Single persistent TCP connection for server to server connection - multithreading

I have to implement a server to server communication protocol using a SINGLE PERSISTENT TCP connection. The server at both the ends of this connection are implemented using "multi-threaded and asynchronous event-driven model". Both these servers are implemented in C++ and Pthreads on Linux. Server A always sends requests to Server B and Server B responds with a response. Server B doesn't send any requests to Server A, it just responds to the requests it receives. Could some one post me a sample code for this communication? Could you help me with the code for both Server A and Server B? Or please point me to any old answers or any websites where i can find a prototype code. Thanks in advance.

TCP servers cannot open connections to TCP servers. There is no IP protocol for that. One of the two servers must run a TCP client as a subsystem. The exact mechanics of how you do that depend on your client<>server protocol - the 'server-client' could log in to the 'client-server' with a unique username/password, or could use a different server listening port.
It's up to you:)


What does the .listen() method in express look like?

I read the docs, concerning the .listen() method, used in express. I can USE the method and setup a server that is listening to HTTP requests.
However, since I am fairly new to coding, I find it difficult to grasp whats really happening when using the .listen() method. The high level explanation "listening for connections" didn't help me.
I think, this could be made easier if I could actually see the function instead of only calling it.
Any help is very much appreciated
In a nutshell, the Express app.listen() method creates an http server object and then configures it to receive incoming TCP connections on a specific port and IP address so that when clients request a connection to that port and send an http request, the server can receive that http request and process it, sending a response. The code in app.listen() is shown below later in the answer - though all it does is call down to one further layer down in the http server object.
Here are the lower level details for how that works.
When a server wishes to start listening for incoming connections, it informs the local TCP stack by creating a socket and binding to a particular port and IP address. That essentially reserves that incoming port for this particular server (no other server will be allowed to also bind to that port). So, for example, on a regular http server on the default port, you would bind to port 80. This type of bound socket is used for incoming connections only, not for two-way communications with a client.
Then, the server informs the TCP stack that it is ready for incoming connections. At the TCP level, this is referred to as listen. Within nodejs, the bind and listen steps are combined into the one step called listen.
From then on, whenever the local TCP stack receives an incoming connecting request whose destination is the IP address and port that the server bound to, then that incoming connection will be accepted and inserted into a queue for the server that is configured for that IP address and port. There will typically be a maximum number of incoming connections that can be queued in this way and, if that number is exceeded, then the connection will be refused. This manages load and protects the host if the server gets "backed up" and is behind on processing incoming connections.
The server will then be informed by the TCP stack for each new incoming connection. Once the server accepts that connection, then it can start reading any data that the client has sent over the socket. In the case of an HTTP server working with the HTTP protocol, this would be the initial request protocol, method, version, headers and any body data. For different types of servers, the data would be in a different format.
Here's a useful diagram of the server:
The server creates a socket used for the server to accept new connections..
It binds that socket to a specific IP address and port so it will only be informed about incoming connections targeted to that IP address and port.
It listens on that port to inform the TCP stack it is ready to accept incoming connections.
When it is notified of an incoming connection, it accepts that incoming connection.
Then it can read and write to that new connection over the new socket.
Then, sometime later, the incoming socket is closed to complete the client transaction.
The app.listen() method in Express encapsulates these steps and a few others. Internally (within Express), the code looks like this:
app.listen = function listen() {
var server = http.createServer(this);
return server.listen.apply(server, arguments);
You can see that method here in the open source repository.
To get an http server ready for steps 1-6 above, this creates the http server object within nodejs and then registers the app as the request listener for that server object (so it will be notified of incoming http requests).
Then, the call to server.listen() encapsulates steps 1-3 above.
Step 4 happens inside the http server object implementation and the app object is called when a new connection has been established and a new HTTP request is available. The http server reads the initial request and parses the http protocol and that initial request is already made available to the app for routing to the appropriate handler.
Then, subsequent calls such as res.send() or res.json() write a response back on the http socket and close the socket or res.end() will close it directly (steps 5 and 6 above).
Some other useful references:
Why is bind() used in TCP? Why is it used only on server side and not in client side? - Helps explain how a port and IP address define the TCP endpoint represented by a server. This port has to be known by the client so it can specifically request to connect to that port. The client end of the socket also has an IP address and a port, but its port can be dynamically assigned, thus the client does not have to bind to a specific port itself. The four pieces of data [server IP, server port, client IP, client port] define a specific TCP connection.
How TCP sockets work - has a good section about how new connections to a server work.
Understanding socket and port in TCP - talks about active and passive sockets. Passive sockets are sockets in "listen" mode used to accept incoming connections. Active sockets are two-way communications channels between two TCP endpoints.
Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) - more details on the various aspects of TCP from initiating a listening server, initiating a client connection to that server, through packet transmission to closing the socket.
There are a gazillion other references on the topic on the web. You can probably find 1000 articles on any single aspect of TCP that you might want more info about.
I think, this could be made easier if I could actually see the function instead of only calling it.
The underlying code for listen is inside the operating system's TCP stack and is not part of nodejs or Express. Express relies on the nodejs http server object as its interface to that and the nodejs http server object uses native code (built into nodejs) to call libuv (which is a cross platform C library that nodejs uses for networking and other things). Then, libuv talks to the underlying operating system APIs to reach the actual TCP stack on that target host. All of this is to put the server socket into listen mode so it can be notified of new incoming client connections to that target IP address and port.
Here's some doc on the related portions of the Linux TCP API if you want to see what the underlying TCP interface and description of that interface is:
socket() -
bind() -
listen() -
And, portions of the libuv library that nodejs uses for networking:
TCP handles -
Server listen() and accept() -

How to create a nodejs HTTP server with an existing TLS client socket?

I have a nodejs TLS client socket on my laptop, connected to a TLS server socket on a different computer (server). The server cannot connect to my laptop. The laptop needs to initiate the connection.
Now I want the server to make requests to my laptop. The idea is to reuse the HTTP protocol. Is there a way to create a HTTP server using the existing TLS client socket?
This way, the server machine can make a HTTP request, and the client TLS receives it, and the HTTP server would parse it? Or am I missing something?
Once you have a TCP socket open between laptop and server, you can send data either way over that socket. So, if the server wants to send some query to the laptop, it can do so just fine. You will have to invent your own protocol on top of TCP to do that, but it could be as simple as a text/line based protocol if you want.
Or, instead of making a plain TCP connection, you can make a webSocket or connection from the laptop to the server (instead of the plain TCP connection) and then either side can send messages either way and the protocol part is already taken care of. If you use, it will automatically reconnect if the connection is interrupted too.
There is no simple way to attach an HTTP server to an existing TCP socket and it would be fraught with difficulties too because an HTTP connection is generally not a continuous connection over which you send many separate requests (advanced versions of http can do that, but I doubt you want to get into implementing all that logic on both ends). You could use the HTTP protocol over your existing TCP socket, but that would probably be substantially more work to implement than just use the webSocket/ idea above.

Difference in server port and websocket port in node.js chat application

I am trying to create a multi room chat application in node.js using and express. I am confused between use of server port and websocket port. I understand server port is used by the client to connect to server. But not sure about use of websocket port.
Thanks & Regards..
webSockets can share the same port as your web server and this is a common configuration. The reason this works is because of how a webSocket establishes a connection (all webSocket connections are initiated with an HTTP request). It works like this:
Client makes an HTTP request to a web server with a header specifying that they want to "upgrade" to the webSocket protocol and sends a security-related header.
Web server sees the upgrade request and, if it has support enabled for webSocket connections, it will respond with a 101 request (switching protocols) and another security related header.
Client gets the accepted upgrade and both ends switch to the webSocket protocol and the original TCP socket that started out using the HTTP protocol is now using the webSocket protocol.
In this manner, the same port and webServer can be used for regular HTTP requests or webSocket connection requests.
For a chat application it is common to use a webSocket connection because it is a continuous connection that more easily allows the server to send information directly to the client which is often needed in a chat application.
To understand more about how a webSocket connection and server work, see this reference on MDN: Writing WebSocket servers which shows the step by step process for initiating a webSocket connection.
Server socket is used by server... that keeps listening to coming sockets request in a loop... and websocket sends a request to server socket and bound a connection between two devices...
If you have / want to have web clients, WebSocket is going to be required, because there is no access to 'regular' TCP (or UDP) sockets from browser-based JavaScript (and I assume you do not want Flash, SilverLight or Java Applets, in 2017). WebSocket is not special because of the port number, but it is special because of the protocol: a WebSocket connection starts as a regular HTTP connection, and protocol upgrade reconfigures it afterwards, it is designed for the browser-world, and even capable of traversing HTTP proxies. After establishing the connection, it provides a full-duplex, bi-directional message stream, very usable for chat applications.
And because of being a Web-thing, you could simply use port 80, if you are allowed to.

Client security using UDP

I am currently trying to build up a networking layer for Unity from scratch. Currently I am testing the communication via UDP using Node.js for the server and the client. However I guess the language of the implementation will not matter for what I am asking for.
Current approach
The current approach using Node.js for the server and the client is pretty basic. I simply send a packet from a client to my server while the client and the server are not in the same local network. Both are behind a router and therefore also behind a NAT.
The server then sends back an answer to the IP and port received within the UDP packet that was sent from the client.
I am curious about the security on the client side regarding to ports being opened on the client machines and routers. So far I assumed that I don't need to do anything to secure the client from attackers or anything else that can do something with the ports that are used by my application. The following assumption shows why I think that I don't need to do anything to secure the clients.
Server is setting up callbacks.
Server starts listening to a specific port which is also forwarded to the servers machine within the router.
Server now will call a callback when a UDP message was received. The server then will send a UDP message to the address and the port of the client obtained by the message received.
Client is setting up callbacks.
Client starts listening to port 0 which for Node.js's dgram means:
For UDP sockets, causes the dgram.Socket to listen for datagram messages on a named port and optional address. If port is not specified or is 0, the operating system will attempt to bind to a random port. -
So the operating system now knows that packets sent to this port belong to my application.
Nobody can use this for something malicious.
Client, which knows the servers address and port, starts the process of sending a UDP message to the server.
Clients router receives the UDP message. NAT creates a random port (used on the public side) and maps it to the clients (local) address and port.
So the router now knows that packets sent to the public address and the newly generated port belong to the local address and port.
Nobody can use this for something malicious.
Clients router sends UDP message containing the public address and the NAT generated port to the server.
The worst thing that can happen is that a man-in-the-middle attacker can read the data the client is sending. Due to it is only gamedata like positions and so on that is sent this is not a big problem while developing the basics.
Nobody can use this for something malicious.
Server receives the message and calls the callback described in 3. So the server sends to the public address and the NAT generated port of the client.
The worst thing that can happen is that a man-in-the-middle attacker can read the data the server is sending. Due to it is only gamedata like positions and so on that is sent this is not a big problem while developing the basics.
Nobody can use this for something malicious.
Same as 7. with the servers router and the servers local address and port.
Same as 8. with the servers router.
Client receives the UDP message of the server and calls a callback which processes the message contents.
Due to the local port of the client is bound to my application only nobody can use this for something malicious due to I simply ignore the contents if they are not from the real server.
So is my assumption correct and I really don't need to secure the client from any attacks that will harm the clients in any way?

Proxying WebSockets with TCP load balancer without sticky sessions

I want to proxy WebSocket connections to multiple node.js servers using Amazon Elastic Load Balancer. Since Amazon ELB does not provide actual WebSocket support, I would need to use its vanilla TCP messaging. However, I'm trying to understand how this would work without some sort of sticky session functionality.
I understand that WebSockets work by first sending an HTTP Upgrade request from the client, which is handled by the server by sending a response which correctly handles key authentication. After the server sends that response and it is approved by the client, there is a bidirectional connection between that client and server.
However let's say the client, after approving the server response, sends data to the server. If it sends the data to the load balancer, and the load balancer then relays that data to a different server that did not handle the original WebSocket Upgrade request, then how will this new server be aware of the WebSocket connection? Or will the client automatically bypass the load balancer and send data directly to the server that handled the initial upgrade?
I think what we need to understand in order to answer this question is how exactly the underlying TCP connection evolves during the whole WebSocket creation process. You will realize that the sticky part of a WebSocket connection is the underlying TCP connection itself. I am not sure what you mean with "session" in the context of WebSockets.
At a high level, initiating a "WebSocket connection" requires the client to send an HTTP GET request to an HTTP server whereas the request includes the Upgrade header field. Now, for this request to happen the client needs to have established a TCP connection to the HTTP server (that might be obvious, but I think here it is important to point this out explicitly). The subsequent HTTP server response is then sent through the same TCP connection.
Note that now, after the server response has been sent, the TCP connection is still open/alive if not actively closed by either the client or the server.
Now, according to RFC 6455, the WebSocket standard, at the end of section 4.1:
If the server's response is validated as provided for above, it is
said that The WebSocket Connection is Established and that the
WebSocket Connection is in the OPEN state
I read from here that the same TCP connection that was initiated by the client before sending the initial HTTP GET (Upgrade) request will just be left open and will from now on serve as the transport layer for the full-duplex WebSocket connection. And this makes sense!
With respect to your question this means that a load balancer will only play a role before the initial HTTP GET (Upgrade) request is made, i.e. before the one and only TCP connection involved in said WebSocket connection creation is established between the two communication end points. Thereafter, the TCP connection stays established and cannot become "redirected" by a network device in between.
We can conclude that -- in your session terminology -- the TCP connection defines the session. As long as a WebSocket connection is alive (i.e. is not terminated), it by definition provides and lives in its own session. Nothing can change this session. Speaking in this picture, two independent WebSocket connections, however, cannot share the same session.
If you referred to something else with "session", then it probably is a session that is introduced by the application layer and we cannot comment on that one.
Edit with respect to your comments:
so you're saying that the load balancer is not involved in the TCP
No, that is not true, at least in general. It definitely can take influence upon TCP connection establishment, in the sense that it can decide what to do with the client connection attempt. The specifics depend on the exact type of load balancer (* , see below). Important: After the connection is established between two endpoints -- whereas I don't consider the load balancer to be an endpoint, I refer to WebSocket client and WebSocket server -- the two endpoints will not change anymore for the lifetime of the WebSocket connection. The load balancer might* still be in the network path, but can be assumed to not take influence anymore.
Therefore the full-duplex connection is between the client and the
end server?
***There are different types of load balancing. Depending on the type, the role of the load balancer is different after connection establishment between the two end points. Examples:
If the load balancing happens on DNS basis, then the load balancer is not involved in the final TCP connection at all. It just tells the client to which host is has to connect directly.
If the load balancer works like the Layer 4 ELB from AWS (docs here), then it so to say proxies the TCP connection. So the client would actually see the ELB itself as the server. What happens, however, is that the ELB just forwards the packages in both directions, without change. Hence, it is still heavily involved in the TCP connection, just transparently. In this case there are actually two permanent TCP connections involved: one from you to the ELB, and one from the ELB to the server. These are again permanent for the lifetime of your WebSocket connection.
WebSocket uses a persistent TCP connection, and hence requires all IP packets for that TCP connection to be forwarded to the same backend server (for the lifetime of the TCP connection).
It needs to be sticky. This is different from L7 HTTP LBs which are able to dispatch on a per HTTP-request basis.
A LB can work sticky by different approaches, i.e.
hash the source IP/port to the set of alive backend servers
upon TCP connection establishment, choose a backend server and remember that
