Using composer to install third party symfony bundle - symfony-2.1

Ok. Composer seems great.
But is more complex that deps method to add new bundles. I still donĀ“t get it.
Please someone give me a complete example on how to add a third party bundle to a symfony2 2.1.0-BETA4 installation.
The bundle I want to add is this.

"require": {
"doctrine/doctrine-fixtures-bundle": "dev-master"
Regarding to the doc, this is how it should be set up.
And if you only want this bundle (and not DoctrineFixturesBundle):
"require": {
"doctrine/data-fixtures": "dev-master"


shimming linkurious - how to configure?

I'm trying to use the linkurious library (a sigma fork), which provides a "main": "dist/sigma.require.js" (in the package.json). this allows me to do:
var sigma = require('linkurious');
however, the plugins are not included so I have to require them separately. the problem is that the plugins rely on the sigma variable being available in the global scope. so I've shimmed things as follows (from the package.json):
"browser": {
"sigma": "./node_modules/linkurious/dist/sigma.js",
"linkurious/plugins": "./node_modules/linkurious/dist/plugins.js"
"browserify-shim": {
"sigma": {"exports": "sigma"},
"linkurious/plugins": { "depends": [ "sigma" ] }
"browserify": {
"transform": [ "browserify-shim" ]
which, when run in a browser doesn't generate errors during inclusion of the plugins (I gather this means the global variable is available) but references to the plugins fail (as if they failed to attach themselves, or attached themselves to a non-global variable).
I'm using grunt-browserify to run the process where I have it configured like this (from the Gruntfile.js):
browserify: {
libs: {
files: { 'inc.js': ['index.js'] },
I've attached a little project to this issue with the minimal required code to demonstrate the problem in the hopes that someone else can replicate/figure out. unpack, type npm install; npm start and run a browser against http://localhost:8002/ to see the issue.
thanks in advance,
- edit I -
incidentally, bendrucker at the git repo (see: suggests I need to do a global transform. It's been explained to me that shimming doesn't work on node_modules files and for those I need a global transform. this doesn't make much sense to me as the whole point of shimming is that you don't own the code you're shimming. in any case, bendrucker pointed me to this other SO post where the question is posed but no answers are provided.

how to require a specific file using duojs

I need to include a library that is present on github, but is not well-packaged; using Duo.js
At the moment of writing I am using the following to achieve what I desire:
Bower just downloades the library.
Gulp, with main-bower-files are useful to override the single package options and setup a so-called "main file" that I can build.
gulp.task('copy-libs', function () {
return gulp.src(bowerFiles({ env: 'development' }))
bower.json file:
"dependencies": {
"cash": "sudo-js/cash",
"bootstrap": "~3.3.2",
"delorean": "~0.8.7",
"react": "~0.12.2"
"overrides": {
"cash": {
"main": {
"development": "build/debug/cash.js"
How can i achieve this with duojs?
The documentation is quite thin regarding libraries that does not ship with a valid component.json
You can specify the path to an entry file for your lib. It won't be as clean as just specifying user/repo, but it'll get the job done.
For example, when including Twitter Bootstrap from twbs/bootstrap
// repo: twbs/bootstrap
// version/tag: v3.3.2
// path: dist/js/bootstrap.js
Unfortunately, this doesn't work out-of-the-box since it assumes you have the jQuery global... so you need to add this above the previous line.
jQuery = require('components/jquery'); // leave out `var` so it becomes a global
This includes jQuery from the wonderful components project. (they package up popular libs so they can be consumed by various package managers.
Also, it turns out there is a components/bootstrap that is properly packaged with a component.json.
So, you can actually make bootstrap work with the following:
jQuery = require('components/jquery');
For the other libraries that aren't as common, you can use the process mentioned first to specify the path to the right JS/CSS file. (ie: user/repo#version:path)

Vendor CSS files not being compiled for Brunch

I am having an issue with brunch#1.7.6 not compiling bower_component css files. Similar to Separating app and vendor css in Brunch. Only the css/app.css is getting generated for me. :/
stylesheets: {
joinTo: {
'css/app.css': /^app/,
'css/vendor.css': /^bower_components/
Please let me know if I am doing something wrong. All seemed fine when I was using brunch#1.6.7. Did the config change with the introduction to bower being built in?
With regards to x-editable, I ran into the failure to include the bower_components css, but found that I simply had to add the specifics in the overrides section of bower.json (since it has multiple library options the main is not included in the .bower.json).
I used the following overrides successfully:
"overrides": {
"x-editable": {
"main": [

StealJS and CanJS

I'm having problems using canJS together with stealjs, i've cloned the repo of javascriptmvc (3.3 use canJS). Now i've this folder structure
In another part of my application i've a "standalone module" e.g layout (generated using the scaffolding tool).
I load this module using "js/steal/steal.js?path/to/module/layout" inside my page and it works. If I stole some jquery plugins (e.g. located in the main js folder) inside my layout.js like so:
steal('plugins/jqueryplugin.js', 'plugins/jqueryplugin.css', function() {
// my code here
it still work, but when i try to add in the list of "dependecies" some component from "canJS" (even fixture.js generated with the tool...because it stoles can.fixture) it just stops to work and breaks everything. I've also tried using:
steal('that').then('this', function() {});
But i've the same!!! anyone have any hints?
Ok i found the problem. There is nothing wrong with stealjs and canjs, but
canjs just load its own version of jquery
that will break my application. Now I need to find a way to load canjs and jquery separately (i use yii and some extensions need to have jquery loaded at a certain time so cannot wait for canjs).
Is the issue the version of jQuery or the order of dependencies?
You can configure steal via the stealconfig.js to use another version of jQuery and manage any dependencies.
An example can be found in the github repo: (this example does not show dependencies so i added one below)
map: {
"*": {
"jquery/jquery.js": "jquery", // Map to path
"bootstrap/bootstrap.js": "bootstrap",
"can/util/util.js": "can/util/jquery/jquery.js"
paths: {
"jquery": "can/lib/jquery.1.8.3.js", // Path to jQuery
"bootstrap": "lib/bootstrap.js"
"yui/yui.js" : "can/lib/yui-3.7.3.js",
shim : {
jquery: {
exports: "jQuery"
bootstrap: { // A dependency example
'deps': ['jquery']
ext: {
js: "js",
css: "css",
less: "steal/less/less.js",
coffee: "steal/coffee/coffee.js",
ejs: "can/view/ejs/ejs.js",
mustache: "can/view/mustache/mustache.js"
Note: this is an untested example, hope this helps.
i had problem too with stealJs i have known that it work well with JavascriptMVC,
now i'm using AMD requireJs to dependency manage, an it works great with canjs.
here is the documentation, i hope that it help you!

Problems with behat + mink

I'm trying to install behat + mink (on kohana framework, not symfony, I'm putting behat into the modules folder - I'm writting this just in case, but I guess that's not what causes my problem).
I am having the same search.feature file as it is in behat documentation, I'm changing features/bootstrap class into the:
use Behat\Behat\Context\ClosuredContextInterface,
use Behat\Gherkin\Node\PyStringNode,
use Behat\MinkExtension\Context\MinkContext;
* Features context.
class FeatureContext extends MinkContext
And when I type "behat" in the CLI I get the following error: Call to a member function getSession() on a non object in .....RawMinkContext.php on line 80.
I've read somewhere that it's the behat.yml file which causes this error. I think the right thing to do is to create new behat.yml file in the root of the installed behat folder and put this code inside:
goutte: ~
selenium2: ~
features: features
bootstrap: features/bootstrap
features: features/annotations
features: features/closures
But of couse it gives me the same error. I've tried a lot of configurations: copying only extensions part, changing default into context, copying the same content into three other behat.yml files (vendor/behat/behat, and vendor/behat/monk, and vendor/behat/monk-ententions) - none works.
Can someone tell me what's the right way to set this? Maybe someone here also had problems with that...
BTW. When I installed behat withough goutte, only with selenium2 driver, I was getting errors that goutte is not installed. But when I installed it with goutte, I was getting errors that there's no fabpot/goutte directory (or fapbot/, I don't remember, but I guess it was the first one :D), so I deleted everything and reinstalled behat with the following composer.json file, maybe this also has something to do with this error:
"name": "behat/mink-browserkit-driver",
"description": "Symfony2 BrowserKit driver for Mink framework",
"keywords": ["Symfony2", "testing", "browser"],
"homepage": "",
"type": "mink-driver",
"license": "MIT",
"authors": [
"name": "Konstantin Kudryashov",
"email": "",
"homepage": ""
"require": {
"php": ">=5.3.1",
"symfony/browser-kit": ">=2.0.0,<2.2.0",
"symfony/dom-crawler": ">=2.0.0,<2.2.0",
"behat/behat": "2.4.*#stable",
"behat/mink": "1.4.*#stable",
"behat/mink-extension": "*",
"behat/mink-goutte-driver": "*",
"behat/mink-selenium2-driver": "*"
"minimum-stability": "dev",
"autoload": {
"psr-0": {
"Behat\\Mink\\Driver": "src/"
"config": {
"bin-dir": "bin/"
The recommended way to install Behat+Mink for anything, not just Kohana, is via Composer. See for instructions. The autoload clause you have in your composer.json is not required.
As for your modules attempt, KO3.2 does not yet have the ability to load PSR-0 and so putting it in modules will not allow it to be loaded correctly.
Don't randomly copy your behat.yml - you only need one copy in your project root. If you are worried, you can explicitly load your behat.yml via bin/behat -c /path/to/behat.yml
With your composer.json set up correctly to have mink dependencies, you can then just do bin/behat -dl to verify mink works.
You can then do bin/behat --init to create your features filestructure.
This will create a FeatureContext which overrides Mink's definitions, so add
require_once __DIR__.'/../../vendor/autoload.php';
and change the class definition to:
class FeatureContext extends Behat\MinkExtension\Context\MinkContext
in your features/bootstrap/FeatureContext.php file.
Everything should work as expected now. I recently did a Behat+Mink+KO3 setup, feel free to see how I did it here:
