Is the Visual Studio 2012 RC Diff Utility Compare-Only? - visual-studio-2012

I swear that in earlier versions of the preview/beta/whatever I was not only able to view the difference between two files, but also merge/update. Now I'm looking at a diff window and as far as I can tell there is no way to move lines from left to right, or right to left.
The window has a "Help" link at the bottom, leading to this page which, unfortunately has no coverage of any kind of merge. The only way I can do it at the moment is to manually copy and paste, or type the text on the left into the pane on the right.
Did Microsoft remove these features opting for a "compare-only" diff utility?
Are these tools available somewhere I'm not looking?
Is it possible my installation is corrupted? Can anyone confirm that they can not only compare, but also update using the RC.

The compare tool (I believe) doesn't have any merge options. However, if you right-click on a file in source control explorer and go to Branching & Merging > Merge you can perform a baseless merge between any two files (you have to browse for the file), and resolve conflicts within the merge tool. Hope that helps.


Stop android studio grouping single-item directories with a dot

If I have a directory which only (at present!) contains another directory Android Studio decides, for some strange reason, to not expand the directories in the usual manor - ie click folder1 to reveal folder2, then click folder2 to show its contents - but instead put them together in a single entry (folder1.folder2). This makes the directory structure incredibly difficult and inconsistent to deal with when trying to manipulate the contents. Right now I'm having to revert to doing so in windows explorer!
Is the any way to change this peculiar behavior.
Click the settings icon in the Project view and uncheck Compact Empty Middle Packages.
Note: this screenshot is from IntelliJ Ultimate, but it should look the same (or similar) in Android Studio.
I got it to work similarly by going to the Project View settings and then unchecking the Flatten Packages option. This then got my folder configuration to the desired subfolder configuration format as described above. This may be new compared to the answer of 5 years ago. In my case, only unchecking the Compact Empty Middle option was not enough.
Use combination of Ctrl+Shift+A inside Android studio, it's a shortcut for "Find Action..." and type in "package", there is "Compact Middle Packages", turn that off.

I want to compare two projects in Android studio

I have a couple Android Studio projects that are similar, and I want to know exactly where their source files differ. What is an easy way to do that?
Right click file/directory/project/module > click compare with > give the path to compare
EASY WAY TO FIND PATH : ( considering both projects are open in Android Studio)
Switch to project you want to compare > right click file/directory/project/module > copy path > paste it back in select path dialog.
BETTER to copy path first.
Verified : Android Studio 1.5.1
In Android studio 3.4.2 you can do by right click on
Select Android : app → Compare Directories select proper path for your files and done.
In Android Studio Bumblebee : app → Compare With or Ctrl+D :)
I'm highly recommend Compare Directories Plugin for Android Studio 2+.
Allows the fast comparison of two directories or archive files (jar,
zip, war... and also tar/gz) based on file contents. Compared
directories/archives are shown in a tree view to give a better and
easier-to-read overall view of the differences.
Open: File > Settings > Plugins
Click on the button “Browse repositories”, find the “Compare Directories” plugin in the available plugins list, right click on it and choose install.
General usage instructions:
Execute the Compare Directories... menu command, select two directories or zip/jar/tar files containing files with the same file names and see the comparison results on the opened Compare Directories panel:
Files and directories are shown depending on the differences in their
contents: identical, different by blanks only, non-significantly
different, different, left-only, right-only.
Compared text file can be then edited within IDEA.
Compared text file differences can be then viewed with the usual IDEA diff window.
Compared class bytecode differences can be also viewed with the usual IDEA diff window.
Files and directories can be copied from one side to the other.
You will find many more details in the plugin page:

Visual Studio 2012 Dff tool only show one file

I was using the built in file compare utility in VS 2012 to compare two files in source code history. It did something to cause one side of the comparison to go away and I have gone insane trying to figure out how to bring it back. How do I make it so both files show side-by-side?
I have already tried: Closing all windows and re-opening them, restarting VS, Deleting the .SUO file and reloading the project. - No dice.
The toolbar at the top of the window will have a dropdown list button that looks like two papers side by side. Click on the button and select "Side-by-Side-Mode".
Choose the "Side by Side mode" in the tool bar.

Visual Studio 2012- How do you delete a new file?

I have Visual Studio 2012 with TFS. I created a new file (call it "x.h") and before I checked it in I decided I didn't need it.
MSDN makes it sound so simple:
In either Solution Explorer or Source Control Explorer, browse to the folder or file that you want to delete.
Select the items that you want to delete, open their shortcut menu, and choose Delete.
When you are ready, check in your changes.
So I went to Source Control Explorer, right-clicked the file, and chose Delete. It was removed from source control and my pending changes but is still on disk and in the Solution Explorer. When I right-click the file in Solution Explorer, Delete is not an option and Exclude From Project is disabled.
I might have more luck if I check it in first then delete it but that seems very unnecessary. Hopefully I'm just missing something obvious!
How do I delete this new file ("x.h") from my solution?
Yep. It was something obvious.
You can't delete files from the Solution while it is building.
I just tried again and the Delete option magically reappeared. I realized that it has stopped a build since I last tried.
In short, there are three different angles that a user can try to delete a file while a build is occurring and the behavior is different for each.
Undo the file add from Pending Changes -> Nice error messages are given.
Delete the file from Source Control Explorer -> It lets you remove the file as I described in the question but leaves it on disk and in Solution Explorer (same behavior regardless of whether or not a build happening).
Delete the file from Solution Explorer -> It quietly prevents you from shooting yourself in the foot and doesn't explain why.
The right way to do this is to cancel the build (or let it complete), then delete from Source Control AND from Solution Explorer.

How do I open a new tab when searching in Aptana Studio 3?

Kind of a newbie question.
Sometimes I use the project-wide search feature, and my search results appear listed in the window below, along with the related hierarchy placement.
Let's say I double click a file. It opens. Fine.
However, if I double-click again on another file in the search results window, it will replace the file I just opened. It's impossible for me to open multiple search results, short of manually opening them from the project view.
It wasn't always this way - it worked when I first installed the program, but something changed about three days in and I can't do it anymore.
Go to Preferences > General > Search and uncheck Reuse editors to show matches.
