Looping through a text file containing domains using bash script - linux

I have written a script that reads href tag of a webpage and fetches the links on that webpage and writes them to a text file. Now I have a text file containing links such as these for example:
I would like to be able to filter them such that I return something like:
http://www.bbc.com : 6
http://static.bbci.co.uk: 15
The values on the the side indicate the number of times the domain appears in the file. How can i be able to achieve this in bash considering I would have a loop going through the file. I am a newbie to bash shell scripting?

$ cut -d/ -f-3 urls.txt | sort | uniq -c
3 http://news.bbc.co.uk
1 http://newsvote.bbc.co.uk
1 http://purl.org
8 http://static.bbci.co.uk
1 http://www.bbcamerica.com
6 http://www.bbc.com

Just like this
egrep -o '^http://[^/]+' domain.txt | sort | uniq -c
Output of this on your example data:
3 http://news.bbc.co.uk/
1 http://newsvote.bbc.co.uk/
1 http://purl.org/
8 http://static.bbci.co.uk/
6 http://www.bbc.com/
1 http://www.bbcamerica.com/
This solution works even if your line is made up of a simple url without a trailing slash, so
will all be in the same group.
If you want to allow https, then you can write:
egrep -o '^https?://[^/]+' domain.txt | sort | uniq -c
If other protocols are possible, such as ftp, mailto, etc. you can even be very loose and write:
egrep -o '^[^:]+://[^/]+' domain.txt | sort | uniq -c


Am I using the proper command?

I am trying to write a one-line command on terminal to count all the unique "gene-MIR" in a very large file. The "gene-MIR" are followed by a series of numbers ex. gene-MIR334223, gene-MIR633235, gene-MIR53453 ... etc, and there are multiples of the same "gene-MIR" ex. gene-MIR342433 may show up 10x in the script.
My question is, how do I write a command that will annotate the unique "gene-MIR" that are present in my file?
The commands I have been using so far is:
grep -c "gene-MIR" myfile.txt | uniq
grep "gene-MIR" myfile.txt | sort -u
The first command provides me with a count; however, I believe it does not include the number series after "MIR" and is only counting how many "gene-MIR" itself are present.
[1]: https://i.stack.imgur.com/Y7EcD.png
Assuming all the entries are are on separate lines, try this:
grep "gene-MIR" myfile.txt | sort | uniq -c
If the entries are mixed up with other text, and the system has GNU grep try this:
grep -o 'gene-MIR[0-9]*' myfile.txt | sort | uniq -c
To get the total count:
grep -o 'gene-MIR[0-9]*' myfile.txt | wc -l
If you have information like this:
And you want to know the amount of "inf" kinds, you always need to sort it first. Only afterwards you can start counting.
I've created a similar file, containing the examples, mentioned in the requester's comment, as follows:
More nonsense
On that, I've applied both commands, as mentioned in the question:
grep -c "gene-MIR" myfile.txt | uniq
Which results in 6, just like the following command:
grep -c "gene-MIR" myfile.txt
Why? The question here is "How many lines contain the string "gene-MIR"?".
This is clearly not the requested information.
The other command also is not correct:
grep "gene-MIR" myfile.txt | sort -u
The result:
grep "gene-MIR" ... means: show all the lines, which contain "gene-MIR"
| sort -u means: sort the displayed lines and if there are multiple instances of the same, only show one of them.
Also this is not what the requester wants. Therefore I have following proposal:
grep "gene-MIR" myfile.txt | sort | uniq -c
With following result:
2 gene-MIR2334
2 gene-MIR4232
2 gene-MIR93284
This is more what the requester is looking for, I presume.
What does it mean?
grep "gene-MIR" myfile.txt : only show the lines which contain "gene-MIR"
| sort : sort the lines, which are shown. Like this, you get an intermediate result like this:
| uniq -c : group those results together and show the count for every instance.
Unfortunately, the example is badly chosen as every instance occurs exactly two times. Therefore, for clarification purposes, I've created another "myfile.txt", as follows:
More nonsense
I've applied the same command again:
grep "gene-MIR" myfile.txt | sort | uniq -c
With following result:
3 gene-MIR2334
1 gene-MIR4232
2 gene-MIR93284
Here you can see in a much clearer way that the proposed command is correct.
... and your next question is: "Yes, but is it possible to sort the result?", on which I answer:
grep "gene-MIR" myfile.txt | sort | uniq -c | sort -n
With following result:
1 gene-MIR4232
2 gene-MIR93284
3 gene-MIR2334
Have fun!

Pipelining cut sort uniq

Trying to get a certain field from a sam file, sort it and then find the number of unique numbers in the file. I have been trying:
cut -f 2 practice.sam > field2.txt | sort -o field2.txt sortedfield2.txt |
uniq -c sortedfield2.txt
The cut is working to pull out the numbers from field two, however when trying to sort the numbers into a new file or the same file I am just getting a blank. I have tried breaking the pipeline into sections but still getting the same error. I am meant to use those three functions to achieve the output count.
cut -f 2 practice.sam | sort -o | uniq -c
In your original code, you're redirecting the output of cut to field2.txt and at the same time, trying to pipe the output into sort. That won't work (unless you use tee). Either separate the commands as individual commands (e.g., use ;) or don't redirect the output to a file.
Ditto the second half, where you write the output to sortedfield2.txt and thus end up with nothing going to stdout, and nothing being piped into uniq.
So an alternative could be:
cut -f 2 practice.sam > field2.txt ; sort -o field2.txt sortedfield2.txt ; uniq -c sortedfield2.txt
which is the same as
cut -f 2 practice.sam > field2.txt
sort -o field2.txt sortedfield2.txt
uniq -c sortedfield2.txt
you can use this command:
cut -f 2 practise.sam | uniq | sort > sorted.txt
In your code is wrong. The fault is "No such file or directory". Because of pipe. You can learn at this link how it is used

Validating file records shell script

I have a file with content as follows and want to validate the content as
1.I have entries of rec$NUM and this field should be repeated 7 times only.
for example I have rec1.any_attribute this rec1 should come only 7 times in whole file.
2.I need validating script for this.
If records for rec$NUM are less than 7 or Greater than 7 script should report that record.
Please Help
Thanks in Advance... :)
Simple awk:
awk -F: '/^rec/{a[$1]++}END{for(t in a){if(a[t]!=7){print "Some error for record: " t}}}' test.rc
grep '^rec1' file.txt | wc -l
grep '^rec2' file.txt | wc -l
grep '^rec3' file.txt | wc -l
All above should return 7.
The commands:
grep rec file2.txt | cut -d':' -f1 | uniq -c | egrep -v '^ *7'
will success if file follows your rules, fails (and returns the failing record) if it doesn't.
(replace "uniq -c" by "sort -u" if record numbers can be mixed).

Extract multiple substrings in bash

I have a page exported from a wiki and I would like to find all the links on that page using bash. All the links on that page are in the form [wiki:<page_name>]. I have a script that does:
# First search for the links to the pages
search=`grep '\[wiki:' pages/*`
# Check is our search turned up anything
if [ -n "$search" ]; then
# Now, we want to cut out the page name and find unique listings
uniquePages=`echo "$search" | cut -d'[' -f 2 | cut -d']' -f 1 | cut -d':' -f2 | cut -d' ' -f 1 | sort -u`
However, when presented with a grep result with multiple [wiki: text in it, it only pulls the last one and not any others. For example if $search is:
Before starting the configuration, all the required libraries must be installed to be detected by Cmake. If you have missed this step, see the [wiki:CT/Checklist/Libraries "Libr By pressing [t] you can switch to advanced mode screen with more details. The 5 pages are available [wiki:CT/Checklist/Cmake/advanced_mode here]. To obtain information about ea - '''Installation of Cantera''': If Cantera has not been correctly installed or if you do not have sourced the setup file '''~/setup_cantera''' you should receive the following message. Refer to the [wiki:CT/FormulationCantera "Cantera installation"] page to fix this problem. You can set the Cantera options to OFF if you plan to use built-in transport, thermodynamics and chemistry.
then it only returns CT/FormulationCantera and it doesn't give me any of the other links. I know this is due to using cut so I need a replacement for the $uniquepages line.
Does anybody have any suggestions in bash? It can use sed or perl if needed, but I'm hoping for a one-liner to extract a list of page names if at all possible.
egrep -o '\[wiki:[^]]*]' pages/* | sed 's/\[wiki://;s/]//' | sort -u
upd. to remove all after space without cut
egrep -o '\[wiki:[^]]*]' pages/* | sed 's/\[wiki://;s/]//;s/ .*//' | sort -u

Linux:How to list the information about file or directory(size,permission,number of files by type?) in total

Suppose I am staying in currenty directory, I wanted to list all the files in total numbers, as well as the size, permission, and also the number of files by types.
here is the sample outputs:
Here is a sample :
Print information about "/home/user/poker"
total number of file : 83
pdf files : 5
html files : 9
text files : 15
unknown : 5
NB: anyfile without extension could be consider as unknown.
i hope to use some simple command like ls, cut, sort, unique ,(just examples) put each different extension in file and using wc -l to count number of lines
or do i need to use grep, awk , or something else?
Hope to get the everybody's advices.thank you!
Best way is to use file to output only mimetype and pass it to awk.
file * -ib | awk -F'[;/.]' '{print $(NF-1)}' | sort -n | uniq -c
On my home directory it produces this output.
35 directory
3 html
1 jpeg
1 octet-stream
1 pdf
32 plain
5 png
1 spreadsheet
7 symlink
1 text
1 x-c++
3 x-empty
1 xml
2 x-ms-asf
4 x-shellscript
1 x-shockwave-flash
If you think text/x-c++ and text/plain should be in same Use this
file * -ib | awk -F'[;/.]' '{print $1}' | sort -n | uniq -c
6 application
6 image
45 inode
40 text
2 video
Change the {print $1} part according to your need to get the appropriate output.
You need bash.
echo "${#files[#]}"
echo "${#pdfs[#]}"
echo "$((${#files[#]}-${#pdfs[#]}))"
find . -type f | xargs -n1 basename | fgrep . | sed 's/.*\.//' | sort | uniq -c | sort -n
That gives you a recursive list of file extensions. If you want only the current directory add a -maxdepth 1 to the find command.
