BeanUtils.copyProperties(of, this, IGNORED_ON_CLIENT);
public void addPropertyChangeListener(String propertyName, PropertyChangeListener listener) {
propertyChangeSupport.addPropertyChangeListener(propertyName, listener);
public void removePropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener listener) {
* Example of a UI POJO.
public class Car extends UIModel<Car> {
private String make;
private int numberOfWheels;
//... etc.
* Example of a setter
public void setMake(String make) {
propertyChangeSupport.firePropertyChange("make", this.make, this.make = make);
public String getMake() {
return make;
//... etc.
I don't know how often your Schema-definition changes but there's a pattern supporting this;
* New application (compiled with the class below) can open a file saved by the old application.
public class Car2 extends Car {
private String fuelType; // Example of a new field
public void setFuelType(String fuelType) {
propertyChangeSupport.firePropertyChange("fuelType", this.fuelType, this.fuelType = fuelType);
//... etc.
This way the old application can open XML-outputs of the new. Dropping a field from such a class's source code will result in a RuntimeException as JAXB is still looking for it.
If you're clients are always up-to-date then you should not care about this at all.
When tackling with Java collections and subclassing excessively you will run into JAXB problems which you can solve by Googling #XmlRootElement and #XmlSeeAlso annotations.
Comments don't format, trying "answer". Need to do the stackoverflow tour. Continuing,
Thanks, Adam, I will bookmark these for future reference. They look similar to my example, the pattern is (unmarshal New, be quiet, copy New to Old, be noisy). I like the mind-bending recursion,
class UIModel<T extends UIModel>
class Car extends UIModel<Car>
and assume you've tested it compiles. ;)
Regards, -d.

Calling one specific overriden method in all derived classes

Consider the following code:
// ======== Abstract class ========
public abstract class Creatures {
public abstract void loseEnergy();
public void execute()
// ======== Animals ========
public class Animals : Creatures
public override void loseEnergy(){}
public class Birds : Animals
public override void loseEnergy(){}
// ======== Human ========
public class Human : Creatures
public override void loseEnergy(){}
public class Male : Human
public override void loseEnergy(){}
public class Female : Human
public override void loseEnergy(){}
[ This code was based on the code by Jayson suggested here: "Base class methods calling derived class methods ?" ]
In the given code example, I would like to have the runtime executing EACH derived class object's certain method, in this case, which is 'loseEnergy()', however, I could not find the solution.
How do I approach this problem?
What can be useful to know or to try.. in order to solve this issue?
Your help is very much appreciated!
Thank you!
Kind regards,
P.S. Some search I have done so far:
"How to call overriden methods in all derived classes"
"Collection of derived classes that have generic base class"
"How to call derived function using base class object"
"Call method of the derived class through reflection possible or no"
I decided to stick to the idea I had before which is to have some list that would contain the objects of the classes that have 'loseEnergy()' method. Having such list I will be able to call every object's method 'loseEnergy()', which is what I wanted.
Question can be closed.
Thank you.
I didn't really understand your problem but anyway i can try to give you some means to use abstract classes :
If you use a abstract method, you SHOULD override it in a subclasses (like a method declared in an interface)
If you want that all inherited class use a same method, you can implement it in the abstract class ; all subclasses will use the method you implements if you don't override it, you've have to not declare it in the subclasses (extends < ABS_CLASS > is good enough)
If you want use a method of the abstract class which is override in the sub class you can use the keyword super .
I hope it will help you.
if you mean that you want the calls: female.loseEnergy() -> human.loseEnergy() -> creature.loseEnergy(), call the base method in the first line of the overriden one
public class Female : Human
public override void loseEnergy()
// do stuff
In the Greenfoot environment that you mention in the post above, the act() method is called only on actors which have been added into the "world". Internally, this adds them into a list. The simulation process iterates through the list and calls act() on each object in turn. Objects that are not "in the world" are not known to the system and so do not have their act method called. There is no magic here going on here.
If you wanted similar behaviour but without manually adding objects into a list, you could possibly have the base class constructor add new objects into a global list. I don't know C# so I don't know precisely how to do this, but I cannot imagine it would be difficult.

GXT Grid ValueProvider / PropertyAccess for a Map<K,V> Datastore?

Rather than using Bean model objects, my data model is built on Key-Value pairs in a HashMap container.
Does anyone have an example of the GXT's Grid ValueProvider and PropertyAccess that will work with a underlying Map?
It doesn't have one built in, but it is easy to build your own. Check out this blog post for a similar way of thinking, especially the ValueProvider section:
The purpose of a ValueProvider is to be a simple reflection-like mechanism to read and write values in some object. The purpose of PropertyAccess<T> then is to autogenerate some of these value/modelkey/label provider instances based on getters and setters as are found on Java Beans, a very common use case. It doesn't have much more complexity than that, it is just a way to simply ask the compiler to do some very easy boilerplate code for you.
As that blog post shows, you can very easily build a ValueProvider just by implementing the interface. Here's a quick example of how you could make one that reads a Map<String, Object>. When you create each instance, you tell it which key are you working off of, and the type of data it should find when it reads out that value:
public class MapValueProvider<T> implements
ValueProvider<Map<String, Object>, T> {
private final String key;
public MapValueProvider(String key) {
this.key = key;
public T getValue(Map<String, Object> object) {
return (T) object.get(key);
public void setValue(Map<String, Object> object, T value) {
object.put(key, value);
public String getPath() {
return key;
You then build one of these for each key you want to read out, and can pass it along to ColumnConfig instances or whatever else might be expecting them.
The main point though is that ValueProvider is just an interface, and can be implemented any way you like.

Proper way to secure domain objects?

If I have an entity Entity and a service EntityService and EntityServiceFacade with the following interfaces:
interface EntityService {
Entity getEntity(Long id);
interface EntityServiceFacade {
EntityDTO getEntity(Long id);
I can easily secure the read access to an entity by controlling access to the getEntity method at the service level. But once the facade has a reference to an entity, how can I control write access to it? If I have a saveEntity method and control access at the service (not facade) level like this (with Spring security annotations here):
class EntityServiceImpl implements EntityService {
#PreAuthorize("hasPermission(#entity, 'write')")
public void saveEntity(Entity entity) {;
class EntityServiceFacadeImpl implements EntityServiceFacade {
public void saveEntity(EntityDTO dto) {
Entity entity = service.getEntity(;
The problem here is that the access control check happens already after I have changed the name of the entity, so that does not suffice.
How do you guys do it? Do you secure the domain object methods instead?
If you secure your domain objects, for example with annotations like:
#PreAuthorize("hasPermission(this, 'write')")
public void setName(String name) { = name; }
Am I then breaking the domain model (according to DDD?)
I found a thesis on the subject. The conclusion of that thesis says that a good way IS to annotate the domain object methods to secure them. Any thoughts on this?
I wouldn't worry about securing individual entity methods or properties from being modified.
Preventing a user from changing an entity in memory is not always necessary if you can control persistence.
The big gotcha here is UX, you want to inform a user as early as possible that she will probably be unable to persist changes made to that entity. The decision you will need to make is whether it is acceptable to delay the security check until persistence time or if you need to inform a user before (e.g. by deactivating UI elements).
If Entity is an interface, can't you just membrane it?
So if Entity looks like this:
interface Entity {
int getFoo();
void setFoo(int newFoo);
create a membrane like
final class ReadOnlyEntity implements Entity {
private final Entity underlying;
ReadOnlyEntity(Entity underlying) { this.underlying = underlying; }
public int getFoo() { return underlying.getFoo(); } // Read methods work
// But deny mutators.
public void setFoo(int newFoo) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); }
If you annotate read methods, you can use Proxy classes to automatically create membranes that cross multiple classes (so that a get method on a readonly Entity that returns an EntityPart returns a readonly EntityPart).
See deep attenuation in for more details on this approach.
