Custom shortcut for a ribbon button - dynamics-crm-2011

I want users to be able to copy product number from the main grid of Products entity.
For this I added the button that does a request for product number and puts it into clipboard with window.clipboardData.setData('text', 'P/N').
But to make it easier ribbon button must have a shortcut (Ctrl+C).
How can I assign shortcut to a button in a supported way?
What are my unsupported options?

The only options I know of is
1) Inside IE, you can use the execCommand('copy') feature. You'll have to highlight the text inside a textbox to actually copy it though.
2) Use the flash add in ZeroClipboard
Either way, it's unsupported really.


Keyboard accessibility ( WCAG) in panels with list of elements that has assigned button role

Hi :) I would like to ask you about how to treat elements that compose a list, but whom have assiged a button role and are put in side panel ( so it is not a menu or dropdown). My main problem is how to decide is to where ARROWS should works and where TAB.
Moreover I have a differ types of list items that consist of:
checkbox/ radiobutton only
checkbox/ radiobutton with a link to another panel
two icons/ buttons that has defined an activities etc.
Please look at pictures and help me please :)
PINK - "arrows"
BLUE - "TAB"key
You should hardly decide which component will use TAB key or Arrow Keys. Keyboard accessibility for a large number of components is already defined in WAI-ARIA Authoring Practices.
Adding a different behavior could create issues to both sighted, and non-sighted users because they'll already be knowing which key to use based on the component or they'll know intuitively because of standard roles or they'll know as they use keyboard more to browse.
Offer List
Listbox will work. Arrow Keys to navigate and Enter key to perform the action.
List of Checkboxes and Radio Buttons
I would recommend to keep Checkboxes and Radio Buttons to their default keyboard behavior. Since your cases are more of a list, you can convert the list of checkboxes and radio buttons to Single Select and Multi Select Listboxes and use Checkbox and Radio Button as a font icon or graphic to show the selection, similar to how tick is shown in this Listbox example. When you convert to a Listbox, you'll meet the Arrow Keys requirement.
Selected Fruits List
There are some issues in the required keyboard behavior: How will user know if Arrow-Left or Arrow-Right need to be presed, think about non-sighted users.
Fruit Name and i icon button
In your need, you want both Fruit Name and i icon button to open a panel, suggest to NOT use Arrow-Right to i icon button and only use the Enter key to open the panel. May be you don't need i icon button at all.
Delete icon button
Suggest to use DEL key to delete the item
Remove i icon button. If you can't just keep it as graphic element without any events
Use Enter key to open the panel
Use DEL key to delete the item
I think the whole list will then become a listbox, navigable using Arrow Keys and Enter to invoke an operation
Vegetables List
Neither Accordion nor Nested List works here because you have two actions to do: Make a selection, and Expand and Collapse. I haven't tried TreeView but you can check.

Partial refresh after OK in name picker control

how can I establish a partial refresh after I select the OK button in the xe:namePicker control ?
I only have the for property which does copy the selected value in the assigned field.
The onchange event for that field does not always seem to recognize the value change.
Instead of an Edit Box, I would recommend using Dojo Name Text Box, as covered here. It avoids the need for validation - with an Edit Box even though you provide a Name Picker, users can still enter values manually and can edit them after selecting from the name Picker. The Dojo Name Text Box and Dojo List Text Box are the only controls I use with pickers and almost always use onChange with them, without issue.
One caveat is that the Events tab defaults to onClick. On more than one occasion I've coded onClick instead of onChange, but it's easily identifiable and rectifiable.

ImageComboBox for VBA Excel

Is it possible to use images inside a ComboBox instead of strings? I've seen post regarding the ImageComboBox control but it seems that I couldn't find any resource how and where to download the said control so I could use it in my project that I'm working on.
Thanks all.
To be able to use the Image Combo Box, you have to do the following:
Insert the control from the Insert menu on the developer tools tab:
If you press the highlighted button, a new menu appears.
Search for "Microsoft ImageComboBox Control, version XX"
Then you are able to insert the desired combobox.

How to add Listpicker to textbox in LiveCode

I want to add a list picker in Live code.When a user click on the Textbox the list picker should open with list of items.How can do that?
Be aware that your text field must be locked in order to send a "mouseUp" message, if that is how you want to show the combo box that Monte suggested. There are other ways around this, if you still want to be able to type into that field. Write back with your exact needs.
The combo box is useful because you can type right into it. If you only want options that will load data into an existing field, a popup or pulldown might be something to look into.
On the left side of the tool palette about the middle is a style of button called a combo box. I think that's what you want.

CRM 2011: enable/disable a ribbon button on condition

I am new to CRM and I have an exiting ribbon button. I want to disable it on condition (Field1 is null or not).
So far, I have created an new solution and included the required entity.
Exported the solution and tried to change the configuration.xml.
I have tried to make change under . But without any luck.
Can anyone help me out with an example.
Thanks in advance.
Don't edit it by hand. Use The Visual Ribbon Editor Tool. Makes things much nicer to deal with than hand editing the xml.
If you want to setup a button to be enabled if new_field1 (capitalization matters so make sure it's correct with what your field's actual name is) is not null, here is what you would do:
Open up the ribbon editor
Conenct to your org
Select your entity with the ribbon button you want to enable/disable
Click on your button
Click the Enable Rules tab
Enter the field name exactly as it appears in the customization section of your solution within CRM in the Field text box.
Enter "null" (without the quotes) for the value. Lower case.
Skip Default (if you have some custom forms where the field does not exist, you may want to give it a default value)
Change Invert Result to true.
Click the "Save" button at the very top. (don't click the save button on the main tab of the ribbon)
Verify that it is getting deployed and published.
Test it out.
Edit: Use Ribbon Workbench For System Ribbons
I've never used it, but the Ribbon Workbench says it can customize system buttons.
