Automating App Deployment in Azure with LocalResource - azure

I'm currently attempting to automate the deployment of an application to an Azure Worker role by pulling a file into the role from blob storage and working with it via a batch script, also located in blob storage. I'm using onStart to accomplish this. Here's a reduced version of my onStart method:
Getting ready to pull the files down:
public override bool OnStart()
CloudStorageAccount storageAccount = CloudStorageAccount.Parse(CloudConfigurationManager.GetSetting("StorageConnectionString"));
CloudBlobClient blobClient = storageAccount.CreateCloudBlobClient();
CloudBlobContainer container = blobClient.GetContainerReference("mycontainer");
CloudBlob file = container.GetBlobReference("file.bat");
Actually getting the files into the role:
LocalResource localResource = RoleEnvironment.GetLocalResource("localStore");
string filePath = System.IO.Path.Combine(localResource.RootPath, "file.bat");
using (var fileStream = System.IO.File.OpenWrite(#filePath))
This is how I get the batch file and the dependencies into the role. My problem now is - originally, I built the batch file with the assumption that the other files would be dropped right on C:\. For example - C:\installer.exe, C:\, etc. But now the files are in localStorage.
I'm thinking I can either A) Somehow tell the batch file where localStorage is by dynamically writing the script onStart, or B) change localStorage to use C:\.
I'm not sure how to do either, or what the best thing to do here would be. Thoughts?

I would not change the LocalStorage to use C: (how would you do this anyways?). Take a look at Steve's blogpost: Using a Local Storage Resource From a Startup Task. He explains how you can get a LocalResource using powershell (and even call that script from a batch file).
And why not use the Windows Azure Bootstrapper? This is a little tool that can help you with the configuration of your role without having to write any code, you simply call it from a startup task and it can download files (also from blob storage like you're doing), work with local resources, ...
bootstrapper.exe -get -lr $lr(temp) -run $lr(temp)\AspNetMVC3ToolsUpdateSetup.exe -args /q
Note: Instead of using absolute references in your batch file, make it use relative paths using %~dp0


How to get FileTrigger to work with Azure file storage in Webjob

I have a webjob that I have set up to be triggered when a file is added to a directory:
[FileTrigger(#"<DIR>\<dir>\{name}", "*", WatcherChangeTypes.Created, autoDelete: true)] Stream file,
I have it configured:
var config = new JobHostConfiguration
JobActivator = new NinjectActivator(kernel)
var filesConfig = new FilesConfiguration();
filesConfig.RootPath = #"C:\Temp\";
The path is for working locally and I was expecting that commenting out the FilesConfiguration object leaving it default would allow it to pick up the connection string I have set up and trigger when files are added. This does not happen it turns out that by default the RootPath is set to "D:\Home" and produces an InvalidOperationException
System.InvalidOperationException : Path 'D:\home\data\<DIR>\<dir>' does not exist.
How do I get the trigger to point at the File storage area of the storage account I have set up for it. I have tried removing the FilesConfiguration completely from Program.cs in the hope that it would work against the settings but it only produces the same Exception.
System.InvalidOperationException : Path 'D:\home\data\\' does not exist.
When you publish to azure, the default directory is D:\HOME\DATA, so when you run webjob it could not find the path so you get the error message.
How do I get the trigger to point at the File storage area of the storage account I have set up for it.
The connectionstring you have set have two applies: one is used for dashboard logging and the other is used for application functionality (queues, tables, blobs).
It seems that you could not get filetrigger working with azure file storage.
So, if you want to invoke your filetrigger when you create new file, you could go to D:\home\data\ in KUDU to create a DIR folder and then create new .txt file in it.
The output is as below:
BTW, it seems that you'd better not use autoDelete when you create file, if use you will get error like:
NotSupportedException: Use of AutoDelete is not supported when using change type 'Changed'.

What happens to files downloaded in WebJob

I am working with some sensitive files (mostly images) in my WebJob. My WebJob downloads the files from Azure Blob (container 1), does some processing and uploads to Azure Blob (container 2).
Because these files are sensitive in nature, I want to be 100% sure that WebJob deletes them once the Job is completed running.
Can someone tell me what happens to files downloaded in WebJob?
My download code looks like this ...
var stream = new MemoryStream();
using (StorageService storage = CreateStorageClient())
var bucketname = "container1";
var objectToDownload = storage.Objects.Get(bucketname, "files/img1.jpg").Execute();
var downloader = new MediaDownloader(storage);
downloader.Download(objectToDownload.MediaLink, stream);
Here CreateStorageClient() is my utility method which creates a StorageService object.
Solved using #lopezbertoni comment.
Also found relevant question which also helped - Azure Webjob - accessing local file system

IFileProvider Azure File storage

I am thinking about implementing IFileProvider interface with Azure File Storage.
What i am trying to find in docs is if there is a way to send the whole path to the file to Azure API like rootDirectory/sub1/sub2/example.file or should that actually be mapped to some recursion function that would take path and traverse directories structure on file storage?
just want to make sure i am not missing something and reinvent the wheel for something that already exists.
I'm using Azure Storage Client for .NET. I would not like to mount anything.
My intentention is to have several IFileProviders which i could switch based on Environment and other conditions.
So, for example, if my environment is Cloud then i would use IFileProvider implementation that uses Azure File Services through Azure Storage Client. Next, if i have environment MyServer then i would use servers local file system. Third option would be environment someOther with that particular implementation.
Now, for all of them, IFileProvider operates with path like root/sub1/sub2/sub3. For Azure File Storage, is there a way to send the whole path at once to get sub3 info/content or should the path be broken into individual directories and get reference/content for each step?
I hope that clears the question.
Now, for all of them, IFileProvider operates with path like ˙root/sub1/sub2/sub3. For Azure File Storage, is there a way to send the whole path at once to getsub3` info/content or should the path be broken into individual directories and get reference/content for each step?
For access the specific subdirectory across multiple sub directories, you could use the GetDirectoryReference method for constructing the CloudFileDirectory as follows:
var fileshare = storageAccount.CreateCloudFileClient().GetShareReference("myshare");
var rootDir = fileshare.GetRootDirectoryReference();
var dir = rootDir.GetDirectoryReference("2017-10-24/15/52");
var items=dir.ListFilesAndDirectories();
For access the specific file under the subdirectory, you could use the GetFileReference method to return the CloudFile instance as follows:
var file=rootDir.GetFileReference("2017-10-24/15/52/2017-10-13-2.png");

Running native code on Azure

I am trying to run a C executable on Azure. I have many workerRoles and they continuously check a Job Queue. If there is a job in the queue, a worker role runs an instance of the C executable as a process according to the command line arguments stored in a job class. The C executable creates some log files normally. I do not know how to access those created files. What is the logic behind it? Where are the created files stored? Can anyone explain me? I am new to azure and C#.
One other problem is that all of the working instances of the C executable need to read a data file. How can I distribute that required file?
First, realize that in Windows Azure, your worker role is simply running inside a Windows 2008 Server environment (either SP2 or R2). When you deploy your app, you would deploy your C executable as well (or grab it from blob storage, but that's a bit more advanced). To find out where your app lives on disk, call Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("RoleRoot") - that returns a path. You'd typically have your app sitting in a folder called AppRoot under the role root. You'd find your C executable there.
Next, you'll want your app to write its files to an output directory you specify on the command line. You can set up storage in your local VM with your role's properties. Look at the Local Storage tab, and configure a named local storage area:
Now you can get the path to that storage area, in code, and pass it as a command line argument:
var outputStorage = RoleEnvironment.GetLocalResource("MyLocalStorage");
var outputFile = Path.Combine(outputStorage.RootPath, "myoutput.txt");
var cmdline = String.Format("--output {0}", outputFile);
Here's an example of launching your myapp.exe process, with command line arguments:
var appRoot = Path.Combine(Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("RoleRoot")
+ #"\", #"approot");
var myProcess = new Process()
StartInfo = new ProcessStartInfo(Path.Combine(appRoot, #"myapp.exe"), cmdline)
CreateNoWindow = false,
UseShellExecute = false,
WorkingDirectory = appRoot
Normally you'd set CreateNoWindow to true, but it's easier to debug if you can see the command shell window.
Last thing: Once your app is done creating the file, you'll want to either:
Process it and delete it (it's not in a durable place so eventually it'll disappear)
Change your storage to use a Cloud Drive (durable storage)
Copy your file to a blob (durable storage)
In production, you'll want to add exception-handling, and you can re-route stdout and stderr to be captured. But this sample code should be enough to get you started.
OOPS - one more 'one more thing': When adding your 'myapp.exe' to your project, be SURE to go to its Properties, and set 'Copy to Output Directory' to 'Copy Always' - otherwise your myapp.exe file won't end up in Windows Azure and you'll wonder why things don't work.
EDIT: Pushing results to a blob - a quick example
First get set up a storage account and add to your role's Settings. Say you called it 'AzureStorage' - now set it up in code, get a reference to a blob container, get a reference to a blob within that container, and then perform a file upload to the blob:
CloudStorageAccount storageAccount = CloudStorageAccount.FromConfigurationSetting("AzureStorage");
CloudBlobClient blobClient = storageAccount.CreateCloudBlobClient();
CloudBlobContainer outputfiles = blobClient.GetContainerReference("outputfiles");
var blobname = "myoutput.txt";
var blob = outputfiles.GetBlobReference(blobname);
In Azure land you shouldn't write to the file system. You should write to SQL Azure, Table Storage or most likely in this case Blob storage (basically, I think you should think of blob storage as the old file system)
This is because:
You could have multiple instances running and you will end up having different files on different instances (which are just virtual machines)
Your instance could potentially be moved at any moment and you would lose the info on the file system as it's not part of your deployment package.
Using one of the three storage options will provide a central repository for all of your instances to access and it will be persisted over a redeployment.

How to create a sub container in azure storage location

How can I create a sub container in the azure storage location?
Windows Azure doesn't provide the concept of heirarchical containers, but it does provide a mechanism to traverse heirarchy by convention and API. All containers are stored at the same level. You can gain simliar functionality by using naming conventions for your blob names.
For instance, you may create a container named "content" and create blobs with the following names in that container:
Note that these blobs are a flat list against your "content" container. That said, using the "/" as a conventional delimiter, provides you with the functionality to traverse these in a heirarchical fashion.
protected IEnumerable<IListBlobItem>
GetDirectoryList(string directoryName, string subDirectoryName)
CloudStorageAccount account =
CloudBlobClient client =
CloudBlobDirectory directory =
CloudBlobDirectory subDirectory =
return subDirectory.ListBlobs();
You can then call this as follows:
GetDirectoryList("content/blue", "images")
Note the use of GetBlobDirectoryReference and GetSubDirectory methods and the CloudBlobDirectory type instead of CloudBlobContainer. These provide the traversal functionality you are likely looking for.
This should help you get started. Let me know if this doesn't answer your question:
[ Thanks to Neil Mackenzie for inspiration ]
Are you referring to blob storage? If so, the hierarchy is simply StorageAccount/Container/BlobName. There are no nested containers.
Having said that, you can use slashes in your blob name to simulate nested containers in the URI. See this article on MSDN for naming details.
I aggree with tobint answer and I want to add something this situation because I also
I need the same way upload my games html to Azure Storage with create this directories :
So After your recommends I tried to upload my content with tool which is Azure Storage Explorer and you can download tool and source code with this url : Azure Storage Explorer
First of all I tried to upload via tool but It doesn't allow to hierarchical directory upload because you don't need : How to create sub directory in a blob container
Finally, I debug Azure Storage Explorer source code and I edited Background_UploadBlobs method and UploadFileList field in StorageAccountViewModel.cs file. You can edit it what you wants.I may have made spelling errors :/ I am so sorry but That's only my recommend.
If you are tying to upload files from Azure portal:
To create a sub folder in container, while uploading a file you can go to Advanced options and select upload to a folder, which will create a new folder in the container and upload the file into that.
Kotlin Code
val blobClient = blobContainerClient.getBlobClient("$subDirNameTimeStamp/$fileName$extension");
this will create directory having TimeStamp as name and inside that there will be your Blob File. Notice the use of slash (/) in above code which will nest your blob file by creating folder named as previous string of slash.
It will look like this on portal
Sample code
string myfolder = "<folderName>";
string myfilename = "<fileName>";
string fileName = String.Format("{0}/{1}.csv", myfolder, myfilename);
CloudBlockBlob blob = container.GetBlockBlobReference(fileName);
