Haskell csv-conduit in GHCi - haskell

I've been suggested csv-conduit as a good Haskell package to work with CSV files. I want to learn how it works, but the documentation is too terse for a newbie Haskell programmer.
Is there a way for me to figure out how it works by trial-and-error in GHCi?
More specifically, should I load modules and files from GHCi or should I write a simple HS file to load them and then move around interactively?
I mentioned csv-conduit, but I'm opened to using any CSV package. I just need to get my hands on one and fool around with it, until I feel at ease (much like I would do in IDLE).

Take a look at the following function: readCSVFile :: :: (MonadResource m, CSV ByteString a) => CSVSettings -> FilePath -> m [a]
Its relatively simple to call, as we just need a CSVSettings, such as defCSVSettings, and a FilePath (aka String), "file.csv" or something.
Thus, after the call, we get (MonadResource m, CSV ByteString a). We can resolve this one at a time to figure out an appropriate type for this. We are performing IO in this operation, so for MonadResource m, m should just be ResourceT IO, which happens to be an instance of MonadBaseControl IO as required by runResourceT. This is a conduit specific thing.
For the CSV ByteString a, we need to find what instances of CSV. To do so, go to http://hackage.haskell.org/packages/archive/csv-conduit/ (where the documentation for the package is in my opinion somewhat obnoxiously all stuffed into the typeclass...) and click on Instances to see what available instances we have of the form CSV ByteString a. The two options are CSV ByteString ByteString and CSV ByteString Text.
Of the two of these, Text is preferable because it handles unicode and CSV is unlikely to be containing binary data. ByteString is more or less similar to a [Word8] while Text is more similar to [Char] which is probably what you want. Hence, a should be Text (although ByteString will still work).
This means the result of the function call is ResourceT IO [Row Text]. We can't do much with this, but because ResourceT is a monad transformer, we can easily "pop" off the monad transformation layer with the function runResourceT. Thus,
readFile :: FilePath -> IO [Row Text]
readFile = runResourceT . readCSVFile defCSVSettings
which is easily usable within, say, main to get at the [Row Text] which you can then iterate over with a map or a fold to get your hands on the individual rows.
To run this sort of thing in GHCI you absolutely have to specifically point out the type. The reason is that the result class instance is not dependent on any of the parameters; thus, for any set of CSVSettings and FilePath, readCSVFile could return any number of different types as long as they as m is an instance of MonadResource m and a is an instance of CSV ByteString a. Thus, we have to explicitly point out to GHCi which type you want.

Have you tried Text.CSV? It might be more appropriate if you're just starting out with Haskell, as it's much simpler.
As for exploring new modules, you can just load it into GHCi, there's no need to write an additional file.

This works with the latest version of the csv-conduit package (version 0.6.3). Note the signature of readCsv without which I couldn't compile.
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
import Data.CSV.Conduit
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Vector as V
import qualified Data.ByteString as B
csvset :: Char -> CSVSettings
csvset c = CSVSettings {csvSep = c, csvQuoteChar = Just '"'}
readCsv :: String -> Char -> IO (V.Vector (Row Text))
readCsv fp del = readCSVFile (csvset del) fp
main = readCsv "C:\\mydir\\myfile.csv" ';'


Inverse of `Data.Text.Encoding.decodeLatin1`?

Is there a function f :: Text -> Maybe ByteString such that forall x:
f (decodeLatin1 x) == Just x
Note, decodeLatin1 has the signature:
decodeLatin1 :: ByteString -> Text
I'm concerned that encodeUtf8 is not what I want, as I'm guessing what it does is just dump the UTF-8 string out as a ByteString, not reverse the changes that decodeLatin1 made on the way in to characters in the upper half of the character set.
I understand that f has to return a Maybe, because in general there's Unicode characters that aren't in the Latin character set, but I just want this to round trip at least, in that if we start with a ByteString we should get back to it.
DISCLAIMER: consider this a long comment rather than a solution, because I haven't tested.
I think you can do it with witch library. It is a general purpose type converter library with a fair amount of type safety. There is a type class called TryFrom to perform conversion between types that might fail to cast.
Luckily witch provides conversions from/to encondings too, having an instance TryFrom Text (ISO_8859_1 ByteString), meaning that you can convert between Text and latin1 encoded ByteString. So I think (not tested!!) this should work
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}
import Witch (tryInto, ISO_8859_1)
import Data.Tagged (Tagged(unTagged))
f :: Text -> Maybe ByteString
f s = case tryInto #(ISO_8859_1 ByteString) s of
Left err -> Nothing
Right bs -> Just (unTagged bs)
Notice that tryInto returns a Either TryFromException s, so if you want to handle errors you can do it with Either. Up to you.
Also, witch docs points out that this conversion is done via String type, so probably there is an out-of-the-box solution without the need of depending on witch package. I don't know such a solution, and looking to the source code hasn't helped
Having read witch source code aparently this should work
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Data.Char (isLatin1)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as C
f :: Text -> Maybe ByteString
f t = if allCharsAreLatin then Just (C.pack str) else Nothing
where str = T.unpack t
allCharsAreLatin = all isLatin1 str
The latin1 encoding is pretty damn simple -- codepoint X maps to byte X, whenever that's in range of a byte. So just unpack and repack immediately.
import Control.Monad
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BS
latin1EncodeText :: T.Text -> Maybe BS.ByteString
latin1EncodeText t = BS.pack (T.unpack t) <$ guard (T.all (<'\256') t)
It's possible to avoid the intermediate String, but you should probably make sure this is your bottleneck before trying for that.

Haskell requires more memory than Python when I read map from file. Why?

I have this simple code in Python:
input = open("baseforms.txt","r",encoding='utf8')
S = {}
for i in input:
words = i.split()
S.update( {j:words[0] for j in words} )
print(S.get("sometext","not found"))
It requires 300MB for work. "baseforms.txt" size is 123M.
I've wrote the same code in Haskell:
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
import qualified Data.Map as M
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as B
import Data.Text.Lazy.Encoding(decodeUtf8)
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as T
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy.IO as I
import Control.Monad(liftM)
main = do
text <- B.readFile "baseforms.txt"
let m = (M.fromList . (concatMap (parseLine.decodeUtf8))) (B.lines text)
print (M.lookup "sometext" m)
print (M.size m)
parseLine line = let base:forms = T.words line in [(f,base)| f<-forms]
It requires 544 MB and it's slower than Python version. Why? Is it possible to optimise Haskell version?
There is a lot happening in the Haskell version that's not happening in the Python version.
readFile uses lazy IO, which is a bit weird in general. I would generally avoid lazy IO.
The file, as a bytestring, is broken into lines which are then decoded as UTF-8. This seems a little unnecessary, given the existence of Text IO functions.
The Haskell version is using a tree (Data.Map) whereas the Python version is using a hash table.
The strings are all lazy, which is probably not necessary if they're relatively short. Lazy strings have a couple words of overhead per string, which can add up. You could fuse the lazy strings, or you could read the file all at once, or you could use something like conduit.
GHC uses a copying collector, whereas the default Python implementation uses malloc() with reference counting and the occasional GC. This fact alone can account for large differences in memory usage, depending on your program.
Who knows how many thunks are getting created in the Haskell version.
It's unknown whether you've enabled optimizations.
It's unknown how much slower the Haskell version is.
We don't have your data file so we can't really test it ourselves.
It's a bit late, but I studied this a little and think Dietrich Epp's account is right, but can be simplified a little. Notice that there doesn't seem to be any real python programming going on in the python file: it is orchestrating a very simple sequence of calls to C string operations and then to a C hash table implementation. (This is often a problem with really simple python v. Haskell benchmarks.) The Haskell, by contrast, is building an immense persistent Map, which is a fancy tree. So the main points of opposition here are C vs Haskell, and hashtable-with-destructive-update vs persistent map. Since there is little overlap in the input file, the tree you are constructing includes all the information in the input string, some of it repeated, and then rearranged with a pile of Haskell constructors. This is I think the source of the alarm you are experiencing, but it can be explained.
Compare these two files, one using ByteString:
import qualified Data.Map as M
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as B
main = do m <- fmap proc (B.readFile "baseforms.txt")
print (M.lookup (B.pack "sometext") m)
print (M.size m)
proc = M.fromList . concatMap (\(a:bs) -> map (flip (,) a) bs)
. map B.words . B.lines
and the other a Text-ified equivalent:
import qualified Data.Map as M
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as B
import Data.Text.Encoding(decodeUtf8)
import qualified Data.Text as T
main = do
m <- fmap proc (B.readFile "baseforms.txt")
print (M.lookup (T.pack "sometext") m)
print (M.size m)
proc = M.fromList . concatMap (\(a:bs) -> map (flip (,) a) bs)
. map T.words . T.lines . decodeUtf8
On my machine, the python/C takes just under 6 seconds, the bytestring file takes 8 seconds, and the text file just over 10.
The bytestring implementation seems to use a bit more memory than the python, the text implementation distinctly more. The text implementation takes more time because, of course, it adds a conversion to text and then uses text operations to break the string and text comparisons to build the map.
Here is a go at analyzing the memory phenomena in the text case. First we have the bytestring in memory (130m). Once the text is constructed (~250m, to judge unscientifically from what's going on in top), the bytestring is garbage collected while we construct the tree. In the end the text tree (~380m it looks like) uses more memory than the bytestring tree (~260m) because the text fragments in the tree are bigger. The program as a whole uses more because the text held in memory during the tree construction is itself bigger. To put it crudely: each bit of white-space is being turned into a tree constructor and two text constructors together with the text version of whatever the first 'word' of the line was and whatever the text representation next word is. The weight of the constructors seems in either case to be about 130m, so at the last moment of the construction of the tree we are using something like 130m + 130m + 130m = 390m in the bytestring case, and 250m + 130m + 250m = 630m in the text case.

Is there something better than unsafePerformIO for this....?

I've so far avoided ever needing unsafePerformIO, but this might have to change today.... I would like to see if the community agrees, or if someone has a better solution.
I have a library which needs to use some config data stored in a bunch of files. This data is guaranteed static (during the run), but needs to be in files that can (on very rare occasions) be edited by an end user who can not compile Haskell programs. (The details are uninportant, but think of "/etc/mime.types" as a pretty good approximation. It is a large almost static data file used throughout many programs).
If this weren't a library I would just use the IO monad.... But because it is a library which is called throughout my code, it literally forces a bubbling up of the IO monad through pretty much everything I have written in multiple modules! Although I need to do a one time read of the data files, this low level call is effetively pure, so this is a pretty unacceptable outcome.
FYI, I plan to also wrap the call in unsafeInterleaveIO, so that only files that are needed will be loaded. My code will look something like this....
dataDir="<path to files>"
datafiles =
unsafePerformIO $
unsafeInterleaveIO $
map (dataDir </>)
<$> filter (not . ("." `isPrefixOf`))
<$> getDirectoryContents dataDir
fileData = unsafePerformIO $ unsafeInterleaveIO $ sequence $ readFile <$> datafiles
Given that the data read is referentially transparent, I am pretty sure that unsafePerformIO is safe (this has been discussed in many place, such as "Use of unsafePerformIO appropriate?"). Still, though, if there is a better way, I would love to hear about it.
In response to Anupam's comment....
There are two reasons why I can't break up the lib into IO and non IO parts.
First, the amount of data is large, and I don't want to read it all into memory at once. Remember that IO is always read strictly.... This is the reason that I need to put in the unsafeInterleaveIO call, to make it lazy. IMHO, once you use unsafeInterleaveIO, you might as well use unsafePerformIO, as the risk is already there.
Second, breaking out the IO specific parts just substitutes the bubbling up of the IO monad with the bubbling up of the IO read code, as well as the passing around of the data (I might actually choose to pass around the data using the state monad anyway, so it really isn't an improvement to substitute the IO monad for the state monad everywhere). This wouldn't be so bad if the low level function itself wasn't effectively pure (ie- think of my /etc/mime.types example above, and imagine a Haskell extensionToMimeType function, which is basically pure, but needs to get the database data from the file.... Suddenly everything from low to high in the stack needs to call or pass through a readMimeData::IO String. Why should each main even need to care about the library choice of a submodule many levels deep?).
I agree with Anupam Jain, you would be better off reading these data files at a somewhat higher level, in IO, and then passing the data in them through the rest of your program purely.
You could, for example, put the functions that need the results of fileData into Reader [String], so that they can just ask for the results as needed (or some Reader Config, where Config holds these strings and whatever else you need).
A sketch of what I'm suggesting follows:
type AppResult = String
fileData :: IO [String]
fileData = undefined -- read the files
myApp :: String -> Reader [String] AppResult
myApp s = do
files <- ask
return undefined -- do whatever with s and config
main = do
config <- fileData
return $ runReader (myApp "test") config
I gather that you don't want to read all the data at once, because that would be costly. And maybe you don't really know up-front what files you will need to load, so loading all of them at the start would be wasteful.
Here's an attempt at a solution. It requires you to work inside a free monad and relegate the side-effecting operations to an interpreter. Some preliminary imports:
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Main where
import qualified Data.ByteString as B
import Data.Monoid
import Data.List
import Data.Functor.Compose
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Free
import System.IO
We define a functor for the free monad. It will offer a value p do the interpreter and continue the computation after receiving a value b:
type LazyLoad p b = Compose ((,) p) ((->) b)
A convenience function to request the loading of a file:
lazyLoad :: FilePath -> Free (LazyLoad FilePath B.ByteString) B.ByteString
lazyLoad path = liftF $ Compose (path,id)
A dummy interpreter function that reads "file contents" from stdin:
interpret :: Free (LazyLoad FilePath B.ByteString) a -> IO a
interpret = iterM $ \(Compose (path,next)) -> do
putStrLn $ "Enter the contents for file " <> path <> ":"
B.hGetLine stdin >>= next
Some silly example functions:
someComp :: B.ByteString -> B.ByteString
someComp b = "[" <> b <> "]"
takesAwhile :: Int
takesAwhile = foldl' (+) 0 $ take 400000000 $ intersperse (negate 1) $ repeat 1
An example program:
main :: IO ()
main = do
r <- interpret $ do
r1 <- someComp <$> lazyLoad "file1"
r2 <- return takesAwhile
if (r2 == 1)
then return r1
else someComp <$> lazyLoad "file2"
putStrLn . show $ r
When executed, this program will request a line, spend some time computing takesAwhile and only then request another line.
If want to allow different kinds of "requests", this solution could be extended with something like Data types à la carte so that each function only needs to know about about the precise effects it requires.
If you are content with allowing only one type of request, you could also use Clients and Servers from Pipes.Core instead of the free monad.

What is the best way to use WriterT with Parsec?

A noob Haskell question.
I have had fun writing a few parsers with both Parsec and AttoParsec. I now want to gather information during the parsing process (basically build a symbol table) and using the WriterT monad transformer seems like a good option.
I have this working now in this simple example:
module NewParse where
import qualified Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec as A
import Control.Monad.Trans (lift)
import Control.Monad.Writer (WriterT, tell, runWriterT)
type WParser a = WriterT [String] A.Parser a
data StoryToken = StoryToken Char deriving (Show)
getToken :: WParser StoryToken
getToken = do
tell ["hello from Writer T"]
c <- lift A.anyChar
return $ StoryToken c
test = A.parse (runWriterT getToken) "story" "#"
It works great. Calling test in ghci gives me this:
*NewParse> test
Right (StoryToken '#',["hello"])
What I'm kind of dreading when applying this to my parser code having to lift the parser monad for every every call it. I'll be calling tell relatively infrequently but parser functions a lot. The code is going to get a lot uglier.
Is there a way of easily exposing certain functions from Parsec so I don't have to use lift in the code?
A solution that worked for me was creating my own function
anyChar = lift A.anyChar
Which is cool but would require creating similar shadow functions for every function I use from parsec.
And I don't mind doing that but just wondered if there was a better, less boiler-platey way of achieving the same thing.
Any help gratefully received :)
Parsec allows for users to carry state through parsers just use
addSym :: String -> Parsec String [String] ()
addSym = void . updateState . (:) -- append a string to the symbol list
type MyParser = Parsec String [String]
This will handle backtracking correctly.

Reading a file into an array of strings

I'm pretty new to Haskell, and am trying to simply read a file into a list of strings. I'd like one line of the file per element of the list. But I'm running into a type issue that I don't understand. Here's what I've written for my function:
readAllTheLines hdl = (hGetLine hdl):(readAllTheLines hdl)
That compiles fine. I had thought that the file handle needed to be the same one returned from openFile. I attempted to simply show the list from the above function by doing the following:
displayFile path = show (readAllTheLines (openFile path ReadMode))
But when I try to compile it, I get the following error:
Couldn't match expected type 'Handle' with actual type 'IO Handle'
In the return type of a call of 'openFile'
In the first argument of 'readAllTheLines', namely
'(openFile path ReadMode)'
In the first argument of 'show', namely
'(readAllTheLines (openFile path ReadMode))'
So it seems like openFile returns an IO Handle, but hGetLine needs a plain old Handle. Am I misunderstanding the use of these 2 functions? Are they not intended to be used together? Or is there just a piece I'm missing?
Use readFile and lines for a better alternative.
readLines :: FilePath -> IO [String]
readLines = fmap lines . readFile
Coming back to your solution openFile returns IO Handle so you have to run the action to get the Handle. You also have to check if the Handle is at eof before reading something from that. It is much simpler to just use the above solution.
import System.IO
readAllTheLines :: Handle -> IO [String]
readAllTheLines hndl = do
eof <- hIsEOF hndl
notEnded eof
where notEnded False = do
line <- hGetLine hndl
rest <- readAllTheLines hndl
return (line:rest)
notEnded True = return []
displayFile :: FilePath -> IO [String]
displayFile path = do
hndl <- openFile path ReadMode
readAllTheLines hndl
To add on to Satvik's answer, the example below shows how you can utilize a function to populate an instance of Haskell's STArray typeclass in case you need to perform computations on a truly random access data type.
Code Example
Let's say we have the following problem. We have lines in a text file "test.txt", and we need to load it into an array and then display the line found in the center of that file. This kind of computation is exactly the sort situation where one would want to use a random access array over a sequentially structured list. Granted, in this example, there may not be a huge difference between using a list and an array, but, generally speaking, list accesses will cost O(n) in time whereas array accesses will give you constant time performance.
First, let's create our sample text file:
Given the file above, we can use the following Haskell program (located in the same directory as test.txt) to print out the middle line of text, i.e. the word "definitely."
{-# LANGUAGE BlockArguments #-} -- See footnote 1
import Control.Monad.ST (runST, ST)
import Data.Array.MArray (newArray, readArray, writeArray)
import Data.Array.ST (STArray)
import Data.Foldable (for_)
import Data.Ix (Ix) -- See footnote 2
populateArray :: (Integral i, Ix i) => STArray s i e -> [e] -> ST s () -- See footnote 3
populateArray stArray es = for_ (zip [0..] es) (uncurry (writeArray stArray))
middleWord' :: (Integral i, Ix i) => i -> STArray s i String -> ST s String
middleWord' arrayLength = flip readArray (arrayLength `div` 2)
middleWord :: [String] -> String
middleWord ws = runST do
let len = length ws
array <- newArray (0, len - 1) "" :: ST s (STArray s Int String)
populateArray array ws
middleWord' len array
main :: IO ()
main = do
ws <- words <$> readFile "test.txt"
putStrLn $ middleWord ws
Starting with the top of Main.hs, the ST s monad and its associated function runST allow us to extract pure values from imperative-style computations with in-place updates in a referentially transparent manner. The module Data.Array.MArray exports the MArray typeclass as an interface for instantiating mutable array data types and provides helper functions for creating, reading, and writing MArrays. These functions can be used in conjunction with STArrays since there is an instance of MArray defined for STArray.
The populateArray function is the crux of our example. It uses for_ to "applicatively" loop over a list of tuples of indices and list elements to fill the given STArray with those list elements, producing a value of type () in the ST s monad.
The middleWord' helper function uses readArray to produce a String (wrapped in the ST s monad) that corresponds to the middle element of a given STArray of Strings.
The middleWord function instantiates a new STArray, uses populateArray to fill the array with values from a provided list of strings, and calls middleWord' to obtain the middle string in the array. runST is applied to this whole ST s monadic computation to extract the pure String result.
We finally use our middleWord function in main to find the middle word in the text file "test.txt".
Further Reading
Haskell's STArray is not the only way to work with arrays in Haskell. There are in fact Arrays, IOArrays, DiffArrays and even "unboxed" versions of all of these array types that avoid using the indirection of pointers to simply store "raw" values. There is a page on the Haskell Wikibook on this topic that may be worth some study. Before that, however, looking at the Wikibook page on mutable objects may give you some insight as to why the ST s monad allows us to safely compute pure values from functions that use imperative/destructive operations.
1 The BlockArguments language extension is what allows us to pass a do block directly to a function without any parentheses or use of the function application operator $.
2 As suggested by the Hackage documentation, Ix is a typeclass mainly meant to be used to specify types for indexing arrays.
3 The use of the Integral and Ix type constraints may be a bit of overkill, but it's used to make our type signatures as general as possible.
