Obtaining cause of connection process error using status /event notice in wpa_supplicant - linux

I am working with wpa_supplicant-0.7.3 .
Some time password entry by a user is wrong and it cause connection error.
I want to know , how to obtain the cause of connection error of wpa_supplicant in normal mode with status or event notice?

The wpa_supplicant logs would indicate a reason code for failure. Look at the wpa_supplicant header file to find the reason corresponding to the code (src/common/defs.h)
Also this link would help


GCP GKE cluster node throws {"unmanaged": {"fs.aio-nr": "2272", "net.ipv4.tcp_fastopen_key"

I recently installed on GKE Botkube and it started showing error of
does anyone have any idea how to approach that issue or what would that mean ? I've read on wikipedia on how fastopen helps to make client-server connection quicker on second re-try skiping the 3 way syn-ack but what could this error mean ?
The messages you are seeing are the TCP Fast Open (TFO) encryption keys sent by the GKE node, and I'm assuming they are being marked as an error by Botkube because every time a new encryption key is generated, it's done by modifying a Linux Kernel parameter using the Sysctl command, which might be a trigger.
As far as I understand, this is the normal behavior for TFO, and it is safe to disregard these messages.
A very good explanation on how the encryption keys for TFO are generated can be found on this Serverfault question.

StartService FAILED 1053: The service did not respond to the start or control request in a timely fashion

[SC] StartService FAILED 1053:
The service did not respond to the start or control request in a
timely fashion.
I have tried solution mentioned in various discussion like adding servicesPipeTimeout with some bigger timeout value but it is not working.
I have an exe , which I am able to launch independently, but when try to start it as windows service its giving the above mentioned error. The problem is, its blind error without any hint.
Check your event viewer for exceptions from this service. This worked for me.
Open cmd as administrator at yourService.exe directory and run yourService.exe -install.
This worked for me :)

GDM hangs a long time

When I start gdm it shows the login dialog box swiftly. But after entering my credentials it takes a long time before the gnome session is shown. If it is shown...
In the logs of GDM I see:
gdm[26918]: DEBUG: Sending LOGIN == for slave 26918
gdm[26914]: DEBUG: Handling message: 'LOGIN 26918 user'
gdm[26918]: DEBUG: Timeout occurred for sending message LOGIN 26918 user
It seems that the internal messaging of GDM is not functioning correctly.
When I start gnome-session with startx it works fine and I get my desktop quickly.
Strange though is that if I type exit in a gnome-terminal the terminal is not closing. Even though the setting in de preferences is set. And it always used to function the correct way.
My problems probably have something to do with my attempt to migrate to system instead of init.d...
Thank you very much for any help in fincing the trouble.
Finally I found what the problem was. By adding some extra debug info to gdm.c and slave.c I found out that the SIGUSR2 handler was not working anymore. gdm.c is sending SIGUSR2 as soon as the acknowledgement to a message is send to the pipe but it was never received/handled by the slave. I also found out that login to root functioned and that even completely clearing my homedir did not help. So there must be something crashing the gdm/greeter after based on user account and and not based on the profile in the homedir.
The only difference left was that my own account had a valid fingerprint and fingerprint reading was set in system-auth in /etc/pam.d. After removing fingerprint authentication from pam all is fine again :)

ProviderIncompatibleException was unhandled by user code

I have just got the latest code from SVN and I got the above error when I logged into my application. The exception message was:
An error occurred while getting provider information from the
database. This can be caused by Entity Framework using an incorrect
connection string. Check the inner exceptions for details and ensure
that the connection string is correct.
The inner exception says:
The client was unable to establish a connection because of an error
during connection initialization process before login. Possible causes
include the following: the client tried to connect to an unsupported
version of SQL Server; the server was too busy to accept new
connections; or there was a resource limitation (insufficient memory
or maximum allowed connections) on the server. (provider: Shared
Memory Provider, error: 0 - The handle is invalid.
The issue is, none of these suggestions seem like the cause. Any idea what might cause this?
You're going to love the solution to this. I restarted my machine and it works fine now. :o).

Open MPI, contact information is unknown

I am working on Mac OSX and using bash as my shell. I have been working for the past few hours trying to get the simplest of code to run using Open MPI on multiple computers. After fiddling with configuring Open MPI, I believe I am on the verge of getting the thing to work. However, I have hit a dead end.
The code runs fine without asking other computers over the internet to run it (meaning, I can run it using Open MPI on my own desktop), but when I put in a hostfile and ask a host to run the code I get an error. I think I am connecting to the host fine otherwise, I can ssh to them and do whatever I want, it's just when I run the code.
To produce the following error I run: mpirun -n 4 -hostfile /path/hostfile.txt ./mpi_hello_world. Then it ask for the password on the host I am access, I enter it and then receive the following:
[MyComputer] [[62774,0],0] ORTE_ERROR_LOG: A message is attempting to be sent to
a process whose contact information is unknown in file /opt/local/var/macports/
oob/rml_oob_send.c at line 362
[MyComputer] [[62774,0],0] attempted to send to [[62774,0],1]: tag 15
[MyComputer] [[62774,0],0] ORTE_ERROR_LOG: A message is attempting to be sent to
a process whose contact information is unknown in file /opt/local/var/macports/
grpcomm/base/grpcomm_base_xcast.c at line 166
Would anyone be able to give me an idea of what is going wrong here? Thanks for any insight you can offer.
