How to export properly in node.js? - node.js

I'm running some issues with my node application after upgrading to Express 3.0. So, since I'm rewriting it, I was trying to follow the style of routes/index.js because it looks clean.
So, in my main app.js I have some variables such as:
var calls = 0;
var agents = [];
And also use the node-mysql module. However, the routes definition doesn't have app.js scope but their own scope so calls and agents aren't visible.
How should I make them visible?
For mysql I tried something like:
// libraries/mysql.js
mysql = require('mysql');
var mysql_conf = {
host: myhost,
user: myuser,
password: mypass,
database: mydb
var mysql_client = mysql.createClient(mysql_conf);
//Later in routes/index.js
mysql_client = require('../helpers/mysql.js');
But it seems not to work as it says TypeError: Object #<Object> has no method 'query'
Any hints please?

The line
Does not actually assign anything to the mysql_client property of exports. It accesses a property, and immediately discards the value. You need to do something like this:
var mysql_client = mysql.createClient(mysql_conf);
exports.mysql_client = mysql_client;
// or simply
exports.mysql_client = mysql.createClient(mysql_conf);


In Node, why does 'require' assignment sometimes require curly brackets?

Running some tests through Chai, I noticed the tests would fail under this code:
const add = require('./addition');
//'add is not a function error' even though it's directly exported as a function
But it would pass under this:
const {add} = require('./addition');
Yet when using npm modules, everything is declared without the brackets:
var express = require('express');
var app = express();
var session = require('express-session');
And those are essentially objects with multiple properties to be accessed. Why does it work this way? Is it only function exports that must be assigned as objects explicitly?
This is known as object destructuring. Please refer the link.
For example you have exported a file called sampleFunctions.js which has following functions as exports
function function1(params) {};
function function2(params) {};
module.exports = {
sampleFunc1: function1,
sampleFunc2: function2
Now when you need to require it, there are two ways -
when you only need one function(using object destructuring)
let {sampleFunc1} = require('./sampleFunctions');
In this you exposed only the required function not all of the functions exported from that file.
when you want to require all the functions from that file
let sampleFuncs = require('./sampleFunctions');
let samFunc1 = sampleFuncs.sampleFunc1;

exports is not defined when running node.js script using vm in strict mode

I see this code in many modules:
var app = exports = module.exports = {};
But I have some problem executing these modules using Node.js VM in strict mode.
Here a demonstration:
var code = `
'use strict'; // Works if I remove this line
var app = exports = module.exports;
var vm = require('vm');
var vmModule = { exports: {} };
var context = vm.createContext({
exports: vmModule.exports,
module: vmModule
var script = new vm.Script(code);
If I run this code I receive a exports is not defined error.
Without use strict the above code works fine.
Why a similar declaration works on a standard Node module but not inside a vm script? Should I declare the context in a different way?
As pointed by #mscdex this is probably an issue with node. See
A possible workaround that seems to work (I hope without other implications) is to wrap all code inside an iife function:
const iifeCode = `(function(exports){${code}}(module.exports));`;
Then execute iifeCode instead of code:
var script = new vm.Script(iifeCode);

Are node.js modules need to be wrapped inside the module pattern?

To ensure proper isolation, I tend to wrap each node.js module that I write inside a function scope:
(function() {
var express = require('express');
var jade = require('jade');
var moment = require('moment');
exports.someFunction = function() {
// do something
exports.otherFunction = function() {
// do something else
I've been doing this for some time now, but I have the feeling that node.js' module system is actually doing this for me, or (in other words) that the above code is equivalent to the following code:
var express = require('express');
var jade = require('jade');
var moment = require('moment');
exports.someFunction = function() {
// do something
exports.otherFunction = function() {
// do something else
Are the two really equivalent?
In particular, I am interested to know whether is the isolation level is the same: are the express, jade or moment variables local to the module? (i.e., I'd like to make sure that they are not defined in the global scope or interfere with any other definition outside of this module).
Variables declared within a module are local to that module. It is safe to omit your enclosing function.
From the Node.js docs:
Variables local to the module will be private, as though the module was wrapped in a function

Why doesn't my Mongoose schema method "see" my required object?

I'm really confused about a variable scope issue with a file required via a path in a config file. Why does my Mongoose schema method "see" the required objects when called from within the model file but not when called from my app.js file? I'm convinced that I must be doing something obviously wrong but I can't see it.
The Node project has the following (simplified) structure:
This is config.js:
config = {};
config.test = 'test';
config.models = __dirname + '/models';
module.exports = config;
This is story.js:
var config = require('../config.js');
var models = require(config.models);
var foo = {}; = 'baz';
var storySchema = mongoose.Schema
author: {type: mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId},
root: {type: mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId, default: null}
storySchema.methods.test = function()
var Story = exports.model = mongoose.model('story', storySchema);
When I create a new Story in app.js and call its test() method, I get this output:
baz (so I know it's seeing objects in the same file)
test (so I know it's seeing variables in the config file)
{} (this "should" log my models object but it logs an empty object, why?)
When I create a new Story object within the story.js file, and run it (node ./models.story.js) the values returned are as expected (the models object is logged rather than an empty object).
Update, here are the index.js and app.js files:
module.exports = {
post: require('./post'),
story: require('./story')
var config = require('./config');
var models = require(config.models);
var story = new models.story.model();
I believe the issue is that you've created a circular dependency. Story executes require(config.models) which requires Story again inside index.js.
Rather than storing a string and requireing it everywhere, try storing the models directly in config.models:
module.exports = {
test: 'test',
models: require(__dirname + '/models')
In case anyone runs into this same issue, I wanted to point to a couple resources I came across that helped me resolve the issue. As ssafejava pointed out, the problem does have to do with circular dependency (although ssafejava's solution did not entirely resolve the issue) . What worked for me was designing this dependency out of my application but there are other options if doing so is not possible. See the following issues' comments for a better explanation (in particular, see 'isaacs' comments):

Understanding exports in NodeJS

I don't think I quite understand how exports work in Node.js. In a bit of sample code, I noticed the exports object used in this manner:
exports = mongoose = require('mongoose')
exports = Schema = mongoose.Schema
What is happening behind the scenes when you use exports = twice like that? Looks to me like "mongoose" should not be exported. I did this quick test:
var foo
, bar
exports = foo = 'foo'
exports = bar = 'bar'
// reports 'bar' only
and the second test does overwrite the first export.
My guess is the original author of that sample code is confused about module.exports vs exports. To use the exports object, you must add properties to it like this:
exports.size = 42;
If you re-assign the exports variable to a new object, you basically lose access to the global exports object that node.js provided for you. If you do this twice or three or N times, the effect is the same. It's useless. For example: mod_b.js
var realExports = exports;
realExports.height = 42;
var exports = {};
exports.weight = 43;
And in mod_a.js
var mod_b = require('./mod_b');
Run node mod_a.js and you get:
{ height: 42 }
Notice height is there but weight is not. Now, what you can do is assign module.exports to be an object, and that is the object that will be returned when another module requires your module. So you will see things like.
var x = 10;
var y = 20;
module.exports = {x: x, y: y};
Which will do what you expect. Here's some informative articles on the details.
Node.js Module – exports vs module.exports
What is the purpose of NodeJS module.exports and how do you use it?
Mastering Node
As an extension to #Peter-Lyons answer, your example is valid, your test case is incorrect.
Exporting variables like this is not recommended, but by doing that, you are exposing this variables into a global namespace.
e.g. test0.js
'use strict';
var assert = require('assert');
var test1 = require('./test1');
assert(globalVar1 === 123);
assert(globalVar2.a === 123);
test1.js -- mind the missing 'use strict';
exports = globalVar1 = 123;
exports = globalVar2 = {a:123};
Once again, it's valid, but not recommended.
