Haskell coding via Emacs/Vim in Linux : organising files into projects - haskell

I have two questions regarding coding Haskell in Emacs/VIM in Linux :
If one wanted to organise a haskell code base into multiple projects (where files of a given project are stored in a particular folder) then can emacs and vim handle this? The reason is that I have used IDE's before where all the projects are loaded at once into the session, but am not sure how this would work for Emacs/VIM.
Another nice thing about IDEs is that I can go the definition of a function from a given project, even if that function definition is in a separate project (i.e. stored in a separate folder). Can Emacs/VIM handle this?
There was some discussion here : Haskell IDE for Windows?

VIM/Emacs don't care how you organize your files. They're primarily editors, so you can use them to edit files no matter how you lay out your directory structure. Other than that, it's good to follow some standard conventions, or adapt the structure for tools you are going to use. You can have a look at Structure of a Haskell project. It is also convenient to use Cabal to build your project and to manage its dependencies.
VIM/Emacs can use Ctags index files for navigating in your project. See Tags for available options how to create these index files. The indexing tools don't expect any specific project structure, so if you need to navigate in multiple projects, you can just index a directory with multiple projects into one index file.

There's an Emacs mode called Projectile that allows some "project-like" functionality, which might be what you're looking for. I haven't really used it myself (I tend to stick to the old *nix way of just editing files), so I can't give you details, but it can't hurt to check it out.

Not sure if I understood the gist of question correctly. The following is my suggestion concerning the question of management of multiple projects in Vim, without regard to the language employed.
You could take advantage of vim sessions. With a few custom functions/keymappings in your .vimrc you'll be able to keep a separate session file for each project, either in the project directory or the one you'd dedicate for session files.
This is the general how-to: http://vim.runpaint.org/editing/managing-sessions/
And there you'll find a number of scripts that specifically address the issue of handling multiple project-specific sessions: How to auto save vim session on quit and auto reload on start including split window state?


vim lookup struct elements/members

Does anyone know of a vim plugin that allows to look up struct members/elements of structures in C or classes in case of C++?
I'm thinking something similar to jumping to a definition of a struct using cscope/ctags, but ideally I would want something similar to moving a cursor over the desired variable and a keystroke will pull up a table akin to when you use omni-complete?
I've been trying to find something but to no avail.
The requirement is: should be exclusively for vim.
99% of my development is sshing to a remote linux machine.
Normally my workflow is, git clone the project, setup ctags and cscope, open up the desired file and load up my cscope db and that's where I stay for the majority of the day, moving around the directory I have the nerd-tree plugin.
So far I use a combination of ctags/cscope, and calltree plugins to look up function callees.
I'm missing a plugin that allows me to simply look up struct elements.
I don't really use omnicompletion because it is notoriously slow and I've given up to make it faster.
Any ideas?
With universal-ctags, given you've used the right options, you can always obtain the members of a class/struct type.
If you read in between the lines, this means there is no efficient way to do it on a C++ variable if you stick to vimscript. I've tried do it, but I've given up on this path eventually ; path that has no way to support auto.
Now, I've started using (/implementing) another approach to analyse C++ code and exploit the information from vim: I rely on libclang. The catch is that it needs to operate on the current translation unit (TU), and if the TU is long (e.g if it includes many long files), it's takes time to parse it for the first time since the last time it has changed (I expect the solution to change with C++20 modules) -- the analysing is done on demand, and not in the background. Note: my plugin is currently under development and I haven't yet provided an high level Vim function that returns the type of a variable and its associated information (type, members, possible enum values...)
If your ultimate objective is completion of members, clang based tools provide a dedicated API for this purpose that'll be more efficient than completely analysing the current TU. The plugins you don't wish to use exploit this API. LSP servers even try to cache as much information as possible (for navigation and completion purpose only).
Note that there exist a few plugins, like tagbar, that tries to organize information extracted with ctags and present it in a hierarchic view. Note that it won't help with disambiguation nor with auto.

Setting up Perforce depot for multiple projects

Summary: Want help to figure out how to setup the depot and my development environment so that I can support multiple, related projects.
Until now I've had a depot which had in it only one project - ProjectA - robot version A.
I am starting to work on a new version (ProjectB) which has some differences in HW - I/O port mappings and timers have changed. I would like to continue to develop code for both projects.
This means that ProjectB will share some files with the ProjectA and some files will be different.
Since the differences are HW related items what I'm thinking of doing is creating a common area and then project specific areas where the common area is for device independent code and project specific area is for device dependent code.
The differences are big enough that I don't want to do #ifdef within files. Some differences are simple - different I/O port mapping and some are completely new modules.
To make maintainance easier, I would like to be able to compare differences between device dependent code and propagate selected changes.
Finally, to minimize my burden during comparisons, I would like to mark differences that I know are okay so that in future comparisons they don't show up.
Your instincts are good -- you're trying to Not Duplicate Code. This is the core of good design & engineering.
As for the file layout, it's always annoying to have your directories too deep, but that's MUCH better than too shallow. Maybe:
(Big repositories are much deeper than that, even.)
As for how you make shared code -- you could have different setup.h or constants.h that drive what the various shared libraries do. Alternatively, build your shared libraries so they are parameterized at runtime.
SetupDrivers(0x80020); // address of PIO registers
And lastly -- if the projects really are different, decide if sharing the code really is the right thing. Usually yes, but everything is a choice. If you hope to manually "diff" your files to look for differences, it's really up to you to keep the structures close enough to diff. The "different config.h file for each project" idea mentioned above would help.
If you roll your own diff tool (in python or whatever) you could use special comments to flag "expected different lines".

Is there any good build tool that stays out of my way?

As the title says, I want to have a build tool that quite much stays out of my way.
I would rather want to specify rules, rather than steps in the build process. I wan to say that I want a binary file with a name placed in the root directory of my project, .o files should go in an obj/tmp dir and the source is in the Source-directory.
I do NOT want to tell it that it is this'n'that file as I keep adding new files rather quickly, it should just scan the source directory (and its subdirectories) looking for Ragel (.rl) and C++ code (.cxx) and doing what's necessary to make all into an executable.
I have looked into many tools, like auto{make,conf,header} (Did not really like that I placed the files it wanted in a subdir of project root, eclipse did not like that either), CMake (Seems like I have to add all source-files myself, and is quite much a variation of autotools in my eyes). I have also read about ant, maven (I am also allergic against XML, it's a good format to serialize data for applications, not so much for humans. I would prefer YAML) and others on WikiPedia. And I have seen tools which seems good but which require to be set up as a webserver which is kinda overkill.
Also, I really need the ability to be able to work offline without internet connection!.
Right now it seems like the best option is to make a little script that finds all .cxx files and write an Unity.cxx and builds that one with G++, which probably is quite fast but to much an ugly hack, I guess.
Bonus Points:
Fast builds
Ability to type build test-1 or something and it will build and directly run test-1
Multi-core builds (i.e. faster builds)
Does really not interrupt my train of thought
CMake is great. It's free, cross-platform, and reasonably well documented. It supports "out of source builds", meaning none of the build files are placed in the source directory. That makes source control a bit easier. It can be set up to find new files (globbing). Fast?...It generates make files...after that it's up to your compiler. Multicore...again, more a function of the compiler. I've used CMake on Windows, Linux, and Mac...it just works.
Another that I haven't tried but have read about and plan to test is premake... http://industriousone.com/sample-script
cake from CoffeeScript is quite good, and I'm writing a similar tool using Lua myself.
CMake and premake Ain't build/maketools, they are build/make-descriptor generators; which may fit a large number of projects that ain't changing too much. But not for project where rapid prototyping is a key.
Right now, I'm doing a project where the browser updates when you hit the save-button in your text editor; You do not need to go to the browser and hit F5 (Which would cause a small delay while the browser load in everything again, and you would most likely loose the state of the page, like say that you have an menu open, and wish to tweak the look of the menu. You would be forced to navigate there again in your RIA).

Code archive? what do people use?

I have loads of notepad , js , .cs in a folder that I use to refer back to when I'm developing. They are just in a folder on my laptop. Is anyone aware of a better way of storing all this guff in a more stuctured way? Thinking some kind of cloud website or something?
You can use a wiki for this kind of thing. There are wikis that are local, such as TiddlyWiki.
One way or another, to keep things safe, you should use source control, and/or backup to the cloud.
I keep my code samples that aren't project-specific in a revision-controlled directory tree, based on the language they're in; actual projects are also kept in revision control, but are kept separately. I have tons of them now.
For smaller idioms and snippets that are useful or that I forget as I switch between languages for a period of time, I pop them into a wiki, with different pages also based on which language they're in. I don't put whole files in there; I just extract the pieces that I tend to forget and pop them in there.
They do tend to build up as time goes on, so just putting the smaller pieces in is much more efficient for fast lookup.

Create setup for Linux C project

I want to create a setup for my project so that it can be installed on any pc without installing the header files.
How can I do that?
There are two general ways to distribute programs:
Source Distribution (source code to be built). The most common way is to use GNU autotools to generate a configure script so that your project can be installed by doing ./configure && make install
Binary Distribution (prebuilt). Instead of shipping source, you ship binaries. There are a couple of competing standards although the two main ones are RPM and DEB file.
You just changed your question (appreciated, it was kind of vage), so my answer no longer applies ..
make sure you have a C compiler
I'd be surprised if you didn't, Linux normally has one
find an editor you are comfortable with
vi and emacs are the classics
write your first program and compile
learn about makefiles
learn about sub projects and libraries
In many respects, your question is too vague to be answerable. You will need to describe more what you have in mind. All else apart, if you are using an integrated development environment (IDE), then what you do should be coloured strongly by what the IDE encourages you to do. (Fighting your IDE is counter-productive; I've just never found an IDE that doesn't make me want to fight it.)
However, for a typical project on Linux, you will create a directory to hold the materials. For a small project (up to a few thousand lines of code in a few - say 5-20 - files), you might not need any more structure than a single directory. For bigger projects, you will segregate sub-sections of the project into separate sub-directories under the main project directory.
Depending on your build mechanisms, you may have a single makefile at the top of the project hierarchy (or the only directory in the 'hierarchy'). This goes in line with the 'Recursive Make Considered Harmful' paper (P Miller). Alternatively, you can create a separate makefile for each sub-directory and the top-level makefile simply coordinates builds across directories.
You should also consider which version control system (VCS) you will use.
