Excel 2010 while setting autofilter poi - apache-poi

HSSFWorkbook wb = new HSSFWorkbook();
HSSFSheet sheet = wb.createSheet("Excel");
sheet.setAutoFilter(CellRangeAddress.valueOf("A1:P1")); //As I am using excel 2010 version
I am getting the following alert while opening the excel sheet:


Excel vba open temporary file called 'book1' while copying the workbook from the selected path

while working on Excel vba to copy the selected worksheet from selected path , VBA opening same sheets in the temporary file called 'book1' while copying.Further i am manually closing the file
This is the code i am following in my program
Set wb = Workbooks.Open(filename)
Application.DisplayAlerts = False

selecting worksheet with multiple workbooks open crahses

If I only create one workbook the following works fine
Dim oXl As New Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Application
Dim wb_main As Workbook
wb_main = oXl.Workbooks.Add
...add sheets and data to sheets
CType(wb_main.Worksheets(1), Worksheet).Select()
wb_main.SaveAs(Filename:=_files(0)._file_path.parentDir.parentDir & "out.xlsx")
But with two open, i get an error. Interop errors are not alwasy straightforward to debug.
Dim oXl As New Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Application
Dim wb_main As Workbook
Dim wb_extended As Workbook
wb_main = oXl.Workbooks.Add
wb_extended = oXl.Workbooks.Add
...add sheets and data to sheets in both workbooks, no particular order
CType(wb_main.Worksheets(1), Worksheet).Select()
wb_main.SaveAs(Filename:=_files(0)._file_path.parentDir.parentDir & "out.xlsx")
I get an error HRESULT: 0x800A03EC using excel 2013. A google for the error shows alot of people with different problems as far as I can tell.
.Select() only works on the active workbook. wb_main.Activate() before selecting will solve the issue.
The second workbook open is the active one. making edits to the workbooks by using directly assigned variables does not change the active workbook.

JAVA POI unable to understand workbook clonesheet method as I am getting nothing

I have only 1 sheet in my workbook and need to create 2 new sheet from the existing one. I am using workbook createsheet method first for creating new sheet and then cloning it with clonesheet method. But while fetching data from sheets I am getting data from only my existing sheet and nothing from newly created sheet. Is something my understanding wrong with clonesheet method. It does not feed data from the existing sheet to new sheet.
XSSFWorkbook workbook = new XSSFWorkbook(file);
XSSFSheet sheet = workbook.getSheetAt(0);\\existing sheet
XSSFSheet newSheet = workbook.createSheet("NewSheet");\\created new sheet
XSSFSheet newSheet1 = workbook.createSheet("NewSheet2");\\created new sheet
newSheet = workbook.cloneSheet(1);\\clone sheet from existing sheet
newSheet1 = workbook.cloneSheet(1);\\clone sheet from existing sheet
for(int sheetNum=0; sheetNum < workbook.getNumberOfSheets(); sheetNum++) {
// while iterating data I am getting records only for existing sheet
// newSheet and newSheet1 is coming empty.
Any help would be appriciated.
Firstly, referring to your code snippet "workbook.sheet(1)" is not exist which is the sheet you want to clone. So, let's say if you want to clone "workbook.sheet(0)" . Therefore you need to change:
newSheet = workbook.cloneSheet(1);\\clone sheet from existing sheet
newSheet1 = workbook.cloneSheet(1);\\clone sheet from existing sheet
newSheet = workbook.cloneSheet(0);\\clone sheet from existing sheet
newSheet1 = workbook.cloneSheet(0);\\clone sheet from existing sheet
if you want to clone the first sheet. If not,make sure you create another sheet and changes the value.
Then, whether
a)save it as new file
FileOutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(new File("<full path where you want to save it>"));)
b)save it to the current file
simply using this code snippet and it automatically create new sheet in the same workbook with the same data with sheet that you clone before.
xSSFSheet newsheet = workbook.cloneSheet(0);
and save it.Good Luck!!! (sorry, if this does not meet your requirement).
Another problem with your code even if you get the correct sheet index:
XSSFSheet newSheet = workbook.createSheet("NewSheet");\\created new sheet
XSSFSheet newSheet1 = workbook.createSheet("NewSheet2");\\created new sheet
newSheet = workbook.cloneSheet(1);\\clone sheet from existing sheet
newSheet1 = workbook.cloneSheet(1);\\clone sheet from existing sheet
What you do in the last two lines is actually resetting references of newSheet and newSheet1. After the assignment, they refer to other objects, and the clone won't be observed in those sheets you create in the first two line.

How to determine the most recently viewed worksheet ("ActiveSheet") in EPPlus

When you open a workbook in Excel, it shows you the worksheet you were looking at when you last saved it.
How do you determine which sheet this is when you open a workbook using EPPlus?
ExcelWorksheet activeSheet = Workbook.Worksheets.FirstOrDefault(f => f.View.TabSelected);

How do I open more than one excel workbook from within matlab

In the code below I open an excel workbook from within MATLAB:
wbk=1;fName = fullfile(pwd, 'test1');
%# create Excel COM Server
Excel = actxserver('Excel.Application');
Excel.Visible = true;
%# delete existing file
if exist(fName, 'file'), delete(fName); end
%# create new XLS file
wb = Excel.Workbooks.Add();
% Get Worksheets object
ws = wb.Sheets;
The code goes on to fill up the workbook sheets with calculations. My question is how do I open up another workbook? I want to send some of the matlab calculation output to one of the workbooks and some of the output to another one.
(By the way, the above code largely taken from other related posts in this forum. Many thanks to those who posted it.)
Just call Add() again.
wb2 = Excel.Workbooks.Add();
ws2 = wb2.Sheets;
Now you have two workbooks open in that session. Split the output between the two books by calling methods on wb or wb2, respectively.
