Input baudrate vs output baudrate - linux

OS is Ubuntu 10.04 32-bit.
All these years I've unknowingly assumed that input and output baudrates were symmetrical, in == out. I just noticed, however, that the Linux termios structure contains fields for the input and output baudrate. And there are "in" and "out" versions of the buadrate setter/getter -- cfsetospeed/cfsetispeed, cfgetospeed/cfsgetispeed Are they actually separate controls and I can talk and listen at different speeds? Would I ever want to?
What little I could find on google says setting the input speed to 0 will tell the input speed to match the output speed. Correct? If I set the output speed to, say 9600, then set the input speed to zero, input speed should be 9600. What happens if I then change the output speed to 19200? Will input speed also change to 19200?
Sorry for the somewhat easier questions where I should just go try it. My serial-attached hardware is in an unknown state and I am unsure how it is behaving.

Not all serial ports support configuring these separately, but the termios API does give you separate controls to support the ones that do.
Cases where you'd want asymmetric rates will be completely obvious (the manual for the device you're talking to lists different rates for input and output, and you need both simultaneously).
There's no good reason to use the "zero means input and output are the same". Just set them the same explicitly, then you never have to worry about corner cases.


Intercepting Sound From Other Programs

I want to do a couple of things:
-I want to hear sound from all other programs through max, and max only.
-I want to edit that sound in real time and hear only the edited sound.
-I want to slow down the sound, while stacking the non-slowed, incoming input onto a buffer, which I can then speed through to catch up.
Is this possible in Max? I have had a lot of difficulty working even step 1. Even if I use my speakers as an input device, I am unable to monitor it let alone edit it. I am using Max for Live, for what it's worth.
Step 1 and 2
On Mac, you can use Loopback
You can set your system output to the loopback driver, then set the loopback driver as the input in Max and then the speakers as the output.
For Windows you would do the same, but with a different internal audio routing system like Jack
Step 3
You can do that with the buffer~ object. Of course the buffer will have a finite size, and storing hours of audio might be problematic, but minutes shouldn't be a problem on a decent computer. The buffer~ help file will show you the first steps needed to store and read audio from it.

Linux/Qt auto detect baud rate?

I'm in a situation where we are hooking up to a device that may speak a variety of different baud rates depending on model. Some of which may be non-standard, like 10000, but that's another problem for another day.
Ideally I could use Qt to auto detect the baud rate, but from my research that's likely not possible for a few reasons, which I'm okay with. However, is there any native Linux based method to auto detect the baud rate of the connected device? Even a 3rd party open source application could suffice.
Linux serial drivers don't support autobauding, because most hardware doesn't support it, because there's no agreement on how it might work. It's highly application-specific.
If you're using FTDI serial adapters, then most of them support the bit-bang mode, and you should use them as a digital oscilloscope in such a mode to get a bitstream that's very easy to autobaud on.
On other devices, the simplest way towards autobauding is to set the device to 2-3x the highest baudrate you expect, then treat the input data like a chunked digital oscilloscope, taking account of error bits, and use heuristics to detect the baud rate. It will succeed in a surprising number of cases, but you must get the statistical model of the data source right. I don't know of any pre-canned solutions for that.
Some additional kernel support could be had to better timestamp the input from the UART (whether hardware or USB) and thus decrease the uncertainity in your data and thus the number of samples you need to take to detect baud.
Some of which may be non-standard, like 10000, but that's another problem for another day.
No biggie. I figured it out 16 years ago :) This is the answer you're looking for. If you think that the API is sick as in very, very sick, then you'd be right.

Measuring Multiple Voltages in LabView w/USB 6001

I'm trying to set up my LabView VI + my USB 6001 I/O box to be able to read multiple independent voltages at once, while also outputting a single constant voltage.
I've successfully gotten my USB box to output the voltage I want while reading back a single voltage, but so far I've been unable to read back more than one voltage (and if I do, the two voltages seem to be co-dependent on one another in some way).
Here's a screenshot of my VI:
Everything to the right of the screenshot window should be unimportant to the question.
If anyone is curious, this is to drive multiple LVDT's and read back their respective voltages.
Thank you all for your help!
Look at your DAQ's manual, especially the pages I noted below.
Page 11
All the AI channels get multiplexed, and the low-side reference can be switched (RSE vs. differential). So the two channels you're sampling require both of those to switch. It might be a settling issue where the ADC is taking a sample before the input value is stable.
To verify this, try using using the same low side (differential or RSE) on both channels. Also try slowing down your sample rate (but your 1 kHz should already be slow enough...).
Page 14
Check this to make sure you have everything connected and grounded correctly.
Page 18
Check this for more details about switching between 2 sources quickly.
Perhaps you could try it using the Daqmx express VIs:

What do the ALSA timestamping function return and how do the result relate to each other?

There are several "hi-res" timestamping functions in ALSA:
I would like to understand what points in time the resulting functions represent.
My current understanding is that trigger_htstamp represents the time when stream was started/stopped/paused. snd_pcm_status_get_trigger_htstamp returns a constant value and when I add audio_htstamp to that value the result is very close to the current system time.
audio_htstamp seems to start from zero on my system and it is incremented by a value that is equal to the period size I use. Hence on my system it is a simple frame counter. If I understand ALSA correctly audio_htstamp can also work in different more accurate way depending on the system capabilities.
driver_htstamp I guess by the name is a timestamp generated by the audio driver.
Question 1: When is the timestamp driver_htstamp usually generated?
With htstamp I am really unsure where and when it is generated. I have a hunch that it may be related to DMA.
Question 2: Where is htstamp generated?
Question 3: When is htstamp generated?
Question 4: Is the assumption audio_htstamp < htstamp < driver_htstamp generally correct?
It seems like this with a little test program I wrote, but I want to verify my assumption.
I can not find this information in the ALSA documentation.
I just dug through the code for this stuff for my own purposes, so I figured I would share what I found.
The purpose of these timestamps is to allow you to determine subtle differences in the rate of different clocks; most importantly in this case the main system clock that Linux uses for general timekeeping compared with the different clock that determines the rate at which samples move in and out of the sound device. This can be very important for applications that need to keep audio from different hardware devices in sync, since the rates of different physical clocks are never exactly the same.
The technique used is sometimes called "cross-timestamping"; you capture timestamps from the clocks you want to compare as close to simultaneously as possible, and repeat this at regular intervals. There is usually some measurement error introduced, but some relatively simple filtering can get you a good characterization of the difference in the rate at which the clocks count.
The core PCM driver arranges to take a system clock timestamp as closely as possible to when an audio stream starts, and then it does a cross-timestamp between the system clock and audio clock (which can be measured in different ways) whenever it is asked to check the state of the hardware pointers for the DMA engine that moves samples around.
The default method of measuring the audio clock is via DMA hardware pointer comparsion. This isn't terribly precise, but over longer periods of time you can still get a good measure of the rate difference. At the start of snd_pcm_update_hw_ptr0, a system timestamp is captured; this will end up being htstamp. The DMA pointers are then checked, and if it's determined that they've moved since the last check, audio_htstamp is calculated based on the number of frames DMA has copied and the nominal frequency of the audio clock. Then, once all the DMA pointer update is done and right before snd_pcm_update_hw_ptr0 returns, another system timestamp is captured in driver_htstamp. This isn't meant to be used when you're using the DMA hw_ptr method of calculating the audio_htstamp though.
If you happen to have an audio device using the HDAudio driver, you can use an alternate and much more precise method of measuring the audio clock. It supplies an extra operation callback called get_time_info that is used instead of the default method of capturing the system and audio timestamps. It the HDAudio case, it takes a system timestamp for htstamp as close to possible to when it reads an interal counter driven by the same clock source as the audio clock; this forms the audio_htstamp. Afterwards, the same DMA hw_ptr bookkeeping is done, but the code that translates the pointer movement into time is skipped. The driver_htstamp is still taken right before the routine ends, though; this is "to let apps detect if the reference tstamp read by low-level hardware was provided with a delay" as the comment says in the code. This is because there's no guarantee that the get_time_info callback is going to take a new system timestamp; it may have previously recorded an audio timestamp along with a system timestamp as part of an interrupt handler. In this case, the timestamps you get might not match with the available frames and delay frames counts calculated by hw_ptr bookkeeping, but the driver_htstamp will let you know the closest system time to when those calculations were made.
In any case, the code is designed in both cases to capture htstamp and audio_htstamp as closely together as possible, and for htstamp - trigger_htstamp to represent the amount of system time that passed during the period measured by audio_htstamp of the audio clock. You mostly shouldn't need to use driver_htstamp, but I guess it might be used with the USB Audio driver, as I think it and HDAudio are the only ones that do anything special with these interfaces right now.
The documentation for this, although it doesn't contain all the details you might want to know, is part of the kernel documentation:

What would be the simplest way to interface custom hardware with one input to have switch somewhere in /proc?

I have a device that takes low current 3-12v input signal to do it's magic and I would like to interface it to my linux box. What kind of options do I have on this? It would be great to have some low-cost possibly user-space solution.
If I understand right, you need to control your box by changing 3-12v input signals to it. Here's the choices I can think of from the top of my head:-
a: Using RS232 serial handshake lines. RTS/CTS can usually controlled programatically as "on/off" signals without driver development using IOCTL calls.
b: Use a "GPI dongle" such as the Advantech ADAM range. These typically take serial or TCP/IP inputs and convert them to suitable output signals.
c: You may be able to do something with a parallel printer port if your PC stil has such a thing.
As shodanex says, be aware that RS232 levels are NOT directly compatible with TTL/CMOS inputs so you may need some minor level shifting/clamping electronics to fix this.
