Looping through the elements of a path variable in Bash - linux

I want to loop through a path list that I have gotten from an echo $VARIABLE command.
For example:
echo $MANPATH will return
So that is three different paths, each separated by a colon. I want to loop though each of those paths. Is there a way to do that? Thanks.
Thanks for all the replies so far, it looks like I actually don't need a loop after all. I just need a way to take out the colon so I can run one ls command on those three paths.

You can set the Internal Field Separator:
( IFS=:
for p in $MANPATH; do
echo "$p"
I used a subshell so the change in IFS is not reflected in my current shell.

The canonical way to do this, in Bash, is to use the read builtin appropriately:
IFS=: read -r -d '' -a path_array < <(printf '%s:\0' "$MANPATH")
This is the only robust solution: will do exactly what you want: split the string on the delimiter : and be safe with respect to spaces, newlines, and glob characters like *, [ ], etc. (unlike the other answers: they are all broken).
After this command, you'll have an array path_array, and you can loop on it:
for p in "${path_array[#]}"; do
printf '%s\n' "$p"

You can use Bash's pattern substitution parameter expansion to populate your loop variable. For example:
# Replace colons with spaces to create list.
for path in ${MANPATH//:/ }; do
echo "$path"
Note: Don't enclose the substitution expansion in quotes. You want the expanded values from MANPATH to be interpreted by the for-loop as separate words, rather than as a single string.

In this way you can safely go through the $PATH with a single loop, while $IFS will remain the same inside or outside the loop.
while IFS=: read -d: -r path; do # `$IFS` is only set for the `read` command
echo $path
done <<< "${PATH:+"${PATH}:"}" # append an extra ':' if `$PATH` is set
You can check the value of $IFS,
while IFS=: read -d: -r path; do
echo "${IFS}${path}"
done <<< "${PATH:+"${PATH}:"}"
and the output will be something like this.
Reference to another question on StackExchange.

for p in $(echo $MANPATH | tr ":" " ") ;do
echo $p

for path in "${arr[#]}" ; do # <- quotes required
echo $path
... it does take care of spaces :o) but also adds empty elements if you have something like:
... then index 0,2 will be empty (''), cannot say why index 4 isnt set at all

This can also be solved with Python, on the command line:
python -c "import os,sys;[os.system(' '.join(sys.argv[1:]).format(p)) for p in os.getenv('PATH').split(':')]" echo {}
Or as an alias:
alias foreachpath="python -c \"import os,sys;[os.system(' '.join(sys.argv[1:]).format(p)) for p in os.getenv('PATH').split(':')]\""
With example usage:
foreachpath echo {}
The advantage to this approach is that {} will be replaced by each path in succession. This can be used to construct all sorts of commands, for instance to list the size of all files and directories in the directories in $PATH. including directories with spaces in the name:
foreachpath 'for e in "{}"/*; do du -h "$e"; done'
Here is an example that shortens the length of the $PATH variable by creating symlinks to every file and directory in the $PATH in $HOME/.allbin. This is not useful for everyday usage, but may be useful if you get the too many arguments error message in a docker container, because bitbake uses the full $PATH as part of the command line...
mkdir -p "$HOME/.allbin"
python -c "import os,sys;[os.system(' '.join(sys.argv[1:]).format(p)) for p in os.getenv('PATH').split(':')]" 'for e in "{}"/*; do ln -sf "$e" "$HOME/.allbin/$(basename $e)"; done'
export PATH="$HOME/.allbin"
This should also, in theory, speed up regular shell usage and shell scripts, since there are fewer paths to search for every command that is executed. It is pretty hacky, though, so I don't recommend that anyone shorten their $PATH this way.
The foreachpath alias might come in handy, though.

Combining ideas from:
https://stackoverflow.com/a/29949759 - gniourf_gniourf
https://stackoverflow.com/a/31017384 - Yi H.
PATHVAR='foo:bar baz:spam:eggs:' # demo path with space and empty
printf '%s:\0' "$PATHVAR" | while IFS=: read -d: -r p; do
echo $p
done | cat -n
1 foo
2 bar baz
3 spam
4 eggs

You can use Bash's for X in ${} notation to accomplish this:
for p in ${PATH//:/$'\n'} ; do
echo $p;

OP's update wants to ls the resulting folders, and has pointed out that ls only requires a space-separated list.
ls $(echo $PATH | tr ':' ' ') is nice and simple and should fit the bill nicely.


How to avoid magic-numbers in shell?

I always write some magic numbers in my interactive shells and shell scripts.
For instance, If I want to list my users's names and shells, I'll write
cut --delimiter=: --fields=1,7 /etc/passwd
There exist two magic-numbers 1,7. And there are more and more magic-numbers in other circumstances.
How to avoid magic-numbers in interactive shells and shell scripts?
Supplementary background
Our teacher told us using cut -d: -f1,7 /etc/passwd. But for new linux-users, they don't konw what's meaning of d,f,1,7.(not just for new linux-users,the whole system has so many configuration files that it is not easy for a person to remember every magic-numbers)
So, in interactive shells, we can use --delimiter, --fields,and the bash repl(or zsh,fish) has good tab completion to it.
How about the 1 and 7? In shell scripts, It's a good method to declare some const variables like LoginField=1 and ShellField=7 after reading the man 5 passwd. But when some one is writing in the interactive shells, it's not a good idea to open a new window and search the constants of LoginField=1,ShellField=7 and define it. how to using some thing like tab completion to simplify operations?
Use variables:
LoginField=1 ShellField=7
cut --delimiter=: --fields="$LoginField,$ShellField" /etc/passwd
Just like in other languages - by using variables. Example:
$ username_column=1
$ shell_column=7
$ cut --delimiter=: --fields="$username_column","$shell_column" /etc/passwd
The variables may be defined at the top of the script so that can be
easily modified or they can be set in an external config-like file
shared by multiple scripts.
The classic way to parse /etc/passwd is to read each column into an appropriately named variable:
while IFS=: read name passwd uid gid gecos home shell _; do
done < /etc/passwd
Use export:
export field_param="1,7"
(you can put it .bashrc file to have configured each time shell session is started). This export can be part of .sh script. It's a good practice to put them in the head/top of the file.
cut --delimiter=: --fields=$field_param /etc/passwd
This way you will need to edit the magic number in the only location.
Continuing from my comment, it's hard to tell exactly what you are asking. If you just want to give meaningful variable names, then do as shown in the other answers.
If however you want to be able to specify which fields are passed to cut from the command line, then you can use the positional parameters $1 and $2 to pass those values into your script.
You need to validate that two inputs are given and that both are integers. You can do that with a few simple tests, e.g.
[ -n "$1" ] && [ -n "$2" ] || { ## validate 2 parameters given
printf "error: insufficient input\nusage: %s field1 field2\n" "${0##*/}"
exit 1
## validate both inputs are integer values
[ "$1" -eq "$1" >/dev/null 2>&1 ] || {
printf "error: field1 not integer value '%s'.\n" "$1"
exit 1
[ "$2" -eq "$2" >/dev/null 2>&1 ] || {
printf "error: field2 not integer value '%s'.\n" "$2"
exit 1
cut --delimiter=: --fields=$1,$2 /etc/passwd
Example Use/Output
$ bash fields.sh
error: insufficient input
usage: fields.sh field1 field2
$ bash fields.sh 1 d
error: field2 not integer value 'd'.
$ bash fields.sh 1 7
Or if you choose to look at fields 1 and 3, then all you need do is pass those as the parameters, e.g.
$ bash fields.sh 1 3
Look things over and let me know if you have further questions.
Scraping the output of man 5 passwd for human-readable header names:
declare $(man 5 passwd |
sed -n '/^\s*·\s*/{s/^\s*·\s*//;y/ /_/;p}' |
sed -n 'p;=' | paste -d= - - )
See "how it works" below for what that does, then run:
cut --delimiter=: \
--fields=${login_name},${optional_user_command_interpreter} /etc/passwd
Which outputs the specified /etc/passwd fields.
How it works.
The man page describing /etc/passwd contains a bullet list of header names. Use GNU sed to find the bullets (·) and leading whitespace, then remove the bullets and whitespace, replace the remaining spaces with underlines; a 2nd instance of sed provides fresh line numbers, then paste the header names to the line numbers, with a = between:
man 5 passwd |
sed -n '/^\s*·\s*/{s/^\s*·\s*//;y/ /_/;p}' |
sed -n 'p;=' | paste -d= - -
And declare makes those active in the current shell.

Bash loop through directory including hidden file

I am looking for a way to make a simple loop in bash over everything my directory contains, i.e. files, directories and links including hidden ones.
I will prefer if it could be specifically in bash but it has to be the most general. Of course, file names (and directory names) can have white space, break line, symbols. Everything but "/" and ASCII NULL (0×0), even at the first character. Also, the result should exclude the '.' and '..' directories.
Here is a generator of files on which the loop has to deal with :
mkdir -p test
cd test
touch A 1 ! "hello world" \$\"sym.dat .hidden " start with space" $'\n start with a newline'
mkdir -p ". hidden with space" $'My Personal\nDirectory'
So my loop should look like (but has to deal with the tricky stuff above):
for i in * ;
echo ">$i<"
My closest try was the use of ls and bash array, but it is not working with, is:
IFS=$(echo -en "\n\b")
l=( $(ls -A .) )
for i in ${l[#]} ; do
echo ">$i<"
unset IFS
Or using bash arrays but the ".." directory is not exclude:
IFS=$(echo -en "\n\b")
l=( [[:print:]]* .[[:print:]]* )
for i in ${l[#]} ; do
echo ">$i<"
unset IFS
* doesn't match files beginning with ., so you just need to be explicit:
for i in * .[^.]*; do
echo ">$i<"
.[^.]* will match all files and directories starting with ., followed by a non-. character, followed by zero or more characters. In other words, it's like the simpler .*, but excludes . and ... If you need to match something like ..foo, then you might add ..?* to the list of patterns.
As chepner noted in the comments below, this solution assumes you're running GNU bash along with GNU find GNU sort...
GNU find can be prevented from recursing into subdirectories with the -maxdepth option. Then use -print0 to end every filename with a 0x00 byte instead of the newline you'd usually get from -print.
The sort -z sorts the filenames between the 0x00 bytes.
Then, you can use sed to get rid of the dot and dot-dot directory entries (although GNU find seems to exclude the .. already).
I also used sed to get read of the ./ in front of every filename. basename could do that too, but older systems didn't have basename, and you might not trust it to handle the funky characters right.
(These sed commands each required two cases: one for a pattern at the start of the string, and one for the pattern between 0x00 bytes. These were so ugly I split them out into separate functions.)
The read command doesn't have a -z or -0 option like some commands, but you can fake it with -d "" and blanking the IFS environment variable.
The additional -r option prevents a backslash-newline combo from being interpreted as a line continuation. (A file called backslash\\nnewline would otherwise be mangled to backslashnewline.) It might be worth seeing if other backslash-combos get interpreted as escape sequences.
sed \
-e 's/^[.]\{1,2\}\x00//' \
-e 's/\x00[.]\{1,2\}\x00/\x00/g'
sed \
-e 's/^[.]\///' \
-e 's/\x00[.]\//\x00/g'
find . -maxdepth 1 -print0 |
sort -z |
remove_dot_and_dotdot_dirs |
remove_leading_dotslash |
while read -r -d "" filename
echo "Doing something with file '${filename}'..."
It may not be the most favorable way but I tried bellow thing
while read line ; do echo $line; done <<< $(ls -a | grep -v -w ".")
check the below trail which I did
Try the find command, something like:
find .
That will list all the files in all recursive directories.
To output only files excluding the leading . or .. try:
find . -type f -printf %P\\n

Get and print directories from $PATH in bash

The script that I have to write must find the directories from the $PATH variable and print only the ones that end with an i.
How am I thinking about doing it
Get each directory from the variable with a for loop.
Find the length of each directory and get the last character from each using a substring
Use an If condition to print the directories that end with an i
The directories are not separated with a new line and I can't read them using a for loop.
Any ideas on how to get over this problem,or can you think of something more appropriate.
You can use this BASH one-liner for that job:
(IFS=':'; for i in $PATH; do [[ -d "$i" && $i =~ i$ ]] && echo "$i"; done)
IFS=':' sets input field separator to :
$PATH is iterated in a for loop
Each path element is tested if it is a directory and if it is ending with i using BASH regex
If test passes then it is pritned
Use bash's parameter expansion to replace all delimiters.
For example,
mypaths="${PATH//:/ }"
will split the path by directory, so then you can run:
for directory in $mypaths
You can change the Inter Field Separator (IFS) to colon then path is dissected auto_magically. ;-)
for i in $PATH
echo $i | egrep -e 'i$'
grep 'i$' <<<"${PATH//:/$'\n'}"
The $PATH entries are split into individual lines by replacing : instances with newlines ($'\n') in a parameter expansion; $'\n' is an ANSI C-quoted string.
The resulting strings is passed to the stdin of grep as a here-string
grep is then used to match only those lines that end in ($) the letter i.
To match case-insensitively, use grep -i 'i$'.
A demonstration:
$ (PATH='/ends/in_i:/usr/bin:/also/ends_in_i'; grep 'i$' <<<"${PATH//:/$'\n'}")

Shell Script: Truncating String

I have two folders full of trainings and corresponding testfiles and I'd like to run the fitting pairs against each other using a shell script.
This is what I have so far:
for x in SpanishLS.train/*.train
timbl -f $x -t SpanishLS.test/$x.test
This is supposed to take file1(-n).train in one directory, look for file1(-n).test in the other, and run them trough a tool called timbl.
What it does instead is look for a file called SpanishLS.train/file1(-n).train.test which of course doesn't exist.
What I tried to do, to no avail, is truncate $x in a way that lets the script find the correct file, but whenever I do this, $x is truncated way too early, resulting in the script not even finding the .train file.
How should I code this?
If I got you right, this will do the job:
for x in SpanishLS.train/*.train
y=${x##*/} # strip basepath
y=${y%.*} # strip extention
timbl -f $x -t SpanishLS.test/$y.test
Use basename:
for x in SpanishLS.train/*.train
timbl -f $x -t SpanishLS.test/$(basename "$x" .train).test
That removes the directory prefix and the .train suffix from $x, and builds up the name you want.
In bash (and other POSIX-compliant shells), you can do the basename operation with two shell parameter expansions without invoking an external program. (I don't think there's a way to combine the two expansions into one.)
for x in SpanishLS.train/*.train
y=${x##*/} # Remove path prefix
timbl -f $x -t SpanishLS.test/${y%.train}.test # Remove .train suffix
Beware: bash supports quite a number of (useful) expansions that are not defined by POSIX. For example, ${y//.train/.test} is a bash-only notation (or bash and compatible shells notation).
Replace all occurences of .train in the filename to .text:
timbl -f $x -t $(echo $x | sed 's/\.train/.text/g')

How do I use the lines of a file as arguments of a command?

Say, I have a file foo.txt specifying N arguments
which I need to pass to the command my_command
How do I use the lines of a file as arguments of a command?
If your shell is bash (amongst others), a shortcut for $(cat afile) is $(< afile), so you'd write:
mycommand "$(< file.txt)"
Documented in the bash man page in the 'Command Substitution' section.
Alterately, have your command read from stdin, so: mycommand < file.txt
As already mentioned, you can use the backticks or $(cat filename).
What was not mentioned, and I think is important to note, is that you must remember that the shell will break apart the contents of that file according to whitespace, giving each "word" it finds to your command as an argument. And while you may be able to enclose a command-line argument in quotes so that it can contain whitespace, escape sequences, etc., reading from the file will not do the same thing. For example, if your file contains:
a "b c" d
the arguments you will get are:
If you want to pull each line as an argument, use the while/read/do construct:
while read i ; do command_name $i ; done < filename
command `< file`
will pass file contents to the command on stdin, but will strip newlines, meaning you couldn't iterate over each line individually. For that you could write a script with a 'for' loop:
for line in `cat input_file`; do some_command "$line"; done
Or (the multi-line variant):
for line in `cat input_file`
some_command "$line"
Or (multi-line variant with $() instead of ``):
for line in $(cat input_file)
some_command "$line"
For loop syntax: https://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/bash-for-loop/
You do that using backticks:
echo World > file.txt
echo Hello `cat file.txt`
If you want to do this in a robust way that works for every possible command line argument (values with spaces, values with newlines, values with literal quote characters, non-printable values, values with glob characters, etc), it gets a bit more interesting.
To write to a file, given an array of arguments:
printf '%s\0' "${arguments[#]}" >file
...replace with "argument one", "argument two", etc. as appropriate.
To read from that file and use its contents (in bash, ksh93, or another recent shell with arrays):
declare -a args=()
while IFS='' read -r -d '' item; do
args+=( "$item" )
done <file
run_your_command "${args[#]}"
To read from that file and use its contents (in a shell without arrays; note that this will overwrite your local command-line argument list, and is thus best done inside of a function, such that you're overwriting the function's arguments and not the global list):
set --
while IFS='' read -r -d '' item; do
set -- "$#" "$item"
done <file
run_your_command "$#"
Note that -d (allowing a different end-of-line delimiter to be used) is a non-POSIX extension, and a shell without arrays may also not support it. Should that be the case, you may need to use a non-shell language to transform the NUL-delimited content into an eval-safe form:
quoted_list() {
## Works with either Python 2.x or 3.x
python -c '
import sys, pipes, shlex
quote = pipes.quote if hasattr(pipes, "quote") else shlex.quote
print(" ".join([quote(s) for s in sys.stdin.read().split("\0")][:-1]))
eval "set -- $(quoted_list <file)"
run_your_command "$#"
If all you need to do is to turn file arguments.txt with contents
into my_command arg1 arg2 argN then you can simply use xargs:
xargs -a arguments.txt my_command
You can put additional static arguments in the xargs call, like xargs -a arguments.txt my_command staticArg which will call my_command staticArg arg1 arg2 argN
Here's how I pass contents of a file as an argument to a command:
./foo --bar "$(cat ./bar.txt)"
None of the answers seemed to work for me or were too complicated. Luckily, it's not complicated with xargs (Tested on Ubuntu 20.04).
This works with each arg on a separate line in the file as the OP mentions and was what I needed as well.
cat foo.txt | xargs my_command
One thing to note is that it doesn't seem to work with aliased commands.
The accepted answer works if the command accepts multiple args wrapped in a string. In my case using (Neo)Vim it does not and the args are all stuck together.
xargs does it properly and actually gives you separate arguments supplied to the command.
I suggest using:
command $(echo $(tr '\n' ' ' < parameters.cfg))
Simply trim the end-line characters and replace them with spaces, and then push the resulting string as possible separate arguments with echo.
In my bash shell the following worked like a charm:
cat input_file | xargs -I % sh -c 'command1 %; command2 %; command3 %;'
where input_file is
As evident, this allows you to execute multiple commands with each line from input_file, a nice little trick I learned here.
Both solutions work even when lines have spaces:
readarray -t my_args < foo.txt
my_command "${my_args[#]}"
if readarray doesn't work, replace it with mapfile, they're synonyms.
I formerly tried this one below, but had problems when my_command was a script:
xargs -d '\n' -a foo.txt my_command
After editing #Wesley Rice's answer a couple times, I decided my changes were just getting too big to continue changing his answer instead of writing my own. So, I decided I need to write my own!
Read each line of a file in and operate on it line-by-line like this:
while IFS= read -r line
echo "$line"
done < "$input"
This comes directly from author Vivek Gite here: https://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/unix-howto-read-line-by-line-from-file/. He gets the credit!
Syntax: Read file line by line on a Bash Unix & Linux shell:
1. The syntax is as follows for bash, ksh, zsh, and all other shells to read a file line by line
2. while read -r line; do COMMAND; done < input.file
3. The -r option passed to read command prevents backslash escapes from being interpreted.
4. Add IFS= option before read command to prevent leading/trailing whitespace from being trimmed -
5. while IFS= read -r line; do COMMAND_on $line; done < input.file
And now to answer this now-closed question which I also had: Is it possible to `git add` a list of files from a file? - here's my answer:
Note that FILES_STAGED is a variable containing the absolute path to a file which contains a bunch of lines where each line is a relative path to a file I'd like to do git add on. This code snippet is about to become part of the "eRCaGuy_dotfiles/useful_scripts/sync_git_repo_to_build_machine.sh" file in this project, to enable easy syncing of files in development from one PC (ex: a computer I code on) to another (ex: a more powerful computer I build on): https://github.com/ElectricRCAircraftGuy/eRCaGuy_dotfiles.
while IFS= read -r line
echo " git add \"$line\""
git add "$line"
done < "$FILES_STAGED"
Where I copied my answer from: https://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/unix-howto-read-line-by-line-from-file/
For loop syntax: https://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/bash-for-loop/
How to read contents of file line-by-line and do git add on it: Is it possible to `git add` a list of files from a file?
