I have a vim highlight to display whitespace errors in code:
" Highlight redundant whitespaces and tabs.
highlight RedundantSpaces ctermbg=red
match RedundantSpaces /\s\+$\| \+\ze\t\|\t/
Which displays trailing whitespace problems like this:
However, i've recently started using the solarized color scheme and I am not able to get these highlights to display.
I've tried changing the color names to no avail. The relevant part of my (simple) .vimrc says:
syntax enable
set background=dark
colorscheme solarized
Moving the :highlight after the :colorscheme still doesn't help you when you switch colorschemes in the Vim session.
For that to work, re-define your highlighting via the ColorScheme event:
autocmd ColorScheme * highlight RedundantSpaces ctermbg=red
BTW, your minimalistic solution has other problems:
It does not highlight in split windows.
You lose the ability of quickly highlighting custom stuff via :match.
There are several plugins that offer this functionality, in a better way. Mine is called ShowTrailingWhitespace; the plugin page contains links to alternatives.
In vim, I want to:
highlight a single line (e.g. :hi CursorLine ctermbg=black)
maintain syntax highlighting
not set up any custom color themes or similar
(note: adding a few lines to .vimrc is fine)
I've tried setting via :hi CursorLine ctermbg=black, but this results in changing the cursor highlight color but not maintaining syntax coloring.
not highlighted, and has syntax coloring:
highlighted, but loses syntax coloring:
in above example, I would want the string word to stay purple, if word stay yellow, etc., even though line is highlighted.
I also tried toggling :syntax off :syntax on, and not surprisingly this had no effect.
This question (Syntax highlighting in vim) seems similar to what I'm asking, but it's not because 1) I don't want to change the background, 2) I don't want to change theme, 3) it seems like OP here was having trouble with existing syntax color scheme and just wanted to be able to see things.
This question (Custom syntax coloring vim) seems similar to what I'm asking, but it's not because 1) I don't want to change existing syntax coloring, I want to keep it, 2) I don't want to add arbitrary syntax highlighting, I just want CursorLine to be highlighted while also maintaining syntax coloring.
I got my desired behavior by running :hi CursorLine ctermbg=black term=none cterm=none.
And while out of scope of my original question, running :set cursorline is also needed for the line highlighting to be displayed.
This seemed to work for me ...
:hi CursorLine cterm=NONE guifg=NONE
I am trying to change the spellcheck highlight group. So in the end of my .vimrc
I add the following code
highlight clear SpellBad
highlight SpellBad cterm=underline
when I open a new file, it is still showing the old syntax highlighting. But if I run the same commands inside vim manually after opened the file, it will work as expected.
Any idea what is going wrong here? Thanks!
Tweaks to a colorscheme have to happen after the colorscheme has been set. Usually, if you have the :colorscheme in your ~/.vimrc, and put the :highlight commands after it, that should work.
Your case seems to be different (which could be caused by a plugin manager affecting the loading order, or you might even have a dynamically changing colorscheme). To handle such eventualities, you can instead hook into the ColorScheme event:
autocmd ColorScheme * highlight clear SpellBad
autocmd ColorScheme * highlight SpellBad cterm=underline
I'm using the code suggested here in my vimrc to highlight lines over 80 columns.
highlight OverLength ctermbg=gray ctermfg=white guibg=#592929
match OverLength /\%81v.\+/
This works great for code-related files, but it's annoying for me in markdown. Is there a way to turn off highlighting by file type in my vimrc?
To turn off the highlighting for the markdown filetype, add the following to your ~/.vimrc:
autocmd FileType markdown match none
This turns off the :match highlighting for that filetype.
(Alternatively, I would recommend putting that into ~/.vim/after/ftplugin/markdown.vim instead of defining lots of :autocmd FileType {filetype}; this requires that you have :filetype plugin on.)
Note that :match is window-local, so your original code already has issues when working with window splits and switching buffers; this solution inherits this.
Also note that there is 'colorcolumn' built-in in Vim 7.3+.
I noticed that with different colorschemes VIM is underlining/highlighting some words. Why is this and how to turn it off ?
with another colorscheme
I'm using spf13-vim configuration and connecting remotely with Putty.
VIM is correctly assuming this file to be a python file (:set filetype returns "python")
It seems like your Vim is doing spell-checking for you. You can turn this off by adding
set nospell
in your .vimrc file. To turn it back on in a file, you can do:
:setlocal spell spelllang=en_us
for spell-checking with American English. :setlocal changes settings for current buffer, while :set makes the changes for all currently open buffers. You can read more about how spell-checking with Vim works here.
It may be useful for you to automatically enable spell checking for certain files. For example, to enable spell checking in .tex files, you can add the following to your .vimrc:
" Enable spell checking when opening .tex files
au BufNewFile,BufRead *.tex setlocal spell spelllang=en_us
" Or if you have filetype detection enabled:
" au FileType tex setlocal spell spelllang=en_us
Note that autocmd! clears the previously defined au commands and is needed only once.
Most filetypes (like python) in Vim come with a syntax that defines highlight groups (see them via :highlight). A colorscheme then provides combinations of foreground / background color and/or formatting like bold and italic, for terminals, color terminals, and/or GVIM.
Choose a colorscheme that you find visually appealing; some come with Vim, many more can be found on the Internet, most at http://www.vim.org/.
If you're just annoyed by one or two minor things in a particular colorscheme, you can modify the items via the :highlight command. To disable a highlighting, use, e.g.
:highlight clear Statement
or (when the group is linked to another group, effectively inheriting its appearance)
:highlight link Statement NONE
(These must be issued after the :colorscheme command that sets your preference.)
I have came across two kinds of highlight that I don't like.
1.indent highlight and tab arrow reminder, you can solve it by adding
let g:indent_guides_enable_on_vim_startup = 0
set nolist
to ~/.vimrc.local
2.highlight the usual words, like Chinese words and wrong spell words, you can solve it by adding
set nospell
to ~/.vimrc.local
I'm using :set showmatch to highlight the matching bracket or brace when the cursor is over one.
I'd like to change the highlight-color so that it's radically different from the cursor color, because I've got the situation shown in the screenshots.
When the cursor is over the second brace:
and when the cursor is to the immediate-right of the brace:
This uses my terminal color scheme, which is taken from Solarized. Unfortunately, it's a bit of a pain to see which highlight is the brace matching and which is the cursor, when the braces are close together.
Is there a vim setting I can use to change the color of that to, say, the bold magenta ANSI? I'm not particularly interested in remapping my ANSI colors within the terminal or shell - I'd like a vim-specific option, if it exists.
you can change the colors to, e.g., blue over green
hi MatchParen cterm=none ctermbg=green ctermfg=blue
just put it in your vimrc file.
basically, cterm determines the style, which can be none, underline or bold, while ctermbg and ctermfg are, as their names suggest, background and foreground colors, so change them as you see fit.
for your case, you may want
hi MatchParen cterm=bold ctermbg=none ctermfg=magenta
I'm using the vividchalk color scheme with macvim, and none of the various solutions I tried worked for me. But I searched the file:
for MatchParen and I found this line:
call s:hibg("MatchParen","#1100AA","DarkBlue",18)
I commented out that line, then I copied that line, and I changed it to:
call s:hibg("MatchParen","#FF0000","Red",18)
which succeeded in highlighting the matching parenthesis in red, which is a LOT easier to see. I hope that helps someone else.
If you want to briefly jump to the opening bracket/paren/brace when you type the closing bracket/paren/brace, then adding:
set showmatch
to ~/.vimrc worked for me.
A very handy trick is setting the cursor on a bracket/paren/brace and then typing % to jump to the matching bracket/paren/brace. That is especially useful when the matching bracket/paren/brace has scrolled off the page. Typing % a second time will jump back to where you came from.
Try :!ls $VIMRUNTIME/colors these are default color schemes Vim supply. Than change color scheme :colorscheme name find color scheme that You like and copy color scheme :!cp $VIMRUNTIME/colors/<name>.vim ~/.vim/colors/new_name.vim edit it and set with color scheme command or better add colorscheme name to vimrc file. After changes to color file :colorscheme name reloads Vim's colors. It's handy :vsp vim, edit colors file in one half, check changes in other. I used nye17 answer and add hi MatchParen line to my color_file.vim it work's just fine.
Vim help
How to control colors
About Termianl colors
The colours that I use for vim highlighting, (from my ~/.vimrc):
" set sensible highlight matches that don't obscure the text
:highlight MatchParen cterm=underline ctermbg=black ctermfg=NONE
:highlight MatchParen gui=underline guibg=black guifg=NONE
NONE uses the character colour from the
:colourscheme ron (or which ever you prefer from :!ls $VIMRUNTIME/colors )