Venue cannot run specials - foursquare

I am creating a special using Foursquare as a page but is unable to create it on all venues across page with error "Venue cannot run specials".

Not all categories of venues can run specials; e.g. homes and offices can not run specials.


How to get Spotify Artist Listeners and Followers by City

I am trying to develop an application in which I need to resolve a query to get the number of an artist's followers and listeners by a city location.
Thanks in advance,
I have check that It is possible to resolve this question by filtering by country with the search method"ABBA", type='artist', market='ES') but not by city.
"Artist location" was a feature present in the Echonest API.
Unfortunately, this feature was not incorporated by the Spotify API when Spotify incorporated Echonest technologies.
However, you have a workaround which is to process 'The Sounds of Spotify' playlists, many of which were organized by country regions.
You can find a comprehensive dump in the link below:
Sounds Of Spotify link with spreadsheets and Excel files
Then you can filter your requests based on cities/states contained in these playlists. It is not perfect, but it is better than nothing.

Custom field to display Confluence pages

I have Confluence pages for all our Vendors and Customers. I would like a JIRA Custom field that would allow the Helpdesk to select a vendor or customer when creating a ticket.
I have Script Fields installed and have created a new field. I know how to get to the script window via the Add-ons administration. I have tried piecing together some stuff from this page on Bob Swift's site (love that guy) but haven't had any luck.
I would post the code I had but I deleted the field to start over and then got frustrated so decided to ask here.

Sitecore security permissions and standard values

Here is a simplistic summary of my module in Sitecore:
Module Folder
Venue Item (multiple)
Complete Bookings
Booking Item (multiple)
Incomplete Bookings
Booking Item (multiple)
There are many venue item and each have two folders underneath for complete/incomplete bookings which in turn have many booking items underneath them.
I'm setting up workflow roles and need to craft three roles:
Venue Editing
Venue Approving
Booking Managing
These are all easy to setup and secure the correct create/write/delete rights but my issue is that I have, per requirement, disabled inherent read access to the Complete/Incomplete folders as most Sitecore users should not have access to that information. I need to give one specific role read access to these folders and I'm not 100% on how to utilise (is possible) standard values to implement the persmissions.
I can't go into security editor and give each specific complete/incomplete folder read access as the venues will be created/deleted on an ongoing basis. Standard values doesn't seem to copy over its security settings to items instantiated from it. Am I correct in believing this?
Is my only option to set security settings via an event handler or is there a simpler way?
Thanks to jammykam for his helpful comment.
I was going in that direction at first but had forgotten that the permissions aren't retroactively applied to existing items so my test items indicated it wasn't working properly at first.
All sorted now.

How to download entire website database

I would like to download the entire database from my local real estate tax search bill. I need to search this data for keywords. I tried using Wget but it seems it only downloaded the links from the site. I am using linux.
Here is the site:
I bascially want all the information that can be searched on that site locally on my computer.
Just call / email them and ask for a copy:
Tax Bills/Real Estate Data Search
For questions related to data found in tax bill and property searches,
contact the Wake County Revenue Department at or call 919-856-5400

crm dynamics 2011 displaying multiple contacts in the crm application using addressable views

I am using On-Premise crm dynamics 2011 and I am facing problem in the following situation. The requirement in one of the modules I am developing is to get an input from the end user and use it to filter the contacts in crm and display it to the user. I was doing this by using and crm sdk and I was retrieving the entity collection filtered by the user input and displaying the resultant contacts in a web page (custom aspx page outside crm). However, now the requirement is to display the contacts list within crm itself. Not in my application.
I was actually doing a similar thing of displaying a contact, by using the filter and fetching the guid of the contact and using the url
This is fine with displaying a single contact. I was displaying all the contacts using the url
Now the question is how can I open a similar form that displays only filtered contacts? Is there an in built form to fulfill my requirement? if not what I should do. I thought of creating a custom page and embedding in crm, however is it advisable in practical situations? I have this doubt because I would be installing this customization to the client servers. Therefore there is a chance that they might not allow third party customizations. I was wondering if there was any other way to do it.
An example is, when a customer calls, I use his phone number as a filter to lookup for a contact in crm and if there are many contacts associated with the number I need to display them all to the user.
I would build a custom html page.
Query the results using the OData service and display the results in a grid.
You can then add this webpage to a form or a dashboard using an IFRAME.
I've used a combination of crmfetchkit and jQGrid to implement this in the past.
Implementation is 100 percent client side javascript and works pretty well.
