Node.js OAuth2: Get Google+ activities - node.js

From today I'm not able to retrieve my Google+ activities by placing a GET request to this url:{API_KEY}
I'm getting a 401 error. So I tried to sign the request using the node.js oauth2 library, including a pre-generated user token, but I'm getting the same error. The js code for my test script is:
var OAuth2 = require('oauth').OAuth2,
accessToken = {USER_TOKEN};
accessToken, function (err, body, res) {
if (err) {
else console.log(body);
I placed the same request to get the basic user info (url: and works OK.
Can you please assist me with this?
Thank you.

If you have the access token already you should be able to use {?|&}access_token=X to get the result, example below.
var accessToken = 'XYZ';
require('http').get('' + accessToken, function(result){
//Use result here!
More information can be found within the Google+ API (Common Parameters) section


Node JS & Auth0 | Get profile

Hey developer friends,
I'm building a small alexa skill & use auth0 as the authentication system. Now I want to get the userinfo/profile of the user, because I need the userId. In the request from alexa is an an accessToken. With that token, I want to be able to get the information from auth0.
var AuthenticationClient = require('auth0').AuthenticationClient;
var auth0 = new AuthenticationClient({
domain: '[MY NAME]',
clientId: '[MY CLIENT ID]',
clientSecret: '[MY CLIENT SECRET]'
Then in the actual function:
const access_token = session.user.accessToken;
console.log("ACCESSTOKEN:", access_token)
auth0.getProfile(access_token, function (err, userInfo) {
if(err) {
console.log("failed to retrieve profile", err)
} else {
const userId = JSON.parse(userInfo)['sub'];
When I run the code, I get the error 401 Unauthorized from auth0, although I use the provided accessToken. The accessToken is something like this in the amazon request: "VDMj7VBJ0EaJ1XZhvVRUfPgYNtxviro"
Any suggestions on how to do that properly?
I initalized the auth module twice, fixed it & now it works fine!

Nodejs Google Oauth2 callback returns http 500 error

I am trying to practice Google Apis and learn express
I am following the Google Oauth2 implementation using Nodejs . Please follow the link
I am able to generate the URL which would redirect me to Google website and once the permissions are granted the callback always fails. I think the my callback route function is never invoked following are the values in the url
I would have the following in the url
http://localhost:3000/googlecallback?code=[my code]
and the get route code is as below
app.use("/googlecallback", function(req, res) {
var oauth2Client = getOAuthClient();
var session = req.session;
var code = req.query.code;
oauth2Client.getToken(code, function(err, tokens) {
// Now tokens contains an access_token and an optional refresh_token. Save them.
if (!err) {
session["tokens"] = tokens;
res.send('User Authenticated');
} else {
res.send('User Authentication failed');
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.

node-oauth Yahoo API oAuth2 issue

I'm building an app with node.js and express.js. I'm using the node-oauth module to connect to yahoo so I can make get requests to the api. I keep getting the error below
{ statusCode: 401,
data: '{"error":{"#lang":"en-US",
"description":"Not Authorized - Either YT cookies or a valid OAuth token must be passed for authorization","detail":"Not Authorized - Either YT cookies or a valid OAuth token must be passed for authorization"}}' }
After trying for a while to figure out my problem, I'm asking the community to check out my code and see what I am doing wrong. Code included below.
"use strict";
// declare libraries
var express = require('express');
var router = express.Router();
var OAuth = require('OAuth');
// set yahoo key and secret
var yahooKey = '*****************************************************';
var yahooSecret = '*********************************';
var oauth2 = new OAuth.OAuth2(
router.get('/', function(req, res, next) {
var access_token = oauth2.getOAuthAccessToken(
{'grant_type':'authorization_code', 'redirect_uri':''},
function (e, access_token, refresh_token, results) {
// console.log(e);
// done();
// console.log(oauth);
function (error, data, response){
if (error) {
// data = JSON.parse(data);
// console.log(JSON.stringify(data, 0, 2));
// console.log(response);
res.render('index', { title: 'Express' });
// export route
module.exports = router;
Any help is greatly appreciated. My brain is fried ...
You seem to be missing some steps. I would direct you first to this guide:
First, from your starting path at '/', you need to redirect (302) the user to an authorization page (Step 2 of yahoo's guide). The oauth lib has a helper for you to generate the correct URL:
var location = oauth2.getAuthorizeUrl({
client_id: yahooKey,
redirect_uri: '',
response_type: 'code'
What you just did there is you redirected the user's browser to yahoo's authorization page, where the user gets a dialog asking if they want to allow your service XYZ access to do stuff on the user's behalf. Upon clicking "Allow", yahoo will redirect the browser to your callback url (Step 3 of yahoo's guide), providing you with an authorization code in the query params. In this example you have hooked up at /oauth2/yahoo/callback
You can set that up like so (Step 4 of yahoo's guide):
router.get('/oauth2/yahoo/callback', function(req, res) {
// Aha now I have an authorization code!
var code = req.query.code;
'grant_type': 'authorization_code',
'redirect_uri': 'oob'
function(e, access_token, refresh_token, results) {
console.log('Now I have a token', access_token, 'that I can use to call Yahoo APIs!');
I hope all of that makes some sense. I'll leave it as an exercise for you to figure out the refresh token (step 5). If you make it this far, that part should be easy :)
It looks like Yahoo also requires you to send your key and secret in a Authorization Basic header. You can generate this header and tell the oauth2 module to include it like so:
var encoded = new Buffer(yahooKey+":"+yahooSecret).toString('base64')
var authHeader = "Basic " + encoded;
var oauth2 = new OAuth.OAuth2(
{ Authorization: "Basic " + authHeader}

Node.js twitter auth redirect

I want to enable oauth login with twitter.
I added the following code for everyauth in server.js
.findOrCreateUser(function (sess, accessToken, accessSecret, twitUser) {
return usersByTwitId[] || (usersByTwitId[] = addUser('twitter', twitUser));
where 'mykey' and 'mysecret' are the correspoding of my twitter app.
The settings in my twitter app are:
Access level: Read and write
About the application permission model
Consumer key: mykey
Consumer secret: mysecret
Request token URL:
Authorize URL:
Access token URL:
Callback URL:
Sign in with Twitter: Yes
The problem is after correct loging, the web stays in '' and doesn't redirect to my callback url
What could be wrong?
now I'm getting one of the following errors...
{"errors": [{"message": "The Twitter REST API v1 is no longer active.
Please migrate to API v1.1.", "code": 68}]}
I really don't know how to update to version 1.1. I tried some solutions from the dev twitter forum but nothing.
500 Error: Step rememberTokenSecret of `twitter` is promising:
requestTokenSecret ; however, the step returns nothing.
Fix the step by returning the expected values OR by returning a Promise
that promises said values.
I updated everyauth and twitter api. I check the file twitter.js in the everyauth's node_module folder
.fetchOAuthUser( function (accessToken, accessTokenSecret, params) {
var promise = this.Promise();
this.oauth.get(this.apiHost() + '/1.1/users/show.json?user_id=' + params.user_id, accessToken, accessTokenSecret, function (err, data, res) {
if (err) {
err.extra = {data: data, res: res};
var oauthUser = JSON.parse(data);
return promise;
Thank you.

How to send the OAuth request in Node

I want to access the WS REST API in node.js. I have the oauth_consumer_key and the oauth_token and the API end point. The oauth_signature_method is HMAC-SHA1.
How to send the OAuth request in Node?
Is there a module/library to generate the request headers? What I expect is a function like:
var httprequest = createRequest(url, method, consumer_key, token);
UPDATE 10/14/2012. Adding the solution.
I'm using the code below.
var OAuth = require('oauth').OAuth;
consumer = new OAuth('',
'key', 'secret', '1.0',
null, 'HMAC-SHA1');
// Get the request token
consumer.getOAuthRequestToken(function(err, oauth_token, oauth_token_secret, results ){
console.log('==>Get the request token');
// Get the authorized access_token with the un-authorized one.
consumer.getOAuthAccessToken('requestkey', 'requestsecret', function (err, oauth_token, oauth_token_secret, results){
console.log('==>Get the access token');
// Access the protected resource with access token
var url='';
consumer.get(url,'accesskey', 'accesssecret', function (err, data, response){
console.log('==>Access the protected resource with access token');
We use
This is more of a complete node twitter package that seems streamlined and useful.
