Has anyone got servicestack work with HttpRequestMessage and HttpResponseMessage? - servicestack

Has anyone had success getting servicestack to work with HttpRequestMessage and HttpResponseMessage?
What is the minimum implementation of IHttpRequest and IHttpResponse that servicestack needs in order to properly handle an http request?

IHttpRequest and IHttpResponse are just normalized lightweight interface wrappers around ASP.NET and HttpListener's server HTTP Request/Response objects. It's purpose is to provide a generic, testable API you can bind against so your services can work in both ASP.NET and HttpListener hosts. They have no connection with HttpRequestMessage / HttpResponseMessage.
Not sure what you're trying to achieve, but you can return a IHttpResult or its de-facto implementation HttpResult to customize the HTTP Headers and body output of your services response.


ServiceStack JsonServiceClient URLs

I'm evaluating ServiceStack JsonServiceClient and the requests use a generic /json/reply endpoint:
Is it possible to use the endpoints declared in the services (e.g.: [Route("/hello")])?
The .NET (C#,F#,VB.NET) JsonServiceClient does use the user defined routes as they’re able to access the .NET metadata attributes, other languages can’t as they are unable the access the same runtime metadata so they’re typically emitted in comments for documentation purposes and use ServiceStack’s pre-defined routes which is enabled by default on all ServiceStack Services which allows for a simpler generic implementation that can invoke any API.
All JsonServiceClient in all languages also offer API methods which accept a string path which can be used to call APIs using your user-defined routes, e.g:
// https://techstacks.io/technology?Slug=ServiceStack
client.get<GetTechnologyResponse>("/technology", { Slug: "ServiceStack" })
as well as POST Request DTOs to Custom URLs:
client.postToUrl("/custom-path", request, { Slug: "ServiceStack" });
client.putToUrl("http://example.org/custom-path", request);
JS lib also contain some additional APIs which can help generate populated query strings for user defined routes, e.g:
combinePaths("path","to","..","join") //= path/join
createPath("path/{foo}", {foo:1,bar:2}) //= path/1
createUrl("http://host/path/{foo}",{foo:1,bar:2}) //= http://host/path/1?bar=2

How to run a SOAP request in NodeJs?

It might sound like a repeated question at first, but I've gone through all the blogs/ tutorials/ videos I found but none of them actually says how you run that request. Example: for a RESTful request, you code in NodeJs, hit the route(https://localhost/3000/api/getStudent) and get the response. In code you use router.post('/getStudent', async (req,res) => {
// Check response here or manipulate
But in soap after coding all the functions like in here-
Where do I call the the function and how do I pass parameters and test it? And how do I check the response?
To place this in the context of what you are asking about, a SOAP service is just a server listening on an address for POST requests that have an XML payload. That's it.
So if your SOAP web service address is http://example.com/service_endpoint then you can call the web service by making a POST HTTP request at this address and sending it a SOAP XML message as payload.
Obviously, the XML message in the request must match something that the service expects and you know how to build that XML either by reading documentation or by using the WSDL of the SOAP web service.
So if you know how to make a POST HTTP request to a REST service address and send it a XML payload (although most commonly for REST you use JSON), you already know how to call a SOAP web service.
Now, for convenience, because SOAP is a protocol, the way you call the service and what it expects as XML payload is described by the WSDL, and you can use tools that read the WSDL and create a client API that you can invoke like any other method in your code. The tools handle the details of the HTTP POST request for you, and also the marshalling of any parameters to XML. This is probably what you found confusing.
So let's take an example.
If you have, say, a service that has an operation named savePerson which accepts firstName and lastName as parameters and is described in the WSDL, then your tooling might generate a client that has such a method and accepts a Person object and you can call it like:
var response = client.savePerson({ "firstName": "Kim", "lastName": "Seokjin" });
or some variation of this. You then get a response that you can read just like any other object. You might get a promise instead, or an event, or whatever way the client chooses for how to work. When you use this code, what happens is that the client performs a HTTP POST request behind the scenes for you and marshals the person object to XML, something like this:
POST /service_endpoint
Host: http://example.com
Content-Type: text/xml; charset="utf-8"
Content-Length: nnnn
<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/">
You can obviously send this request yourself with whatever HTTP library you prefer if you don't want to generate a client from the WSDL. But people prefer to use a generated client instead of dealing with these details directly (i.e. making HTTP requests, parsing XML, etc).

ServiceStack ServiceClient HTTP 206 and Range header

I'm using ServiceStack ServiceClient to write an API wrapper. The API returns HTTP 206 if the number of entities to be returned is too great. Is there a a good way to handle this with ServiceClient, for example for an API endpont that's wrapped like this:
var result = client.Get<IEnumerable<TResource>>("path");
Is this a ServiceStack service that's returning a HTTP 206? as this isn't behavior that's in-built into ServiceStack. If you are using a ServiceStack you may need to increase your IIS/ASP.NET Request limits to allow larger responses.
Otherwise if you're talking to a 3rd Party API, you shouldn't use ServiceStack's Service Clients which are opinionated towards consuming ServiceStack services. You should instead use something like the HTTP Utils built into ServiceStack which would allow you to specify custom HTTP Headers if your service supports it, you can ask for a Partial Content-Range by specifying it in a HTTP Request Filter, e.g:
var json = "http://example.org/users".GetJsonFromUrl(
requestFilter: httpReq => httpReq.AddRange(0, 1000));

Get HttpResult using the JsonServiceClient

I am returning HttpResult from one of the rest service methods using servicestack's new API. Is there a way to get the HttpResult using the JsonServiceClient?
For ex: JSonServiceClient.Send<HttpResult>("DELETE","person", new { PersonID = 30 });
I want to inspect the header information from the httpresult.
There's no such thing as a HttpResult client response from a ServiceStack web service.
You use a HttpResult to customize the HTTP Response that's returned from your service, e.g. Add additional HTTP Headers. But the response body the client sees is still only the Response DTO (if any).
Use fiddler, wireshark, chome web inspector (if this is an Ajax call) or something like ServiceStack's Request Logger plugin to inspect the HTTP traffic.
Invalid use of ServiceStack's REST Clients
Also consider using the appropriate Clients REST API like client.Delete(), client.Get() etc instead of overloading the T.Send() method (which is usually a POST).
Use Typed DTOs in the ServiceClient instead of anonymous types which are not supported.
Inspecting HTTP Headers using the ServiceStack Service Clients
ServiceStack's Service Clients provide Local and Global WebResponse (and Request) filters that you can use to introspect the WebClient's HttpWebResponse returned for that request, e.g:
client.ResponseFilter = httpRes => {
httpRes.Headers.. //do something with returned headers
client.Delete(new Person { Id = 30, ...});

Does RallyRestApi use HTTP GET or POST method?

I am using the Java Toolkit for Rally REST API, and I am concerned about security of credentials being passed using the RallyRestApi class. Does RallyRestApi use an HTTP GET or POST method for authenticating?
Here is the usage example from the Java Toolkit for Rally REST API page:
RallyRestApi restApi = new RallyRestApi(new URI("https://rally1.rallydev.com"), "user#company.com", "password");
The toolkit uses basic auth, which basically sends the username/password in an encoded header. As long as you are connecting to the server via SSL (https protocol rather than http) your credentials will not be passed in clear text.
