We can easily custom the powerful Symfony2 form component with an entity Field Type
use Doctrine\ORM\EntityRepository;
// ...
$builder->add('users', 'entity', array(
'class' => 'AcmeHelloBundle:User',
'query_builder' => function(EntityRepository $er) {
return $er->createQueryBuilder('u')
->orderBy('u.username', 'ASC');
Is there a way to inject a method using a custom Entitymanager (UserManager in this case) instead? I am thinking that in the case of long queries, it might be interesting to have the option to use custom methods from an EntityManager instead?
Each form can be described as a service in service container so you can specify any dependencies from any other services. I would say it's a good idea to encapsulate queries inside repository/usermanager instead of using them inline. Ihmo symfony version does not matter in this case.
In offical document about authorization, i follow this guide and use casl lib
Let's assume that if i want to validate the request man is the owner of an article, i must get the article data from the database, and compare userId between user and article.userId, so i must inject a repoistory dependency like this
export class DeleteHolePolicyHandler implements IPolicyHandler {
private readonly treeholeDaoService: TreeholeDaoService
async handle(ability: AppAbility, req: Request) {
const hole = await this.treeholeDaoService.findById(req.body.id)
return res
but i got an error, it shows me this.treeholeDaoService is undefined.
so what should i do that can make it work?
this is reproduce link
You can't inject dependencies since it's an in-place property declared using new. As stated in the docs:
Since we must instantiate the policy handler in-place using the new keyword, ReadArticlePolicyHandler class cannot use the Dependency Injection. This can be addressed with the ModuleRef#get method (read more here). Basically, instead of registering functions and instances through the #CheckPolicies() decorator, you must allow passing a Type<IPolicyHandler>. Then, inside your guard, you could retrieve an instance using a type reference: moduleRef.get(YOUR_HANDLER_TYPE) or even dynamically instantiate it using the ModuleRef#create method.
There seems be some things missing in the Spring-LDAP ODM annotations. This is a question by way of a feature request, if there is a better way to contribute such requests, please say so.
I'd like to mark an #Attribute as read-only, so it will populate the bean from LDAP for reference, but not persist it back to ldap. I'd suggest adding an attribute read-only to #Attribute, defaulting to false, for the usual case. The default attributes of * misses all the operational attributes, some of which are very useful, and transfers more data than is required, slowing down the ldap query with attributes which will never be used.
An example of this; it would be very useful, for literally read only, such as entryUUID, etag, etc., which you cannot use if you wish to persist only some fields back to ldap, as the bean fails to persist to ldap with an exception when you save the bean. But also would be usefule for general fields which you want to structurally prevent the user from ever updating.
You can get around this by not annotating read-only fields, and then manually populating the read only fields with a separate call. Very messy and kills the query speed.
Also on a related topic, query() coudl have a default list of attributes, which you have already annotated in your classes, something like :
public static String[] getBeanAttributes(Class<?> beanClass) {
ArrayList<String> attrsObj = new ArrayList<>();
for (Field field : beanClass.getDeclaredFields()) {
if (field.isAnnotationPresent(Attribute.class)) {
Attribute attr = field.getAnnotation(Attribute.class);
String[] attrs = attrsObj.toArray(new String[attrsObj.size()]);
return attrs;
Above just returns a simple String[] of your declared attributes, to pass to query.attributes() - now i realize that as a static member, query() is built before the bean class is known, but at least there could be a helper function like the above, or a method signature for query attributes() that took a bean Class signature as an argument.
I created LDAP-312 on Jira. Thanks.
As I exposed here, I would like to be able to query freely on the index without Orchard building the query for me.
I built a module, and inserted a copy of the SearchController, adding a new route...
To override default Orchard behavior concerning the query, I had to create new implementations of : ISearchService, IIndexManager, ISearchBuilder, IIndexProvider.
There are minor modifications from their default implementations, but they are needed.
That works as expected, but it currently override the default search too.
This is because I used the same interfaces and autofac takes my implementations.
I would like to be able to leave the default implementation untouched (at url /Search), and add my implementation at url (/LuceneSearch for example)
I suppose I must tell Autofac to use my implementations only for my controller by creating a class that inherits the autofac Module class.
Here is my problem : I don't know how to tell Autofac to use by default the Orchard Implementation, and just for my controller, use my implementation....
Another possibility is to create new interfaces, but it seems to me not really beautiful...
Can someone help me ? :)
Metadata feature will help you here. Also you have to register your implementations with PreserveExistingDefaults() modifier to preserve orchard's implementations by default.
Orchard registers all dependencies from Autofac's IModule implementation and from Orchard's IDependency one. All magic happen in Orchard's ShellContainerFactory class. Since ISearchService inherits from IDependency your implementation is registered by Orchard which overwrites default one.
You have two ways here:
Introduce your own empty interface IMySearchService which inherits from ISearchService. Implement and use it in your code where you need your implementation. Orchard will handle all registrations for your.
Orchard registers all IDependency implementations with "Feature" Metadata in ShellContainerFactory.RegisterType method. You can read this metadata in your code and choose your implementation (see link to wiki above). Feature class contains all necessary information about your module.
Hope this will help you.
A simpler method without dabbling with the intricacies of Autofac would be to use an IEnumerable<IInterface> variable in your controller/driver at url "/LuceneSearch" to hold all implementations of IInterface and choose which to consume.
For example, in order to consume your implementation of IIndexManager, you would put the following in your controller or driver
public class MyCustomPartDriver : ContentPartDriver<MyCustomPart> {
private readonly IEnumerable<IIndexManager> _indexManagers;
public MyCustomPartDriver(IEnumerable<IIndexManager> indexManagers) {
_indexManagers = indexManager;
protected override DriverResult Display(MyCustomPart part, string displayType, dynamic shapeHelper) {
//Use your implementation of IIndexManager
var indexManager = _indexManagers.First(im => im is MyCustomIndexManager);
//Get the ISearchBuilder from your implementation of IIndexManager
var searchBuilder = indexManager.HasIndexProvider() ? indexManager.GetSearchIndexProvider().CreateSearchBuilder("Search") : new NullSearchBuilder();
//perform search on the indexing engine
var contentItemIds = searchBuilder.
.WithField("type", "MyCustomType").Mandatory().ExactMatch()
.Parse("mycustompart-keyword", part.Keyword).Mandatory()
.Select(h => h.ContentItemId)
//do stuff with the results returned and return a DriverResult using the ContentShape method. Well, you know the drill.
If you don't want to have autofac resolve your own implementation by default, then don't implement the public interface.
I have an asp.net mvc application and I am developing a custom attribute to secure some wcf end points inheriting from a CodeAccessSecurityAttribute.
I'm having difficulty finding out how I would use autofac to inject a service dependancy that I can use within this attribute.
[AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Class | AttributeTargets.Method, AllowMultiple = true, Inherited = true)]
public class SecuredResourceAttribute : CodeAccessSecurityAttribute
public ISecurityService SecurityService { get; set; }
public SecuredResourceAttribute(SecurityAction action) : base(action)
public override IPermission CreatePermission()
// I need access to the SecurityService here
// SecurityService == null :(
I have tried from the application start to register for property auto wiring, but this is not working. What's the best way to inject a dependancy into an attribute?
The way you are approaching this is not going to pan out for a couple reasons:
Registering an attribute in autofac will do nothing as you're not using autofac to instantiate the attribute.
Attributes are applied before code execution, and thus rely on constant inputs.
You're going to have to use a service location pattern inside your CreatePermission() method to locate the SecurityService, as I am assuming the CreatePermission() call comes after the container is setup (and the constructor does not!)
Keep in mind ServiceLocation will hinder your class testability, as you will have to configure/set-up the service locator for each test.
Please use with caution
You should start your journey into ServiceLocation here but honestly this should make you question your design. Is an attribute best suited for the role you've tasked it? Perhaps you should look into Aspect-Oriented Programming like PostSharp
I want to display completely different layouts for users in different roles on the root url of my application. I am currently achieving this using the following lines in bootstrap.php.
if (Auth::instance()->logged_in()){
Route::set('default', '(<controller>(/<action>(/<id>)))')
->defaults(array('controller' => 'profile','action' => 'index',));
Route::set('default', '(<controller>(/<action>(/<id>)))')
->defaults(array('controller' => 'welcome','action' => 'index',));
What is the best practice to achieve this in Kohana? Is it ok to add more lines for different roles in bootstrap.php.
you should consider using lambdacallback-route-logic
If allows you to modify the requested URL dynamically and much more cleaner than writing something in bootstrap.php
Why dont change basic template in ONE controller (and using the same route)? I think, your controller code doesn't differs if user logged in or not.
I do it like this:
Create an abstract class Controller_Rolebased where in before() method you can implement Role checking.
And then for example:
class Controller_Profile extends Controller_Rolebased
protected $_accept_roles = array('user', 'admin'); // this array Controller_Rolebased class will use in before method.