Converting TEXT that represents NEGATIVE TIME value to a number or time value for adding (Excel) - excel

I've got a spreadsheet (Office 2007 version of Excel) full of text entries that are negative time values, example "-0:07" as in an employee took 7 mins less to complete a job than expected. I need to perform mathematical calculations on these entries and am looking for a more elegant formula/method than I've come up with so far.
I know about 1904 date system and * or / by 24 to convert back and forth, the problem is getting a formula that will recognize the text entry as a negative time value.
I've tried value(), *1, which both work on the text fields if the number is positive, but the "-" seems to mess those up. Even paste-special/add fails to recognize these as numbers.
Here's what I came up with that gets the job done, but it's just so ugly to me:
Obviously my text entry is in cell E5 in this example.
This works, so I'm not desperate for a solution, but for educational purposes (and smaller code) I'd like to know if there's a better way to this. Does anyone have a suggestion for something shorter, easier?
P.S. - an interesting tidbit here, I use Excel at work, but not at home, so I uploaded a sample spreadsheet to Google Docs, and it actually handles the Value() command on those entries properly. Weird, huh?
Thanks again for any suggestions.

Excel doesn't handle time spans in cells. It only deals with time. When you do "00:07" it is then converted to 0.0048611 which is the same as Jan 1st 1900 12.07 am. So if you did 2 minutes minus 7 minutes it would give at best 11.55pm.
The way you do it is the only way.


Using IF with ROUNDDOWN, To Calculate How Many Times For A Process

I apologize if the title is a bit vague. I am trying to create a calculator that takes into account how much "scrap" I have, how much is needed to resmelt it, and how many bars recieved.
Currently using:
Table and Formula
The problem I am having is you MUST have the QTY to Smelt. But the value returned includes partial quantities.
Ex. 125 Bottle Caps should equal 4 Bars total. Yet it returns 5.
How can i make the formula only account for increments of the bars recieved?
Thank you for any help, again i apologize if this isn't that clear. Im not exactly sure how to express my need in this situation.
I have tried messing around with the syntax and where every argument sits, even this formula is the most recent iteration of what i thought would be needed.
EDIT: I have tried using the TRUNC function and this seems to be working as I need it to. The formula now is:
=TRUNC((136/50),0)*2 This is returning 2 bars instead of 3. Which is exactly what I need.
It appears this is working by truncating the number first then multiplying it. So, 1.5 becomes 1 before being multiplied. This was my guess after doing more research. I had been searching for a while before I posted this but am glad to have learned what I have in searching for this.
There is a tool for auditing formulas. To see it go to Formulas > Evaluate Formula.
So here is you formula =IF((E3/C3)<1,,ROUNDDOWN((E3/C3)*D3,0))
Have you tried the calculation on your regular calculator? To me it is doing what you would expect. (125/50)*2 = 5

Subtracting times across a day in excel

I am working on the capstone project in of the Google Career Certificate in Data Analytics. I am using Microsoft Excel. I have to calculate the ride length based on the start and end ride times. I've inputted the formula =F2(end time)-D2(start time) which returns the ride length. Going through my entire list I have some areas where the start time is like 11pm and the end time is 1am and this is returning ###### because it is a negative number with the regular formula. I've found a modified formula that can kind of do the conversion I am looking for but it is still a bit problematic. The modified formula is =(F2-D2+(F2<D2))*24 and it seems to give an accurate ride length if I reformat the answer to number. The issue is the rest of my data is in time format and the modified ones are in number format. If I convert the number values to time, the ride length values are inaccurate.
It is tricky to make the numeric value change as well due to me using a formula. I can correct them one by one after I save Excel and it no longer stores the numbers as the formula, but there are lots of data points to change and that would be time consuming. I'm hoping to find a more concise way to solve this problem. Maybe with a better formula.
[Snippet of the chart 1
Just like everything in life, there are multiple ways to achieve things. I would have formatted the date and time into a single cell; but. if you're gathering the data from another source, that's understandable.
A simple IF statement here will work. IF the days are one apart, then take '1' day off the starting time, else do your original formula:

Attributing values depending of another value w/ VBA ? Excel 2010

First of all, sorry if it already exists but I can't find the words in English to describe rapidly my question, hence I don't know how to search for it. Skip to third paragraph if you only need the question.
I'm using Excel to build a complete document about my work hours (arrived at, finished at, if I've been late and of how long was I late, overtime, etc etc).
I'm using VBA to smooth this task.
My workplace cuts everything into quarter of hours, which means that if you're late by one minute, you'll lose 15 minutes. If you work overtime for 14 minutes, it won't be seen as overtime. If I point at 07:45 (I'm using 24H format, not AM/PM) I'm fine. If I do it at 07:46 it'll be counted as 08:00. Same with 16:14, it'll show up as 16:00 (details are shown but on the corrected sheet used for salary, it'll show this way). If I do it at 16:15 I've confirmed my 15 minutes of overtime.
So while I could do some workarounds, what I've got in mind is shitcode, really. I'd like to know a good (clean) way to do this : I want for every timestamps I input to be cut in degressive quarter of hours (for instance, I want 17:12 to show up as 17:00 or 08:57 as 08:45).
Thanks for your help, if you didn't understand something or doubt about something I've said, it's probably because of the way I explained it, please ask whatever's needed :)
Update 01: Values are indeed Time processed by Excel, not Strings looking like a timestamp.
Update 02: Solved by #FunThomas with TimeSerial-command and some explanations. Thanks, I hope this can be of help for future reference, however I lack the words to write a better title for this problem.
Assuming that you data is really time (and not a string that looks like time) and is stored in Cell A1, you can use a formula like this:
=TIME(HOUR(A1), INT(MINUTE(A1)/15) * 15, 0)
The time-command gets three paramater (hour, minute, second).
The hour-part is simple.
For the minute, we make an integer division by 15 (resulting in values from 0..3) and multiply it back with 15 (to get 0, 15, 30 or 45).
The second is simply set to 0.
As VBA-function:
Function roundTime(t As Date) as date
roundTime = TimeSerial(Hour(t), Int(Minute(t) / 15) * 15, 0)
End Function

Repair incorrectly formatted time 'hh:nn:ss' when h=0

I'm doing a report which calculates people's time to determine their pay. We pull reports from our servers and paste them into Excel to do the calculations. I have run into an issue when pulling the data: if the time they logged in for was less than an hour our formula is not working:
This gives an error (#value) if the time is :34:15, but if it's 00:34:15 then it's fine.
Formatting the cell does not appear to work.
I'd like to go through this column and add the 00 to all values missing it, and I need some help or guidance from there.
Another question on SO looks like it may help, but I'm unsure on how to use it.
Assuming that The tiem is in cell E159 from your above formula, you can append a 0 to the start of the time. This will fix all the times that have the hour missing and won't affect the other lines.
You can then replace all of the E159 references in your original formula with this edit so that it looks like this:
While it's hard to read, it does the trick.
While that answers you question.. I think that there is a better way to achieve this formula.
It looks like the end result you're looking for is the time converted to hours, with mulutes and seconds as a decimel to the next hour. You can achieve this by doing:
Which will give you the same result as your original formula.
And then to combine that with my first answer to get a formula that looks like:
=("0" & E159)*24
This approach is much easier to read / edit and provides the same output.
Why This Works
Excel stores all dates as whole numbers, and all times as a decimel % to a day.
So when Excel is stores 12 hours it saves it as .5 because it is half of a day.
By dividing the time output by 24 we are converting the entire time value down from a % of day to a % of hours.

MS-Excel Negative times

I'm writing a spreadsheet for a shop manager. What it does is keep track of the number of hours a worker has worked.
So you enter times for Monday-Sunday, and then an adjustment - e.g. if they work 40/40/40/32 hours for the month, then you would have an adjustment of -2/-2/-2/+6 to bring the worker to the 38 hour week that he's being paid for. Some (most) weeks may be adjusted for overtime. The spreadsheet then totals the hours.
This spreadsheet is supposed to just be a self-calculating version of a paper form.
It needs to match the paper form as it has to be substituted for the old form which is given to some other member of the company (pay clerk, I don't know; I'm not rebuilding their whole system, just replacing a form)
I'm having trouble entering a negative time in the adj field - the field has a [h]:mm formatting. and when i enter a negative time (e.g. -2:00) it displays an error, saying "incorrectly formatted equation", with the suggestion that if I was entering a string then I should prefix with a apostrophe.
How do I overcome this?
Tools - Options - Calculation - 1904 date system
Check this box to use the 1904 (Mac) date system and you will be able to use negative dates and times. I'm not sure how this will effect existing spreadsheets, so maybe someone else can speak to that.
According to Excel...
"Dates and Times that are negative appear as ########"
Doesn't sound like you're going to be able to do that with an auto-summation formula. You'll have to set the formatting as none and just type it in (which defeats the purpose).
I am solving the same problem. Setting for date formatting "1904" is necessary for both below described solution.
You can enter an equation as a result of predeceasing cells like C5-C4-C3 (check out-check in-standard working time). The result is negative and it will be displayed like -1:15 and you can further process it.
Second way was already described above - to put into the requested cell a negative decimal value as a fraction of "1". "1,000"=24 hours, "0,5"=12 hours, "0,01"= 14 minutes, "0,041667"=1 hour. You have to find the correct decimal numbers first.
