What is the importance of "pre" in nodejs version v0.6.21-pre? - node.js

Some versions are having "-pre" at the end of version number and some are not having.
What is the importance of "-pre"?

It means the binary was built from a development or "preview" commit.
From src/node_version.h:
The -pre is removed for releases (ex: 2012.08.03 Version 0.6.21 (maintenance)) and added again with the subsequent version bump (ex: now working on 0.6.22).


Full preprocessor support in Inno Setup language files (isl)

I use three languages with my installer and at the moment I'm doing all the overrides inside my script. Here's an example:
en.SetupWindowTitle=Setup - %1 {#AppVersion}
ru.SetupWindowTitle=Установка - %1 {#AppVersion}
ua.SetupWindowTitle=Встановлення - %1 {#AppVersion}
en.SetupAppRunningError=Setup has detected that {#SetupSetting('VersionInfoOriginalFileName')} is currently running.%n%nPlease close all instances of it now, then click OK to continue, or Cancel to exit.
ru.SetupAppRunningError=Обнаружен запущенный экземпляр {#SetupSetting('VersionInfoOriginalFileName')}.%n%nПожалуйста, закройте все экземпляры приложения, затем нажмите «OK», чтобы продолжить, или «Отмена», чтобы выйти.
ua.SetupAppRunningError=Виявлено запущений екземпляр {#SetupSetting('VersionInfoOriginalFileName')}.%n%nБудь ласка, закрийте всі копії програми та натисніть «OK» для продовження, або «Скасувати» для виходу.
en.AppRunningError=Setup has detected that {#AppExeName} is currently running.%n%nPlease, close the {#AppExeName} application, then click «OK» to continue or «Cancel» to exit.
ru.AppRunningError=В памяти находится {#AppExeName}.%n%nЗавершите работу {#AppExeName} и нажмите «OK», чтобы продолжить, или «Отмена», чтобы выйти.
ua.AppRunningError=В пам'яті знаходиться {#AppExeName}.%n%nЗавершіть роботу {#AppExeName} та натисніть «OK» для продовження, або «Скасувати» для виходу.
I have lots of messages overridden inside the script. I would like to know what is the most effective way to transfer all those overrides into the .isl files taking into account that I have preprocessor directives {#...} used. I could use FmtMessage(...), but that means that I would have to include FmtMessage(...) for every single message.
First check, if some of the less invasive solutions might not cover your needs:
Can I use .isl files for the messages with preprocessor directives in Inno Setup?
If you want a full preprocessor support in .isl files, you can pass them through the actual Inno Setup preprocessor:
Factor out common include file (defines.iss) with all the variable definitions (and some support code):
// Definitions
#define AppVersion "1.2.3"
// more definitions ...
// Support code
#define PreprocessedTranslationFile GetEnv("TEMP") + "\lang.isl"
#define SavePreprocessedTranslation() SaveToFile(PreprocessedTranslationFile)
Include that file at the beginning of your .iss and all your .isl's:
#include "defines.iss"
Call SavePreprocessedTranslation at the end of all your .isl's:
#expr SavePreprocessedTranslation()
Make the preprocessor call iscc on the modified .isl files. It will of course fail, as the .isl is not a valid .iss, but the preprocessor part of iscc should complete and create the preprocessed .isl file.
#define DebugPreprocessLanguage 0
#define PreprocessLanguage(Path) \
Local[0] = "C:\Program Files (x86)\Inno Setup 6\ISCC.exe", \
DeleteFileNow(PreprocessedTranslationFile), \
Local[1] = DebugPreprocessLanguage ? SourcePath + "\islpreprocess.log" : "nul", \
Local[2] = "/C """"" + Local[0] + """ """ + Path + """ " + \
">> " + Local[1] + " 2>&1 """, \
Exec("cmd", Local[2], SourcePath, , SW_HIDE), \
(FileExists(PreprocessedTranslationFile) || \
Error(Path + " failed to preprocess")), \
Local[3] = GetEnv("TEMP") + "\" + ExtractFileName(Path), \
CopyFile(PreprocessedTranslationFile, Local[3]), \
DeleteFileNow(PreprocessedTranslationFile), \
And use the preprocessed .isl files in the [Languages] section.
Name: "en"; MessagesFile: {#PreprocessLanguage("Default.isl")}
Name: "nl"; MessagesFile: {#PreprocessLanguage("Dutch.isl")}
If you have problems, set DebugPreprocessLanguage to 1 to see the .isl preprocessor output.
You can even improve the process by making the preprocessor add the #include "defines.iss" and #expr SavePreprocessedTranslation() automatically to the .isl's before calling the iscc.

Read the final value of the MACHINEOVERRIDES variable

During the porting of the layer for my SoM from the pyro branch to the dunfell one, I've encountered some problems related to the COMPATIBLE_MACHINE list in my recipes (BitBake says that there is no recipe compatible with my machine).
In order to further investigate this issue, I tried to read the actual value of the MACHINEOVERRIDES variable using the bitbake -e command. However, I don't think this list is complete, because watching the bitbake -e output I can see that there are other variable expansions which are used to form the value of the general OVERRIDES variable.
This is the output of the bitbake -e | grep OVERRIDES command run from my build environment:
# $DISTROOVERRIDES [3 operations]
# $FILESOVERRIDES [2 operations]
# [doc] "A subset of OVERRIDES used by the OpenEmbedded build system for creating FILESPATH."
# $MACHINEOVERRIDES [14 operations]
MACHINEOVERRIDES_EXTENDER_FILTER_OUT=" imx mx6 mx6q mx6dl mx6sx mx6sl mx6sll mx6ul mx6ull mx7 mx7d mx7ulp mx8 mx8qm mx8mm mx8mn mx8mq mx8qxp "
MACHINEOVERRIDES_EXTENDER_FILTER_OUT_use-mainline-bsp=" imx mx6 mx6q mx6dl mx6sx mx6sl mx6sll mx6ul mx6ull mx7 mx7d mx7ulp mx8 mx8qm mx8mm mx8mn mx8mq mx8qxp "
# $OVERRIDES [2 operations]
# [doc] "BitBake uses OVERRIDES to control what variables are overridden after BitBake parses recipes and configuration files."
# rename from MACHINEOVERRIDES machine-overrides-extender.bbclass:49 [machine_overrides_extender_handler]
overrides = d.getVar('OVERRIDES').split(':')
msg = 'Recipe %s has PN of "%s" which is in OVERRIDES, this can result in unexpected behaviour.' % (d.getVar("FILE"), pn)
compat_machines = (d.getVar('MACHINEOVERRIDES') or "").split(":")
# unless the package sets SRC_URI_OVERRIDES_PACKAGE_ARCH=0
overrides = (":" + (d.getVar("FILESOVERRIDES") or "")).split(":")
overrides = localdata.getVar("OVERRIDES", False) + ":virtclass-multilib-" + multilib
localdata.setVar("OVERRIDES", overrides)
overrides = d.getVar("OVERRIDES").split(":")
machine_overrides = (d.getVar('PRISTINE_MACHINEOVERRIDES') or '').split(':')
machine_overrides_filter_out += (d.getVar('MACHINEOVERRIDES_EXTENDER_FILTER_OUT_%s' % override) or '').split()
extender = d.getVar('MACHINEOVERRIDES_EXTENDER_%s' % override)
# so we can reprocess OVERRIDES if/as/when needed.
d.setVar("MACHINEOVERRIDES", "${#machine_overrides_extender(d)}")
localdata.setVar('OVERRIDES', pkg)
localdata.setVar('OVERRIDES', localdata.getVar('OVERRIDES') + ':' + pkg)
overrides = localdata.getVar("OVERRIDES", False) + ":virtclass-multilib-" + item
localdata.setVar("OVERRIDES", overrides)
localdata.setVar('OVERRIDES', d.getVar("OVERRIDES", False) + ":" + pkg)
Is there a way to get the value of MACHINEOVERRIDES and OVERRIDES variables after those operations occur?
# so we can reprocess OVERRIDES if/as/when needed.
d.setVar("MACHINEOVERRIDES", "${#machine_overrides_extender(d)}")
localdata.setVar('OVERRIDES', pkg)
localdata.setVar('OVERRIDES', localdata.getVar('OVERRIDES') + ':' + pkg)
overrides = localdata.getVar("OVERRIDES", False) + ":virtclass-multilib-" + item
localdata.setVar("OVERRIDES", overrides)
localdata.setVar('OVERRIDES', d.getVar("OVERRIDES", False) + ":" + pkg)
bitbake -e already shows you the variables after the operations.
MACHINEOVERRIDES="isiot:armv7ve:use-mainline-bsp:isiot-geamx6ul" and
bitbake -e first shows you how many operations act on a variable e.g. # $MACHINEOVERRIDES [14 operations] and where they are coming from and after that the expanded value.
You could use bitbake -e | less to browse the output instead of grepping it.
You can simply use :
bitbake -e <package_name> | grep ^MACHINEOVERRIDES=
bitbake -e <package_name> | grep ^OVERRIDES=

Perl Module Error - defined(%hash) is deprecated

I am working to migrate a Linux server to a newer one from Ubuntu 10.04 to 12.04
This server is responsible for executing several a number of Perl modules via crontabs.
These Perl Modules rely heavily on 30-40 perl extensions.
I have installed all Perl extensions and the crontabs are able to process successfully except for several Syntax errors caused by the newer versions of these Perl extensions.
I need some help with modifying the syntax to get the Perl script to process as intended.
defined(%hash) is deprecated at pm/Alerts/Alerts.pm line 943.
(Maybe you should just omit the defined()?)
defined(%hash) is deprecated at pm/Alerts/Alerts.pm line 944.
(Maybe you should just omit the defined()?)
# Iterate the arrays deleting identical counts from each.
# If we found a mismatch then die.
# If either array is not empty when we are done then die
$logger->info('Comparing ' . (scalar keys %cms_rows) . ' CMS symbols to ' . (scalar keys %stats_rows) . ' STATS symbols');
foreach my $symbol ( keys %cms_rows ) {
my %cms_row = delete $cms_rows{$symbol};
my %stats_row = delete $stats_rows{$symbol};
##LINE 943## die("Error: NULL CMS counts for symbol '$symbol'") unless defined %cms_row;
##LINE 944## die("Error: NULL Stats counts for symbol '$symbol'") unless defined %stats_row;
my $cms_json = encode_json(\%cms_row);
my $stats_json = encode_json(\%stats_row);
$logger->debug("Comparing counts for '$symbol': CMS($cms_json), Stats($stats_json)");
die("Error: Up Counts Don't match for symbol '$symbol': CMS($cms_json), Stats($stats_json)") unless (!defined $cms_row{1} && !defined $stats_row{1}) || $cms_row{1} == $stats_row{1};
die("Error: Down Counts Don't match for symbol '$symbol': CMS($cms_json), Stats($stats_json)") unless (!defined $cms_row{-1} && !defined $stats_row{-1}) || $cms_row{-1} == $stats_row{-1};
Hopefully someone can help with this, any help is appreciated.
You must have upgraded from a seriously old version of Perl. The Perl 5.6.1 release notes say:
defined(%hash) is deprecated
(D) defined() is not usually useful on hashes because it checks for an
undefined scalar value. If you want to see if the hash is empty, just
use if (%hash) { # not empty } for example.
It was always a pretty stupid thing to do and Perl now warns you that you're doing something stupid. The warning is pretty clear about what you should do to fix this:
Maybe you should just omit the defined()?
So your lines would become:
die("Error: NULL CMS counts for symbol '$symbol'") unless %cms_row;
die("Error: NULL Stats counts for symbol '$symbol'") unless %stats_row;

Creating a security realm on WildFly 8.1.0 - Node path format is wrong around 'x' on issuing a command to create the realm

When issuing the following command on jboss-cli.bat (an MS-DOS batch file for windows) to create a security realm on WildFly 8.1.0 final as mentioned in this migration guide,
cd ./subsystem=security/security-domain=app
login-modules=[ {
principalsQuery="SELECT password FROM user_role_table WHERE user_id=?",
rolesQuery="SELECT group_id, 'Roles'
FROM group_table gt INNER JOIN user_role_table urt ON gt.user_group_id = urt.user_id
WHERE urt.user_id=?", hashAlgorithm="SHA-256",
}, {
I get the following error on the cli prompt :
Node path format is wrong around 'cd.' (index 67)
If cd is removed, then the following error is reported.
Failed to perform read-opration-description to validate the request:
java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException: Operation failed
The command is given in a contiguous text format as follows.
./subsystem=security/security-domain=app:add(cache-type="default") cd ./subsystem=security/security-domain=app ./authentication=classic:add(login-modules=[ {code="Database",flag="required",module-options={dsJndiName="java:/jdbc/project_datasource",principalsQuery="SELECT password FROM user_role_table WHERE user_id=?",rolesQuery="SELECT group_id, 'Roles' FROM group_table gt INNER JOIN user_role_table urt ON gt.user_group_id = urt.user_id WHERE urt.user_id=?",hashAlgorithm="SHA-256",hashEncoding="BASE64",unauthenticatedIdentity="guest"}},{code="RoleMapping",flag="required",module-options={rolesProperties="file:${jboss.server.config.dir} /app.properties",replaceRole="false"}}])
What is the fix? I just do not want to copy/past the XML to the configuration file as it might be different from version to version.
The problem is with combining more commands on a single line.
The simple solution for you is to use external file to store the CLI commands.
E.g. create security-domain.cli file in wildfly-8.1.0.Final/bin folder with following content (if you want to split a command to more lines, put backslash as a last character):
/subsystem=security/security-domain=app/authentication=classic/login-module=Database:add( \
code="Database", \
flag="required", \
module-options=[ \
("dsJndiName"=>"java:/jdbc/project_datasource"), \
("principalsQuery"=>"SELECT password FROM user_role_table WHERE user_id=?"), \
("rolesQuery"=>"SELECT group_id, 'Roles' FROM group_table gt INNER JOIN user_role_table urt ON gt.user_group_id = urt.user_id WHERE urt.user_id=?"), \
("hashAlgorithm"=>"SHA-256"), \
("hashEncoding"=>"BASE64"), \
("unauthenticatedIdentity"=>"guest") \
/subsystem=security/security-domain=app/authentication=classic/login-module=RoleMapping:add( \
code="RoleMapping", \
flag="required", \
module-options=[ \
("rolesProperties"=>"file:${jboss.server.config.dir}/app.properties"), \
("replaceRole"=>"false") \
(Your sample contains old style of setting login modules. It's a deprecated way now, so the example usage the new way.)
Run the new file with JBoss CLI tool:
jboss-cli.bat -c --file=security-domain.cli

Android NDK: Linking "error: undefined reference to" GLES functions

So I have the following on my Android.mk....
LOCAL_C_INCLUDES := $(LOCAL_PATH)/include /Users/myname/Development/Android/android-ndk-r8c/platforms/android-14/arch-arm/usr/include
LOCAL_LDLIBS := -ldl -lGLESv1_CM -llog
However, when I try running ndk-build I get the following....
/Users/myname/Development/Android/android-ndk-r8c/toolchains/arm-linux-androideabi-4.6/prebuilt/darwin-x86/bin/../lib/gcc/arm-linux-androideabi/4.6/../../../../arm-linux-androideabi/bin/ld: ./obj/local/armeabi/libSDL.a(SDL_render_gles.o): in function GLES_CreateRenderer:jni/SDL/src/render/opengles/SDL_render_gles.c:189: error: undefined reference to 'glDisableClientState'
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
This of course appears to be an issue linking, however, the compiler worked just fine. I am confused as to why the linking wouldn't work but the compilation would. Anyonw know how I could fix it?
From ndk-build V=1 >Build.log Output
Ok so I am taking the code found here this compiles fine, however, I am trying to upgrade to PRBoom+ so I dl the code from here and tweak the Android.mk to include the new classes. Once this is done it seems to compile fine, however, it fails to properly link. There are two main errors I see...
First is involving multiple definitions, however, the original (compiled linked fine) code had the same multiple definitions....
/Users/me/Development/Android/android-ndk-r8c/toolchains/arm-linux-androideabi-4.6/prebuilt/darwin-x86/bin/../lib/gcc/arm-linux-androideabi/4.6/../../../../arm-linux-androideabi/bin/ld: error: ./obj/local/armeabi/objs-debug/prboom_jni/w_mmap.o: multiple definition of 'W_InitCache'
The other type is the OpenGL issues...
/Users/me/Development/Android/android-ndk-r8c/toolchains/arm-linux-androideabi-4.6/prebuilt/darwin-x86/bin/../lib/gcc/arm-linux-androideabi/4.6/../../../../arm-linux-androideabi/bin/ld: ./obj/local/armeabi/libSDL.a(SDL_render_gles.o): in function GLES_ResetState:/Users/jackiegleason/Development/Code/prboom4android-base/jni/SDL/src/render/opengles/SDL_render_gles.c:181: error: undefined reference to 'glDisable'
If I copy everything back (using the prboom4android code) everything compiles and links just fine.
Here is a diff of the 2 Android.mk files...
> LOCAL_C_INCLUDES:= $(LOCAL_PATH) $(LOCAL_PATH)/include $(LOCAL_PATH)/../SDL_net/include $(LOCAL_PATH)/../SDL/include
< f_finale.c p_enemy.c p_spec.c r_plane.c w_mmap.c i_capture.c \
> f_finale.c p_enemy.c p_spec.c r_plane.c w_mmap.c \
< m_bbox.c p_inter.c p_tick.c r_things.c z_zone.c s_advsound.c memio.c \
< d_client.c i_video.c i_network.c i_system.c PCSOUND/pcsound.c PCSOUND/pcsound_sdl.c SDL/i_sshot.c \
< i_main.c sc_man.c SDL/i_sound.c jni_doom.c mus2mid.c pcm2wav.c e6y.c SDL/i_joy.c \
< r_screenmultiply.c hu_tracers.c i_smp.c g_overflow.c i_pcsound.c \
< MUSIC/dbopl.c MUSIC/flplayer.c MUSIC/portmidiplayer.c MUSIC/midifile.c MUSIC/opl_queue.c MUSIC/vorbisplayer.c MUSIC/dumbplayer.c MUSIC/oplplayer.c MUSIC/madplayer.c MUSIC/opl.c \
< TEXTSCREEN/txt_button.c TEXTSCREEN/txt_separator.c TEXTSCREEN/txt_gui.c TEXTSCREEN/txt_widget.c TEXTSCREEN/txt_checkbox.c TEXTSCREEN/txt_radiobutton.c TEXTSCREEN/txt_inputbox.c TEXTSCREEN/txt_spinctrl.c TEXTSCREEN/txt_window.c TEXTSCREEN/txt_desktop.c TEXTSCREEN/txt_scrollpane.c TEXTSCREEN/txt_io.c TEXTSCREEN/txt_strut.c TEXTSCREEN/txt_window_action.c TEXTSCREEN/txt_dropdown.c TEXTSCREEN/txt_sdl.c TEXTSCREEN/txt_label.c TEXTSCREEN/txt_table.c
> m_bbox.c p_inter.c p_tick.c r_things.c z_zone.c \
> d_client.c i_video.c i_network.c i_system.c \
> i_main.c i_sound.c jni_doom.c mmus2mid.c pcm2wav.c
Yes, I could download your Build.log.
Your build uses APP_PLATFORM = android-3, which does not have the necessary GL libraries. You can set APP_PLATFORM = android-14 in your Application.mk, or set the target platform for your Android project (Eclipse will update the project.properties file).
You should not add the android-14 includes manually in your Android.mk. When you have correct APP_PLATFORM, the include path will be adjusted accordingly.
