Can we pass many objects as parameter of any method with condition statement - c#-4.0

Can we pass many objects as one argument for method parameter with conditional statement
for example
Two class : one and two
Passing method is
public void passe(one||two)

You can't have conditional arguments on a method the way you described.
If the two arguments are of the same type (or belong to an inheritance chain), you can simply pass in the value conditionally to the method.
Alternatively, you can use optional arguments.
public void passe(typex one = someXdefualt, typey two = someYdefualt)


Get Parameter list of a closure dynamically in Groovy

I have a Closure defined in a groovy file that load with the shell.evaluate() method.
I need to call this closure in by calling program using the shell."$closurename".call(arguments) call.
However to formulate the closure parameters ( argument above) I'd need to now what are the arguments and arguments names that the closure $Closurename accepts. Is there a way of dynamically knowing this in Groovy? I checked in the metaClass.method property but this does not work in my example below.
Below is the example code.
def arguments;
shell.evaluate(new File("/tmp/myGroovyClosureFile.groovy"))
testBlock = "myClosureName"
//Code here to find the parameters for myClosureName and create
//the arguments variable
As Jeff mentioned, it seems like groovy when generating code for closures anonymizes somehow the parameter names. However, you can still use reflection to get as much information as you can:
def cl = { int a, String b ->
def callMethod = cl.class.methods.find { == "call"
println callMethod.parameterTypes
and outputs:
[int, class java.lang.String]
[arg0, arg1]
Is there a way of dynamically knowing this in Groovy?
You can't really do it dynamically at runtime.

Stub a method basing on arguments

class ArgumentClass{
int var;
class ClassMocked{
int aMothod(ArgumentClass argumentClass){
return anInt;
class MyTest{
Mock and Stub here
In MyTest, I want to stub aMothod such that it returns the value basing on value of ArgumentClass.var. And I have to do it in one go.
In other words, I have a test case where a moehod is called three times by the app code and basing on a variable in an argument object, I need different return values. I need to stub accordingly. Please let me know if there is a way.
If I understand that correctly you can do it in two different way with mockito. If you declare ClassMocked as a mock you should be able to say this:
If you want to do it that regardless of the argument passed you want to return values based on the number of invocation of the method you can say:
when(mock.aMothod(any())).thenReturn(1, 2);
This says that when aMothod is called regardless of the parameter passed (any()) it will return in the first call 1 and when called second time it will return 2.
Though you can have your mock return values in the right order, as in karruma's answer, you may also use an Answer to calculate the mocked value:
when(mock.aMothod(any())).thenAnswer(new Answer<Integer>() {
#Override public Integer answer(InvocationOnMock invocation) {
ArgumentClass argument = invocation.getArguments()[0];
return calculationBasedOn(argument);
Or in Java 8 and Mockito 2 beta (untested, may need boxing/unboxing casts):
when(mock.aMothod(any())).thenAnswer(invocation ->
calculatebasedOn(invocation.getArgumentAt(0, ArgumentClass.class)));
Though I have an anonymous inner class in the top sample, naturally, you can make a named Answer subclass and reuse it across your application.

Assigning value to property

How do I pass in a class property to a method and have it assigned a value?
For example, below is a simple scenario. The inner workings of the method will be a little more complex.
Action <string> MyMethod = (myString) =>
myString = "testing...";
and then call it this way
MyMethod (someClass.String1);
MyMethod (someClass.String2);
MyMethod (someClass.String3);
Such that each of the three properties retain an assigned value from the method. As it is, none of the properties will retain a value. They will be null.
I don't want to pass the class in because that means the method will need logic to figure if it is assigning to String1, String2, or String3. I'd like it to remain very generic.

Groovy named and default arguments

Groovy supports both default, and named arguments. I just dont see them working together.
I need some classes to support construction using simple non named arguments, and using named arguments like below:
def a1 = new A(2)
def a2 = new A(a: 200, b: "non default")
class A extends SomeBase {
def props
A(a=1, b="str") {
_init(a, b)
A(args) {
// use the values in the args map:
_init(args.a, args.b)
props = args
private _init(a, b) {
Is it generally good practice to support both at the same time? Is the above code the only way to it?
The given code will cause some problems. In particular, it'll generate two constructors with a single Object parameter. The first constructor generates bytecode equivalent to:
A() // a,b both default
A(Object) // a set, b default
A(Object, Object) // pass in both
The second generates this:
A(Object) // accepts any object
You can get around this problem by adding some types. Even though groovy has dynamic typing, the type declarations in methods and constructors still matter. For example:
A(int a = 1, String b = "str") { ... }
A(Map args) { ... }
As for good practices, I'd simply use one of the groovy.transform.Canonical or groovy.transform.TupleConstructor annotations. They will provide correct property map and positional parameter constructors automatically. TupleConstructor provides the constructors only, Canonical applies some other best practices with regards to equals, hashCode, and toString.

What is the use of "use" keyword/method in groovy?

I read use keyword in Groovy. But could not come out with, for what it has been exactly been used. And i also come with category classes, under this topic,what is that too? And from, Groovy In Action
class StringCalculationCategory {
static def plus(String self, String operand) {
try {
return self.toInteger() + operand.toInteger()
} catch (NumberFormatException fallback) {
return (self << operand).toString()
use (StringCalculationCategory) {
assert 1 == '1' + '0'
assert 2 == '1' + '1'
assert 'x1' == 'x' + '1'
With the above code, can anyone say what is the use of use keyword in groovy? And also what the above code does?
See the Pimp My Library Pattern for what use does.
In your case it overloads the String.add(something) operator. If both Strings can be used as integers (toInteger() doesn't throw an exception), it returns the sum of those two numbers, otherwise it returns the concatenation of the Strings.
use is useful if you have a class you don't have the source code for (eg in a library) and you want to add new methods to that class.
By the way, this post in Dustin Marx's blog Inspired by Actual Events states:
The use "keyword" is actually NOT a keyword, but is a method on
Groovy's GDK extension of the Object class and is provided via
Object.use(Category, Closure). There are numerous other methods
provided on the Groovy GDK Object that provide convenient access to
functionality and might appear like language keywords or functions
because they don't need an object's name to proceed them. I tend not
to use variables in my Groovy scripts with these names (such as is,
println, and sleep) to avoid potential readability issues.
There are other similar "keywords" that are actually methods of the Object class, such as with. The Groovy JDK documentation has a list of such methods.
A very good illustration is groovy.time.TimeCategory. When used together with use() it allows for a very clean and readable date/time declarations.
use (TimeCategory) {
final now = new Date()
final threeMonthsAgo = now - 3.months
final nextWeek = now + 1.week
