I am aware there is a duplicate for this question but it has no answers. Craig Peterson, Mason Wheeler and other 13 people were wondering why the person who asked a question may need the answer. They said:
because trying to open a webpage and hide it from the user sounds kinda suspicious, and we're honorable coders here who don't want to help anyone write malware. So please convince us you've got some legitimate reason to want to do this, or you're not likely to get any answers.
I tried to edit the original message in order to provide such reason and hopefully get the answer but the modification had been rejected by dgw and albertjan, saying:
This edit is incorrect or an attempt to reply to or comment on the existing post
So I am providing the reason for the question again, I believe it is pretty valid.
The reason:
This may be needed for running a specific Javascript lib, which cannot run on server. For example, for Google Analytics code, which must be run in the default browser (to avoid cookie confusion). And of course, we do not want to open any pages on user desktop although there is nothing to hide really.
Please advise.
Okay. I know this question was a bit confusing, so let me decompose my question a bit further. For example, let's say I have the URL: https://example.com. I have an open GET endpoint at: https://example.com/user/* that will return a specific user's information based on what the contents of the "*" is. Lets say a specific user is at: https://example.com/user/12345. On an HTML page, I would like to put that user's profile contents and some of their hobbies. Again, this is theoretical. I have explored various solutions such as Handlebars.js which can dynamically change values based on the server request. However, this solution does not always work. Take a search engine for example at: https://mysearchengine.com/search?query=dogs. Here, we have a search query for dogs. How do I render all of the results to a HTML document without using a dynamic content module like Handlebars?
This question was particularly difficult to ask, so please do not mark this as "not enough information". I would be more than happy to clarify any questions you may have about the nature of my query. Thank you so much in advance,
Flight Dude.
Just wanted to let y'all know I found my answer: EJS. Thanks!
i need some help related to masked field in web form. Syntax of phone field is (___)___-_____, if i execute this code in ruby shell
browser.text_field(:id => 'txtphone').set '7893457889'
... nothing has been added in the phone field.
then i find this solution in one blog, someone said first unmask this field using this code.
then write the above code again.
browser.text_field(:id => 'txtphone').set '7893457889'
but still nothing has happened. kindly help me out...am i doing right or still there is a mistake.
If you could provide some sample of the page HTML it will be easier to give you an answer more likely to work.
Given what you have provided us to work from, we have to go with the normal way that such masked input fields typically work and go from there. Usually pages with this kind of thing are calling a javascript function which is triggered by a specific event. Most often this is an event such as onchange but it may be something like keypress or any other even that happens when a normal user types or pasts text into the cell.
You likely need to experiment with using the '.fire_event' method to fire the proper javascript event, or if that fails entirely making a direct call to execute the proper script
When doing this do not confuse the name of a script such as 'applymask' or somesuch with the javascript event which causes that script to be invoked.
The answers to this question How to find out which JavaScript events fired? include some good information on how to use firebug or the chrome developer tools to figure out what events are being fired when you interact with an object on the browser screen.
Update: instead of responding here to indicate if this answer was of any use the OP reposted their question here Masked Text Box issue and by digging around on the vendor's demo site (since that time he actually had posted some of the HTML when we asked for it) I was able to find a solution using watir-webdriver that worked for him.
I have some serious problems testing a sharepoint site with selenium/bromine. As I did't find an answer via various searches I hope someone here can point me in the right direction.
I am constantly getting timeouts opening the main page, but the server is definetly fast enough to answer the request and at 90% idle. Nevertheless I just get logs like these:
open http://username:passwd# | Timed out after 90000ms
Test terminated The selenium server did not return OK
The auth popup is popping up at irregular intervals (every 5 to 10 clicks) although every open command uses the http://username:passwd# as prefix
Clicking on elements is sometimes not registered, the logs show a successful
isElementPresent link=myLink
click link=myLink
but the browser doesn't react. These are mainly in-page links which open a new folder or an editing box.
I'm not sure whether I should have posted the in three separate questions, but I didn't want to spam.
Hope someone can help me, as I have these problems now for nearly 3 weeks.
Thanks in advance
For your question number 2: Okay, this is a really late reply. I stumbled on this page looking for the answer myself. Given that I have solved it in the meantime, I figured I'd post my answer for other people stumbling onto this page.
General solution:
You need to create or use a profile that will let firefox automatically forward your credentials to the sharepoint website. You can create the profile manually and call it each time, see https://applicationtestingtips.wordpress.com/2009/12/21/seleniumrc-handle-windows-authentication-firefox/ for instructions.
Programmer solution: (works in python, should work similarly in Java)
Or you can create a new profile on the fly each time. I did that based on the information in the previously mentioned website. I use python for calling selenium, but this should be rather similar in whatever language you use to call selenium:
sharepointHosts = 'sharepoint1.mycompany.com,sharepoint2.mycompany.com' #have all your sharepoint hosts here in a comma-separated list
ffProfile.set_preference('network.automatic-ntlm-auth.trusted-uris', sharepointHosts)
ffProfile.set_preference('network.negotiate-auth.delegation-uris', sharepointHosts)
ffProfile.set_preference('network.negotiate-auth.trusted-uris', sharepointHosts)
driver = webdriver.Firefox(firefox_profile=ffProfile)
Is there any sort of documentation on exactly what parameters you can put in the url of Google viewer?
Originally, I thought it was just url,embedded,chrome, but I've recently come accross other funny ones like a,pagenumber, and a few others for authentication etc.
Any clues?
One I know is "chrome"
If you've got https://docs.google.com/viewer?........;chrome=true
then you see a fairly heavy UI version of that doc, however with "chrome=false" you get a compact version.
But indeed, I'd like a complete list myself!
I know this question is very old and perhaps you already solved your issue, but for anyone on the internet who might be looking for an answer...
I have been looking for this recently, following a guide I found on GitHub Gist
More specifically, the option to embed a certain page of pdf using
<iframe src="https://docs.google.com/viewer?srcid=[put your file id here]&pid=explorer&efh=false&a=v&chrome=false&embedded=true" width="580px" height="480px"></iframe>
The best I could fing was this article (I suppose from a long time now)
HOWEVER, I tried modifying the attributes and the result was simply a redirect to
https://drive.google.com/file/d/[ID]/preview or
I'm also on a quest to discover some of the parameters of the viewer.
the "chrome" parameter doesn't seem to do anything, though. Is this
supposed to be the same as embedded=true?
Parameters I know of:
url= (obviously)
embedded= (obviously)
hl= set language of UI (tooltips)
#:0.page.1 = jump to page 2 (page 1 is numbered 0) - this is unreliable and often requires a refresh after the first load,
defeating the purpose.
That said, when I use the Google Docs viewer on my site, "fit page to
screen" is the default view without any parameters. So maybe I'm
misunderstanding your question.
Source: For convenience, this is a full quote of the sole answer (it is from user k3david) to the crosspost of this question #Doc has posted to the Google support forum in 2011.
You can pass q=whatever to pass a search query to the viewer.
I wish to block ALL my content from any users using an ad-blocking browser extension (ie. Adblock Plus for Firefox, Adthwart for Chrome).
How can I acheive this? Is there a server-side solution? Client-side?
Edit 1
This question regards the detection of ad-blocking browser extensions:
Detecting AdBlocking software?
I'm concerned with post-detection action.
Edit 2
A duplicate question was asked after mine, so I thought I'd link to it here:
Prevent Adblock Users from Accessing Website?
To detect if the user is blocking ads, all you have to do is find a function in the ad javascript and try testing for it. It doesn't matter what method they're using to block the ad. Here's what it looks like for Google Adsense ads:
//They're blocking ads, do something else.
This method is outlined here: http://www.metamorphosite.com/detect-web-popup-blocker-software-adblock-spam
It's like trying to block users from reading your contents while standing rather then while sitting. It's silly, and it's likely to drive visitors off your site. The last time i saw a "you're using adblock, that hurt web developing bla bla" i jst blocked that div with the element hiding helper. It was fun i admit. Most sites are almost unreadable as now, with flashing ads and pale contents. A good quantity of ads are, also, malevolent, disguised as part of the site they're in takes the user to bad places.
That's why you should not. If you still want to, bad news, you can't. As long as i can write $('.ad').hide() in my console, nobody can stop me from adblocking something. I sometimes give up when ads divs have a very generic class, id, or they haven't any, so that it's difficult to target them with the adblock element hiding helper (of course if they are not in the lists, in that case i dont even know they exists). So the best you can do probably is give to ads a class of .content or something you use also in other parts of the site. It's not much, but it' all you can do. And just because you can, it does not mean you should. The web marketing model have to change, and it will.
That I know of this is not directly possible. Most add blockers work by locking at the URLs that are being "requested" and either blocking directly, or looking at the content/mime-type and blocking based on that.
You might be able to do something by looking for signs of the adblocker, but this will be difficult at best.
Although I love my adblocker, it's about answering questions. You could check if an url that would normally be blocked by an adblocker is reachable, and continue only if that image/bla in question is loaded. otherwise, you just don't.