Windows Azure CDN with new management portal - azure

How to find the Windows Azure CDN with new managment portal. To be noted i am using the Preview portal and in 90 days free trial

I contacted MS Support about this, since old portal link is no longer available.
Here is the reply as of Sep 26, 2013:
We’re in the process of building out our next generation Windows Azure
Content Delivery Network (CDN) architecture, and during this time we
are no longer accepting new CDN customers. With the CDN functionality
having recently transitioned to the new Azure management portal, we
have enabled it automatically only for customers who were using CDN in
the old management portal, so they can continue to manage their CDN
configurations. For everyone else, the CDN feature is not enabled in
the new portal. We highly encourage you to wait until we’re ready
building our next generation Azure CDN service.

From the Preview Portal mouse over the green preview link at the top and click on the link, "Take me to the previous portal". Then on the left, click on Hosted Services, Storage Accounts & CDN.
From there you must create a Storage Account if you don't already have one. If you do, select CDN from the left menu. Once there, select your desired Storage Account, and click the New Endpoint button from the top nav. Check the box for Enable CDN and click OK.

For now you need to access the previous portal which you can find by clicking in the Top-Right corner (where your email is shown) and the Avatar Bar will be displayed with an option to go to "Previous Portal"

I believe that feature is not in the new Portal. You will have to use the old (Silverlight) portal.


Microsoft Azure: Advanced Management Portal link is disabled

I purchased a domain at the Azure portal.
When I used the Azure portal to the advanced management portal link is disabled.
The domain is due for renewal (And I want to transfer it also update DNS records at the hosting space provider)
I am the admin of the subscription.
Question: Why is the Advanced Management portal link disabled? What can I do about it?
The Advanced Management Portal link is disabled as the Microsoft team is working on a new user interface.
Right Click on the disabled Advanced Management Portal Link and Click 'Open In New Tab'
The new window has the advanced management portal controls and then you can follow the regular flow.

Azure API Management service publisher portal no longer showing Analytics tab

I noticed about 4 days ago, that the my azure apims no longer showed the Analytics tab on the left hand side navigation. This forces me to navigate by changing the URL manually to
Is there a bug with this portal? Why did the nav change?
On 31st May 2019, we will retire classic Azure API Management Analytics. Analytics reports in the publisher portal will be completely removed.
If you have been using classic Analytics, you should start using the new Analytics—which is integrated in our management experience in the Azure portal. Simply select Analytics from the menu. There is no need to switch between the Azure portal and the classic publisher portal anymore.

Azure CDN for blob storage in new portal?

Where can I create a CDN endpoint in the Windows Azure portal?
Details / Background
I found this great video from Scott Hanselman on getting set up with an Azure CDN (thanks, Scott!)
The video walks through creating a CDN endpoint for the storage. Unfortunately, at the time, CDNs were managed in the old portal (now defunct).
I assumed that Azure would have moved this functionality to the new portal, so I found this Microsoft article on how to create a CDN endpoint. It reads:
To create a new CDN endpoint for your storage account:
In the Windows Azure Management Portal, in the navigation pane, click CDN.
On the ribbon, click New. In the New dialog, select App Services, then CDN, then Quick Create.
So I'm searching for CDN in the left-hand pane but don't see it anywhere. Am I crazy?
A screenshot of the nav pane I see is below:
For good measure, I went to the New --> App Services and attempted to find CDN, but it doesn't appear to be there either:
What gives? Is there any availability for this in the new portal?
Ooops, I see I missed a related SO question: How to create CDN in Windows Azure
Looks like the functionality is not available for all users, though it is documented as if it is. Bummer.
I'll move to close this question as related.

How to create CDN in Windows Azure

I'm trying to deliver a file via CDN.I created a Blob and uploaded the file to it.
Now i want to use a CDN to deliver it as per Azure docs here
In the Windows Azure Management Portal, in the navigation pane, click
On the ribbon, click New. In the New dialog, select App Services, then
CDN, then Quick Create.
The problem is in my account there is nothing called App Services
How am i supposed to create the CDN?
Azure CDN is available as of April 3, 2014, as announced at the //build conference (pricing is available here).
You'll find CDN on the left-side along with the other services:
When you choose to add the endpoint, you can select from your storage accounts (or cloud services):
You'll then see your CDN endpoint, ready for use:
If you are new to Azure (you created your account recently) you will not see CDN in the portal. Currently CDN is only enabled for customers who have used it before (~2-3 years). But I do believe we will very soon see CDN enabled for all customers.
And Application Services is a group which you will see when you click the big plus (+) sign at the bottom left of management portal.
Astaykov is correct, access to CDN is being limited. It might be worth contacting MS support by submitting a ticket through the management portal to see whether CDN could be added to your subscription.

Unable to find option to create a CDN in the new Azure portal

I'm trying to create an Azure CDN and cannot find the option to do in the new Azure portal.
According to other sources, there is supposed to be a CDN option under the New -> App Services menu like so:
But when I log into the portal, this CDN option is missing. This is what I see:
Does this have anything to do with my subscription? I'm using a "3-month Free Trial".
Updating to include a screen shot of my left pane options. No CDN!
I finally have the answer why the CDN menu option doesn't appear.
The following from Windows Azure Technical support:
"We’re in the process of building out our next generation Windows Azure Content Delivery Network (CDN) architecture, and during this time we are no longer accepting new CDN customers.
With the CDN functionality having recently transitioned to the new Azure management portal, we have enabled it automatically only for customers who were using CDN in the old management portal, so they can continue to manage their CDN configurations. For everyone else, the CDN feature is not enabled in the new portal.
We highly encourage you to wait until we’re ready building our next generation Azure CDN service."
Should be on the left menu - but then this is an enterprise account: and just confirmed there is no CDN option on my personal account - hmmmm...
Good morning
As far as I know their is no 'Enterprise' account, I have multiple logins ranging from MSDN, partners etc and all have the same features. The only difference is when you register for preview services.
On the left hand side in the new portal (light blue bar ) you should see the following items -
All Items
Web Sites
Virtual Machines
Mobile Servces
Cloud Services
SQL Databases
Media Services
Service Bus
Recover Services
SQL Reporting
CDN *************
Traffic Manager
Management Services
Active Directory
Do you see the same, can you see CDN highlighted above
