Error with a script in bash - linux

I have a little error with a script I wrote in bash and I can't figure out what's I'm doing wrong
note that I'm using this script for thousands of calculations and this error happened only a few times (like 20 or so), but it still happened
What the script does is this: basically it takes in input a web page that I got from a site with the utility w3m and it counts all the occurrences of the words in it... After it orders them from the most common to the ones that occur only once
this is the code:
# counts the numbers of words from specific sites #
# writes in a file the occurrences ordered from the most common #
touch check # file used to analyze the occurrences
touch distribution # final file ordered
page=$1 # the web page that needs to be analyzed
occurrences=$2 # temporary file for the occurrences
dictionary=$3 # dictionary used for another purpose (ignore this)
# write the words one by column
cat $page | tr -c [:alnum:] "\n" | sed '/^$/d' > check
# lopp to analyze the words
cat check | while read words
# ignores blacklisted words or small ones
if ! grep -Fxq $word .blacklist && [ $strlen -gt 2 ]
# if the word isn't in the file
if [ `egrep -c -i "^$word: " $occurrences` -eq 0 ]
echo "$word: 1" | cat >> $occurrences
# else if it is already in the file, it calculates the occurrences
old=`awk -v words=$word -F": " '$1==words { print $2 }' $occurrences`
let "new=old+1"
sed -i "s/^$word: $old$/$word: $new/g" $occurrences
# orders the words
awk -F": " '{print $2" "$1}' $occurrences | sort -rn | awk -F" " '{print $2": "$1}' > distribution
# ignore this, not important
grep -w "1" distribution | awk -F ":" '{print $1}' > temp_dictionary
for line in `cat temp_dictionary`
if ! grep -Fxq $line $dictionary
echo $line >> $dictionary
rm check
rm temp_dictionary
this is the error: (I'm translating it, so it could be different in english)
./wordOccurrences line:30 let:x // where x is a number, usually 9 or 10 (but also 11, 13, etc)
1: syntax error in the espression (the error token is 1)
sed: expression -e #1, character y: command 's' not terminated // where y is another number (this one is also usually 9 or 10) with y being different from x
Talking with kev it looks like it's a newline problem
I added an echo between let and sed to print the sed and it worked perfectly for like 5 to 10 minutes until that error. Usually the sed without error looked like this:
but when I got the error it was like this:
s/^00145: 1
1$/00145: 4/g
how to fix this?

If you get a new line in $old, it means awk prints two lines so there is a duplicate in $occurences.
The script seems complicated to count words, and not efficient because it launches many processes and process file in a loop ;
maybe you can do something similar with
sort | uniq -c

You should also consider that your case-insensitivity is not consistent throughout the program. I created a page with just "foooo" in it and ran the program, then created one with "Foooo" in it and ran the program again. The 'old=`awk...' line sets 'old' to the empty string because awk is matching case sensitively. This results in the occurrences file not being updated. The subsequent sed and possibly some of the greps are also case sensitive.
This may not be the only error since it doesn't explain the error message you saw, but it is an indication that the same word with different capitalization will be handled erroneously by your script.
The following would separate the words, lowercase them, and then remove the ones smaller than three characters:
tr -cs '[:alnum:]' '\n' <foo | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]' | egrep -v '^.{0,2}$'
Using this at the front of your script would mean that the rest of the script would not have to be case insensitive to be correct.


quickest way to select/copy lines containing string from huge txt.gz file

So I have the following sed one liner:
sed -e '/^S|/d' -e '/^T|/d' -e '/^#D=/d' -e '/^##/d' -e 's/H|/,H|/g' -e 's/Q|/,,Q|/g' -e '1 i\,,,' sample_1.txt > sample_2.txt
I have many lines that start with either:
The idea is to not copy the lines starting with one of the first fours and
to replace H| (at the beginning of lines) by ,H| and Q| (at the beginning of lines) by ,,Q|
But now I would need to:
use the fastest way possible (internet suggests (m)awk is faster than sed)
read from a .txt.gz file and save the result in a .txt.gz file, avoiding, if possible, the intermediate un-zip/re-zip
there are in fact several hundreds .txt.gz files, each about ~1GB, to process in this way (all in the same folder). Is there a CLI way to run the code on parallel on all of them (so each core will get assigned a subset of the files in the directory)?
--I use linux --ubuntu
Untested, but likely pretty close to this with GNU Parallel.
First make output directory so as not to overwrite any valuable data:
mkdir -p output
Now declare a function that does one file and export it to subprocesses so jobs started by GNU Parallel can find it:
echo Processing $1
gzcat "$1" | awk '
/^[ST]\|/ || /^#D=/ || /^##/ {next} # ignore lines starting S|, T| etc
/^H\|/ {print ","} # prefix "H|" with ","
/^Q\|/ {print ",,"} # prefix "Q|" with ",,"
1 # print all other lines
' | gzip > output/"$1"
export -f doit
Now process all txt.gz files in parallel and show progress bar too:
parallel --bar doit ::: *txt.gz
Was something like this what you had in mind?
export LC_ALL=C
zcat sample_1.txt.gz | gawk '
$1 !~ /^([ST]\||#D=|##)/ {
switch ($0) {
case /^H\|/:
print "," $0
case /^Q\|/:
print ",," $0
print $0
}' | gzip > sample_2.txt.gz
The export LC_ALL=C tells your environment you aren't expecting extended characters, and can profoundly speed up execution. zcat expands and dumps a gz file to stdout. That is piped into gawk, which checks that the first part of each line does not match the first four character groupings you have in your question. For lines that pass that test, output to stdout (massaged as requested). As gawk executes, its stdout gets piped into gzip and written to a .txt.gz file.
It might be possible to use xargs with the -P and -n switches to parallelize your processing, but I think GNU parallel might be easier to work with.

Length comparison of one specific field in linux

I was trying to check the length of second field of a TSV file (hundreds of thousands of lines). However, it runs very very slowly. I guess it should be something wrong with "echo", but not sure how to do.
Input file:
prob name
1.0 Claire
1.0 Mark
... ...
So I need to print out what went wrong in the name. I tested with a little example using "head -100" and it worked. But just can't cope with original file.
This is what I ran:
for title in `cat filename | cut -f2`;do
length=`echo -n $line | wc -m`
if [ "$length" -gt 10 ];then
echo $line
awk to rescue:
awk 'length($2)>10' file
This will print all lines having the second field length longer than 10 characters.
Note that it doesn't require any block statement {...} because if the condition is met, awk will by default print the line.
Try this probably:
cat file.tsv | awk '{if (length($2) > 10) print $0;}'
This should be a bit faster since the whole processing is done by the single awk process, while your solution starts 2 processes per loop iteration to make that comparison.
We can use awk if that helps.
awk '{if(length($2) > 10){print}}' filename
$2 here is 2nd field in filename which runs for every line. It would be faster.

Error while comparing in shell

I am trying to search a pattern(trailer) and if it occures more than once in a file, I need those filenames displayed
for f in *.txt
if((tail -n 1 $f | grep '[9][9][9]*' | wc -l) -ge 2);
echo " The file $f has more than one trailer"
Your most crying syntax error is that -ge is an operator for the [ … ] or [[ … ]] conditional construct. It doesn't have a chance the way you wrote the program. -ge needs a number on both sides, and what you have on the left is a command. You probably meant to have the output of the command, which would need the command substitution syntax: $(…). That's
if [ $(tail -n 1 $f | grep '[9][9][9]*' | wc -l) -ge 2 ]; then
This is syntactically correct but will never match. tail -n 1 $f outputs exactly one line (unless the file is empty), so grep sees at most one line, so wc -l prints either 0 or 1.
If you want to search the pattern on more than one line, change your tail invocation. While you're at it, you can change grep … | wc -l to grep -c; both do exactly the same thing, which is to count matching lines. For example, to search in the last 42 lines:
if [ $(tail -n 42 -- "$f" | grep -c '[9][9][9]*') -ge 2 ]; then
If you want to search for two matches on the last lines, that's different. grep won't help because it determines whether each line matches or not, it doesn't look for multiple matches per line. If you want to look for multiple non-overlapping matches on the last line, repeat the pattern, allowing arbitrary text in between. You're testing if the pattern is present or not, so you only need to test the return status of grep, you don't need its output (hence the -q option).
if tail -n 1 -- "$f" | grep -q '[9][9][9]*.*[9][9][9]*'; then
I changed the tail invocations to add -- in case a file name begins with - (otherwise, tail would interpret it as an option) and to have double quotes around the file name (in case it contains whitespace or \[*?). These are good habits to get into. Always put double quotes around variable substitutions "$foo" and command substitutions "$(foo)" unless you know that the substitution will result in a whitespace-separated list of glob patterns.
tail -n 1 $f will produce (at most) one line of output, which is fed to grep, which can then produce by definition at most one line of output, which means that the output of wc will never be more than 1, and will especially never be greater than 2. Aside from the syntax issues mentioned in other comments/answers, I think this logic is probably one of the core problems.

How to check if sed has changed a file

I am trying to find a clever way to figure out if the file passed to sed has been altered successfully or not.
Basically, I want to know if the file has been changed or not without having to look at the file modification date.
The reason why I need this is because I need to do some extra stuff if sed has successfully replaced a pattern.
I currently have:
grep -q $pattern $filename
if [ $? -eq 0 ]
sed -i s:$pattern:$new_pattern: $filename
The above code is a bit expensive and I would love to be able to use some hacks here.
A bit late to the party but for the benefit of others, I found the 'w' flag to be exactly what I was looking for.
sed -i "s/$pattern/$new_pattern/w changelog.txt" "$filename"
if [ -s changelog.txt ]; then
changelog.txt will contain each change (ie the changed text) on it's own line. If there were no changes, changelog.txt will be zero bytes.
A really helpful sed resource (and where I found this info) is
I believe you may find these GNU sed extensions useful
t label
If a s/// has done a successful substitution since the last input line
was read and since the last t or T command, then branch to label; if
label is omitted, branch to end of script.
q [exit-code]
Immediately quit the sed script without processing any more input, except
that if auto-print is not disabled the current pattern space will be printed.
The exit code argument is a GNU extension.
It seems like exactly what are you looking for.
This might work for you (GNU sed):
sed -i.bak '/'"$old_pattern"'/{s//'"$new_pattern"'/;h};${x;/./{x;q1};x}' file || echo changed
/'"$old_pattern"'/{s//'"$new_pattern"'/;h} if the pattern space (PS) contains the old pattern, replace it by the new pattern and copy the PS to the hold space (HS).
${x;/./{x;q1};x} on encountering the last line, swap to the HS and test it for the presence of any string. If a string is found in the HS (i.e. a substitution has taken place) swap back to the original PS and exit using the exit code of 1, otherwise swap back to the original PS and exit with the exit code of 0 (the default).
You can diff the original file with the sed output to see if it changed:
sed -i.bak s:$pattern:$new_pattern: "$filename"
if ! diff "$filename" "$filename.bak" &> /dev/null; then
echo "changed"
echo "not changed"
rm "$filename.bak"
You could use awk instead:
awk '$0 ~ p { gsub(p, r); t=1} 1 END{ exit (!t) }' p="$pattern" r="$repl"
I'm ignoring the -i feature: you can use the shell do do redirections as necessary.
Sigh. Many comments below asking for basic tutorial on the shell. You can use the above command as follows:
if awk '$0 ~ p { gsub(p, r); t=1} 1 END{ exit (!t) }' \
p="$pattern" r="$repl" "$filename" > "${filename}.new"; then
cat "${filename}.new" > "${filename}"
It is not clear to me if "DO SOME OTHER STUFF HERE" is the same in each case. Any similar code in the two blocks should be refactored accordingly.
In macos I just do it as follows:
changes+=$(sed -i '' "s/$to_replace/$replacement/g w /dev/stdout" "$f")
if [ "$changes" != "" ]; then
echo "CHANGED!"
I checked, and this is faster than md5, cksum and sha comparisons
I know it is a old question and using awk instead of sed is perhaps the best idea, but if one wants to stick with sed, an idea is to use the -w flag. The file argument to the w flag only contains the lines with a match. So, we only need to check that it is not empty.
perl -sple '$replaced++ if s/$from/$to/g;
END{if($replaced != 0){ print "[Info]: $replaced replacement done in $ARGV(from/to)($from/$to)"}
else {print "[Warning]: 0 replacement done in $ARGV(from/to)($from/$to)"}}' -- -from="FROM_STRING" -to="$DESIRED_STRING" </file/name>
The command will produce the following output, stating the number of changes made/file.
perl -sple '$replaced++ if s/$from/$to/g;
END{if($replaced != 0){ print "[Info]: $replaced replacement done in $ARGV(from/to)($from/$to)"}
else {print "[Warning]: 0 replacement done in $ARGV(from/to)($from/$to)"}}' -- -from="timeout" -to="TIMEOUT" *
[Info]: 5 replacement done in main.yml(from/to)(timeout/TIMEOUT)
[Info]: 1 replacement done in task/main.yml(from/to)(timeout/TIMEOUT)
[Info]: 4 replacement done in defaults/main.yml(from/to)(timeout/TIMEOUT)
[Warning]: 0 replacement done in vars/main.yml(from/to)(timeout/TIMEOUT)
Note: I have removed -i from the above command , so it will not update the files for the people who are just trying out the command. If you want to enable in-place replacements in the file add -i after perl in above command.
check if sed has changed MANY files
recursive replace of all files in one directory
produce a list of all modified files
workaround with two stages: match + replace
s='s/hello.*world/bye world/g;'
d='./' # directory of input files
grep -r -l -Z -E "$g" "$d" | tee "$o" | xargs -0 sed -i "$s"
the file paths in $o are zero-delimited
$ echo hi > abc.txt
$ sed "s/hi/bye/g; t; q1;" -i abc.txt && (echo "Changed") || (echo "Failed")
$ sed "s/hi/bye/g; t; q1;" -i abc.txt && (echo "Changed") || (echo "Failed")
Don't use sed to tell if it has changed a file; instead, use grep to tell if it is going to change a file, then use sed to actually change the file. Notice the single line of sed usage at the very end of the Bash function below:
# Usage: `gs_replace_str "regex_search_pattern" "replacement_string" "file_path"`
gs_replace_str() {
num_lines_matched=$(grep -c -E "$REGEX_SEARCH" "$FILENAME")
# Count number of matches, NOT lines (`grep -c` counts lines),
# in case there are multiple matches per line; see:
num_matches=$(grep -o -E "$REGEX_SEARCH" "$FILENAME" | wc -l)
# If num_matches > 0
if [ "$num_matches" -gt 0 ]; then
echo -e "\n${num_matches} matches found on ${num_lines_matched} lines in file"\
# Now show these exact matches with their corresponding line 'n'umbers in the file
grep -n --color=always -E "$REGEX_SEARCH" "$FILENAME"
# Now actually DO the string replacing on the files 'i'n place using the `sed`
# 's'tream 'ed'itor!
Place that in your ~/.bashrc file, for instance. Close and reopen your terminal and then use it.
gs_replace_str "regex_search_pattern" "replacement_string" "file_path"
Example: replace do with bo so that "doing" becomes "boing" (I know, we should be fixing spelling errors not creating them :) ):
$ gs_replace_str "do" "bo" test_folder/test2.txt
9 matches found on 6 lines in file "test_folder/test2.txt":
1:hey how are you doing today
2:hey how are you doing today
3:hey how are you doing today
4:hey how are you doing today hey how are you doing today hey how are you doing today hey how are you doing today
5:hey how are you doing today
6:hey how are you doing today?
Screenshot of the output:

Quick unix command to display specific lines in the middle of a file?

Trying to debug an issue with a server and my only log file is a 20GB log file (with no timestamps even! Why do people use System.out.println() as logging? In production?!)
Using grep, I've found an area of the file that I'd like to take a look at, line 347340107.
Other than doing something like
head -<$LINENUM + 10> filename | tail -20
... which would require head to read through the first 347 million lines of the log file, is there a quick and easy command that would dump lines 347340100 - 347340200 (for example) to the console?
update I totally forgot that grep can print the context around a match ... this works well. Thanks!
I found two other solutions if you know the line number but nothing else (no grep possible):
Assuming you need lines 20 to 40,
sed -n '20,40p;41q' file_name
awk 'FNR>=20 && FNR<=40' file_name
When using sed it is more efficient to quit processing after having printed the last line than continue processing until the end of the file. This is especially important in the case of large files and printing lines at the beginning. In order to do so, the sed command above introduces the instruction 41q in order to stop processing after line 41 because in the example we are interested in lines 20-40 only. You will need to change the 41 to whatever the last line you are interested in is, plus one.
# print line number 52
sed -n '52p' # method 1
sed '52!d' # method 2
sed '52q;d' # method 3, efficient on large files
method 3 efficient on large files
fastest way to display specific lines
with GNU-grep you could just say
grep --context=10 ...
No there isn't, files are not line-addressable.
There is no constant-time way to find the start of line n in a text file. You must stream through the file and count newlines.
Use the simplest/fastest tool you have to do the job. To me, using head makes much more sense than grep, since the latter is way more complicated. I'm not saying "grep is slow", it really isn't, but I would be surprised if it's faster than head for this case. That'd be a bug in head, basically.
What about:
tail -n +347340107 filename | head -n 100
I didn't test it, but I think that would work.
I prefer just going into less and
typing 50% to goto halfway the file,
43210G to go to line 43210
:43210 to do the same
and stuff like that.
Even better: hit v to start editing (in vim, of course!), at that location. Now, note that vim has the same key bindings!
You can use the ex command, a standard Unix editor (part of Vim now), e.g.
display a single line (e.g. 2nd one):
ex +2p -scq file.txt
corresponding sed syntax: sed -n '2p' file.txt
range of lines (e.g. 2-5 lines):
ex +2,5p -scq file.txt
sed syntax: sed -n '2,5p' file.txt
from the given line till the end (e.g. 5th to the end of the file):
ex +5,p -scq file.txt
sed syntax: sed -n '2,$p' file.txt
multiple line ranges (e.g. 2-4 and 6-8 lines):
ex +2,4p +6,8p -scq file.txt
sed syntax: sed -n '2,4p;6,8p' file.txt
Above commands can be tested with the following test file:
seq 1 20 > file.txt
+ or -c followed by the command - execute the (vi/vim) command after file has been read,
-s - silent mode, also uses current terminal as a default output,
q followed by -c is the command to quit editor (add ! to do force quit, e.g. -scq!).
I'd first split the file into few smaller ones like this
$ split --lines=50000 /path/to/large/file /path/to/output/file/prefix
and then grep on the resulting files.
If your line number is 100 to read
head -100 filename | tail -1
Get ack
Ubuntu/Debian install:
$ sudo apt-get install ack-grep
Then run:
$ ack --lines=$START-$END filename
$ ack --lines=10-20 filename
From $ man ack:
Only print line NUM of each file. Multiple lines can be given with multiple --lines options or as a comma separated list (--lines=3,5,7). --lines=4-7 also works.
The lines are always output in ascending order, no matter the order given on the command line.
sed will need to read the data too to count the lines.
The only way a shortcut would be possible would there to be context/order in the file to operate on. For example if there were log lines prepended with a fixed width time/date etc.
you could use the look unix utility to binary search through the files for particular dates/times
x=`cat -n <file> | grep <match> | awk '{print $1}'`
Here you will get the line number where the match occurred.
Now you can use the following command to print 100 lines
awk -v var="$x" 'NR>=var && NR<=var+100{print}' <file>
or you can use "sed" as well
sed -n "${x},${x+100}p" <file>
With sed -e '1,N d; M q' you'll print lines N+1 through M. This is probably a bit better then grep -C as it doesn't try to match lines to a pattern.
Building on Sklivvz' answer, here's a nice function one can put in a .bash_aliases file. It is efficient on huge files when printing stuff from the front of the file.
function middle()
awk "FNR>=${startidx} && FNR<=${endidx} { print NR\" \"\$0 }; FNR>${endidx} { print \"END HERE\"; exit }" $filename
To display a line from a <textfile> by its <line#>, just do this:
perl -wne 'print if $. == <line#>' <textfile>
If you want a more powerful way to show a range of lines with regular expressions -- I won't say why grep is a bad idea for doing this, it should be fairly obvious -- this simple expression will show you your range in a single pass which is what you want when dealing with ~20GB text files:
perl -wne 'print if m/<regex1>/ .. m/<regex2>/' <filename>
(tip: if your regex has / in it, use something like m!<regex>! instead)
This would print out <filename> starting with the line that matches <regex1> up until (and including) the line that matches <regex2>.
It doesn't take a wizard to see how a few tweaks can make it even more powerful.
Last thing: perl, since it is a mature language, has many hidden enhancements to favor speed and performance. With this in mind, it makes it the obvious choice for such an operation since it was originally developed for handling large log files, text, databases, etc.
print line 5
sed -n '5p' file.txt
sed '5q' file.txt
print everything else than line 5
`sed '5d' file.txt
and my creation using google
#remove deleting it comes move line xD
usage() { # Function: Print a help message.
echo "Usage: $0 -l LINENUMBER -i INPUTFILE [ -o OUTPUTFILE ]"
echo "line is removed from INPUTFILE"
echo "line is appended to OUTPUTFILE"
exit_abnormal() { # Function: Exit with error.
exit 1
while getopts l:i:o:b flag
case "${flag}" in
l) line=${OPTARG};;
i) input=${OPTARG};;
o) output=${OPTARG};;
if [ -f tmp ]; then
echo "Temp file:tmp exist. delete it yourself :)"
if [ -f "$input" ]; then
if ! [[ $line =~ $re_isanum ]] ; then
echo "Error: LINENUMBER must be a positive, whole number."
exit 1
elif [ $line -eq "0" ]; then
echo "Error: LINENUMBER must be greater than zero."
if [ ! -z $output ]; then
sed -n "${line}p" $input >> $output
if [ ! -z $input ]; then
# remove this sed command and this comes move line to other file
sed "${line}d" $input > tmp && cp tmp $input
if [ -f tmp ]; then
rm tmp
You could try this command:
egrep -n "*" <filename> | egrep "<line number>"
Easy with perl! If you want to get line 1, 3 and 5 from a file, say /etc/passwd:
perl -e 'while(<>){if(++$l~~[1,3,5]){print}}' < /etc/passwd
I am surprised only one other answer (by Ramana Reddy) suggested to add line numbers to the output. The following searches for the required line number and colours the output.
wb="107"; bf="30;1"; rb="101"; yb="103"
cat -n ${file} | { GREP_COLORS="se=${wb};${bf}:cx=${wb};${bf}:ms=${rb};${bf}:sl=${yb};${bf}" grep --color -C 10 "^[[:space:]]\\+${lineno}[[:space:]]"; }
