Configuring baretail to show logs over the network - linux

I am looking for a log reader that updates in real time. Also, my log files are on a server running Linux, while I'm on a Windows system.
I found Bare Metal's BareTail, which I'm having difficulty configuring. I have written a simple batch to execute & open the log file but it is not able to, which is not very surprising, as the server needs a username/password which I don't know how to specify. My batch:
:: Set Path to BareTail.exe Location
set path=path;"D:\Installs"
:: Set Server Path & Folder Path
set server=
set dir=\product\install\logs\
start baretail.exe \\%server%%dir%system.log
Any ideas on how to resolve this?

On the Linux machine, create an SMB share that points to the logs directory.
In Windows Explorer, map the SMB share to a drive letter. In your case, mapping opens the login dialog for the server. Then simply drag the log file into baretail.


Viewing updates of a dynamically generated log on a remote linux server from a windows machine

I have connected my windows 7 machine via winscp sftp with a cubietruck that runs on debian jessie server.
I need to watch on windows the updated log of an installed app in the linux server.
With winscp I can see this log file. I set the winscp to refresh the remote panel every 10 seconds. I tried to open this log with the following editors:
1) Sublime text with autorefresh plugin
2) Notepad ++ with update silently set
3) Glogg
Unfortunately even though the remote panel was refreshed and watched the log file to grow in size, the file opened in the editors was not updated.
I also tried to set Keep Local Directory up To Date , which creates a replicate file in a local directory in windows. When I had this file opened with the above editors and the remote log file changed then a new file was created on the local disk, without succeeding in watching the updated log.
Does anyone know any solution to this issue or a working alternative ?
You can try klogg. It is a fork of glogg. Glogg opens files in such a way that may prevent other programs from accessing them, that is described here. That has been fixed in klogg(see the issue for details).

IIS ftp server not responding to get file size

I have an external board that is connected to my IIS ftp server.
I am running the external board code, and it downloads SUCCESSFULLY a file from my ftp server.
inside this file there is another file name in the root ftp folder that the board is trying to get it's file size and fail (from what i see in the log).
When I am doing the same operation with the same files over the Board's manufacturers ftp server - the operation succeeded.
Do i need to do something special in order to allow getting the file size in my ftp server ?
Locate your ftp site on left pane. Find "ftp directory browsing" on right pane. Set UNIX instead of MS-DOS (default). Alternatively edit configuration manually

Using SAS X Command with PCFILES server

I have some SAS code that writes out to a specific sheet in an excel workbook. The other sheets have formulas that look to this sheet so the workbook is basically a template that gets populated when my code is run.
I want to be able to run the code multiple times, and end up with a different version of the template each time it is run. I'm thinking the easiest way to achieve this is write out to the template and then use x command or something to copy the workbook and then rename it.
SAS is on a linux server and I use a pc files server to write to excel. How do I set up x command to copy the file and change its name on the remote server?
Sorry for the late answer, but I just encountered this myself and can provide a solution.
Can you access files on the sas server through windows (with an SMB share or similar)? That is the easiest way to do this. If you can't, it is typically very easy to set up Samba on linux.
First, store the excel template on the SAS server where it can be seen from your windows computer (with the PC Files Server on it).
Lets say the file is in '/home/files/template.xlsx' on the SAS server, and that directory is shared and accessible on your windows server as '\linuxservername\files\template.xlsx' (or \\files\template.xlsx if you are using IP addresses)
Now you just have to use the SMB path for the PCFILES stuff and the local linux path for the x command. Something like
x 'cp /home/files/template.xlsx /home/files/output.xlsx';
libname output PCFILES
Note that when feeding a path to PCFiles, you use the network address (since your windows box has to be able to read and write it) and when you issue the copy command, you use the local address.
You may also be able to use the network path for everything depending on your system configuration. When I tried it, I could not make it work since the unix server did not like it (it shares the folder over SMB, but it didn't know how to access it from the command line).

How to deploy a data file on tomcat web server in linux debian OS

I have a web application developed using JSP and Servlet. This web application is deployed on server having Debian Linux as OS and The Tomcat version is 5.5.31. As this applications required some data files, These data files will be get created automatically when setting are done using a standalone java application. This application is deployed on another machine. This setup is done. As I dont know much about Debian Linux and where my application is goes on it so I have some doubts in deployment of these autimatically generated data files which are as follows
As I made the .war file of my web application and deployed it using Tomcat Manager. so I dont know where exactly my application goes. I dont know the exact path. How do I find it?
Is it possible to create FTP for this web application which is deployed on Debian Linux server? I think that if creating FTP is possible then I will directly connect to FTP using my Stand alone Java program and will easily do the creation of the file and other file and directory manipulation.
If you've deployed a war, the application isn't anywhere on the filesystem as such. Most servers will unpack the war somewhere, but you shouldn’t rely on where that is.
I can think of several options:
getServletContext().getAttribute("javax.servlet.context.tempdir") to get the application's temp directory, then inform you external program of this location and place the file somewhere in there in a know location.
Arrange for a "know location" outside of the application, such as /tmp/somewhere or /var/cache/your-app/somewhere to place such files. (Note: /tmp is usually cleaned on startup of a linux machine)
As for getting the file onto the server from a remote machine: You could get your client to upload the file directly to your webapp (something like Apache HTTPClient will help you there), which means that you could do without the "know location" above. If you want to do this outside of the application though, I'd avoid FTP (due to security). Instead, I'd go with scp (secure copy).
Edit: Reading between the lines a little, you mention "setting" in the data file. If this is a configuration file which is not changed once the app is running, you may find it more convenient to have a "deploy" step on your server which simply takes the settings file and adds it to the war before deploying it. This is easy enough with "ant war" for example. You could then access the file using getClass().getResourceStream(..) or such.

How do I get Sybase File Path, Transaction Log, & installation details?

I need to Retirve the following Details using Sybase SQL Query.
1) Database Data File Path
2) Database Transaction Log File Path
3) Path where SybaseSoftware Installed
4) Patch Installed on Sybase
That info is easy for a DBA to obtain in 30 seconds; with a GUI Admin tool in a few clicks.
Why do you want to obtain the details of the server installation VIA SQL ? If you are a coder you do not need that info to do your job; that info is the domain of the DBA, and changes as they administer the server. More important, the changes are transparent to the coder. Even if you did know it, it will not help or hinder you in your work.
Online Sybase Manuals
The "data and log file paths" in particular, are protected from direct access by developers (it is a secured ANSI SQL RDBMS).
Evidently you did not bother to look up the manuals.
Open a session with the server, so that you can execute SQL commnands via "Sybase SQL Query". From your PC, Run either isql (character) or DBISQL (GUI); they are both on the Sybase PC Installation CD, you can also download them free.
Devices ("Data File Paths"):
There are many Databases per server. There are many Devices per server. You will have to figure out (a) which Devices contain the Database you are interested in (b) Data Devices vs Log Devices.
Log Devices ("Database Transaction Log File Path")
(same as (1) )
"Sybase Installation" or $HOME directory (on the server). There are two methods, the first is much easier:
via host system
Log into the host system of the server, as the sybase user
You are already located in the sybase $HOME directory
It is the installation directory
(the original installer may have created directory trees for each version or EBF ("patch level"), but that is easy to figure out using Unix/DOS commands)
via islq/DBISQL
sp_configure "configuration file"
This will give you the path to the configuration file. It is almost always, the file path to the $SYBASE or sybase>$HOME directory. You can move up or sideways in the directory tree, using Unix/DOS commands, and figure it out from there.
The version of the Sybase ASE is the only item from your list that is relevant to coders. It (including current EBF ("patch level") is obtained via:
