Generic Term for Warnings and Errors? - naming

Consider you want to insert Errors and Warnings into the same database entity. How would you call the table?
| 1 | ERROR | FOO |
| 2 | WARNG | BAR |
| 3 | ERROR | TXT |

Message would be my best personal guess, but English is not my mother tounge.

I would use Anomaly. It is also a nice Matrix reference, so some users may chuckle. :)

A collegue thinks Signal would be the generic term from a process point of view.


Cucumber: nested scenario outline cycles

Scenario to automate:
Given <precondition> was fulfilled
And <user> is authorized
When user requests <endpoint>
Then user should receive <code> response
Test data matrix:
| precondition | endpoint | user1 | user 2 | ....
| | /users | OK | Not Found |
| | /roles | OK | OK |
| | /create_user | OK | OK |
| object user exists | /update_user | OK | OK |
| object user exists | /delete_user | OK | OK |
| | /create_data_role | OK | Not Found |
| data role exists | /update_data_role | OK | Not Found |
There's around 20 users with different role combination and around 20 endpoints.
Need to verify each endpoint for each user - so it should be a nested cycle.
How do I do it?
Don't do this in Cucumber - reasons
1) You get no benefit from putting all these routes and conditions in Gherkin. Nobody can read them and make sense of them especially if you trying something combinatorial
2) Cuke scenarios run slowly, and you want to run lots of them, you could dramatically reduce your run time by writing a fast unit test instead.
3) If you write this test in code you can write it much more elegantly than you can in Gherkin.
4) Dealing with errors is painful (as you've already pointed out)
You are using the wrong tool for this particular job, use something else.
Yet I come up with this option, but it doesn't follow gherkin convention because When and Then steps a jammed in one
1. Preconditions moved to #Before hook
2. Scenario
Given <user> is authorized
Then <user> requests functionality appropriate response code should be received
| /users | 200 | 404 |
| /create_user | 200 | 404 |
| /update_user | 200 | 404 |
| username |
| USER1 |
| USER2 |
It's also inconvenient because when tests failed it takes time to identify faulty endpoint(S)

Best Excel method to find an array in a range?

I have a large list of users with various codes. The goal is to separate the good from the bad. All codes that start with P, H or F are good. All codes that start with L or K are bad. Example:
Email | Code 01 | Code 02 | Code 03 | Code 04 | RESULT | PJR-VRF | | | | GOOD | | LNR-JNT | | LNR-JNT | BAD | | HVB-YWQ | HVB-YWQ | HVB-YWQ | GOOD | | LNR-JNT | | KVB-MMO | BAD | | | | PHH-KLP | GOOD | | HNR-OPT | | LNR-JNT | GOOD | | FLT-MWQ | | FLT-MWQ | GOOD | | KVB-MMO | KVB-MMO | KVB-MMO | BAD
In other words, if a range contains any cells that begin with P, H, or F then good, otherwise bad. I've tried to use the following formula in the result column:
It didn't work unfortunately, so I tried this:
=IF(COUNTIF(B2:E2,"H*") + COUNTIF(B2:E2,"P*") + COUNTIF(B2:E2,"F*"),"good","bad")
This seems to work, but is this the best method? Say I have 20 other conditions to check against? And need to add a third result? What is the best approach to sift this data?
You can use an array formula similar to this:
Please remember to press Ctrl+Shift+Enter to complete the array formula correctly.
If you need to add a third result:

What are the Lexing Errors in Cucumber?

I was trying to run a simple Feature file but i was getting Exception like :
Exception in thread "main" cucumber.runtime.CucumberException: Error parsing feature file.
which is Caused by: gherkin.lexer.LexingError: Lexing error
i am trying to parametrized a When statement and got this Exception:
Scenario: Login to Gmail
Given User is on Gmail login page
When User enters <userName> and <pwd>
And Clicks on login button
Then User should redirect to home page
scenario outline(tried Examples as well but didn't worked):
|userName | pwd |
|ravivani10 | abc |
The correct syntax for a scenario outline is to start with the keyword Scenario Outline: and list the examples with the Examples: keyword.
Scenario Outline: Login to Gmail
Given User is on Gmail login page
When User enters <userName> and <pwd>
And Clicks on login button
Then User should redirect to home page
| userName | pwd |
| ravivani10 | abc |
I had this same problem but I was using correct syntax. Turns out my formatting was wrong, yes you read correctly: formatting. My scenario looked like this:
Scenario Outline: Confirm that hitting the endpoint returns the expected data
Given uri url/to/a/service/to/test/param/{interval} and method GET
And system user
When I call the web service
Then I expect that 'http status is' '200'
And the following rules must apply to the response
| element | expectation | value |
| $ | is not null | |
| objectType | value = | Volume |
| objectData | is not null | |
| objectData | count = | 1 |
| objectData[0].value | is not null | |
| objectData[0].value | data type is | float |
| objectData[0].value | value = | <value> |
| interval | value |
| int1 | 355.77 |
| int2 | 332.995 |
| int3 | 353.71125 |
Above test will fail with Lexing Error. Now take a look at the indentation of the Example piece of my test (it is indented one level down the Scenario Ouline).
If I indent my test as follows (same level as Scenario Outline):
Scenario Outline: Confirm that hitting the endpoint returns the expected data
Given uri url/to/a/service/to/test/param/{interval} and method GET
And system user
When I call the web service
Then I expect that 'http status is' '200'
And the following rules must apply to the response
| element | expectation | value |
| $ | is not null | |
| objectType | value = | Volume |
| objectData | is not null | |
| objectData | count = | 1 |
| objectData[0].value | is not null | |
| objectData[0].value | data type is | float |
| objectData[0].value | value = | <value> |
| interval | value |
| int1 | 355.77 |
| int2 | 332.995 |
| int3 | 353.71125 |
Above test will pass. Totally dumb to me but that's how it works.
This can be caused by not having the final | at the end of each line of data. That's not the reason for the OP but might help someone else.
A lexing error from cucumber just means that the feature file wasn't in the format that cucumber is expecting. This could be things like having a scenario title with no content or having the title "Feature: blah" twice. This will happen even if the error isn't in the scenario that you are running.
The lexing error will usually give you a line number. Can you post the line it complains about please?
I got the same error and it was caused by having a space between the word 'Outline' and the colon symbol
Scenario Outline : Convert currencies
When I removed the space, I had this:
Scenario Outline: Convert currencies
..and the issue got resolved.
To find out the offender, check your error logs and you will find in the output the line number where the error lies. I hope this helps someone
You need to do a couple of things: A) remove the spaces in Feature : and Scenario Outline : keywords; and B) change the Scenario Outline to Scenario (or add the missing examples for the outline).
If you run this feature:
Feature: Proof of concept that my framework works
Scenario: My first Test
Given this is my first test
When This is my second step
Then This is the final step
Then cucumber will output the to-be-completed step definitions:
You can implement step definitions for undefined steps with these snippets:
Given(/^this is my first test$/) do
pending # Write code here that turns the phrase above into concrete actions
When(/^This is my second step$/) do
pending # Write code here that turns the phrase above into concrete actions
Then(/^This is the final step$/) do
pending # Write code here that turns the phrase above into concrete actions

How should I name my steps in a scenario outline

I've got a handful of specflow tests that look something like this:
Scenario: Person is new and needs an email
Given a person
And the person does not exist in the repository
When I run the new user batch job
Then the person should be sent an email
Scenario: Person is not new and needs an email
Given a person
And the person does exist in the repository
When I run the new user batch job
Then the person should not be sent an email
Except instead of just 2 scenarios, I've got 10 very similar scenarios, all with the type of steps so I want to use a "Scenario Outline". Unfortunately, I'm having a really hard time coming up with a readable way to re-write my steps.
Currently, I've come up with this but looks clunky:
Scenario: Email batch job is run
Given a person
And the person '<personDoes/NotExist>' exist in the repository
When I run the new user batch job
Then the person '<personShould/NotGetEmail>' be sent an email
| !notes | personDoes/NotExist | personShould/NotGetEmail |
| Exists | does not | should |
| No Exist | does | should not |
I also considered this, and while it is cleaner it doesn't convey meaning nearly as well
Scenario: Email batch job is run
Given a person
And the person does exist in the repository (is '<personExist>')
When I run the new user batch job
Then the person should be sent an email (is '<sendEmail>')
| !notes | personExist | sendEmail |
| Exists | false | true |
| No Exist | does | false |
Does anybody have a better way of parameterizing concepts like "does", "does not", "should", "should not", "has", "has not"? At this point, I'm thinking about leaving the everything as a different scenario because it is more readable.
Here is what I've done in the past:
Given these people exist in the external system
| Id | First Name | Last Name | Email |
| 1 | John | Galt | x |
| 2 | Howard | Roark | y |
And the following people exist in the account repository
| Id | External Id | First Name | Last Name |
| 45 | 1 | John | Galt |
When I run the new user batch job
Then the following people should exist in the account repository
| External Id | First Name | Last Name | Email |
| 1 | John | Galt | x |
| 2 | Howard | Roark | y |
And the following accounts should have been sent an email
| External Id | Email |
| 2 | y |
You can use the table.CreateSet() and table.CreateSet() helper methods in SpecFlow to quickly turn the tables into data for your fake external system repository and your account table in the database.
Then you can use table.CompareToSet(accountRepository.GetAccounts() to compare the table in your "Then" clause to the records in your database.
The neat thing is, all of the steps you wrote are reusable for multiple situations. All you do is change the data in the tables, and SpecFlow writes the tests for you.
Hope that helps!
Maybe you should split them into two scenarios
Scenario Outline: User exists in the repository
Given a person
| Field | Value |
| First | <first> |
| Last | <last> |
And the person exists in the repository
When the user attempts to register
Then the person should be sent an email
| first | last |
| Bob | Smith |
| Sarah | Jane |
And then another scenario for the opposite. This keeps the scenario meaning very clear. If your common steps are worded genericly you can reuse them. I also try to come from the approach of the user

How to rotate excel data

This is a general question that just popped into my head that I have always wondered. There have been several times when I've needed to rotate data in Excel, for example:
Starting with:
| A | B | C |
1 | ABC | DEF | GHI |
2 | omg | lol | xyz |
3 | | | |
transform into:
| A | B | C |
1 | ABC | omg | |
2 | DEF | lol | |
3 | GHI | xyz | |
I have never found a reasonable way to do this. Solutions I can think of right now are:
Write a macro (yuck)
Manually copy / paste (yuck)
Maybe some pivot table magic? (i doubt this would be possible)
Clever formulas using INDEX
Are there other solutions, maybe some hidden built-in feature?
Copy your grid
Edit ▸ Paste Special...
Check the "Transpose" checkbox
Click "OK"
Use of the TRANSPOSE() function
Transposing rows and columns?
Construct a pivot table from the data then you can transpose and do a lot more besides (filter, group etc)
