Test type of input parameter of a method in OCL - uml

I have a class in UML that looks like this (it's in German, but I think it doesn't matter):
The first method takes an array of 4 "Rohstoffkarte". That's an abstract class and I have 5 concrete sub-classes for it. Now I want to check (with OCL) that all 4 instances in the array are from the same sub-class.
Any idea how to do this? I'm working with MagicDraw.

you can use
oclIsKindOf, oclIsTypeOf to check type conformance, and use oclType to get the type of an object.
See OMG Object Constraint Language Specification Version 2.3.1, p.22


Right way to type as "Any"

Let's say I'm using gdscript static typing and for one function parameter I don't know in advance what I'm going to get. That's what typing.Any is for in python. How do I do it with gdscript?
It seems that Variant is not a valid type and I'm not sure about using Object for that purpose (since it could be a built-in)
Leaving the type blank obviously works, but the docs has a specific section called typed-or-dynamic-stick-to-one-style, and since we're already kinda short on good practices using gdscript I'd rather find another way
Any idea?
As of Godot 3.2, GDScript does not feature a Variant or any type hint yet. However, you can still use the Object type hint if you expect a variable to hold any object (or null, as Object is nullable by design). Object may not hold primitive types like int or bool though.
Therefore, you should just leave out the type hint for now.

squeak(smalltallk) how to 'inject' string into string

I'm writing a class named "MyObject".
one of the class methods is:
addTo: aCodeString assertType: aTypeCollection
when the method is called with aCodeString, I want to add (in runtime) a new method to "MyObject" class which aCodeString is it's source code and inject type checking code into the source code.
for example, if I call addTo: assertType: like that:
a := MyObject new.
a addTo: 'foo: a boo:b baz: c
assertType: #(SmallInteger SmallInteger SmallInteger).
I expect that I could write later:
answer := (a foo: 2 boo: 5 baz: 10).
and get 20 in answer.
and if I write:
a foo: 'someString' boo: 5 baz: 10.
I get the proper message because 'someString' is not a SmallInteger.
I know how to write the type checking code, and I know that to add the method to the class in runtime I can use 'compile' method from Behavior class.
the problem is that I want to add the type checking code inside the source code.
I'm not really familiar with all of squeak classes so I'm not sure if I rather edit the aCodeString as a string inside addTo: assertType: and then use compile: (and I don't know how to do so), or that there is a way to inject code to an existing method in Behavior class or other squeak class.
so basically, what I'm asking is how can I inject string into an existing string or to inject code into an existing method.
There are many ways you could achieve such type checking...
The one you propose is to modify the source code (a String) so as to insert additional pre-condition type checks.
The key point with this approach is that you will have to insert the type checking at the right place. That means somehow parsing the original source (or at least the selector and arguments) so as to find its exact span (and the argument names).
See method initPattern:return: in Parser and its senders. You will find quite low level (not most beautiful) code that feed the block (passed thru return: keyword) with sap an Array of 3 objects: the method selector, the method arguments and the method precedence (a code telling if the method is connected to unary, binary or keyword message). From there, you'll get enough material for achieving source code manipulation (insert a string into another with copyReplace:from:to:with:).
Do not hesitate to write small snippets of code and execute in the Debugger (select code to debug, then use debug it menu or ALT+Shift+D). Also use the inspectors extensively to gain more insight on how things work!
Another solution is to parse the whole Abstract Syntax Tree (AST) of the source code, and manipulate that AST to insert the type checks. Normally, the Parser builds the AST, so observe how it works. From the modified AST, you can then generate new CompiledMethod (the bytecode instructions) and install it in methodDictionary - see the source code of compile: and follow the message sent until you discover generateMethodFromNode:trailer:. This is a bit more involved, and has a bad side effect that the source code is now not in phase with generated code, which might become a problem once you want to debug the method (fortunately, Squeak can used decompiled code in place of source code!).
Last, you can also arrange to have an alternate compiler and parser for some of your classes (see compilerClass and/or parserClass). The alternate TypeHintParser would accept modified syntax with the type hints in source code (once upon a time, it was implemented with type hints following the args inside angle brackets foo: x <Integer> bar: y <Number>). And the alternate TypeHintCompiler would arrange to compile preconditions automatically given those type hints. Since you will then be very advanced in Squeak, you will also create special mapping between source code index and bytecodes so as to have sane debugger and even special Decompiler class that could recognize the precondition type checks and transform them back to type hints just in case.
My advice would be to start with the first approach that you are proposing.
I forgot to say, there is yet another way, but it is currently available in Pharo rather than Squeak: Pharo compiler (named OpalCompiler) does reify the bytecode instructions as objects (class names beginning with IR) in the generation phase. So it is also possible to directly manipulate the bytecode instructions by proper hacking at this stage... I'm pretty sure that we can find examples of usage. Probably the most advanced technic.

How to Correctly Extend An Enum

I am trying to extend the geo.StreetSuffix enum to include some more possible values. It currently doesn't have a value for Greene which is a valid street suffix. This is what my concept looks like:
enum (StreetSuffix) {
description (Street Suffix)
symbol (Greene)
This is a training sample:
[g:Evaluate:prompt] (19)[v:geo.StreetNumber] (Fake Hills)[v:geo.StreetName] (Lane)[v:StreetSuffix:Lane]
When I do this though the training files give me the following error:
Confusion Points: Match(es) on : "Lane". and the language recognition no longer works for that value. Am I doing something wrong here, is there a bug, or is this not how Enum inheritance is supposed to work?
I am happy to write my own enum which would be a copy of geo.StreetSuffix but it seems like a waste if I could just extend it and add some of my own values.
Unfortunately, you'd have to copy everything from the old vocab file (which you don't have access to).
If you extend a type into another capsule, a new vocabulary file must still be created. Vocabulary is never inherited, even if you use extends or add role-of to a model.
That being said, you can file a ticket with support to add Greene and any other missing values you might come across...

calling help(MyClass) also shows base class attributes: how to avoid that?

MyClass is derived from "list": MyClass(list)
I would like to document MyClass nicely.
Unfortunately, when trying help(MyClass),
I get my own documentation, but I also get a lot of stuff about "list".
Would there be a simple way to control that?
I read something about metaclasses, but I was unable to do something.
Thanks for your suggestions,
Well, that is what help does. It introspects into your class and show the name and the associated __doc__ for each callable attribute in the class, and that is not customizable.
Attributes of the superclass are considered attributes of the class, and are reached in the introspection Python's help do.
Metaclasses could even be used to customize the output one gets when he does "dir" on your class - but they do not change the output of the help text. To change "dir" output, create a metaclass implementing a __dir__ method, and return a list of what you want visible as dir's output.
class M(type):
def __dir__(self):
return [] # blank dir contents
class MyList(list, metaclass=M):
On the other hand, the help contents displayed for list attributes are not that verbose, and can actually be helpful - if you override any methods to do something different than described, the incorrect text won't show anyway. So you might just live with it.
Another tip is that instead of subclassing list you might prefer to subclass collections.abc.MutableSequence instead, and use an inner agregated (normal) list to keep your data: that will require you to implement a lot less methods to have your class working properly as a sequence and is preferable in most cases to subclass list. That won't change help's verbosity though.

Keywords with and without # in Swift

In Swift, sometimes, keywords are plain keywords, and some others start with an #.
For instance, weak, unowned, inout, class are plain. But #final, #lazy start with #.
Sometimes, we even have both! prefix and #prefix, infix and #infix for instance.
It is not entirely an Objective-C inheritance since we have #class and not class in Objective-C. I could understand why we have class and not #class in Swift, but since we have #final or #lazy , I would have thought that it should be #weak and not weak.
Why this choice? Is there a kind of intuitive way that should tell: "hey, it is logical that this keyword starts with #?
Even if I think with a preprocessor perspective in mind, it is not obvious that # would call a kind of specific preprocessor before compilation (e.g. #final is not really a kind of preprocessor directive).
#-prefixed items in Swift are not keywords, these are attributes.
Apple's book on Swift says that
Attributes provide more information about a declaration or type. There are two kinds of attributes in Swift, those that apply to declarations and those that apply to types.
Some attributes (such as #objc(isEnabled)) accept parameters.
The main difference between attributes and keywords is that keywords tell the compiler what you are defining (a class, a method, a property, a variable, and so on), while attributes tell the compiler in what contexts you intend to use that definition. For example, you would use a func keyword to tell the compiler that you are defining a function, and decorate that function with an #infix attribute to tell the compiler that you plan to use that function as an infix operator.
