web development - deletion of user data? - web

I have finished my first complex web application and I have found out it is probably better to use "isDeleted" flags in db than hard-deleting records. But I wonder what is the recommended approach for data that are stored on filesystem (e.g. photos). Should I delete them when their related entity is (soft-)deleted or keep them as they are? Can junk accumulation cause running out of storage in practice?

It definitely can - you'll need to gather some stats on how much data the typical account generates, and then figure out how many deletions you're seeing to sort out how much junk data will pile up and/or when you'll fill up your storage.
You might also want to try using something like S3 to store your data - at that point, the only reason you would need to delete things would be because it was costing you too much to store it.


CouchDB 2 global_changes system table is getting insanely big

We have a system that basically writes 250MB of data into our CouchDB 2 instance, which generates ~50GB/day in the global_changes database.
This makes CouchDB2 consumes all the disk.
Once you get to this state, CouchDB2 goes and never comes back.
We would like to know if there is any way of limiting the size of the global_changes table, or if there is a way of managing this table, like a set of best practices.
tldr: just delete it
Note that the last of these (referring to _global_changes) is not necessary if you do not expect to be using the global changes feed. Feel free to delete this database if you have created it, it has grown in size, and you do not need the function (and do not wish to waste system resources on compacting it regularly.

Is there a limit of sub-databases in LMDB?

Posting here as I could not find any forums for lmdb key-value store.
Is there a limit for sub-databases? What is a reasonable number of sub-databases concurrently open?
I would like to have ~200 databases which seems like a lot and clearly indicates my model is wrong.
I suppose could remodel and embed id of each db in key itself and keep one db only but then I have longer keys and also I cannot drop database if needed.
I'm interested though if LMDB uses some sort of internal prefixes for keys already.
Any suggestions how to address that problem appreciated.
Instead of calling mdb_dbi_open each time, keep your own map with database names to database handles returned from mdb_dbi_open. Reuse these handles for the lifetime of your program. This will allow you to have multiple databases within an environment and prevent the overhead with mdb_dbi_open.
If you read the documentation for mdb_env_set_maxdbs.
Currently a moderate number of slots are cheap but a huge number gets expensive: 7-120 words per transaction, and every mdb_dbi_open() does a linear search of the opened slots.
The best way to know is to test the function call mdb_dbi_open performance to see if it is acceptable.

On-disk lookup table with node.js bindings

For a project I am creating a queuing library and basically store URLs in a Set (it's actually an object, where I set keys to true, but one can see it as an array), so the queue only takes every url once. This works really well, however I am facing the problem that there are many URLs and so the RAM usage becomes really high.
Therefor I want to use an on-disk key-value store (actually only keys are required, no idea whether there is some different approach) with the following requirements:
No need to load the whole data set into RAM
Speedy lookups
Node.js bindings
It doesn't have to be too safe (losing data once in a while isn't a huge problem, low RAM requirements are more important) and even though I use Node.JS in this scenario this lookup doesn't necessarily need to run async.
Actually a side question would be whether there is some better way than a on-disk key-value approach. A term would be nice. Lookuptables somehow always lets me find data sets (IPs, ZIP codes, etc.)
I'd use a sql table with a single column (to store the url). Better control on memory usage than redis (which pretty much stores all in memory).
easy to check if there is already the same value
easy to insert
easy to remove one element
If it really "doesn't have to be too safe", another design would be to keep storing everything in memory but limit the number of URLs you store, for example by using an LRU cache.
You could either use a cache in node.js (easy to find via Google) or use a separate memcached server, possibly on the same machine.

How do we get around the Lotus Notes 60 Gb database barrier

Are there ways to get around the upper database size limit on Notes databases? We are compacting a database that is still approaching 60 gigs in size. Thank you very much if you can offer a suggestion.
Even if you could find a way to get over the 64GB limit it would not be the recommended solution. Splitting up the application into multiple databases is far better if you wish to improve performance and retain the stability of your Domino server. If you think you have to have everything in the same database in order to be able to search, please look up domain search and multi-database search in the Domino Administrator help.
Maybe some parts of the data is "old" and could be put into one or more archive databases instead?
Maybe you have a lot of large attachments and can store them in a series of attachment databases?
Maybe you have a lot of complicated views that can be streamlined or eliminated and thereby save a lot of space and keep everything in the same database for the time being? (Remove sorting on columns where not needed, using "click on column header to sort" is a sure way to increase the size of the view index.)
I'm assuming your database is large because of file attachments as well. In that case look into DAOS - it will store all file attachments on filesystem (server functionality - transparent to clients and existing applications).
As a bonus it finds duplicates and stores them only once.
More here: http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/lotus/library/domino-green/
Just a stab in the dark:
Use the DB2 storage method instead of to a Domino server?
I'm guessing that 80-90% of that space is taken up by file attachments. My suggestion is to move all the attachments to a file share, provided everyone can access that share, or to an FTP server that everyone can connect to.
It's not ideal because security becomes an issue - now you need to manage credentials to the Notes database AND to the external file share - however it'll be worth the effort from a Notes administrator's perspective.
In the Notes documents, just provide a link to the file. If users are adding these files via a Notes form, perhaps you can add some background code to extract the file from the document after it has been saved, and replace it with a link to that file.
The 64GB is not actually an absolute limit, you can go above that, I've seen 80GB and even close to 100Gb although once your past 64Gb you can get problems at any time. The limit is not actually Notes, its the underlying file system, I've seen this on AS400 but the great thing about Notes is that if you do get a huge crash you can still access all the documents and pull everything out to new copies using scheduled agents even if you can no longer get views to open in the client.
Your best best is regular archiving, if it is file attachments then anything over two years old doesn't need to be in main system, just brief synopsis and link, you could even have 5 year archive, 2 year archive 1 year archive etc, data will continue to accumulate and has to be managed, irrespective of what platform you use to store it.
If the issue really is large file attachments, I would certainly recommend looking into implementing DAOS on your server / database. It is only available with Domino Server 8.5 and later. On the other hand, if your database contains over 100,000+ documents, you may want to look seriously at dividing the data into multiple NSF's - at that number of documents, you need to be very careful about your view design, your lookup code, etc.
Some documented successes with DAOS:
If you're database is getting to 60gb.. don't use a Domino solution you need to switch to a relational database. You need to archive or move documents across several databases. Although you can get to 60gb, you shouldn't do it. The performance hit for active databases is significant. Not so much a problem for static databases.
I would also look at removing any unnecessary views & their indexes. View indexes can occupy 80-90% of your disk space. If you can't remove them, simplify their sorting arrangements/formulas and remove any unnecessary column sorting options. I halved a 50gb down to 25gb with a few simple changes like this and virtually no users noticed.
One path could be, for once, to start with the user. Do all the users need to access all that data all the time ? If no, it's time to split or archive. If yes, there is probably a flaw in the design of the application.
Technically, I would add to the previous comments a suggestion to check the many options for compaction. Quick and dirty : disard all view indices, but be sure to rebuild at least the one for the default view if you don't want your users to riot. See updall
One more thing to check: make sure you have checked
[x] Use LZ1 compression for attachments
in db properties.

alternative to polling database?

I have an application that works as follows: Linux machines generate 28 different types of letter to customers. The letters must be sent in .docx (Microsoft Word format). A secretary maintains MS Word templates, which are automatically used as necessary. Changing from using MS Word is not an option.
To coordinate all this, document jobs are placed into a database table and a python program running on each of the windows machines polls the database frequently, locking out jobs and running them as necessary.
We use a central database table for the job information to coordinate different states ("new", "processing", "finished", "printed")... as well to give accurate status information.
Anyway, I don't like the clients polling the database frequently, seeing as they aren't working most of the time. Clients hpoll every 5 seconds.
To avoid polling, I kind of want a broadcast "there's some work to do" or "check your database for some work to do" message sent to all the client machines.
I think some kind of publish/subscribe message queue would be up to the job, but I don't want any massive extra complexity.
Is there a zero or near zero config/maintenance piece of software that would achieve this? What are the options?
Is there any objective evidence that any significant load is being put on the server? If it works, I'd make sure there's really a problem to solve here.
It must be nice to have everything running so smoothly that you're looking at things that might only possibly be improved!
Is there a zero or near zero config/maintenance piece of software that would achieve this? What are the options?
Possibly, but what you would save in configuration and implementation time would likely hurt performance more than your polling service ever could. SQL Server isn't made to do a push really (not easily anyway). There are things that you could use to push data out (replication service, log shipping - icky stuff), but they would be more complex and require more resources than your simple polling service. Some options would be:
some kind of trigger which runs your executable using command-line calls (sp_cmdshell)
using a COM object which SQL Server could open and run
using a SQL Agent job to run a VBScript (which would again be considered "polling")
These options are a bit ridiculous considering what you have already done is much simpler.
If you are worried about the polling service using too many cycles or something - you can always throttle it back - polling every minute, every 10 minutes, or even just once a day might be more appropriate - this would be a business decision, so go ask someone in the business how fast it needs to be.
Simple polling services are fairly common, because they are, well... simple. In addition they are also low overhead, remotely stable, and error-tolerant. The down side is that they can hammer the database into dust if not carefully controlled.
A message queue might work well, as they're usually setup to be able to block for a while without wasting resources. But with MySQL, I don't think that's an option.
If you just want to reduce load on the DB, you could create a table with a single row: the latest job ID. Then clients just need to compare that to their last ID to see if they need to run a full poll against the real table. This way the overhead should be greatly reduced, if it's an issue now.
Unlike Postgres and SQL Server (or object stores like CouchDb), MySQL does not emit database events. However there are some coding patterns you can use to simulate this.
If you have one or more tables that you wish to monitor, you can create triggers on these tables that add a row to a "changes" table that records a queue of events to process. Your triggers filter the subset of data changes that you care about and create records in your changes table for each event you wish to perform. Because this pattern queues and persists events it works well even when the workers that process these events have outages.
You might think that MyISAM is the best choice for the changes table since it's mostly performing writes (or even MEMORY if you don't need to persist the events between database server outages). However, keep in mind that both Memory and MEMORY and MyISAM have only full-table locks so your trigger on an InnoDB table might hit a bottle neck when performing an insert into a MEMORY and MyISAM table. You may also require InnoDB for the changes table if you're using a ON DELETE CASCADE with another InnoDB table (requires both tables to use the same engine).
You might also use SHOW TABLE STATUS to check the last update time of you changes table to check if there's something to perform. This feature wont work for InnoDB tables.
These articles describes in more depth some of alternative ways to implement queues in MySQL and even avoid polling!
How to notify event listeners in MySQL
How to implement a queue in SQL
5 subtle ways you're using MySQL as a queue, and why it'll bite you
