Which to choose and when: Web content, Dynamic List Records or Specific Model? - liferay

I find that Liferay concepts are quite confusing.
When I add new items, I don't know what is the best to choose:
Use the web content concept with template and structure
Use the dynamic list records
Use a specific model (using service builder).
All of these are really similars and can achieve same goals.
Have you got any clue or advice on what concept to choose when you develop some new features in Liferay?

You should use the components in this way :
Web Content : Web contents provide convenient way to create, update, view, modify, create RSS feeds, customize the content of the web site. It is one of the main component of the Liferay CMS. You should use web content when,
You have static content and want to show to the site.
You have specific structure of the content (like content with an inline image and a document link), then please use web content with the structure and template
You want to use ready to use content portlets ( web content list, web content display, web content search) instead of creating new set of portlets for your own type.
After all this, Liferay provides customization of web contents by allowing user to add new content type, creating rss feeds, structures, templates, ready workflow, content type roles etc.
Dynamic List : Consider dynamic list as a database with display functionality. Here, you can create a custom type of data and provide display functionality. If you have any requirement like user can create his/her own type of list maintain them, then go for it.
Custom Portlet : If your requirement is very case/scenario specific that you cannot achieve using list or web content or any other Liferay portlets (blogs, wiki, knowledge based articles etc) then go for custom portlet, here please remember, that at every liferay upgrade, you need to review the portlet and update the code accordingly in case of any API change or something. For OOB portlets, Liferay takes care of it.
Hope this helps!

It deends on what you want to have and how much control you want to have over your code.
To make simplistic application use web content concept with template
and structure.(need not to know technologies)
-To make some complex applications use dynamic list records
To make extremely complex applications and have full control over the flow use liferay service builder.(need t be a expert java programmer)
Hope that helps :)


Liferay: How can I get the pages of the site in a web content?

I have a portal in Liferay 6.2, and need to design the velocity template of a web content that must have a menu listing the pages (linked names) of the site where is present.
My questions are:
Is this possible?
What would be the correct way to do this?
Would it be better to make a portlet instead of a web content for this purpose?
Thanks for the help.
It feels a bit like you are trying to solve many problems in a single template - consider to compose the UI from many different elements (e.g. custom portlets) rather than building the one structure/template that fits all requirements.
That being said, as there's also the chance that your template doesn't do more than just displaying the current navigation: You have two options: The out-of-the-box Navigation portlet is quite configurable, you might be able to utilize that one instead of implementing anything yourself (check the configuration options).
And lastly, if you want to implement for yourself: Get hold of the themeDisplay object. With getLayout() you'll get the current page, while getLayouts() you'll get all pages of the current site and can enumerate them. However, there's one problem: You typically don't have access to the themeDisplay object from a CMS template. But there are several ways to still get to the data (search the Liferay forums for cms template themedisplay). Also, an Application Display Template will be a lot more powerful - and you can also check how the layouts collection is built - just search for usage of ThemeDisplay.setLayouts in Liferay's source code. But with ADT we're diverting from your original question.
Liferay offers a sitemap portlet out-of-the-box which lists pages of a site. You can configure it and define your own application display template (ADT).

Liferay and Documents and media display portlet

I need to have the same functionality provided by the "Documents and Media display" liferay portlet but I would like to use a database other than the liferay with additional custom fields. Is It possible? Is There another portlet to display storing documents in liferay?
Anything is possible with Liferay, but this goes against a lot of basic principles of content management. Most importantly:
You want to manage content that the Content Management System (CMS) does not own
You want to use data stored in a format your CMS does not understand or maintain
If you want to use Liferay as your CMS, your best bet is to migrate the documents into the Liferay Document Library and attach your additional content using Custom Fields or 1+ custom service entities that relate back to the document and you maintain.

Which is the Liferay equivalent of a IBM WebSphere Portal / WCM Menu?

I've developed with WPS and WCM for several years and now I am also learning Liferay. I can't help but compare the features and I understand that in Liferay some things are done differently.
I would like to know the best practices to manage the following simple example:
A simple page with a carrousel with several images and links
Google analytics inserted in the page (Reusable in most pages)
The following is how I'd solve it in IBM WPS:
A HTML component with the Google Analytics code that is called in every page (I can't find how to do this in Liferay)
A content definition of an image and a link.
Create several contents for each image and link.
Create a menu that shows the list of content in the form of a carrousel (I can't find how to do this either in Liferay)
I am aware that Liferay has a list portlet and content that has repeatable items. I know I could use these, however its much more usable if I can have on content for each image/link and one reusable HTML snippet of code.
How should I solve this in liferay in the most efficient way?
You have to use Liferay Web Content portlet for creating the carousel. This is available in Control Panel. For your particular requirememnt you have to create a dynamic web content, which involves using of Velocity language and javascript to iterate over a set of images. Infact if you see Liferay's website, the home page has this kind of stuff.
For Google Analytics there are two ways. Liferay is not just meant for creating one site, it caters creation of multiple sites. Each site has a group of pages. You can create site from Control panel again. In the site settings you have this option to add google analytics id. So with each site can have different google analytics id.
If you want to do it at a global level, we add the google analytics script snippet in the Theme of liferay.
To get a better understanding of all the jargons used in Liferay, you have to atleast go through Liferay's documentation. And while going through it you have unlearn what you have previously learned. Liferay has hell lot of features than Websphere portal.

Which is the better approach in custom pages?

I want to create a custom new item page for sharepoint but there are two approached that I
can use and I want to share your experience in determining which is better.
The first: is to create a page in a library then create a C# library project to handle
the events of the controls on the page.
The second: is to define a feature of the content type of my list and specify the new
item form to be my custom form, then create a website containing the custom form and put
this site at the layouts folder.
for me the first approach is fine but the problem is that a user may access the default
sharepoint new item form which I don't want to happen.
but I don't like the idea of placing the form in a library on the site.
so which is better in your opinion ?
i suggest you to go with your second approach ...
Create a completely new feature that allows you add your functionalty of page creation and any customization realted to that and deploy this one to the 12 hive features folder as a new feature and every time you want have such a page created you can you this template and create the page...
Well, frankly, I'm confused by both of your suggestions.
I don't see how the first one would ever work.
And the second one; you don't "put sites in the layouts folder".
Here's what I would suggest you to do:
Download and install the WSS Extensions for Visual Studio.
Create a List Definition using these new templates.
Copy the NewForm.aspx from the 12 hive and Customize it.
Download and install the WSP Builder from Codeplex.com
Add your custom list definitions and files to a new Feature project in WSP Builder.
Package the Feature up to a .wsp using WSP Builder and you are good to go.
Your custom page(s) should be placed in your custom folders in my opinion.
Hope this helps.
Your concern in the first approach is that people will still be able to access the default form. If you are not opposed to using a custom control template for a content type definition, I recommend creating a very simple redirect control template and assigning it to the content type's "New Form". Such a control template need only contain one custom control, which has an OnInit or OnLoad method that contains little more than a Page.Response.Redirect call. Make that redirect point to the page you create in your first approach, and now whenever anyone tries to access the default new form for that content type, they will instead be directed to your custom page with all of your custom code. It is perhaps a bit of a hack, but it's definitely functional.

Sharepoint: Best way to display lists of non-Sharepoint content with "compatible" UI?

I've built a web part for Sharepoint that retrieves data from an external service. I'd like to display the items in a way that's UI-compatible with Sharepoint (fits in with its surroundings.)
I'm aware of the "DataFormWebPart" but was unable to get one working properly. It requires a valid DataSource and I was unable to build one from the results of a web service call... Part of the problem is that my web service wrappers don't expose the XML return info, rather I have a bunch of deserialized objects. There doesn't seem to be an easy way to turn actual objects into a datasource, or populate a "generic" datasource from object data.
I could use an SPGridView to get the same UI, but the grid control doesn't have much in the way of smarts -and- it forces every field into its own column. I'd prefer to render each list item as a single cell with complex rendering (for instance the way that StackOverflow shows its lists of questions.) I'd also like to get as much of the Sharepoint-standard UI as possible, such as the sorting, filtering, and paging controls.
So, first: Has anyone here written a Sharepoint control that does this, and if so do you have sample code to share? If not: am I overlooking some useful control, whether MS-supplied or available in an external library?
Sharepoint: Best way to display lists
of non-Sharepoint content with
“compatible” UI?
Take a look at the built in sharepoint web controls:
Microsoft.SharePoint.WebControls Namespace
It contains all the controls used in sharepoint. I'd tell you more, but the documentation is very thorough.
Problem with SharePoint is that there are a bunch of different ways to do this. If your data is not changing too often and is not overly large it may be worth considering entering it into a list for display.
If you have the Enterprise licence it may be worth getting your data into the BDC and using it there.
you may have to convert the objects into xml or use the serialised objects with the XML webpart for display. This still has the issue of custom rendering using XSLT.
Here's a great article that explains how to configure BDC connections to web services using the BDC Definition Editor:
Creating a Web Service Connection by Using the Business Data Catalog Definition Editor
The best way to do this IMO is to make a Web Part. As a Web Part the UI will be automatically rendered to be the same as the theme the site is using (unless you override it) and it will be able to be placed anywhere by anyone with admin privileges.
Tutorial on making a Web Part
Tutorial on packaging and deploying a Web Part
Example Web Part Source Code
You could create a custom web part and use an SPGridView. You say you don't like it, because it forces every field into its own column, but that's not true. You can create a template (ITemplate) for every column and fully customize what's shown inside it, just like you would using a normal ASP.Net GridView. Using this approach I've added the little "New" images right next to a list item's Title, just like SharePoint does itself.
