Want to understand what's going on with linux command - linux

I am installing a virtualenv and want to understand what's going on.
$ curl -O https://raw.github.com/pypa/virtualenv/master/virtualenv.py
- I understand curl fine
$ python virtualenv.py my_new_env
- Understand this, too
$ . my_new_env/bin/activate
- Here's where I get lost. What is the period doing here?
(my_new_env)$ pip install ...
- What does it mean to have the parentheses here? Does this use tell me I'm in a folder?

The dot is a command that means to read and execute the contents of the given script in the current shell (normally running a shell script runs it in a new process.) Evaluating the script in the current shell can change the environment variables of the current shell, so the behavior of subsequent commands is affected.
I don't know for sure about the parentheses, but I don't think they're meant to be syntax you type. As they come before the '$' prompt, perhaps that's literally what you'll get as your new prompt after running the activate script, to show you that your environment has been changed?

The dot is essentially an "execute" command — execute the commands in my_new_env/bin/activate as though they were typed into your prompt, essentially.
The parentheses shown in the prompt (at least in the tutorial instructions) then indicate that you're typing commands in your new virtual environment, and not in your original (real) environment.


How to execute a shell program taking inputs with python?

First of all, I'm using Ubuntu 20.04 and Python 3.8.
I would like to run a program that takes command line inputs. I managed to start the program from python with the os.system() command, but after starting the program it is impossible to send the inputs. The program in question is a product interface application that uses the CubeSat Space Protocol (CSP) as a language. However, the inputs used are encoded in a .c file with their corresponding .h header.
In the shell, it looks like this:
starting the program
In python, it looks like this:
import os
os.system('./build/csp-client -k/dev/ttyUSB1')
os.system('cmp ident') #cmp ident is typically the kind of command that does not work on python
The output is the same as in the shell but without the "cmp ident output", that is to say it's impossible for me to use the csp-client#
As you can probably see, I'm a real beginner trying to be as clear and precise as possible. I can of course try to give more information if needed. Thanks for your help !
It sounds like the pexpect module might be what you're looking for rather than using os.system it's designed for controlling other applications and interacting with them like a human is using them. The documentation for it is available here. But what you want will probably look something like this:
import pexpect
p = pexpect.spawnu("/home/augustin/workspaceGS/gs-sw-nanosoft-product-interface-application-2.5.1/build/csp-client -k/dev/ttyUSB1")
p.sendline("cmp indent")
I'll try and give you some hints to get you started - though bear in mind I do not know any of your tools, i.e. waf or csp-client, but hopefully that will not matter.
I'll number my points so you can refer to the steps easily.
Point 1
If waf is a build system, I wouldn't keep running that every time you want to run your csp-client. Just use waf to rebuild when you have changed your code - that should save time.
Point 2
When you change directory to /home/augustin/workspaceGS/gs-sw-nanosoft-product-interface-application-2.5.1 and then run ./build/csp-client you are effectively running:
/home/augustin/workspaceGS/gs-sw-nanosoft-product-interface-application-2.5.1/build/csp-client -k/dev/ttyUSB1
But that is rather annoying, so I would make a symbolic link to that that from /usr/local/bin so that you can run it just with:
csp-client -k/dev/ttyUSB1
So, I would make that symlink with:
ln -s /home/augustin/workspaceGS/gs-sw-nanosoft-product-interface-application-2.5.1/build/csp-client /usr/local/bin/csp-client
You MAY need to put sudo at the start of that command. Once you have that, you should be able to just run:
csp-client -k/dev/ttyUSB1
Point 3
Your Python code doesn't work because every os.system() starts a completely new shell, unrelated to the previous line or shell. And the shell that it starts then exits before your next os.system() command.
As a result, the cmp ident command never goes to the csp-client. You really need to send the cmp ident command on the stdin or "standard input" of csp-client. You can do that in Python, it is described here, but it's not all that easy for a beginner.
Instead of that, if you just have aa few limited commands you need to send, such as "take a picture", I would make and test complete bash scripts in the Terminal, till I got them right and then just call those from Python. So, I would make a bash script in your HOME directory called, say csp-snap and put something like this in it:
# Extend PATH so we can find "/usr/local/bin/csp-client"
# Tell client to take picture
echo "nanoncam snap"
# Exit csp-client
echo exit
} | csp-client -k/dev/ttyUSB1
Now make that executable (only necessary once) with:
chmod +x $HOME/csp-snap
And then you can test it with:
If that works, you can copy the script to /usr/local/bin with:
cp $HOME/csp-snap /usr/local/bin
You may need sudo at the start again.
Then you should be able to take photos from anywhere just with:
Then your Python code becomes easy:

When can I run a shell script with command ". shellscript" in bash,ubuntu?

If I have a script "shellscript" in /usr/bin directory(It can also be a script of an installed program). When I run command "shellscript" (from anywhere , home or other directory) in terminal, it runs perfectly but when I use ". shellscript" , then also this file executes.
I know we can use ". /path/to/script/shellscript" to run it but if its in /usr/bin , can we use direct command without path?
Is it safe to run?
Can we run programs in such a way?
I need explanation. If yes then why? If Not then why? Should not then why?
The Bash shell searches the directories listed in the PATH variable in both shellscript and . shellscript cases. The main difference is that when using . (or equivalently source) to start a script, a new shell process is not created for interpreting the script. This is sometimes useful because it allows the script to define environment variables and functions that will then be available in the caller. For more details, see the Bash manual page (info bash).

Linux basics - automating a script execution

When beginning to work, I have to run several commands:
source work/tools
cd work/tool
source tool
Off course, doing this a few times a day is really annonying, so I tried to make a bash script tool where I put these commands and put it in /user/bin to run it with command
However, there is a problem. When i run the script and then try to work by typing some of the tool-based commands, it does not work.
I figured out, that it is fine, since if I make a script and then run it, the script seems to run in the same terminal window, but what it really does is, that it behaves as if it created a "hidden window" for its execution and after termination of the script, the "hidden window" terminates too. So I am asking - is there a way to automatize the source command?
I have tried using xterm -hold -e command, but it runs the programmed script in the new window. Obviously, I don't want that. How can I achieve running it in the current window?
Don't put files like that in /usr/bin. As a general rule you don't want to mess with the distribution owned locations like that. You can use /usr/local/bin if you need a system-wide location or you can create a directory in your home directory to hold things like this that are for your own usage (and add that to the $PATH).
What you've noticed is that when run as a script on its own (tool, /path/to/tool, etc.) that the script runs in its own shell session (nothing to do with terminal windows as-such) and you don't want that (as the changes the script makes don't persist to your current shell session).
What you want to do instead is "source"/run the script in your current session. Which you are already doing with that set of commands you listed (source work/tools is doing exactly that).
So instead of running tool or /path/to/tool instead use source /path/to/tool or . /path/to/tool.
As fedorqui correctly points out you don't even need a script for this anywhere as you can just make a shell function for this instead (in your normal shell startup files .bashrc, etc.) and then just run that function when you need to so that setup.
Be careful to use full paths for things when you do this though since you, presumably, want this to work no matter what directory you happen to be in when you run it.
It doesn't create a new hidden window, nor does it create a terminal. What happens is that if you're running a script, normally it runs on a new shell process. The script you're running is supposed to modify the shell environment, but if you're running the script in a new shell process, that shell process's environment is the one that gets modified, instead of your shell environment.
Scripts that needs to modify the current shell environments usually must be run with the source command. What you need to do is to run the script in the current shell. So you should do source /path/to/tool.
If you want to be able to source the script with just tool, put this in your alias file/shell startup (check your distro doc where the file is, but it's usually either .bash_aliases or .bashrc):
alias tool="source /path/to/tool"

Why calling a script by "scriptName" doesn't work?

I have a simple script cmakeclean to clean cmake temp files:
#!/bin/bash -f
rm CMakeCache.txt
rm *.cmake
which I call like
$ cmakeclean
And it does remove CMakeCache.txt, but it doesn't remove cmake_install.cmake:
rm: *.cmake: No such file or directory
When I run it like:
$ . cmakeclean
it does remove both.
What is the difference and can I make this script work like an usual linux command (without . in front)?
I am sure the both times is same script is executed. To check this I added echo meme in the script and rerun it in both ways.
Remove the -f from your #!/bin/bash -f line.
-f prevents pathname expansion, which means that *.cmake will not match anything. When you run your script as a script, it interprets the shebang line, and in effect runs /bin/bash -f scriptname. When you run it as . scriptname, the shebang is just seen as a comment line and ignored, so the fact that you do not have -f set in your current environment allows it to work as expected.
. script is short for source script which means the current shell executes the commands in the script. If there's an exit in there, the current shell will exit (and e. g. the terminal window will close).
This is typically used to modify the environment of the current shell (set variables etc.).
script asks the shell to fork itself, then exec the given script in the child process, and then wait in the father for the termination of the child. If there's an exit in the script, this will be executed by the child shell and thus only terminate this. The father shell stays intact and unaltered by this call.
This is typically used to start other programs from the current shell.
Is this about ClearCase? What did you do in your poor life where you've been assigned to work in the deepest bowels of hell?
For years, I was a senior ClearCase Administer. I haven't touched it in over a decade. My life is way better now. The sky is bluer, bird songs are more melodious, and my dread over coming to work every day is now a bit less.
Getting back to your issue: It's hard to say exactly what's going on. ClearCase does some wacky things. In a dynamic view, the ClearCase repository on Unix systems is hidden in the shell's environment. Now you see it, now you don't.
When you run a shell script, it starts up a new environment. If a particular shell variable is not imported, it is invisible that shell script. When you merely run cmakeclean from the command line, you are spawning a new shell -- one that does not contain your ClearCase environment.
When you run a shell script with a dot prefix like . cmakeclean, you are running that shell script in the current shell which contains your ClearCase environment. Thus, it can see your ClearCase view.
If you're using a snapshot view, it is possible that you have a $HOME/.bashrc that's changing directories on you. When a new shell environment runs in BASH (the default shell in MacOS X and Linux), it first runs $HOME/.bashrc. If this sets a particular directory, then you end up in that directory and not in the directory where you ran your shell script. I use to see this when I too was involved in ClearCase hell. People setup their .kshrc script (it was the days before BASH and most people used Kornshell) to setup their views. Unfortunately, this made running any other shell script almost impossible to do.

How can I revert my last choice on terminal if it shows > symbol?

I'll be glad if someone can fix the title to be more appropriate since I'm pretty new to terminal.
I have an issue with terminal. Once I execute a command, if it goes to the next line, I can't close it or revert it. I assume it starts the executable or asks for more parameters using >
For example:
//Windows Machine
vagrant up
//Vagrant Instance Unix Machine
$ git
> ... it goes on like this, I can't close > so I can't execute other commands
The only solution on fixing is restarting the terminal (which means I need to restart Vagrant instance)
It happens on some commands only - not all, so I don't know what makes a difference.
For example, executing composer, I get information about Composer and terminal goes back to main state. However, if I execute things like php, git, mysql, > symbol appears and I can't return from there.
So, two basic questions;
What causes this?
How can I terminate the current command to go back main state?
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Ps. I use both windows terminal and unix terminal and this issue happens on both.
Normally you'll see a > prompt if you've entered a command that's syntactically incomplete, for example if there's a unterminated string literal:
$ echo 'hello
> '
It means that the shell is waiting for you to type the rest of the command, or at least enough of it to make for something that's not a syntax error.
In this example, the default prompt, $PS1, is '$ ', and the secondary prompt, $PS2, is '> '. Read the documentation for your shell (probably bash) for more information.
You can cancel the current command and get back to your primary prompt for a new command by typing Control-C.
This is all about the behavior of your shell; it has nothing to do with your terminal (almost certainly a terminal emulator), which merely provides a GUI for your shell to run in.
