How to 'require' a database schema in nodejs - node.js

What is the best way to require a mongoose Schema in nodejs?
Originally I had these inside the app.js file but that is getting a bit large and unwieldy with more models.
Now I want to move them into a models folder and use Model = require('./models/model') to import them into app.js
How do I get it such that Model is populated with the actual model?
(exports = mongoose.model(...) fails and gives me a blank object; exports.model = mongoose.model(...) requires me to do Model.model to access it -- neither of these are the desired behavior)
So basically I have taken
var mongoose = require('mongoose');
var Schema = mongoose.Schema, ObjectId = Schema.ObjectId;
var UserSchema = new Schema({
username: String,
password: String,
first_name: String,
last_name: String,
email: String
User = mongoose.model('User', UserSchema);
and put it into ./models/user.js
How do I get it such that its the equivalent of having this in the app.js?

In your app.js server file, include the model.js file like this:
var Model = require('./models/model'); //whatever you want to call it
You can then instantiate it in your server file like this:
//Initiate the Business API endpoints
var model = new Model(mq, siteConf);
model.getUser(id, function() {
// handle result
Then in your file you place in models folder named model.js (or whatever you want) you can set it up like this:
var mongoose = require('mongoose');
//MongoDB schemas
var Schema = mongoose.Schema;
var User = new Schema({
username: String,
password: String,
first_name: String,
last_name: String,
email: String
var UserModel = mongoose.model('User', User);
// your other objects defined ...
module.exports = function(mq, siteConf) {
// ------------------------
// ------------------------
// Returns a user by ID
function getUser(id, found) {
console.log("find user by id: " + id);
UserModel.findById(id, found);
// Returns one user matching the given criteria
// mainly used to match against email/login during login
function getUserByCriteria(criteria, found) {
console.log("find user by criteria: " + JSON.stringify(criteria));
UserModel.findOne(criteria, found);
// more functions for your app ...
return {
'getUser': getUser,
'getUserByCriteria': getUserByCriteria


Not able to save if Mongoose Schema(req.body) is an array of objects

I am using Angular 6 js as Client side framework. From Client req.body data
which is sent to server is an array of objects
[ { email: 'Testserver' },
{ email: 'Liveserver' }]
But when I save no data is being saved in the collection.An empty
emailServer array is being saved.Any suggestions where am I going wrong?
app.js file-:
const MongooseSchema = require('../models/mongoose')'/',(req,res)=>{
var obj = new MongooseSchema(req.body);,success)=>{
mongoose.js file
var mongoose = require('mongoose');
Schema = mongoose.Schema;
var MongooseSchema = new Schema({
emailServer : [{
email : {type:String}
},{ collection: "RegisteredUserDetails" })
module.exports = mongoose.model('MongooseSchema',MongooseSchema)
The structure of the document you're creating has to match what's defined in your schema. The posted data doesn't include the emailServer field name, so you need to add that:
var obj = new MongooseSchema({emailServer: req.body});

How to implement more than one collection in get() function?

My model university.js
const mongoose = require('mongoose');
const UniversitySchema = mongoose.Schema({
const University =module.exports = mongoose.model('University',UniversitySchema);
My route.js
const express = require('express');
const router = express.Router();
const University = require('../models/university');
//retrieving data
// University.find(function(err,universities){
// if(err)
// {
// res.json(err);
// res.json(universities);
module.exports= router;
How to implement multiple collections in this get() function? I put my collection name in the model. Please help me with a solution to call multiple collections in get() function.
Here is Example to use multiple collection names for one schema:
const coordinateSchema = new Schema({
lat: String,
longt: String,
name: String
}, {collection: 'WeatherCollection'});
const windSchema = new Schema({
windGust: String,
windDirection: String,
windSpeed: String
}, {collection: 'WeatherCollection'});
//Then define discriminator field for schemas:
const baseOptions = {
discriminatorKey: '__type',
collection: 'WeatherCollection'
//Define base model, then define other model objects based on this model:
const Base = mongoose.model('Base', new Schema({}, baseOptions));
const CoordinateModel = Base.discriminator('CoordinateModel', coordinateSchema);
const WindModel = Base.discriminator('WindModel', windSchema);
//Query normally and you get result of specific schema you are querying:
In Short,
In mongoose you can do something like this:
var users = mongoose.model('User', loginUserSchema, 'users');
var registerUser = mongoose.model('Registered', registerUserSchema, 'users');
This two schemas will save on the 'users' collection.
For more information you can refer to the documentation: or you can see the following gist it might help.
Hope this may help you. You need to modify according to your requirements.

Multiple schema in a file not working

I have two schema in singel schema.js file
var mongoose = require('mongoose');
var user = new mongoose.Schema({
name: String,
add: String,
role: String
var Organizationn = new mongoose.Schema({
name: String,
add: String,
module.exports = {
user: user,
Organizationn: Organizationn
accessing it like
var models = require("../models/schema");
it says findone is not a function
whereas If i use singel user in a file it is working.
I have gone through this link and did export like above
cant get data from database after multiple schema declared (mongoose + express + mongodb
but not working
any idea?
With the help of #anthony I figure out the issue
I need to do the below
module.exports = {
user: mongoose.model('user', user),,
Organizationn: mongoose.model('Organizationn', Organizationn)
If you exports more than one file than you will have to import with curly braces { schema1 }
var mongoose = require('mongoose');
var user = new mongoose.Schema({
name: String,
add: String,
role: String
var organization = new mongoose.Schema({
name: String,
add: String,
const userSchema = mongoose.model('users', user),
const organizationSchema = mongoose.model('organizations', organization)
module.exports = { User: userSchema, Organization: organizationSchema }
and then import
var { User } = require("../models/schema");
var { Organization } = require("../models/schema");
Try to look at it in this abstract way:
A mongoose.Schema is basically just an object.
A mongoose.model is a class that you customize with your schema object.
In other words, mongoose.model has all the database functions attached to it, the schema by itself doesn't.

How to get a list of available Mongoose Discriminators?

Given a situation where you have a User Scheme that you use to create a base model called User. And then for user roles, you use mongoose discriminators to create inherited models called Admin, Employee and Client. Is there a way to programmatically determine how many discriminations/inheritances/roles of the User model are available, as well as the available names?
My question in terms of code:
File: models/user.js
var mongoose = require('mongoose');
var Schema = mongoose.Schema;
var options = {discriminatorKey: 'role'};
var userSchema = mongoose.Schema({
name: String,
email: String,
password: String,
var User = mongoose.model('User', userSchema);
var Client = User.discriminator("Client", mongoose.Schema({
Address : String,
Tax_identification : String,
Phone_number : String,
Internal_Remarks : String,
CRM_status : String,
Recent_contact : String,
var Employee = User.discriminator("Employee",mongoose.Schema({
Staff_Id: String,
module.exports = {User: User, Client: Client, Employee: Employee };
File: controllers/usersController.js
var User = require('../models/user.js').User;
module.exports = {
registerRoutes: function(app){
userCreateCallback: function(req,res){
//Get Available User Roles - The function below doesn't exist,
//Just what I hypothetically want to achieve:
I hope I managed to express what I want to do. Alternative approaches are also welcome.
Since v4.11.13, mongoose model has model.discriminators which is an array of models, keyed on the name of the discriminator model.
In your case if you do console.log(User.discriminators) you will get:
Client: {
Employee: {
As far as I can see, this is not documented anywhere.
Line 158 in lib.helpers.model.discriminators.js is where this is created.
I think you want to fetch the names and values of all the discriminators as for the names you can simply use
but for finding values you can use this
return Promise.all(Object.keys(discriminators).map(i =>
discriminators[i].find({ userId: this._id }))
).then(promiseResults =>
promiseResults.reduce((arr, el) => arr.concat(el), [])
you need to put userId under each discriminators for that.

Correct approach to mongoose schema collection property

I need to read a collection identified connected to a mongoose model. Is the correct approach to read the property model.schema.options.collection directly or is there any more suitable approach?
As far as i have understood, you want to use the property of your mongoose schema. i will provide you with a small example to how you can use it effectively.
Your model file
var mongoose = require('mongoose');
var Schema = mongoose.Schema;
//Schema for User
var UserSchema = new Schema({
name: {
type: String,
email: {
type: String
password: {
type: String,
module.exports = mongoose.model('User', UserSchema);
In your function where you want to include this model
var User = require('/path/models/user');
var UserController = {
create: function(req, res){
var user = new User(); =; =;
user.password = req.body.password;
//rest of the functionality on these bod params.
I hope this small example will be able to help.
