PrimeFaces :: display p:Dialog to fill-in a form field, without reposting - jsf

I have a data-entry form that displays a number of fields (mostly p:inputText) for the user to provide. Some of these are LOVs so I display a p:dialog to allow the user to select the right value. The p:dialog is displayed by means of a p:commandLink next to the p:inputText. Main parts of code shown below:
<h:form id="parentForm">
<p:inputText value="#{CustomerCEVController.customer.municipality}" id="customerMncName"/>
<p:commandLink type="button" onclick="" styleClass="ui-icon ui-icon-search"/>
<p:commandButton value="Submit" id="save" actionListener="#{CustomerCEVController.saveButtonListener}" /> (...)
The problem is, whenever the user clicks on the p:commandLink to display the p:dialog (to allow him to select one of the values) the outer form goes through its lifecycle phases (restore view, apply request values, process validations, etc.) since the p:commandLink is placed inside an h:form. How can I implement this dialog-displaying functionality while avoiding posting the h:form with every dialog that the user opens?

Just add "return false" as the last statement to onclick event handler. It prevents commandLink's default function (posting the form).

Just add set the appendToBody attribute to true on <p:dialog>
<p:dialog header="Header Text" widgetVar="dlg" appendToBody="true">
This appends the dialog as a child of the document body outside the parent form.


p:commandButton click updates h:form unwantedly

<p:commandButton id="excelAccountLevelOneAccLvl1" ajax="false" icon = "fa fa-fw fa-download" >
<f:param name="accountLevelOneFormRequest" value="accountLevelOneFormRequest" />
<p:dataExporter type="xlsx" target="baselineOneTable"
postProcessor="#{exportToExcelPageBean.postProcessXLS}" />
On clicking this button, somehow the forms seems to update and it activates the Faces validation and asks me to fill enter the mandatory field values! I can't figure out why! There is not update parameter here at all!
update is for ajax requests only. You are using ajax="false" which means the commandButton activates a
full page request. That in turn means that the whole form in which the commandButton is included is
processed. If you want to avoid this put your commandButton in a separate form.

How to hide/show a panel conditionally in primefaces/jsf2 on commandButton click?

I want to hide/show <p:panel> on commandButton click with some condition ,I tried following
// some tag here
<p:commandButton value="EDIT" ajax="false"
onclick="if(#{bean.status == 'ACTIVE'}){;}"
and editable is a panel as
<p:panel widgetVar="editable" closable="true"
toggleable="true" visible="false">
// some tags here
edit method is doing only sysout.
What I want when enduser clicks the button this panel will be visible with bean data populated with Editable text boxes.
I want to make visible this panel visible with button click.How to do that?
You also have to use update="<id>" in your button...
so,for example, you would need <p:commandButton...update="thepanelid".../> <p:panel id="thepanelid"...
I think you could use a boolean attribute in your backing bean. In the panel you put : visible="backingbean.yourAttribute" and you use a method in your bean to control it via onclick.
In the method, if your condition is verified, you can set the attribute to "true".

How to set focus on inputtext within the seletedRow of dataTable in PrimeFaces?

The scenario is like this:
There is a datatable with many rows and each row contains an inputtext, there is a keypad outside the table, when user click a button in the keypad, the inputtext within the selectedRow would be updated, I want it to be onfocus so user can also use keyboard to input further texts.
I used p:commandButton to be the keypad button with use ajax submit to set selectedItem in bean and update the datatable to make the inputtext change, but after that, the focus is either lost or on the first inputtext of the page.
I am using primeface 3.4.
The codes go something like this:
<p:dataTable id="datatable1" var="item" value="#{bean.itemlist}" rowKey="#{}" rowIndexVar="rowIndex"
widgetVar="datatableVar" selection="#{bean.selectedItem}" selectionMode="single">
<p:inputText id="name" value="#{}"
onfocus="datatableVar.unselectAllRows();datatableVar.selectRow(#{rowIndex})" >
<p:commandButton value="1" update="datatable1" id="bt1"
actionListener="#{bean.appendItem('1')}" />
I guest I could use oncomplete event of p:commandButton to set the inputtext focus, but there seems no client side API in p:dataTable to get the selected Row.
I ended up using jQuery selector to select that inputText. In the rendered html code,the selected row(tr) has an attributed "aria-selected='true'".
The JS code goes:
var ele=$($("[aria-selected='true']").find('input').get(0));
The ele is a jQuery component that I can operate with, like ele.focus() or ele.keyup()

How to reset input components on change of <p:selectOneMenu> after certain validations are violated

I'm populating <p:selectOneMenu> from a database which contains a list of zones, when a JSF page loaded.
When a zone in this menu is selected, a set of <p:inputText> is displayed in which a user can insert charge that corresponds to product weight which is to be transferred by a transporter to the selected zone in the menu. This can be shown in the following snap shot.
As can be seen, when non numeric values are entered by a user, validation violations occurs, when the given save button <p:commandButton> is pressed (the numbers displayed on top of each text field correspond to weight).
If a user now change the zone in the menu - the first panel without pressing the reset button, the data corresponds to that newly selected zone is loaded in these text fields only when the reset button is pressed as follows (because of validation violation)..
So, how to load data after previous validation violation, if an item (zone) is changed in the menu?
The change event of <p:selectOneMenu>, in this case should do the function something like which is done by <p:resetInput>.
Hope you will be able to understand what I mean :).
Basically, you need the functionality provided by <p:resetInput> inside <p:ajax> of a <p:selectOneMenu>. This is indeed not possible as <p:resetInput> requires being placed in a component implementing ActionSource such as UICommand components.
Your best bet is to let <p:remoteCommand> take over the <p:ajax> change listener job. Therein you can put a <p:resetInput>.
Imagine that you currently have a:
<p:selectOneMenu id="zone">
<f:selectItems ... />
<p:ajax listener="#{bean.changeZone}" update="data" />
<p:panel id="data">
Then this change should do:
<p:selectOneMenu id="zone" onchange="changeZone()">
<f:selectItems ... />
<p:remoteCommand name="changeZone" process="#this zone" action="#{bean.changeZone}" update="data">
<p:resetInput target="data" />
<p:panel id="data">
Don't forget to remove the AjaxBehaviorEvent argument from the listener method. It's useless in this particular case anyway.

PrimeFaces dialog refer to parent

I have an xhtml page that display a Datatable with entries. I also have a button to insert a new entry, that displays a dialog that has a form. The insertion form is used as <ui:include> in the parent .xhtml as follows:
Parent file
<h:form id="mainForm">
<p:commandButton process="#form" update=":dlgGrp" oncomplete=""/>
<p:datatable id = "datatable">
various columns
<p:dialog widgetVar="dlg" >
<h:panelGroup id="dlgGrp">
<ui:include src="include.xhtml" />
Dialog file
<ui:composition xmlns . . .>
<h:form id="subForm">
various input fields
<p:commandButton process="#form" update=":mainForm" oncomplete="dlg.hide()"/>
How can I refer generically to a parent component as show in the file. In a few words as soon as I hit the submit button in the dialog, I want to update the main form and hide the dialog. These components however are in the "parent field".
This should probably be done programatically through the backing bean, since I do not want to include parent-specific actions in the child .xhtml, since I may aslo want to use it as a standalone .xhtml.
If you want to update the mainForm through a method in the backingBean. Just modify
<p:commandButton process="#form" action="#{backingBean.method}" oncomplete="dlg.hide()"/>
and in your backingBean do the following (see Primefaces Showcase):
public void method() {
// do something
RequestContext context = RequestContext.getCurrentInstance();
You just need to check, if your mainForm is already in another NamingContainer.
If so, you need to change the context.update(...) accordingly.
Furthermore, if you want to update the mainForm from your backing bean, I would also recomment hiding the dialog in the backingBean, depending on the input processed. If e.g. some data is invalid, you don't want to hide the dialog. That cannot be done currently with your oncomplete action which is executed automatically after receiving the response from the server. The dialog would get close whether the input was correct or not.
So add to the method():
if (everythingWentFine) {
and remove the oncomplete from your p:commandButton.
