How do I restrict access to my game client source - iis

Hello I run a flash gaming site and when people go on to play they load this client that goes into the game if the user does Control +U it shows the source of links and files of my site! and I installed cloudflare to hide my server ip but if I hide the server ip in page called Variables they can access it by viewing source and the Variables is SWF's for my game so I cant block the swfs from access to people or the game will not load right! I need to stop access from the outside world viewing those pages to know my server ip.

Ctrl + U only shows the source of the web page (the HTML, JavaScript, and CSS, etc). SWF files are not human-readable, so your source is safe.
Open up one of your SWFs with Notepad++ or similar. You'll see something like this:
Though, I would assume there is some way to decompile or reverse engineer a compiled file, but that applies to every language.


How to change where a url points locally

So I'm on ubuntu and I'm using station, a sort of web app. It grabs some of its icons from a server. However, this server is no longer maintained. Therefore some icons do not display properly and some of the UI is not very usable. So I wanted to know if there could be a way to set locally that when the URLs of that icons are "searched", my computer searches instead a file stored locally on my computer (I was able to grab the URLs so that's dealt with). My next idea would be to try to edit the source code but I'm not should I would be able to achieve that.

Develop a task-specific web browser

I want to build a task-specific web browser. For example, when the user uses that browser, the program should give options like these:
What is your interest today? Please select from the following:
computer science
data science
web development
social media
After the user selects their interest, the browser should allow the user to search or study only those selected content types, so the user cannot get diverted from their task. The purpose of this browser is to avoid time-wasting. Because whenever someone tries to study or do some professional work, they get diverted by opening social media tabs and movies.
Which programming language will be suitable for making this browser?
You could do this by making a custom version of an existing browser, as guest271314 suggested, but that would require far more effort than necessary. All you need to make is a browser extension, such as a Firefox Add-on or a Chrome Extension. Browser extensions are usually written with JavaScript, HTML, and CSS. Each browser needs to have an extension made individually, but you can usually share a lot of the code between them. Read the linked documentation for help creating an extension for each browser.
There are already existing browser extensions like you describe that prevent you from visiting sites that you put on a list ahead of time, such as StayFocusd and WasteNoTime. Maybe you just want to use one of those extensions instead of writing a new one.

launch google search from link

I am running a website based on php on a server run by a large host. My goal is very simple. Include link on my site to google search where I dynamically give the search term.
Starting with the url that appears in the address bar, I've narrowed the syntax down to
This works when I type it into the address bar. However, when I launch from the server, it redirects to: of characters
There are references on the web to webhp being related to a virus but I'm pretty sure my host does not have any viruses on its servers.
Does anyone know proper way to launch simple google search from a link? Is a straight link forbidden? I am Willing to use JS to push link to client if necessary (which I use for google maps at Google's recommendation due to usage limits) but want to keep things as simple as possible. This link is just to save people a few clicks.
Thanks for any suggestions.
Simply use the urlencode Method
echo '<a href="', urlencode($userinput), '">';
If you wish to do it with Javascript the answer is here: Encode URL in JavaScript?
Try to track down the "Url Rewriting", I think its a virus you need to remove:
WebHP is a computer virus that automatically sets your homepage to a
fake Google site, known as This virus will also
randomly open windows or tabs to load this website, as well as
generate pop-ups and fake errors. Also installed with this virus is a
rootkit which can disable your PC's firewall and other methods of
security. If left untreated, the WebHP virus allows hackers to
remotely access your computer and steal personal information, such as
credit card numbers and email passwords.

Lauch external program in firefox or chrome

We have a custom web app in our intranet that allow users to browse and search our shared file system in a way more appropriate for our organization. as compared to windows explorer/mac finder. However, when the users click on, for example, a link pointing to a word document the document is downloaded by the browser and then opened. I am trying to provide a better way, namely that the file is opened directly from the shared folder that each user has mapped in his own computer. This will make things faster and will not pollute the browser download folder.
I was planning to create a chrome or firefox extension that recognizes certain css class attached to a link, remaps the link to the shared file system and and launch an external process. Any idea how to achieve this? Is there a better solution?
If you want the URL to be handled by a custom program you could create special URLs using a custom Protocol (ex: MyApp:// instead of http://) and then register that protocol to be opened via a custom program. The links would only work on computers that have your program installed and where the protocol has been registered to be handled by your application.

How to safely embed any flash file (swf)?

I want to allow my users to embed their own Flash animations in their posts. Usually the actual file is hosted on some free image hosting site. I wouldn't actually load the flash unless the user clicked a button to play (so that nothing auto-plays on page load). I know people can make some really annoying crap in flash, but I can't find any information about potential serious damage a flash app could cause to the viewer.
Is it unsafe to embed just any flash file from the internets? If so, how can I let users embed innocent animations but still keep out the harmful apps?
From what I can gather, the most obvious threat is for actionscript to redirect you to a malicious site.
Adobe says you can set allowScriptAccess=never and allowNetworking=none and the swf should have no access to anything outside of itself. Will this solve all my problems?
Flash has some neat security measures in place. Allowing users to upload swf's to your site and embedding them is unsafe, you're basically setting yourself up for an XSS attack.
However, allowing them to hotlink should not be a problem. The swf will be locked to the domain that is hosting it and is not allowed calling url's outside of that space.
It will still be open to "evil links" (i'm sure theres a proper word for them), and by that I mean having regular links to which it tries to load "as" you. It will not however be able to use this data in any way, it'll basically be the same as a normal link, and I'd guess modern cms' are protected from that type of attacks.
You could get the same protection by hosting your flashes on a different subdomain, since flash considers this the same as a completely different domain.
When embedding SWFs from unknown sources, it is also best practice to throw a mask on the Loader so that the loaded SWF can't take over more screen real estate than expected.
Pseudo-code to do so:
var maskSpr : Sprite = new Sprite();;,0,safeWidth,safeHeight);;
myLdr.mask = maskSpr;
There is actually more than one option.
To be totally safe, set allowScriptAccess=never and allowNetworking=none and the swf will have no access to anything outside of itself.
NOTE: allowNetworking is only in Flash Player 9 (it was created in response to various myspace worms), so you'll need to use SWF Object to insure that only users with the right flash player version or better have the flash loaded.
If you want to enable things like youtube videos, though, you can't set allowNetworking to "none". Fortunately, there is an intermediate level of security for this field - "internal" which lets the SWF talk to its hosted domain.
Also note that you better not have a crossdomain.xml file on your site - read more about those dangers here and other places.
Here are some other sites that are mentioned by other answers that go into more detail:
As an example Drupal has a scenario of how allowing flash content from users could be a security concern.
Adobe says you can set allowScriptAccess=never and allowNetworking=none and the swf should have no access to anything outside of itself. Although allowNetworking is only in Flash Player 9, so users with earlier versions of Flash would still be susceptible to some exploits.
Creating more secure SWF web applications : Security Controls Within the HTML Code
How to restrict SWF content from HTML
Yes, it's unsafe.
There's no easy way of allowing it. You could have a domain whitelist that allowed YouTube, Hulu, etc. through, but whitelisting is inherently painstaking - you'd be constantly updating.
