How to instanciate same dialog in MFC C++? - visual-c++

I want to build a MFC dialog in which I add a simple TabControl. I want my tab pages to be instances of the same CDialog, but with some different parameters (such as which buttons are shown, for example).
I am using Visual Studio 2008.
I am relatively new to C++, but I've seen that each component (CButton, CDialog) has its own ID (which is static, so I theoretically I can't instance the same component twice).
I would like to know how to do something like this:
for (index = 0 to tabNumber) {
name = "TAB"+index;
tabCtrl.add(new CustomDialog(name, i));

You have to give different TabID while creating item.
m_cTab.InsertItem(0,"Register new user");//tabID=0
m_cTab.InsertItem(1,"Identify");// TabID=1
//Register new user
m_cTab.CreateButton("Load Image",23,TabID=0, 0, m_cTab.RightOf(22)+15, m_cTab.TopOf(19),60);
m_cTab.CreateButton("Register User",24,TabID=1,P_LEFT,0, m_cTab.TopOf(20) ,60);


How to add an absolute element in a NativeScript page

I want to be able to just place a View component (plugin) into the page through code and have it appear at some X\Y on the page... but I'm a bit stumped.
Any attempt to add via page.content kinda adds it to the layout\render pass so it occupies space.
So this would get injected into "any" page at "any" time, I have no control over the markup this would be used in (know what I mean?) There is no XML for it and unfortunately the answer can't just be wrap everything in an AbsoluteLayout because one can't mandate that on users apps\layouts.
Thoughts, even possible?
Basically the simplest way to do this is to dynamically and be fully cross platform compatible is to create a AbsoluteLayout item in your JavaScript code, and dynamically insert your item and the AL into the page container.
Code would be something like this:
var AbsoluteLayout = require('ui/layouts/absolute-layout').AbsoluteLayout;
var myAL = new AbsoluteLayout();
var myItem = new myPluginItem();
// Set you left, right, top, bottom coords. = x;
// Add our item to the AbsoluteItem
var frame = require('ui/frame');
var page = frame.topmost().currentPage;
var LayoutBase = require('ui/layouts/layout-base').LayoutBase;
page._eachChildView(function(view) {
if (view instanceof LayoutBase) {
return false;
return true;
However, if you don't want to do this the really simple way; the only other way is to actually go a bit lower level. You can natively access the iOS view controller (page._ios.view) and the android view (page._nativeView), and then manually add it to the view by using things like addView ( or addSubview (
I would like to add you can set the Top and Left properties in TypeScript by importing AbsoluteLayout like so
import {AbsoluteLayout} from 'ui/layouts/absolute-layout';
and then using the exposed functions setLeft or setTop
AbsoluteLayout.setLeft(YourItem, LeftValue);
AbsoluteLayout.setTop(YourItem, TopValue);

CDocTemplate and m_templateList

I am upgrading some software from 16 bit to 32 bit in VC++ using MFC, and I understand that in recent versions of MFC I can no longer access m_templateList in CDocTemplate, I must use GetFirstDocTemplatePosition and GetNextDocTemplate instead. That is no problem as far as enumerating templates is concerned (a dialog being opened only in the case where there is more than one template). My question is what approach is best to get round the fact that a reference to the template list is currently being passed to the dialog on creation, and a selected template is being returned? Here is the code:
void CMtApp::OnFileNew()
CString s;
if (m_templateList.IsEmpty())
TRACE0("Error : no document templates registered with CWinApp\n");
CDocTemplate* pTemplate = (CDocTemplate*)m_templateList.GetHead();
if (m_templateList.GetCount() > 1)
// more than one document template to choose from
// bring up dialog prompting user
COpenTypeDlg dlg(&m_templateList);
if (dlg.DoModal() != IDOK)
return; // none - cancel operation
pTemplate = dlg.m_pSelectedTemplate;
pTemplate->GetDocString(s, CDocTemplate::docName);
ASSERT(pTemplate != NULL);
m_bNew = TRUE;
You can pass the CWinApp to the dialog's ctor and the dialog can GetFirstDocTemplatePosition and GetNextDocTemplate itself. But you don't really need to pass the CWinApp because the dialog can use AfxGetApp to get it itself.
If you insist on passing a template list then build your own list based on what GetFirstDocTemplatePosition and GetNextDocTemplate return.

Create Property Sheet in Frame Window

I am using an MDI application. I want to create a property sheet inside Frame Window area as shown by arrow in image below:
I have seen examples where we can use ShowWindow() function after creating property sheet but it creates property sheet which is not embedded in frame window.
Can we create propertysheet on frame window only like other controls as static box etc?
If you need to embed a resizable property sheet to the view, please take a look at BCGSoft size( - the latest BCGControlBar from version shows how to do it:
If you simply need a tabbed MDI windows, just create a Visual Studio-like application in MFC AppWizard (VS 2008 or later).
Hope, this helps.
Adding CMultiDocTemplate instances solved my problem. Here is code snippet. This is part of ProjectName.cpp file:
BOOL CEmuDiagnosticsClientApp::InitInstance()
// InitCommonControlsEx() is required on Windows XP if an application
// manifest specifies use of ComCtl32.dll version 6 or later to enable
// visual styles. Otherwise, any window creation will fail.
InitCtrls.dwSize = sizeof(InitCtrls);
// Set this to include all the common control classes you want to use
// in your application.
InitCtrls.dwICC = ICC_WIN95_CLASSES;
// Initialize OLE libraries
if (!AfxOleInit())
return FALSE;
//Added new code
CMultiDocTemplate* pDocTemplate;
pDocTemplate = new CMultiDocTemplate(IDR_STRING_LOGGINGWINDOW,
RUNTIME_CLASS(CChildFrame), // custom MDI child frame
if (!pDocTemplate)
return FALSE;
//End: Added new code
// Standard initialization
// If you are not using these features and wish to reduce the size
// of your final executable, you should remove from the following
// the specific initialization routines you do not need
// Change the registry key under which our settings are stored
// TODO: You should modify this string to be something appropriate
// such as the name of your company or organization
SetRegistryKey(_T("Local AppWizard-Generated Applications"));
LoadStdProfileSettings(4); // Load standard INI file options (including MRU)
CMFCToolTipInfo ttParams;
ttParams.m_bVislManagerTheme = TRUE;
RUNTIME_CLASS(CMFCToolTipCtrl), &ttParams);
// Register the application's document templates. Document templates
// serve as the connection between documents, frame windows and views
CMultiDocTemplate* pDocTemplate;
pDocTemplate = new CMultiDocTemplate(IDR_STRING_SIGNALWINDOW,
RUNTIME_CLASS(CChildFrame), // custom MDI child frame
RUNTIME_CLASS(CSignalWindow)); //Changed Code
if (!pDocTemplate)
return FALSE;
// create main MDI Frame window
CMainFrame* pMainFrame = new CMainFrame;
if (!pMainFrame || !pMainFrame->LoadFrame(IDR_MAINFRAME))
delete pMainFrame;
return FALSE;
m_pMainWnd = pMainFrame;
// call DragAcceptFiles only if there's a suffix
// In an MDI app, this should occur immediately after setting m_pMainWnd
// Parse command line for standard shell commands, DDE, file open
CCommandLineInfo cmdInfo;
// Dispatch commands specified on the command line. Will return FALSE if
// app was launched with /RegServer, /Register, /Unregserver or /Unregister.
if (!ProcessShellCommand(cmdInfo))
return FALSE;
// The main window has been initialized, so show and update it
return TRUE;
In //Added New code section, created a new CMultiDocTemplate instance. CLoggingWindow is the class which I wanted to display in frame window.
Another class CSignalWindow I also wanted to display which is modified in //changed code area.
Things to remember:
-Dialog which you want to display must be derived from CFormView, not CDialog.
-Changed dialog property: Border -> None, Style -> Child and all other properties to false.

QML Strings in BlackBerry Cascades

I am trying to build a custom button in newest BlackBerry 10 platform.
The button should change background image when it is clicked and then change it back when it is clicked the second time.
The button logic is fairly simple: once clicked, I check for the type of image currently in the button and change the image source.
I started with a basic QML custom control which looks like this (stripped of labels and other unimportant things):
import bb.cascades 1.0
id: root
layout: DockLayout
function clickMe()
var source = myImage.defaultImageSource.toString();
if (source.endsWith("image.png"))
myImage.defaultImageSource = "asset:///images/image_pushed.png";
myImage.defaultImageSource = "asset:///images/image.png";
id: myImage
defaultImageSource: "asset:///images/image.png"
ImageButton click event is connected to JavaScript function clickMe. The function fires and the URL is logged to console correctly.
The problem is the IF clause, because the image_pushed.png is never set. Why is this the problem and how can I implement this button?
I am looking around for a only QML solution for this problem and I found this information:
the defaultImageSource property is of type QUrl, which does contain
toString() method.
toString() method returns QString, which indeed has function endsWith.
my QML reference:
Within QML QString instances appear to be a normal JavaScript strings. This mapping is done automatically. And Javascript strings don't have a endsWith method. You can use the search method with an regular expression to achieve the same.
if (\.png$/ !== -1) { /* ... */ }
I think you can create more simple way by using property
for example:
id : myControl
property bool state
defaultImageSource : state ? "firstImageAsset.png" : "secondImageAsset.png"
onClick :{
myControl.state = !myControl.state

How to add a tool tip to control in window application (win32 API) using Visual C++ 2008

I have a window application (win32 API) in visual C++ in which I have to add tool tips to the control button. Can any one help me out in achieving the above task? Thanks in advance.
If you don't use MFC classes see About Tooltip Controls
Here is an example using CToolTipCtrl class,
// Init a tooltip window
m_ToolTipCtrl = new CToolTipCtrl;
m_ToolTipCtrl->Create( this ); // 'this', usually a CDialog window
m_ToolTipCtrl->SetMaxTipWidth( 300 ); // if you need multiline messages
m_ToolTipCtrl->SetTipBkColor( 0x000000 );
m_ToolTipCtrl->SetTipTextColor( 0xe0e0d0 );
// Attach a CListBox control (we can attach many controls)
m_ToolTipCtrl->AddTool( plstBox, "Hey, i am a tooltip message!" );
// ...
// (*) We must use the following in order to use tooltips (MFC 4.0 and later versions)
BOOL MyDialog::PreTranslateMessage(MSG* pMsg)
if (NULL != m_ToolTipCtrl)
m_ToolTipCtrl->RelayEvent(pMsg); // <- listen mouse messages!
return CDialog::PreTranslateMessage(pMsg);
