How to localize app based on selection? - ios4

I want to localize my app when the user selects the language from a tableview or by any other means without using settings in IPHONE before the login screen.
How do i implement this.
Can i get hints or any links so that i can proceed.


Android Studio: Have app access the users app drawer

I am trying to make an app that can enable/disable the auto rotate feature on certain apps.
I have no idea if it's even possible to tell my app to access the users "App Drawer" to select certain apps. It's hard to explain but the best example that i can think of makes sense if you have used Tasker. In Tasker, when you start a new profile it brings up "Application" "Day" "Event" etc. and when you select "Application" a big grid menu pops up with all of the Apps that are in the users phone and it's titled "App Selection" I want to use something exactly like this but have no idea about how to go about it. Any advice would be appreciated or a link to any video that might help. Thank you very much for reading this!
I can answer part of your question.
1. To get the list of installed application you can use PackageManager
2. You can then create a view in which you put them in a gridview of some sort. (Using Packagemanager you can get its icon, package name etc)

Windows App Store - use of "results" view for my own search

I have implemented a search mechanism in my app. The user fill a textbox and then click on a button. is there a way to use the nice results view of Microsoft? i'm talking about the view you can see in the image attached.
I am giving you few resources, please check it out and let us know if you face any problem.
Guidelines and checklist for search (Windows Store apps)
Quickstart: Adding search to an app
Windows 8 and the future of XAML: Part 4: Contracts in WinRT/Windows 8
Search contract sample from MSDN
That's just a page and layout that someone created for that given app... given the Contoso branding it's some sample, though I don't immediately recognize it. I assume you saw the image, but don't have the source to it?
In Visual Studio, within an existing app you can use the Add>New Item dialog and select Search Contract to include a template page (with grid, filter combo box, etc.) to get you jumpstarted.
In the Windows 8 Camp Training kit, there is a fairly polished sample - Contoso Cookbook - that also includes a filtered search page, so that may be helpful as a start too.

In XPages Mobile App, can you clear viewScope variables between page changes?

I'm working on an XPages Mobile app using mobile controls from Extension Library.
My hope page is a menu leading to 4 different mobilePages.
I get this this is 1 XPage and we're dealing with "Virtual Pages". But is there a way to clear viewScope variables and document bindings as you go back and forth between virtual pages?
For instance. In one of my pages I ask the user for some data. 3 Fields stored in viewScope Variables. Using that I then have a button to Create a new document which gets bound to a panel and then I do things with it.
If the user hits "back" from the menu bar, to go to the Home screen and then goes back to the same page I want to clear everything and start all over.
setting resetContent= true doesn't do anything here.
My virtual page is a custom control and I tried to clear everything on beforePageLoad but that wiped it all during a manual refresh.
I tried hooking into the rendered property of the back button but that fired during a full page refresh. Possibly I could live with partial refreshes but someone might still manually refresh it.
Any way to get this ability inside the single page app mobile context?
See the following XSnippet on for your answer and a worked example - have fun! BTW: this is something we want to support on the Mobile App Page in an upcoming release - for now you can use the worked example I provide on XSnippets!
Have you tried using requestScope for the virtual page bindings? From your description, it sounds like this would be the correct scope to use.

Are there any possible ways to implement typeahead or name picker capability in an XPages mobile app?

I've an XPages Web app and want to mobilize it. However, I'm encountering difficulty in finding a suitable control to let users for selecting a name from Domino Directory.
In my Web app, I use the built-in typeahead and xe:namePicker for that purpose. However, these two items would not work nicely on a mobile page. Are there any alternative solutions?
The standard typeahead will work if you include the dojo tundra.css in your mobile app, this will be modified to be included in the future.
The name picker doesn't work as the type of control used doesn't support mobile devices well, currenty there is no in built solution, An idea that comes to mind is click a button and open a page to a dataview / repeat control that has all the names in it and a textbox to filter the list.

Master View in Iphone

I had back ground and now developing apps for Iphone. I have been wondering is there some thing master view or theme for app as we had master pages for website designing in asp dotnet which make the whole website design generic
No you really don't have anything similar. You do get two great application templates, the Tab based view or the Navigation based. In the navigation controller certain things follow each view like the style of the navigation bar but that is it.
If you want to use something like PhoneGap and drop that into XCode then use a web based UI framework like jqTouch, then you can have a template :) but that is a completely different application model.
Master View? I'm not sure what you mean by this. You have a Window (UIWindow) that you add Views to (UIView). You only have one window, but are free to have as many Views as you like.
So it depends what you want to add, for example i have a banner that i want at the tope of evert screen. I added the ImageView to the window and scaled the Views so they left the top of the window showing.
If you wanted to add some default behaviour to your Views and or add an image view to every view. You could simply subclass UIViewController and go from there?
If you give a touch more detail about what you want to achieve I'll gladly go into more detail.
