Incorrect SQL syntax from string Contains and StartsWith - linq-to-nhibernate

session.Query<Product>().Where(p => p.Name.Conains("Paper"))
creates to the following SQL:
where prod1_.Name like ('%' || 'Paper' || '%')
What I would like to see is obviously: like '%Paper%'
I also have the same issue with StartsWith and EndsWith.
NHibernate version is 3.2.0 and the dialect is NHibernate.Spatial.Dialect.MsSql2008GeometryDialect if it matters.
Any ideas on what's going on here?

There seems to be a bug in the dialect NHibernate.Spatial.Dialect.MsSql2008GeometryDialect. When changing the dialect to NHibernate.Dialect.MsSql2008Dialect the created SQL is correct.


KnexJS giving different response

So I have a NodeJS+KnexJS setup on a PostgreSQL DB, and am using the .whereRaw() method so I can use a CASE statement in my WHERE clause.
The query was tested in my CLI before migrating to code. Here is the code that is being used.
var qry =; // ignore the select, not important.
qry.with('daspecs', function(qy) {'spec_id').from('drawings').where('uid', query.d);
}).whereRaw('CASE WHEN (select "spec_id" from "daspecs") IS NULL THEN true ELSE c.spec_id = (select "spec_id" from "daspecs") END');
The SQL that KnexJS is generating (output using qry.toString()) is correct, and I can even copy and paste this to my psql CLI and it returns the results I want (12 records), but for some wierd reason the KnexJS query seems to return a completely different set of results (1106 records).
Not sure where to go next, since KnexJS is giving me the right SQL, but seems like it's executing something else, and not sure how else to diagnose what it is actually doing (I've tried the knex.on('query'...) event).
Any alteration on the final SQL would result in an error (i've tested), so at the point of ruling out missing pieces.
Has anyone had any experience or issues with KnexJS saying one thing, but doing another, in particular, with the whereRaw command?

Can't access delete method on Slick query

This is very very very frustrating. I have been trying to pick up Slick for a while, and obstacles just keep coming. The concept of Slick is really awesome, but it is very difficult to learn, and unlike Scala, it doesn't have "beginner", "intermediate", and "advanced" style where people in all stages can use it easily.
I'm using Play-Slick (Slick 2.0.0), following its Multi-DB cake example:
For some reason, first, ddl does not belong to TableQuery, unlike the claim in the document: "The TableQuery‘s ddl method creates DDL". This shows through the scaladoc: There is no ddl method there.
Second, my slick.lifted.Query can't generate delete method. It works fine with list, but not with delete.
val S3Files = TableQuery[S3Files]
S3Files.where(_.url === url).delete
This wouldn't work...then I tried:
val query = (for(s <- S3Files if s.url === url) yield s)
query.list //this works
query.delete //ehh?? can't find the method
val query2 = (for(s <- S3Files if s.url === url))
query2.delete //still won't work
Well...since Slick uses a very complicated (at least to newbies) implicit type conversion system, I don't really know what went wrong.
I tried it by simply adding
to play-slick-cake-sample/app/controllers/Application.scala. Works fine for me.
Looks like you are using the wrong imports. Look at and mimic the imports.
slick 0.8.1 and slick 2.1.0 and I had the same Issue.
The reason why delete is not available on the Query is cause the play-slick Query does not contain a equivalent method of the delete method from slick Query.
I solved this Problem by changing to the original slick Driver
//import play.api.db.slick.Config.driver.simple._ //play-slick extensional Driver
import slick.driver.PostgresDriver.simple._ //original slick Driver

Prepared Statement with collection in IN clause in Datastax Cassandra CQL driver

I am trying to run the following query
SELECT edge_id, b_id FROM booking_by_edge WHERE edge_id IN ?
I bind Java list of Long's as a parameter and I get an exception
SyntaxError: line 0:-1 mismatched input '<EOF>' expecting ')' (
If I try to use (?) it expects single Long item to be bound, but I need a collection
Is there an error in my syntax?
Tested in Cassandra 2.1.3, the following code snippet works:
PreparedStatement prepared = session.prepare("SELECT edge_id, b_id FROM booking_by_edge WHERE edge_id IN ?;");
List<Long> edgeIds = Arrays.asList(1L, 2L, 3L);
Got response on Datastax bugzilla, it is currently not supported, but planned
Update: Supported in Cassandra 2.0.1
It's a bit hard to find in the documentation but it is described in the tuples section of the manual.
If you want to use named parameters you should use the setList() method.
BoundStatement bs = session.prepare("select col from table where col in :values").bind();
bs.setList("values", Arrays.asList(v1, v2, v3));

how to use $where in mongodb between the same fields in the document

My code is the same as
collSession.find({$where: "this.Prices[0].PGroup_strCode == this.grpCode"
Using in node.js and mongodb version : 2.4.2
Actaully data is there but its is not giving any result.
Where i m going wrong ?

cassandra cql query substitution

Explanation with an example:
import cql
cql connect to CF/Keyspace
last_key = XYZ (say it's getting fetched from else where)
cursor.execute(select * from domain_dimension where key=:key", key="last_key")
The CQL documentation says it can be done, but on console it says execute() got unexpected keyword argument.
Does Cassandra CQL really support query substitution?
It looks like you need to pass the substitutions in a dict as a single arg, not as keyword args.
cursor.execute("select * from domain_dimension where key=:key", {'key': last_key})
That is how it specified in the example on the project homepage:
