For use of constructor in c# - c#-4.0

I have a class that has 2 properties and a constructor:
public class Card
public int CardName {get;set;}
public bool IsActive {get;set;}
public Card (int cardName, bool isActive)
CardName = cardName;
IsActive = isActive;
How do I force the developer to use the constructor instead of doing the following:
var card = new Card{ CardName = "blab", IsActive = true };
On a side note, what is the statement above called? Is that a lazy loading statement?

You already have.
By not having an empty constructor you've removed the ability to use the object initializer method of creating an object.
var card = new Card{ CardName = "blab", IsActive = true };
is the same as this
var card = new Card() { CardName = "blab", IsActive = true };
And in this context new Card() is not valid.

That depends on why you want to prevent the syntax in question.
The object initializer syntax is shorthand for setting a bunch of properties immediately after construction. That is, this:
var c = new Card { CardName = "foo", IsActive = true };
Is semantically identical to this:
var c = new Card();
c.CardName = "foo";
c.IsActive = true;
In both cases, a constructor does run, but its immediately followed by a series of property initializers to apply to the new object.
In your case, since there is no parameterless constructor, you cannot use the object initializer syntax the way you posted. However, it is legal to pass constructor parameters along with the object initializer, so the following would be legal for your class:
var c = new Card("", false) { CardName = "foo", IsActive = true };
(One could argue that this syntax makes the meaning of values more clear than simply passing them to a constructor; one could also argue its just being excessively stubborn :) I could go either way)
You could prevent this second syntax from working by removing the public setters for those properties. If your goal is to prevent the user from changing the values passed into the constructor, making an immutable Card object, for example, that would be the way to go.
I should point out, though, that if one of my juniors asked me this question at work I'd really want to know why they found it necessary to prevent object initialization from being used. There are valid reasons, of course, but they are usually not the source of the question. Object initializers are a good thing -- there are cases where this syntax is very convenient (particularly with LINQ) and I use it all the time.
If you do some kind of setup in the constructor based on the initial values, but those properties are public-settable, you already have to deal with a case where the user changes those values after construction. If your goal is merely to ensure that some "setup" code happens when the object is first constructed, put that code into a default constructor and chain them together:
public class Card
public string CardName { get; set; }
public bool IsActive { get; set; }
public Card()
// setup code here.
public Card ( string name, bool active )
: this()
this.CardName = name;
this.IsActive = active;

Declare the getters of the property as 'Private'.
Something like Public int CardName {private get; set;}.


How do I call a method of an attribute derived from a generic interface, where the specific type is not known?

Core Question:
I have a generic interface IValidatingAttribute<T>, which creates the contract bool IsValid(T value); The interface is implemented by a variety of Attributes, which all serve the purpose of determining if the current value of said Field or Property they decorate is valid per the interface spec that I'm dealing with. What I want to do is create a single validation method that will scan every field and property of the given model, and if that field or property has any attributes that implement IValidatingAttribute<T>, it should validate the value against each of those attributes. So, using reflection I have the sets of fields and properties, and within those sets I can get the list of attributes. How can I determine which attributes implement IValidatingAttribute and then call IsValid(T value)?
I am working on a library project that will be used to develop a range of later projects against the interface for a common third party system. (BL Server, for those interested)
BL Server has a wide range of fairly arcane command structures that have varying validation requirements per command and parameter, and then it costs per transaction to call these commands, so one of the library requirements is to easily define the valdiation requirements at the model level to catch invalid commands before they are sent. It is also intended to aid in the development of later projects by allowing developers to catch invalid models without needing to set up the BL server connections.
Current Attempt:
Here's where I've gotten so far (IsValid is an extension method):
public interface IValidatingAttribute<T>
bool IsValid(T value);
public static bool IsValid<TObject>(this TObject sourceObject) where TObject : class, new()
var properties = typeof(TObject).GetProperties();
foreach (var prop in properties)
var attributeData = prop.GetCustomAttributesData();
foreach (var attribute in attributeData)
var attrType = attribute.AttributeType;
var interfaces = attrType.GetInterfaces().Where(inf => inf.IsGenericType).ToList();
if (interfaces.Any(infc => infc.Equals(typeof(IValidatingAttribute<>))))
var value = prop.GetValue(sourceObject);
//At this point, I know that the current attribute implements 'IValidatingAttribute<>', but I don't know what T is in that implementation.
//Also, I don't know what data type 'value' is, as it's currently boxed as an object.
//The underlying type to value will match the expected T in IValidatingAttribute.
//What I need is something like the line below:
if (!(attribute as IValidatingAttribute<T>).IsValid(value as T)) //I know this condition doesn't work, but it's what I'm trying to do.
return false;
return true;
Example usage:
Just to better explain what I am trying to achieve:
public class SomeBLRequestObject
/// <summary>
/// Required, only allows exactly 2 alpha characters.
/// </summary>
[MinCharacterCount(2), MaxCharacterCount(2), IsRequired, AllowedCharacterSet(CharSets.Alpha))]
public string StateCode {get; set;}
And then, later on in code:
var someBLObj = SomeBLRequestObjectFactory.Create();
throw new InvalidObjectException("someBLObj is invalid!");
Thank you, I'm really looking for a solution to the problem as it stands, but I'm more than willing to listen if somebody has a viable alternative approach.
I'm trying to go generic extension method with this because there are literally hundreds of the BL Server objects, and I'm going with attributes because each of these objects can have upper double digit numbers of properties, and it's going to make things much, much easier if the requirements for each object are backed in and nice and readable for the next developer to have to use this thing.
Forgot to mention : This Question is the closest I've found, but what I really need are the contents of \\Do Something in TcKs's answer.
Well, after about 6 hours and a goods nights sleep, I realized that I was over-complicating this thing. Solved it with the following (ExtValidationInfo is the class that the below two extensions are in.):
Jon Skeet's answer over here pointed me at a better approach, although it still smells a bit, this one at least works.
public static bool IsValid<TObject>(this TObject sourceObject) where TObject : class, new()
var baseValidationMethod = typeof(ExtValidationInfo).GetMethod("ValidateProperty", BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.Public);
var properties = TypeDataHandler<TObject>.Properties;
foreach (var prop in properties)
var attributes = prop.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(IValidatingAttribute<>)).ToList();
if (!attributes.Any())
continue; // No validators, skip.
var propType = prop.PropertyType;
var validationMethod = baseValidationMethod.MakeGenericMethod(propType);
var propIsValid = validationMethod.Invoke(null, prop.GetValue(sourceObject), attributes);
return false;
return true;
public static bool ValidateProperty<TPropType>(TPropType value, List<IValidatingAttribute<TPropType>> validators)
foreach (var validator in validators)
if (!validator.IsValid(value))
return false;
return true;

initializing derived class member variables using base class reference object

I came across a lot of code in our company codebase with the following structure
class Base
public Base (var a, var b)
base_a = a;
base_b = b;
var base_a;
var base_b;
class Derived:Base
publc Derived (var a,b,c,d): base (a,d)
der_c = c;
der_d = d;
var der_c;
var der_d;
var der_e;
class Ref
Base _ref;
public Ref( var a,b,c,d)
_ref = new Derived (a,b,c,d)
public void method( )
_ref.der_e = 444; // won't compile
What is the correct way to initialize der_e ? What is the advantages of having a reference of base class and using an object derived class for _ref ? Just the fact that using a base class reference can hold multiple derived class objects ? If that's the case, should all the member variables of derived class be initialized during construction itself (like this: _ref = new Derived (a,b,c,d) ). What if I want to initialize _ref.der_e later in a method ? I know I can do this (var cast_ref = _ref as Derived; cast_ref.der_e = 444) but this look doesn't seem to the best practice. What is the idea of having such a structure and what is the correct of initializing a member of a derived class object after it has been constructed ?
Those are too many questions in a single post.
What is the correct way to initialize der_e ?
For initializing der_e you will have to have Reference of Derived class as it knows about the der_e property and not Base class.
What is the advantages of having a reference of base class and using
an object derived class for _ref ?
Yes that's called Polymorphism which is the essence of Object Oriented Programming. It allows us to hold various concrete implementations without knowing about the actual implementation.
If that's the case, should all the member variables of derived class
be initialized during construction itself (like this: _ref = new
Derived (a,b,c,d) )
There is no such rule. It depends on your scenario. If the values are not meant to be changed after the creation of the object and the values are known before hand during construction of the object then they should be initialized during construction.
Again if there are various scenarios like sometimes values are known and sometimes not then there can be Overloaded Constructors, which take different arguments.
What if I want to initialize _ref.der_e later in a method ?
That is perfectly fine, it depends on what you are trying to achieve. The question is not a concrete one but an abstract one in which it is difficult to comment on what you are trying to achieve.
I know I can do this (var cast_ref = _ref as Derived; cast_ref.der_e =
444) but this look doesn't seem to the best practice.
I am sharing some Java code which is similar to C# as I am from Java background
//This class knows about Base and nothing about the Derived class
class UserOfBase{
Base ref;
//Constructor of UserOfBase gets passed an instance of Base
public UserOfBase(Base bInstance){
this.ref = bInstance;
//Now this class should not cast it into Derived class as that would not be a polymorphic behavior. In that case you have got your design wrong.
public void someMethod(){
Derived derivedRef = (Derived)ref; //This should not happen here
I am sharing some references which would help you with this, as I think the answer can be very long to explain.
Factory Pattern
Dependency Injection
Head First Design Patterns
Posts on SO regarding polymorphism
You can create a constructor in your derived class and map the objects or create an extension method like this:
public static class Extensions
public static void FillPropertiesFromBaseClass<T1, T2>(this T2 drivedClass, T1 baseClass) where T2 : T1
//Get the list of properties available in base class
System.Reflection.PropertyInfo[] properties = typeof(T1).GetProperties();
properties.ToList().ForEach(property =>
//Check whether that property is present in derived class
System.Reflection.PropertyInfo isPresent = drivedClass.GetType().GetProperty(property.Name);
if (isPresent != null && property.CanWrite)
//If present get the value and map it
object value = baseClass.GetType().GetProperty(property.Name).GetValue(baseClass, null);
drivedClass.GetType().GetProperty(property.Name).SetValue(drivedClass, value, null);
for example when you have to class like this:
public class Fruit {
public float Sugar { get; set; }
public int Size { get; set; }
public class Apple : Fruit {
public int NumberOfWorms { get; set; }
you can initialize derived class by this code:
public Apple(Fruit fruit)

How to get a string representation of a property name of a Model in MVC3?

I have the following model:
Public Class MyModel
Public Property MyModelId As Integer
Public Property Description As String
Public Property AnotherProperty As String
End Class
Is there a method to get a property name of the Model as a string representation like the following code?
Dim propertyName as String = GetPropertyNameAsStringMethod(MyModel.Description)
So the propertyName variable has "Description" as value.
Check the Darin Dimitrov' answer on this SO thread - Reflection - get property name.
class Foo
public string Bar { get; set; }
class Program
static void Main()
var result = Get<Foo, string>(x => x.Bar);
static string Get<T, TResult>(Expression<Func<T, TResult>> expression)
var me = expression.Body as MemberExpression;
if (me != null)
return me.Member.Name;
return null;
Hope this help..
Here is a helper extension method you can use for any property:
public static class ReflectionExtensions
public static string PropertyName<T>(this T owner,
Expression<Func<T, object>> expression) where T : class
if (owner == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("owner");
var memberExpression = (MemberExpression)expression.Body;
return memberExpression.Member.Name;
However, this will only work on instances of a class. You can write a similar extension method that will operate directly on the type instead.
You need to do it using reflection.
There are already loads of posts on stack overflow like this:
How to get current property name via reflection?
Reflection - get property name
Get string name of property using reflection
Reflection - get property name
I believe that the answer will be along the lines of:
string prop = "name";
PropertyInfo pi = myObject.GetType().GetProperty(prop);
Create an extension method and then use it where needed.
Private Shared Function GetPropertyName(Of T)(exp As Expression(Of Func(Of T))) As String
Return (DirectCast(exp.Body, MemberExpression).Member).Name
End Function
have a look at this post as well.
I have solved this issue editing a bit #NiranjanKala's source example,
converting the code in vb.Net like this
<System.Runtime.CompilerServices.Extension()> _
Public Function GetPropertyName(Of T, TResult)(expression As Expression(Of Func(Of T, TResult))) As String
Dim [me] = TryCast(expression.Body, MemberExpression)
If [me] IsNot Nothing Then
Return [me].Member.Name
End If
Return Nothing
End Function
Then I am able to call the extension like this
Dim propertyName as String = GetPropertyName(Of MyModel, String)(Function(x) x.Description)
Then propertyName variable has "Description" as string value.

Using FieldInfo.SetValue with a DynamicObject as argument 2

I ran into a problem today when trying to set a field using FieldInfo.SetValue() passing a DynamicObject as the second argument. In my case, the field is a Guid and the DynamicObject should be able to convert itself to a one (using TryConvert) but it fails with an ArgumentException.
Some code that shows the problem:
// Simple impl of a DynamicObject to prove point
public class MyDynamicObj : DynamicObject
public override bool TryConvert(ConvertBinder binder, out object result)
result = null;
// Support converting this to a Guid
if (binder.Type == typeof(Guid))
result = Guid.NewGuid();
return true;
return false;
public class Test
public Guid MyField;
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
dynamic myObj = new MyDynamicObj();
// This conversion works just fine
Guid guid = myObj;
var test = new Test();
var testField = typeof(Test).GetField("MyField");
// This, however, fails with:
// System.ArgumentException
// Object of type 'ConsoleApplication1.MyDynamicObj' cannot be converted to type 'System.Guid'.
testField.SetValue(test, myObj);
I'm not very familiar with the whole dynamicness of C# 4, but this felt to me like something that should work.. What am I doing wrong? Is there another way of doing this?
No, this shouldn't work - because the dynamic portion ends where your code ends. The compiler is calling a method with a signature of
void SetValue(Object obj, Object value)
That method call is dynamic, but it's just going to end up passing in a reference to the instance of MyDynamicObj. The call is resolved at execution time, but nothing in SetValue knows anything about the dynamic nature of the object whose reference you're passing in.
Basically you need to perform the dynamic part (the conversion in this case) in your code - the bit that involves the C# 4 compiler doing all its tricks. You've got to perform that conversion, and then you can call SetField.
To put it another way - it's a bit like calling SetField with a field of type XName, but passing in a string. Yes, there's a conversion from string to XName, but it's not SetField's job to work that out. That's the compiler's job.
Now, you can get this to work by making the compiler do some of the work, but you still need to do some with reflection:
static void Main(string[] args)
dynamic myObj = new MyDynamicObj();
var test = new Test();
var testField = typeof(Test).GetField("MyField");
var method = typeof(Program)
.GetMethod("Convert", BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.NonPublic);
method = method.MakeGenericMethod(testField.FieldType);
object converted = method.Invoke(null, new object[] {myObj});
testField.SetValue(test, converted);
static T Convert<T>(dynamic input)
return input;
You need an explicit cast to invoke the TryConvert:
testField.SetValue(test, (Guid)myObj);
Not sure if this is what you need though. Maybe there's some way to reflectively say ((DynamicObject)myObj).TryConvert(/*reflected destination type here*/, result)
Other attempts that failed, some of them require things like a certain interface be implemented, so they basically don't make use of TryConvert but maybe an alternative way to accomplish what you want:
Type secondType = testField.FieldType;
TypeConverter tc = TypeDescriptor.GetConverter(typeof(MyDynamicObj));
object secondObject = tc.ConvertTo(myObj,typeof( Guid));
//var secondObject = Convert.ChangeType(myObj, secondType);//Activator.CreateInstance(secondType);
//secondObject = myObj;
testField.SetValue(test, secondObject);

C#: is it possible to create an object that has a value of its "default property" when referenced?

Is it possible to create an object with a constructor parameter which returns a property value when referenced, without using dot notation? Here's a few examples:
public class myObject
public string myObject {get; private set;}
public myObject( string tempstring)
this.myObject = tempstring.ToUpper();
var a = new myObject("somevalue");
Console.WriteLine( myObject ); // outputs the string "SOMEVALUE"
Here's another attempt:
public class myInt
public int myInt {get; private set;}
public myInt(string tempInt)
{ this.myInt = Convert.ToInt32(tempInt);
var a = new myInt("3");
var b = a + a; // ends up being an int datatype value of 6
I know I could always do var b = a.myInt + a.myInt. I guess I could create a static class with a static function that converts a parameter each time to a result, but it wouldn't maintain state.
Just curious. It would make what I am actually trying to do much less difficult.
In the first case, yes. Override the ToString method.
public class myObject
public string myValue {get; private set;}
public myObject( string tempstring)
this.myValue = tempstring.ToUpper();
public override string ToString()
return myValue;
In the second case, sort of. You shouldn't try to overload operators to offer unexpected behavior. Create a method to perform behavior that wouldn't make sense when reading the code. What you are suggesting (returning an int) would definitely not be expected by me to return an int (mostly because of the var rather than a strictly defined type). Using the + operator to return a new myInt object would make sense. Using the + operator return an int would not.
You could overload the + operator to return a new myInt object, and then also add an implicit cast to int. Just make sure it makes sense, and that it is readable.
Within the class, you could use:
public static implicit operator int(myInt m)
return myValue;
public static myInt operator +(myInt left, myInt right)
// requires constructor that takes int
return new myInt(left.myValue + right.myValue);
Of course, you could go the direct route, but again only use it when it makes it more readable and not less (note, just like methods operators cannot be overloaded simply by return type, so you'd have to pick between the two).
public static int operator +(myInt left, myInt right)
return left.myValue + right.myValue;
How about implicit conversions. See
