XPiNC view icons - xpages

Is there a way I can load view icons (ex: vwicn001.gif) within XPages being rendered by XPiNC? Most of what I've found only seems to work with web browsers.
My work around has been to use image resources, as that seems to work in both environments.

Look at a normal client installation (not Designer) - the icons are not there. You need to add them into resources


Rotating banner images are displayed one below the other

When I try to implement rotating banner (RotatingImagesComponent)images are getting displayed one below the other in hybris 1905 on Any quick help is appreciated. I have tried SimpleResponsiveBannerComponent, but same effect.
I assume you're trying to add a slider/carousel to your storefront.
The RotatingImagesComponent is a container used to render multiple BannerComponent components in a carousel.
Try adding BannerComponent type of components inside the banners section of RotatingImagesComponent.
faced a similar issue in past, in my case it was because of conflict between different versions of the bootstrap file(stand-alone file and CDN). If no problem with the hybris, please check the UI side.
That looks like your static files (js, CSS, etc) were not loaded properly.
Check first the console and network in the browser's developer tools for the particular page. to identify the errors that might be there

Custom SharePoint Responsive Master Page

We had a responsive html that was made responsive using bootstrap. Using Design manager i created a master page from it. Every thing works fine except 2 things.
Global Navigation doesn't match the UI, So i have applied all bootstrap classes using jQuery. Menu seems good later but at time of loading it looks bad.
When i go to add an app page, It shows only 4 apps. Search over there is not working as well as "Apps you can add" option is not visible on the page.
Can you provide exact steps that are to be followed in order to get it working fine?
For the part of question related to global navigation what you can do it in two ways.
Hide the global navigation using css first. Apply the bootstrap classes using jQuery and then show it on page to avoid loading effect.
Try to pull global navigation data using REST and generate html and append it on page using jQuery. Try this link : https://sharepoint.stackexchange.com/questions/116393/get-links-from-sharepoint-2013-global-navigation-using-rest

Whitelist Chrome fonts via extension

I'm looking for a way to whitelist fonts that pages in Chrome can use. In Firefox I would just simply disable Allow pages to choose their own fonts, instead of my selections above in content settings but Chrome seems to be keen on letting web designers force ugly and often unreadable fonts on us.
I don't want to use * { font-family: sans; } style in Stylish, because I want to keep sans (or serif) and monospace sections, and web designers, insane as they are, usually keep those at the end of the font-family list.
I've done my research and I still can't figure out how to do it via Chrome extension API.
I considered intercepting requests for CSS files and modifying them in response but this isn't possible via current API.
I could also traverse the DOM tree, inspect CSS on each node and replace it appropriately but it'd expensive. Moreover this wouldn't work for pages which build the content from JavaScript. So I'd have to use MutationObservers and that would be way too expensive.
If I could somehow read CSS files that the current tab is using, I could collect the rules with font-family style and inject appropriate <style> element into the page via content script. But I couldn't find a way to read those CSS file via current API. (I'd also have to read <style> rules embedded in HTML but that's doable).
I could also do it via some proxy but I'm not sure how to (securely) cope with SSL.
I could get close with fontconfig. It gets rid of Arial but doesn't work for external (and usually most ugly) CSS fonts.
Is it possible to achieve my goal via current Chrome extension API? How? If not, what would be the workaround?
I don't care about inline styles and styles set from JavaScript. I can live with those. Vast majority of pages I'm concerned about use styles from external stylesheets.
wOxxOm's advice to modify document.styleSheets is the way to do it and I've made a simple extension that worked on all sites! Unfortunately, in current Chrome, CSSStyleSheet#cssRules returns null for stylesheets loaded outside of page origin https://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=45786. T_T
(I'll of course publish the extension on GitHub and post the link here after I polish it).
As wOxxOm suggested, blocking web fonts is also an option (though less ideal I'd say) and there even exist good open source extension for it https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/disable-web-fonts/olmabeadgbpmhllgdkemfdnmkngkbkeg. It needs some white list for iconic fonts though. Local fonts can then be managed via fontconfig.
This issue is probably related to ugly looking web fonts https://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=173207.
I ended up with this nice (and open source) extension https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/font-blocker/knpgaobajhnhgkhhoopjepghknapnikl. It's a blacklist but that's enough for my needs and it works with iconic fonts. As far as I can tell, to implement a font whitelist extension I'd have to be able to enumerate all fonts loaded by a web page and that appears to be impossible in current Chrome (see first edit).

IBM Connections Customization: Add custom jsp containing navigation, header, footer

We're currently adding a custom jsp file, which can be browsed by clicking a link in the (customized) navigation bar.
Said new page should look like a "native" page in connections and therefore of course contain headers, navigation, footers like any other page in IBM Connections. We added a <jsp:include> for the header.jsp file, which results in the links being shown in the resulting html. However, the styles and js are still missing.
To get around this, we included <lc-ui:dojo include="${javascriptModuleInclude}" /> into our page, since we observed this in other (native) connections jsp files. Sadly, that did not work out at all.
We can't find any help on this in the customization Documentations and the only thread in the official Connections Forum did not receive an answer http://www-10.lotus.com/ldd/lcforum.nsf/d6091795dfaa5b1185256a7a0048a2d0/b9b5303e92c5676d85257c040046ff8c?OpenDocument
Does anyone have insights or even a hint were to look for a solution here?
Customization Dir is located on your system in a directory like /local/IBM/Connections/data/shared/customization
override the css values for lotusPostDetails, you can check exactly what renders the css *rules wise in Firebug, and selectively override
Learn more info at
Subtopic... Determining where to save your customizations
You will need to restart the Connections Server before the customizations take effect.
you can add common.css as well.
also you can reference oneui as well http://infolib.lotus.com/resources/oneui/3.0/docPublic/index.htm
The bare minimum dependencies required to make the <lc-ui:dojo> tag work in a third party JSP page are:
Please keep in mind that this is not a supported use case — as you pointed out, you're reverse engineering native Connections JSP files. The Connections banner will probably be offered as a reusable UI component through the SBT in the near future.

Glassfish v21 - is there a way to customize admin console login page per domain?

I have two to three domains under a single glassfish installation.
Is there a known way to customize admin console login page based on the domain I am trying to administrator? (host/port)
If you use Firefox or Chrome as your browser then you could write a Greasemonkey script that would change the page's appearance for each admin console. It should be fairly trivial and there are lots of examples out there that you should be able to copy.
Based on your hint to Preston, I was able to change the banner image across the top. That file is lib\install\applications\admingui\adminGUI_war\WEB-INF\lib\webui-jsf-suntheme.jar\com\sun\webui\jsf\suntheme\images\masthead\masthead-background.jpg.
Originally that file was a one-pixel wide gradient, but changed it to a 200 pixel wide image with the same height and it worked fine.
