How to find portlets added on a particular page in Liferay? - liferay

How can I find which portlets are added on a particular Liferay page?
For Example:
I have three pages: Welcome, Wiki and Search.
Now all these pages have portlets added on them and some of them are instanceable portlets (like web-content display and iframe portlets).
Now I want to pass some information in the form of request parameters to the iframe-portlet on the Search page from the Welcome page.

I have found two ways to do this:
If you want to find the portlets on the same page in which your portlet is added then, you can make use of themeDisplay object available to your portlet or JSP:
// In JSP
List<String> portletIdList = themeDisplay.getLayoutTypePortlet().getPortletIds();
// In portlet class
ThemeDisplay themeDisplay = (ThemeDisplay) portletRequest.getAttribute(WebKeys.THEME_DISPLAY);
List<String> portletIdList = themeDisplay.getLayoutTypePortlet().getPortletIds();
If you want to find the portlets on some different page, then you should know three things viz; friendly-url, groupId and whether this page is a public-page or private-page of the Site (or Community), so here is the code:
// 101543 is the SiteId, if it is a public-page then "false" and "/search" is the friendlyURL
LayoutTypePortlet layoutTypePortlet = LayoutTypePortletFactoryUtil.create(LayoutLocalServiceUtil.getFriendlyURLLayout(101543, false, "/search"));
List<String> portletIdList = layoutTypePortlet.getPortletIds();
The portletIdList contains the portletIds complete with their instanceIds. So now from the list you can just filter out the iframe-portlet on the /search page by using com.liferay.portal.util.PortletKeys.IFRAME and you will get something like 48_INSTANCE_rPv9.


Different kind of redirection in a portlet

I would like to know the different kind of redirections in the portets and how to realize them. How to go from one view (jsp file) to another in the same portlet, how to go from one page to another from a portlet. It is for the purpose of making a form so I would like to do this in a processAction.
Your answer is not clear.
However, in Liferay, you can route your application using urls.
For example, you can create a portlet action url on your own.
You can try something like this:
HttpServletRequest request = PortalUtil.getOriginalServletRequest(PortalUtil.getHttpServletRequest(actionRequest));
PortletURL oPortletURL = PortletURLFactoryUtil.create(request, <portletName> , <plid>, <portletPhase>);
oPortletURL.setParameter("myParameter1", "parameter1");
String portletURL = oPortletURL.toString();
<portletName> is the of your portlet
<plid> is the ID of a page where is located an instance of your <portletName> portlet (try to check Layout and LayoutFriendlyUrl tables)
<portletPhase> is the phase you need, for example PortletRequest.ACTION_PHASE
Finally, you can use setParameter() method to pass parameters in query string.
On the jsp for a single portlet: If you use Liferay's MVCPortlet, you can just add the mvcPath parameter with the name of the JSP, to make sure your portlet renders with this JSP. Nothing else.
Pages have a URL. If you want to redirect to another page, you'll have to configure the page's URL somewhere. However, that's rarely done unless you're implementing a Navigation portlet. Your question sounds more like you have a multi-page portlet.

JSF web application -- opening a particular page based on url parameters

Our project uses a Web Application developed using JSF, primefaces, xhtml. Currently user can login and navigate through pages sequentially by clicking on 'action' links, like:-
index.xhtml --> login.xhtml --> classes.xhtml --> students.xhtml --> student_info.xhtml
i.e. first login --> shows the list of classes --> user selects a class --> shows the list of students in that class --> user selects a student --> shows the student info.
Each of the pages has its own 'backing bean' classes. They are instantiated as and when the user clicks through the pages.
Also, user can navigate back via certain links on each page-- say, from 'student_info' page, he/she can go back to the 'students' page.
Now requirement is: user can directly go to an inner page, say, student_info page by typing an 'url' with additional parameters, ?user=alice,?passwd=xyz, ?class=5, ?studentRollNo=15.
Also, the user should still be able to navigate back to other pages (i.e. once the page is opened, their should be no behavior difference whether the user navigated normally to student_info page or, whether he directly provided url with parameters).
My questions are:-
How to read url parameters in JSF?
Which page (or backing bean) should handle the parameters? Should it be done centrally, or, in each page (backing bean) ?
In case each page handles its relevant parameters only -- is there way to redirect remaining parameters to the next page ?
What are the best practices used in such implementations?
Actual web application is much more complex, tried to provide a simpler picture which pinpoints my problem.
new to JSF, Web App etc. Don't know if there are some JSF terminologies to describe above issues.
you can pass it by url request, and each BackingBean handle it
and inject the HttpServletRequest in your BackingBean (if you are using CDI)
HttpServletRequest request;
and get the param
public void init() {
String myparam = request.getParameter("myParam");
for redirect to other page you can use
public String redirect() {
return "otherPage.xhtml?faces-redirect=true&otherParam=test";

How to create a RenderURL during action phase in a portlet?

In the method processAction(ActionRequest request, ActionResponse response), I insert a record into database and get the ID and then
I want to redirect to the view page of this record. So I need to create a RenderURL with a parameter value for that ID.
ActionResponse doesn't provide method to create a renderURL. Some codes in Liferay do similar things like:
create renderURL before accessing the actionURL
pass the renderURL as a parameter in the actionURL
However, at that time, I don't know the value of ID.
Other codes also use new PortletURLImpl() directly. My portlet cannot see that class.
Other codes also use new PortletURLImpl() directly. My portlet cannot see that class.
Because this class is in portal-impl.jar and also it is not recommended to use classes from this jar. Starting from Liferay 6.1, you won't be able to build your portlet from plugins-sdk if you classes point to portal-impl.jar.
Now to answer your question:
Any jsp is rendered by the render method or doView method (if using liferay's MVCPortlet) and this method would be called as part of the normal life-cycle of portlets.
Here are the steps you would need to take:
set a render parameter (using response.setRenderParameter() method) in your `processAction' method at the last which would be available in your render method, as follows:
actionResponse.setRenderParameter("myID", 1201);
Just for info: After using setRenderParameter you cannot use sendRedirect method
fetch this "myID" in your render method as you fetch any other request parameter:
//assuming your ID is a long
long myUserName = ParamUtil.getLong(renderRequest, "myID");
String strMyID = renderRequest.getParameter("myID");
long myID = Long.parseLong(strMyID);
After this, just use
include(renderPage, renderRequest, renderResponse);
were renderPage is nothing but a string containing the path to your jsp within docroot like /html/yourportlet/view.jsp
Just as an afterthought:
If you are using a Liferay IDE, then you can try creating a simple portlet project with MVCPortlet and then look at the generated portlet.xml's <init-param>
So basically you need to pass information from action-phase to render-phase, the development guide is a good place for explaining this in detail.
That's it.
Hope this helps.
Let me know if you have any confusion regarding this.
In action phase do the following:
ThemeDisplay themeDisplay = (ThemeDisplay)request.getAttribute (WebKeys.THEME_DISPLAY);
PortletURL url = PortletURLFactoryUtil.create(request, this.getPortletName(), themeDisplay.getPlid(), PortletRequest.RENDER_PHASE);
For example, if you want to redirect to the login page and back, you can do the following:
response.sendRedirect("/c/portal/login?redirect=" + HttpUtil.encodeURL(url.toString()));
Definitely you can add or copy the parameters as required.
Instead of creating the renderURL you can include the view page include(viewTemplate,actionRequest,actionResponse). Or if you want to sent any parameter any want's to get it in doView then use actionResponse.setParameter(name,value) method
I create a RenderURL with a place holder as parameter value, like this:
<portlet:renderURL var="redirect">
<portlet:param name="ID" value="__ID__" />
In processAction:
String redirect = redirectParam.replace("__ID__", "123213");
actionResponse.sendRedirect(redirect) ;

How to get Portlet Id using the portlet name in Liferay?

I have a requirement of getting resource permission using portlet name.
I will have the name of the portlet not the Id.
Resource Permission name for a portlet is that portlet's Id. I checked the Portlet table, it has only the Id and other info. Where will be the other attributes of portlet saved?.
Is there a way I can get portlet's Id by using portlet's name. I have a workaroud to get all portlets and compare, but if I can directly get portlet's Id using portlet's name it will be helpful.
Its urgent, if anyone knows pls reply back, it will be of great help.
Thanks in Advance
If you look closely as to how the Portlet Id is generated based on the Portlet Name, you would get the answer.
It is a constant pattern which is followed, so you can construct the Portlet Id like liferay does it if you have the name. Liferay also constructs the ID with the help of the portlet name.
Pattern of portlet-id: <portletname in xml>_WAR_<servlet context name i.e. the war file without any special characters such as the hyphen>
For example:
If your portlet name is MyWork defined in portlet.xml and the generated file in the webapps folder (if you are using tomcat) is MyWork-portlet then the resultant Id will be MyWork_WAR_MyWorkportlet.
Now if you have liferay source code, you can look at PortletLocalServiceImpl's private _readPortletXML method.
If you want to find the portlets on a particular page (given the friendly-url of the page) then you may find this answer helpful.
You can try this:
System.out.println("ID : " + themeDisplay.getPortletDisplay().getId());
System.out.println("InstanceID: " + themeDisplay.getPortletDisplay().getInstanceId());
System.out.println("Portlet Name: " + themeDisplay.getPortletDisplay().getPortletName());
Don't forget:
<% ThemeDisplay themeDisplay = (ThemeDisplay) request.getAttribute(WebKeys.THEME_DISPLAY);
themeDisplay.getUser().getScreenName(); %>

Get portlet/page containing web content in Liferay

I'm trying to make the Liferay (6.0.6) Asset Publisher publish all changes across multiple communities on the portal homepage. By clicking on a link the user is supposed to be redirected to another community and see the new web content. The problem is that the default behaviour of asset publisher (even with the hook to gather info from all communities) tries to get the url by searching the group of the current page (in which the content is not).
I decided to change the jsp showing the page to search all pages across all communities and find the first one containing the portlet with the desired web content. So
How could I get the portlet containing the web content by journal id of the web content?
How could I get the page containing the portlet?
The PortletPreferences table in the database contains the configurations of each portlet in the system. The configuration of an articleId for a Web Content Display portlet is stored as a preference in this table. If you look at that table, there are 3 important columns:
plid contains the id of the Layout (=page) on which the portlet was dropped.
portletid contains the instance id of the portlet. For Web Content Display portlet, this ID has the format 56_INSTANCE_XXXX where XXXX is a unique hash.
preferences is an XML formatted string of all preferences and their values for this portlet.
An example of the preferences XML:
So it's just a question of getting your SQL queries right. As far as I know, there is no service you can call directly for this.
SELECT l.friendlyURL
FROM PortletPreferences p, Layout l
WHERE p.plid=l.plid
AND p.portletid LIKE '56_INSTANCE_%'
AND p.preferences LIKE '<preference><name>article-id</name><value>14295</value></preference>';
Something like the following allows you to find the Layout on which an article is Rendered.
List<Long> layoutIds = JournalContentSearchLocalServiceUtil.getLayoutIds(groupId, false, articleId);
long layoutId = 0;
if (!layoutIds.isEmpty()) {
layoutId = layoutIds.get(0).longValue();
Layout layout = LayoutLocalServiceUtil.getLayout(groupId, false, layoutId);
String url = PortalUtil.getLayoutURL(layout, themeDisplay);
