Handling many-to-many relationships in XPages/Lotus - lotus-notes

I have two forms, Company and Client. A company can have any number of clients, and a client can be a client of any number of companies. I want to be able to do things like list a given company's clients, or list the companies that a given client employs. What is the best way to deal with this using the Domino database structure?

That's no problem.
Create categorized views for companies and for clients. Then, store the company names on each client document and client names on each company document. Use a single-category embedded view to list them on each form. Clicking on the name in the embedded view opens the document.
Or, create a third form type for company-client relationships and use that to populate the embedded view.

First a question: what's the difference between a Client and a Company? A relation could then simply be represented by a multi-value field ClientOf that stores the keys of one or more other companies. If you want to find all clients of company X, you need a categorized view with the ClientOf field in the first column.
I suppose your problem is not (going to be) so much the creation of the relationship as well the maintenance. You have to maintain everything yourself, i.e. when a company is removed, you have to remove all references to the company yourself, from the ClientOf field. When you use keys created using #Unique, you won't have to worry about a name change of the Company. On the other hand, you always have to do an extra lookup to find its real name.


MongoDB, how to manage user related records

I'm currently trying to learn Node.js and Mongoodb by building the server side of a web application which should manage insurance documents for the insurance agent.
So let's say i'm the user, I sign in, then I start to add my customers and their insurances.
So I have 2 collection related, Customers and Insurances.
I have one more collection to store the users login data, let's call it Users.
I don't want the new users to see and modify the customers and the insurances of other users.
How can I "divide" every user related record, so that each user can work only with his data?
I figured out I can actually add to every record, the _id of the one user who created the record.
For example I login as myself, I got my Id "001", I could add one field with this value in every customer and insurance.
In that way I could filter every query with this code.
Would it be a good idea? In my opinion this filtering is a waste of processing power for mongoDB.
If someone has any idea of a solution, or even a link to an article about it, it would be helpful.
Thank you.
This is more a general permissions problem than just a MongoDB question. Also, without knowing more about your schemas it's hard to give specific advice.
However, here are some approaches:
1) Embed sub-documents
Since MongoDB is a document store allowing you to store arbitrary JSON-like objects, you could simply store the customers and licenses wholly inside each user object. That way querying for a user would return their customers and licenses as well.
2) Denormalise
Common practice for NoSQL databases is to denormalise related data (ie. duplicate the data). This might include embedding a sub-document that is a partial representation of your customers/licenses/whatever inside your user document. This has the similar benefit to the above solution in that it eliminates additional queries for sub-documents. It also has the same drawbacks of requiring more care to be taken for preserving data integrity.
3) Reference with foreign key
This is a more traditionally relational approach, and is basically what you're suggesting in your question. Depending on whether you want the reference to be bi-directional (both documents reference each other) or uni-directional (one document references the other) you can either store the user's ID as a foreign user_id field, or store an array of customer_ids and insurance_ids in the user document. In relational parlance this is sometimes described to as "has many" or "belongs to" (the user has many customers, the customer belongs to a user).

SharePoint choice or lookup field representing other list's fields

The scenario is that I have a Projects list and there are a bunch of different SPFieldUser fields associated to it. I have another list representing the Project's Logbook (it contains a bunch of data about different milestones of the project). The relationship is like this: (1 project list item : 1 logbook list).
I have to store some metadata in a logbook's list item that points to a specific user, stored in Project's list item. For that I have to create a choice field which represents different SPFieldUser fields from the project's list.
The question is which is optimal way of representing such a structure?
I can just hard-code a choice option for every SPFieldUser in a Projects list, but then when I have to reference this data in a code, I'll have to somehow transform the choice's value into internal name of the associated project's field.
I can also create a lookup of those fields and this way, accessing it is easy. I can show the Title to user and have the internal name stored in a lookup.
I was also thinking about defining some kind of custom FieldType, but I feel like it would require far more work than an of the other methods.
So which method do I choose? Can someone probably suggest a better way?
Lets check out your options one by one in terms of efforts and scalability.
1 Hardconding option : High efforts [Not at all recommended]
- Column needs to be updated when new user joins or user leaves the
- Once format of data is specified its difficult to change. [e.g. FirstName+Lastname or Empid]
Highly recommended OOTB option : very low efforts
Configurable [Please check if you can change format of user data once added as lookup column.]
Custom column type will take coding efforts.
My recommendation is 2nd OOTB option. If you find some flaws in 2nd option let us know we can look for soultion.

How do I add a set of strings to an Entity?

This is a simple requirement: I want to add a set of strings to Accounts in Dynamics 2011. The string are external IDs for other systems. All the strings should be unique accross all entities.
The only way I can see to do this is define the strings as entities (say 'ExternalCode') and set up a 1:N reslationship between Account and ExternalCode, but this seems incredibly overweight. Also, defining as an entity insists thhat I give the 'ExternalCode' a name, which it obviously doesn't have.
What's the best way to implement this?
Thank you
It may seem overweight, but think about entities as if it were tables. Would you create a second table inside MS SQL? If so, then you should create another entity. CRM is very well optimized so I wouldn't worry about this additional overhead.
Alternatively, you could always carry the GUID in the other system.
How are these unique references entering your CRM system. Are you importing the data from each of the external systems? If so I assume the references are unique in the external system? Once imported you want to make sure that any of these references are not duplicated?
Additionally, how many strings are we talking about here? If it is a small number then it would make sense to just define attributes to manage them and check for duplicates in one of the following ways:-
1) Some javascript could be used to make an oData query to confirm the 'uniqueness' of your external reference number before the record is commited. (But, this is not sufficient is records will be created programmatically in the system also).
2) A plug-in which fires on pre-create to again query the system for other records which match the same unique reference numbers and handles the event of a match accordingly.
However, if there are many of them then it may make more sense to define a separate entity as you say and then as above you could associate a new 'reference record' with the entity via a plug-in, but again, check if the record already exists and then either handle an exception or merely associate with an existing record if that is appropriate.
I think they key is what you want to do if you do find a duplicate and how these records are going to be created in the system (e.g. via UI or programmatically or potentially both).
Happy to provide some more assistance if you have some more details.

How are Value Objects stored in the database?

I haven't really seen any examples, but I assume that they are saved inside the containing entity table within the database.
Ie. If I have a Person entity/aggregate root and a corresponding Person table, if it had a Value Object called Address, Address values would be saved inside this Person table!
Does that make sense for a domain where I have other entities such as Companies etc. that have an Address?
(I'm currently writing a project management application and trying to get into DDD)
It's ok to store Value Objects in a separate table, for the very reasons you've described. However, I think you're misunderstanding Entities vs VOs - it's not a persistence related concern.
Here's an example:
Assume that a Company and Person both have the same mail Address. Which of these statements do consider valid?
"If I modify Company.Address, I want
Person.Address to automatically get
those changes"
"If I modify Company.Address, it
must not affect Person.Address"
If 1 is true, Address should be an Entity, and therefore has it's own table
If 2 is true, Address should be a Value Object. It could be stored as a component within the parent Entity's table, or it could have its own table (better database normalisation).
As you can see, how Address is persisted has nothing to do with Entity/VO semantics.
Most developers tend to think in the database first before anything else. DDD does not know about how persistence is handled. That's up to the repository to deal with that. You can persist it as an xml, sql, text file, etc etc. Entities/aggregates/value objects are concepts related to the domain.
Explanation by Vijay Patel is perfect.

Associating documents in Lotus notes

When a document is associated with another document (e.g. as address connected to a customer), how does notes stores the information? Does it create a new document to represent the association or does it tags the linked document as a response document?
I'm guessing you're asking because you are reviewing someone else's database, but in case you're starting from scratch and want to know the best approach I'll answer that too.
The short answer:
Notes isn't relational. I'd bet the address is stored in the same document as the customer.
The long answer:
If there are separate customer and address documents, there are usually some loose connections between the documents, perhaps based on a UniqueID field or perhaps just a name. For instance, the customer form might look up to an address view and pick that address based on the customer's name, meaning the address documents have the customer's name stored on them.
Sometimes a link can be created via the parent/child relationship of documents and responses, but that's more often used in discussion thread databases or very special cases.
Ultimately it's up to the developer of the Notes application to decide how to link the data. My suggestion, especially if you come from a relational db background, is to use the #UniqueID formula in a hidden text field that is computed on compose. That will stamp a GUID on your document and you can use that for referencing the document like you would a foreign key to a table. That helps to keep data somewhat normalized.
There is no automatic way that Notes associates one document with another, except for response documents, which when created get set with a $REF item that include the GUID of the parent document. Again, this isn't an ideal way to relate documents like customers and addresses because the relationship can't be leverage to make development easier. The document/response hierarchy is mostly just useful for organizing documents within a view.
